What to do with those stimulus checks.

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avatar for FTS
5 years ago
people who make more than 100k won't get any checks. People who make between 70k and 100k will get a reduced amount. Only people who make about average income will receive the full stimulus check.
avatar for sinclair
5 years ago
What do they base your income off of? Your 2018 tax return? Many people have not yet submitted their 2019 tax return yet.
avatar for Eve
5 years ago
I kind of want two of them.
avatar for FishHawk
5 years ago
@EveHartley, which two?
avatar for Eve
5 years ago
Sai and Asa Akira. :D
avatar for FishHawk
5 years ago
⬆️ I would agree, Good Choices. I was drawn to Sai myself. 🤪
avatar for Jascoi
5 years ago
What the heck is a magnetic face?
avatar for nickifree
5 years ago
I’m gonna say it is not likely, but let’s just see if the banks except them. Especially if they don’t get their bailout.
avatar for BitCoinHodler
5 years ago
I'm probably just going to throw it into a sp500 index. Clubs being closed means I save alot of money so I might as well add into my sports car fund.
avatar for Jascoi
5 years ago
i’ll probably spend my stimulus funds on getting stimulus from a pretty girl.
avatar for BitCoinHodler
5 years ago
Knowing how competent Trump is I wouldn't be surprised if checks were sent out graveyards.
avatar for gSteph
5 years ago
Pay the extra for grocery (and TP) delivery
avatar for oscarlomax
5 years ago
I think the Census is one way they are calculating the stimulus. Or at least a factor.
avatar for Longball300
5 years ago
Off your 2018 return from what I read; and a lot of us will get $0 like me.... oh well.
avatar for wallanon
5 years ago
"What the heck is a magnetic face?"

Faces are swappable. V2 faces are attached with magnets according to their website.
avatar for StPaul101
5 years ago
I looked at 1 draft of the bill and it said 2019 tax return otherwise insert 2018 if you have not filed your 2019 return. So what I gathered it might be 2019 taxes if you have your tax return in by the time the bill gets signed or 2018 if not.

but you are correct Longball300, most of us will not see a stimulus check.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
IDK the latest but I think I heard there was a $75k/yr cutoff for stimulus help - I think it should be higher, maybe up to $150k b/c in some parts $100k is really middle-class - still, the folks at the bottom should get the most help.
avatar for wallanon
5 years ago
I think your little carrot thing is backwards, scrub.
avatar for sinclair
5 years ago
This link has a calculator for the stimulus check. If you make $99,000 or more as a single person, you will receive nothing. If you make $75, 000 or less as a single person, you will get the full $1,200. Between $75,000 and $99,000 will be a reduced amount of stimulus.

avatar for wallanon
5 years ago
I've had that happen with a couple of posts. Maybe that can go on the Founder list of features for his HTML tag checker.
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
Put them in a special fund for when the clubs open re-open. It seems fitting to spend stimulus money to get stimulated. ;)
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
One of our relatives is ill so we'll pay a few months Cobra for them.
avatar for bang69
5 years ago
Save it
avatar for Clubber
5 years ago
Ours will stay in the bank where they deposit it.
avatar for prevert
5 years ago
It’ll stay in the bank to pay the increased taxes next year.
avatar for TFP
5 years ago
Based on that calculator I'm not getting a check. Shitty.
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
Desert, the problem with going that extreme is that there's no guarantee that someone who did that well last year is in any better shape than anyone else right now. I'm sure that they thought of this is coming up with a balanced approach to reducing payments at increasingly higher levels. They also aren't reducing the $500 payment per kid regardless of income.

There are plenty of people who did well last year who likely need some help now, including entrepreneurs who reinvested their profits into their businesses, higher income earners who live in areas with crazy living expenses (San Fran, NYC, others) and yet plenty of others who just blew their cash never anticipating this type of complete economic shutdown.

Shoot, without disclosing too much about my own finances, even under the current calculation method I wouldn't be getting much to speak of if not for the automatic $500 per kid. Thank goodness I work in the industry that I do because I don't know how long I could endure a full shutdown either before I had to close up shop and seek work elsewhere.
avatar for SaltyNuts
5 years ago
Just endorsing mine over to my ATF if I ever see her again
avatar for magicrat
5 years ago
My understanding is the payment isn't subject to income taxes.
avatar for Garfield84
5 years ago
I’m going to save mine for a trip to FKK, TJ and Falcons game in London. I think I’m about done with ATL (outside Follies), Miami, TB clubs. Way too expensive and a fraction of the experience you get at TJ. And if FKK is what LondonGuy says it is. Oh my. Just that airfare would prevent me from making it a regular thing.
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