
Bars (including strip clubs) ordered to close due to corona virus

Fat bastard that can afford to fuck hot strippers
Sunday, March 15, 2020 2:23 PM
The state of Ohio has ordered that all bars and restaurants to close by 9pm today until further notice. It isn't like Ohio is a great place to club to begin with but now the option is completely gone. Have the clubs in your area been ordered to close because of this?


  • sweetjamesjones
    4 years ago
    Illinois just did the same. [view link]
  • IHearVoices
    4 years ago
    Miami Beach and Fort Lauderdale enacted similar measures. There aren't any great SCs in those cities proper, but I'd be willing to bet the rest of South Florida falls in line. [view link]
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    Ilk IHV. So many towns in Florida rely upon tourist money that I think this will be a hard decision for some of them to make. I could see them doing it when they feel like they have no choice but I wonder how many of them are going to rush for the door.
  • NJBalla
    4 years ago
    I understand all the flattening the curve talk, but my worry is because its due to nations like south korea who have supposedly seen deaths drop because of similar measures and not science. Stringent limitations are like sweeping dust under the carpet. As soon as you forget and let people come out in 2 months the deaths will skyrocket until we have a vaccine or herd immunity in 2021.
  • 501traveler
    4 years ago
    CA governor Newsom just ordered all bars, nightclubs and wineries in CA to close.
  • mark94
    4 years ago
    Illinois and Ohio have closed all restaurants, effective immediately. No notice. No planning. No preparation. People get 30% to 50% of their food from restaurants. Grocery store shelves are empty. Can you imagine the panic buying at the grocery stores in those states tomorrow ?
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    ^ Cali did the same, Miami and Fort Lauderdale as well, rest of Florida Isn't going to be far behind, and the rest of the country is going to need to do the same and I bet it happens sooner rather than later. Whine all you like it ain't going to make one bit of difference, If that's how they feel they'll get rid of this pandemic, it's going to happen, feel free to bitch and moan all you like.
  • BabyDoc
    4 years ago
    It's just getting started, Note: I’ve truncated the article: [view link] Puerto Rico decrees night-time curfew over coronavirus (Agence France-Presse) - March 16, 2020 - 7:31am SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico — The US territory of Puerto Rico on Sunday ordered a 9:00 pm to 5:00 am curfew to stem the spread of the novel coronavirus, the strongest measure yet taken on American soil. It took effect immediately and lasts until March 30. "Faced with the possibility of transmission and propagation of the virus, I have ordered the imposition of a curfew for all residents of Puerto Rico," Governor Wanda Vazquez announced in a video message. The Caribbean territory of 2.9 million, whose residents are US citizens, also will close many businesses from Sunday until the end of the month, she said. That includes malls, movie theaters, concert venues, gyms, bars and other businesses that bring together large crowds on the island popular with tourists. The exceptions will be businesses in the food supply chain, and in the medical care system, as well as drugstores, gas stations, banks and senior citizens' group homes. At night, only those who are providing or receiving medical care, or carrying out essential duties, will be allowed to be on Puerto Rico's streets. Anyone defying the curfew faces a six-month jail term and a fine of up to $5,000. The island declared a state of emergency when its first cases were reported March 12. The island has reported five cases. On Friday, Vazquez accepted the resignation of Health Secretary Rafael Rodriguez Mercado, who was under fire for his handling the coronavirus emergency. Recently, island residents were irate when two warehouses were found to be filled with abandoned supplies, apparently never used after Hurricanes Irma and Maria in 2017.
  • wiffle shwaffle
    4 years ago
    Last night, Pennsylvania ordered establishments to remain closed in counties closest to NY. Restaurants are open only for carry out orders.
  • mjx01
    4 years ago
    How many tourists are left out there right now? If there is no demand, why bother trying to stay open?
  • jackslash
    4 years ago
    NYC is closing the schools and bars and restaurants. Restaurants can still sell take out.
  • Longball300
    4 years ago
    In Ohio carryout and delivery are still allowed.
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    "... In Ohio carryout and delivery are still allowed ...." I assumed that would be a likely possibility - a lot of folks for various reasons depend on buying pre-made food.
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    I didn't wanna be cooked-up in the house this weekend - went to hang out in South Beach since it was Spring Break - they closed the actual beach but the rest of South Beach (bars etc) were open - even when the beach is open a lot of people hang out in the street/sidewalks were the bars are - closing the beach IMO made things worse b/c it made everyone congregate on the street instead of splitting the masses b/w the street and the actual beach. I spent Saturday afternoon looking at all kinds of ebony ass in g-strings - got pretty-horny towards the end and was actually considering hitting a SC Sat eve - by the time I got home I decided not to SC but it *was* on my mind - probably best for all involved (custies and dancers) to avoid SCing and the close-contact it entails until this hopefully blows over .
  • whodey
    4 years ago
    "In Ohio carryout and delivery are still allowed." I actually just got a text from a dancer from Columbus that I had tried to get to see me OTC a few weeks ago saying that since the club was closed she would be willing to take me up on my "take out" request. I had to let her know that I wouldn't be in her town for a while since my employer had banned all work related travel for the time being. It's really a shame since I would love to see her OTC and I've tried the last several several times I was in Columbus since nothing can really happen ITC there. She always said she would never do OTC because she didn't feel it would be safe but whenever she would travel to more extras friendly cities she would try to get me to pay her a visit there to do what she couldn't do in a Columbus club. Oh well, if things get too boring around here I may just have to take the 90 minute drive to see her and then drive 90 minutes home. At least I imagine the traffic on I-71 would be lighter than usual.
  • skinnywhiteboy
    4 years ago
    Same with Washington St...…..I guess the hooker boards will get a influx of new members this week
  • zodiacmouse
    4 years ago
    City of Los Angeles just made an executive order to close many businesses (I believe the governor just set a request/guideline, not a formal order. Up to individual cities). Looks like I have to make the trip to COI more often, unless they got the order as well
  • wiffle shwaffle
    4 years ago
    According to the Facebook groups, Illinois and Ohio did the same.
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    Add MA to the list of state governments that have closed bars and restaurants. That brings the tally to 5 (MA, OH, IL, WA, CA) along with the standalone cities that have done so. I'm not so convinced yet that the southern states are going to rush to follow suit. Here in FL, while we do have 150+ cases, a lot of them seem to be connected to travel outside the country. Also, outside of SE Florida, which is more or less a microcosm of NYC, Floridians tend not to like to be told what to do and certainly won't take kindly to a statewide ban over a virus that is mild for most people. We shall see. I get that some bars and restaurants in locked down places can still do delivery and takeout, but how many of them are really going to remain open if they can't use their dining areas? I could see some of the delivery delis in a few bigger cities staying open, but I'm sure that most restaurants are going to shut down rather than incur additional operating losses.
  • prevert
    4 years ago
    Kentucky is considering it.
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    I’ll be surprised if there isn’t a shutdown at some point sooner will be better, we’ve got to get this over with to get back to normal.
  • Longball300
    4 years ago
    A lot of commentary today regarding limiting the number of occupants, increasing hours, seating people at tables far apart, at bars and restaurants rather than a complete closure. Went food shopping on Saturday; plenty available..... cept the things you would expect; hand sanitizer, clorox wipes and for the life of me the one I don't understand; toilet paper. 40 people waiting in line at Costco to get their one package of toilet paper...... I looked over and there was two pallets of flushable baby wipes with no body near them. Grabbed (2) boxes = 1900 wipes.... I'm good for awhile.... and baby fresh.
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    ^ From everything I've read, these shutdowns and other socially distancing measures are specifically designed to prolong the outbreak, not shorten it. They are trying to space out the severe cases in order to make medical care more manageable. There are limited numbers of hospital beds with ventilators and, at least in NY state, 80% of them are already in use for non-coronavirus reasons. I actually hope that warm weather states like Florida, where transmission is tougher due to temp and humidity, steadfastly resist the urge to shut completely down. When this all shakes out, CA and NY are going to be fucked from a budget standpoint. States like FL and TX are almost completely reliant upon sales taxes for their budgets and I'd prefer our state not to have to deal with a similar fallout.
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    ^ actually the goal is to get this pandemic contained best way to do that would be to eliminate as much interaction between the infectious and the most vulnerable as possible social distancing is meant to achieve that goal. Closing venues where they interact is the intelligent method,
  • mark94
    4 years ago
    ” Phx will lock down all bars, restaurants on MONDAY“ There is nothing about this in the news
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    ^ 25, see below re: flattening the curve: [view link] Beyond this, at the risk of stating the obvious, people die all the time for all sorts of reasons. Safety at all costs is not an option for any society. Every time we make a decision to limit freedoms of movement and commerce, it comes with a real cost. The hope is to find the right balance between saving more lives vs. causing long-term harm to a much larger number of people.
  • Club_Goer_Seattle
    4 years ago
    Add Washington state to the list. Just yesterday restaurants, bars, and other "public gathering" places were added by Gov. Jay Inslee. That includes strip clubs. Only about 15 statewide.
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    As usual Dugan just wants to troll me, and argue about anything, for the record flattening the curve is how they’re trying to deal with this pandemic, the goal is to eliminate the disease and get out of this crises.
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    No 25, I simply disagree with your assessment for the reasons noted. I'm perfectly fine with agreeing to disagree when it hits an impasse, which looks to be the case now.
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    So the goal isn’t to end this crises SMH what is there to disagree with SMH
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    No 25, the primary goal now is just to spread it out. It is highly contagious and there is no inherent population immunity to it, so it is expected that eventually it will work it way through a large % of the population regardless.
  • Longball300
    4 years ago
    Slow down the transmission so as to: Not overwhelm the healthcare system; speed along treatments and/or vaccines; hope the warm weather helps to reduce new cases; allow the supply chain to restock essentials; ease the financial impacts.....
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    I’m done arguing with idiots it never ceases to amaze me how stupid, stupid really is.
  • Dolfan
    4 years ago
    The goal being to "prolong" it, while not entirely inaccurate, isn't exactly the most accurate way to say it either. Flatting the curve is a goal, I'm not going to repeat all the documentation on it but I'll add a link to the Washington Post's article, which has some little graphics for those who prefer visualizations: [view link] On a bit of a related note, I've seen a couple of posts from strip clubs about modifying their hours, like this one: [view link] I'm unclear how a strip club, especially a south Florida one, can practice social distancing, but hey, they're trying to find a balance I guess. And it appears I'm wrong, at least partially. BT's are cutting capacity in half without being strictly forced to. It may just be lip service, but its something.
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    @Long: Unfortunately we are, by all reports, a year away from a vaccine. @25: We've all learned long ago that anyone who disagrees with you on any topic must be an idiot. ;)
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    ^ Not everyone ;)
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    ^ Good try 25, but it's pretty obvious how much you value your own opinion. ;)
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    ^ We could say the same for you but it would be redundant
  • Hank Moody
    4 years ago
    MD shut down restaurants and bars too beginning at 5p today. Ritz and Penthouse had already closed on their own before the governor’s order. Once the order came out, Millstream posted on instagram “we’re open until 5p!” LOL
  • san_jose_guy
    4 years ago
    Santa Clara County is pretty much on lock down! Also they seem to have stopped updating the cases and death record. Why, I know not. [view link] Democracynow today, talking about Corona, then analysis of Biden-Sanders debate. [view link] The pandemic is a serious disaster. But popping the stock market bubble is salvific, Bring it on! [view link] SJG
  • FLOrange
    4 years ago
    @rick Jax just put a 50 person limit on social gatherings. Curious as to how that affects the SC’s here
  • theDirkDiggler
    4 years ago
    A big problem in general is that with the lack of testing is that no one really knows how widespread the outbreak anywhere really is. The US has about 5000 confirmed/presumed cases now but you have some government health official in Ohio saying that there are probably 100,000 Ohioans walking around with it. That's about 1% of the general population. And Ohio is one one of the states that had their detection later than most states and still less confirmed cases per capita that the majority of other states despite being in the top 8 most populated states. So does this mean that there are potentially 3 million cases of COVID-19 in the US right now? Shouldn't we be seeing or hearing about tens of thousands of deaths from either COVID-19 or pneumonia right about now or very soon then? You also have some other "expert" saying that up to 96 million Americans will contract it, which is still considerably less than the 60% of the general population figure that is also being thrown around. Then you have places like South Korea and China which have tested hundreds of thousands of people, and still testing quite vigilantly. China has been in the low 80,000 range of confirmed cases for weeks now (hit 80k on March 1st, and are still under 81k, likely for the rest of the month). South Korea hit 8000 cases about 5 days ago and will probably stay in the 8k range for another two weeks so it seems like they've mostly contained it. Japan is weird in that they were one of the early hot spots for the disease, but still have less than 1000 confirmed cases, not including the Diamond Princess of which the vast majority have recovered by now, and their curve is already flattening quite a bit (the number of new cases has generally decreased by percentage the last 5 days); their curve never got very curvy. They also didn't have any seriously saturated local outbreaks like Wuhan/Hubei in China, Deagu in S. Korea or Lombardy/Milan in Italy which would make early containment impossible, although they did have the Diamond Princess situation which probably actually helped them by bringing awareness of the disease and isolating it early at the same time. But they've been doing widespread mitigation for months and they've tested around ten thousand people compared to the hundreds of thousands and eventually millions in China and S. Korea which is still just a tiny fraction of the general population. Even in China and S. Korea, only people with noticeable symptoms are usually the ones getting tested. So their actual numbers could be much higher. Which makes me wonder how high the real numbers in China and S. Korea (as well as the rest of the world) really are. Donovan Mitchell of the Utah Jazz just said in a very recent interview with GMA that as of yet he has not had a single symptom. His teammate, Rudy Gobert only had mild symptoms at his worst and seems virtually "recovered" now, although possibly still contagious. So in other words, they're like teenagers (Gobert) and even younger children (Mitchell) in terms of their manifestation of symptoms. See all through Italy, Iran, Spain, France and Germany and maybe the US and until several weeks ago, in China, S. Korean and Japan, there are already possibly if not probably millions of infected children and young adults in schools, completely asymptomatic or very mildly symptomatic (like less than your usual flu) spreading the disease around, first to their general peer groups who usually have better tolerance/resistance of the disease and then later directly or indirectly to the more vulnerable groups. One observation is that the disease seems to spread easier than actual Influenza, which actually isn't that contagious compared to say the common cold (which are often caused by different, less malignant, strains of the coronavirus) or the measles. That the main transmission seems to be airborne, and by that i mean simple breathing and not necessarily even coughing or sneezing (which would be a symptom) although the viral load would be highest in those with symptoms. Also keep in mind that far East Asians aren't generally known as being very physically affectionate compared to Southern Europeans (Italy, Spain and France, with all their kissing and hugging between all genders and probably even more common with the older generations there) which has to have to effect on the transmission rates. I also don't know if the US is closer to Japan's trajectory or Italy's. Hopefully, the former, but more likely the latter... So TL-DR, what is the take away of all this? When all is said and done, the real fatality rate of this might be even less than the regular flu overall with something like up to 100k deaths worldwide out of up to 1 billion infected in 2020. Just that the elderly and people with comorbidities are especially vulnerable to the disease (10%+ fatality rate among that group that develops symptoms serious enough for hospitalization) making it extra scary and dangerous in its effects on the health care providers as well as on the world culture and economy. Or the disease stays in the 1-4% overall fatality range but only has an infection rate of about 1 out of 10,000 people like in China or S, Korea, or 1 in 2,000 people in Southern Europe, the Nordic countries and Switzerland after about 2 months and then it just abates somewhat sometime afterward with or without (probably with) the help of severe mitigation practices, social distancing and self-isolation. The truth lies somewhere in the middle...
  • IceyLoco
    4 years ago
    I think were headed for a nation wide lockdown. LA strip clubs are closed but skme in the valley are open. Vegas clubs are open
  • Longball300
    4 years ago
    Pretty good stuff there Dirk. Bars, restaurants dine in areas, strip clubs..... closed for some months... we'll survive. Workers will have have to find some other forms of income. Food stores, Amazon... all hiring. Some dancers will just have to work third shift at the paper processing plant for awhile.......
  • mark94
    4 years ago
    Hundreds of local users in Amsterdam lined up outside the country’s infamous “coffee shops” to stock up on marijuana after the government announced that the shops would be closed for the next three weeks. On Sunday, the Dutch government announced that it would be closing all restaurants, cafes, and schools, as well as shutting down all brothels, sex clubs, sport schools, and marijuana coffee shops in an attempt to curb the spread of the coronavirus.
  • IHearVoices
    4 years ago
    Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis just ordered all bars and nightclubs to close for the next 30 days, effective at 5 PM.
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    ^ Link IHV? Because I'm not seeing it.
  • IHearVoices
    4 years ago
    Here you go, rick... [view link]
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    Thanks IHV.
  • FLOrange
    4 years ago
    Can’t go to the club but sure let’s let 1000’s of people in warehouses and stuff interact. That’s safe. Always hurting to poor not the rich
  • minnow
    4 years ago
    We are witnessing another Black Swan Event. One that is not clear how deep and long lasting it, and the aftershocks will be.
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    ===> "Some dancers will just have to work third shift at the paper processing plant for awhile......" Is paper processing plant a euphemism for something adult-related? "Cause there isn't going to be extra vanilla jobs to go around either. It's not just clubs and bars closing. Many retailers and production facilities are shutting down too. They are estimating a 10% reduction in next quarter's GDP if that's any indication of how bad it's going to get. This is what happens when panicky politicians choose to shut down whole chunks of the national economy.
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    > This is what happens when panicky politicians choose to shut down whole chunks of the national economy.< No this is what it looks like when polititicianshave an
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    ^ cut off Have an ephiphany and actually put the public interest above their personal interests
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    Saving lives vs. preserving economic and individual freedoms is always a trade off. Heck, we could save countless lives by banning alcohol altogether forever, or permanently banning any driver who has ever been in an accident, or [insert the draconian action here]. Yet we do not do these things either. We will see how the calculus works out when this is all said and done, but the fallout from this is going to be dramatic. Hundreds of thousands or even millions could lose their jobs and their homes. A whole generation of low income children could be scarred for life by seeing their parents helpless to provide for them. Let's hope that we save enough fuckers who already have one foot in the grave anyway to make the lasting damage this will cause worth it.
  • FLOrange
    4 years ago
    Well said rick
  • ThreeDollarBill
    4 years ago
    I understand the closing but I feel bad for the girls. I'd even be willing to throw a few $$ their way for previous time spent. Too bad there is no GoFundMe for laid off strippers.
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    Yeah - I wonder if dancers will be able to qualify for any kinda government financial assistance - hopefully they will
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    I assume TUSCL daily-reviews will soon go down to zero
  • whodey
    4 years ago
    Papi, a lot of reviewers seem to wait weeks or months to post their reviews so I'm sure there will still be daily reviews. They just won't have up to date info.
  • joker44
    4 years ago
    6 PM CT 3/17: there are SEVEN unpublished reviews waiting.
  • DenimChicken
    4 years ago
    There is seemingly a high chance of some kind of 'check for every american adult' in the works. At the White House presser earlier today they mentioned that this is a priority for consideration; the amount will likely be less than what is rumored (1k is the number I see the most but that also fits Andrew Yang's desired UBI/month), and they would like to have action within two weeks. If this happens, hopefully they plan to do the same in April as I imagine many people will be impacted beyond this month. Who knows. Fun times.
  • SaltyNuts
    4 years ago
    I think Phoenix is shutting down SCs at 8PM tonight (announcement was for all bars, that should include SCs I think)
  • Hunter2019
    4 years ago
    I was at Hi Liter Phoenix this afternoon. They told the Dancers that they are shutting down at 8PM. They also told the Dancers that they only had to pay $15 House fee today instead of the regular $25.
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    w.r.t. government payments, hopefully they'll give more to those that make less and not necessarily give $$$ to *every* adult even if they are a freakin' millionaire.
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    ^ They intend to give each person a flat $1,000, which is peanuts if this drags on for several weeks as expected. In the aggregate it gives the overall economy a little goose at what they hope is the right moment, but it does little to improve each person's circumstances. The government is simply not in a position to fully subsidize massive GDP and income losses.
  • ThreeDollarBill
    4 years ago
    I'd house several girls at my place until this blows over. shame I'd likely get arrested for it.
  • JamesSD
    4 years ago
    Wow, reading the best local club's Instagram feed it's clear business has dried up the past week.
  • orionsmith
    4 years ago
    I'm hearing bars and restaurants closed for dine in both NC and SC now. I guess that means strip clubs too but wasn't sure. Reason I came here. I already understand flattening the curve too. What I'm wondering if a lot more people are infected than thought. I read an article that 86% of cases might be going undetected with little to no symptoms. Information still being posted here says no fever, don't need screening or testing.
  • David0808
    4 years ago
    Nevada has "requested" all "non-essential" businesses close for 30 days. I consider SC's to be pretty essential, but I assume that most of them are going to follow the order.
  • wallanon
    4 years ago
    "Once the order came out, Millstream posted on instagram “we’re open until 5p!” LOL" Millstream Inn gets respect for sticking it out until the last possible moment. With jokes. I suppose I can suspend my Millstream boycott long enough to drop some cash there next time I'm in town.
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