What are you doing for entertainment in this era of "social distancing?"

avatar for Electronman
No sports to watch on TV. Major entertainment events cancelled.
I hope that the strip clubs don't shut down but I'm not confident that they'll stay open.

What are you doing for entertainment?
Streaming movies and TV shows? Any recommendations?
Reading? Any recommendations?
Spending time with your significant other?


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avatar for CJKent (Banned)
CJKent (Banned)
5 years ago
Reading and re-readings my favorite books that I never get tired or bored because they re well written and it feels that you are there...

Book Title: Papillon
Author: Henri Charrière

Book Title: Banco
Author: Henri Charrière


The books are an account of (Papillon) a 14-year period in Papillon's life (October 26, 1931 to October 18, 1945), beginning when he was wrongly convicted of murder in France and sentenced to a life of hard labor at the Bagne de Cayenne, the penal colony of Cayenne in French Guiana and his escape from Devil's Island and ends when he is settled in Venezuela.

Continuing on from Papillon, Banco tells of Henri's life in Venezuela attempting to gain funds to seek revenge for his false imprisonment and to see his father.

After many enterprises failed to net profits (including diamond mining, a bank robbery and a jewelry heist) Henri found success in Venezuela running various restaurants.

Parts of the book talk in more detail about the crime he committed in France, his arrest, his trial and his views on French justice in the matter. Toward the end of the book, he returns to France as a free man.

Book Title: Le Petit Prince
Author/ Illustrator: Antoine Marie Jean-Baptiste Roger, comte de Saint-Exupéry,


“The main theme of The Little Prince is the importance of looking beneath the surface to find the real truth and meaning of a thing. It is the fox who teaches the Prince to see with one's heart instead of just with one's eyes. ... “


Original title: Traité sur la tolérance
Author: François-Marie Arouet nom de plume Voltaire


“The Treatise on Tolerance on the Occasion of the Death of Jean Calas from the Judgment Rendered in Toulouse (Pieces Originales Concernant la Mort des Sieurs Calas det le Jugement rendu a Toulouse) is a work by French philosopher Voltaire, published in 1763, in which he calls for tolerance between religions, and targets religious fanaticism, especially that of the Jesuits (under whom Voltaire received his early education), indicting all superstitions surrounding religions.”
avatar for Mate27
5 years ago
We’re all going to be doing the five knuckle shuffle!!
avatar for Electronman
5 years ago
Thanks for the reading recommendations CJK. I'm being a bit less ambitious, reading a detective novel by Louise Penny, re-reading Moby Dick, and working on a non-fiction book, Pre-suasion.

I may need to rely on porn for some more adult-style entertainment.
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
Work, play poker, ski. go out to eat.
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
Maybe a bit more golf, read a bit, watch some old movies if I can find anything interesting
avatar for Huntsman
5 years ago
Good time for more exercise for me. And reading as well as getting some projects done at home.
avatar for IHearVoices
5 years ago
Playing GTA Online a little more than normal (trying to get an Oppressor MK II for cheap), and watching YouTube videos.
avatar for bman66
5 years ago
Any good Netflix series or movies worth watching? recommendation appreciated
avatar for Player11
5 years ago
Playing GTA online bombing them to crap w Avenger kdr now 9.33. Watching War of Worlds. But hoping get back w current Sb - she is x stripper housewife who likes guy on side / loves meeting up, fantastic fuck.....this corona virus stuff scary, depressing.
avatar for Eve
5 years ago
I'm a book worm and also a creative writer, so if it comes down to it, I'll actually spend time doing what I love since I'll have the extra time to do so. That includes reviews of clubs I've visited a while back that I've been holding back on submitting on here.

I guess I'll have to practice some self-shots with my digital camera since I doubt I'll be shooting with anyone else anytime soon.

Gaming is another thing, but usually I'll only play on the PC or PS4 for two hours tops.
avatar for reverendhornibastard
5 years ago
I spent some quality “family time” with my kids. First we drove downtown to the Greyhound bus station and bought some amphetamines then headed to the park where we fed the amphetamines to the squirrels, some ducks and some geese.

It was glorious fun!
avatar for wiffle shwaffle
wiffle shwaffle
5 years ago
Arguing with idiots on Facebook who this their medical doctors. Rolling my eyes at other strippers whining in the private Facebook groups posting the same stuff about it being slow. I was going to work tonight, but I heard Flight had about 15 people throughout the evening last night, so I'm rearranging my apt to get this cam stuff up and running.
avatar for Nidan111
5 years ago
I’m pretty much doing the same stuff I’ve always done. I have not watched TV for five years. I have not followed sports for five years. I write books. I practice magic. I am a Prepper. I love to shoot. I love to camp. I like to go out and eat. I practice martial arts. Therefore, nothing has Changed for me.
avatar for gSteph
5 years ago
Streaming Netflix, taking more longer or strenuous walks, retirement planning
avatar for nickifree
5 years ago
The World has come into My World.
avatar for PinkSugarDoll
5 years ago
Gna work out and stretch, work on my car, paint in my house, sew, read, cook.
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
Good time to stay home. People should be reading Plato, Aristotle, Leibniz, Bergson, and Marx and Engels.

Later they will be able to also read the materials for my organization.

avatar for Hugh_G_Rection
5 years ago
I've been practicing Alchemy in the dungeon by brewing Snake Oil in bottles with Silver Colloid compound.
avatar for ThreeDollarBill
5 years ago
I've decided to start frequenting the tuscl board again. It has been years.
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
===> "What Are You Doing For Entertainment In This Era Of "Social Distancing?""

Getting as close to as many people as I can as quickly as possible. What else would be any fun?
avatar for JamesSD
5 years ago
Mostly video games and also cleaning the garage finally
avatar for wallanon
5 years ago
Same things I was doing before, just with a backup plan now.
avatar for orionsmith
5 years ago
I'm lucky enough to still be working full time and trying to finish moving, fixing up the old house to get ready to sell in my spare time. I'm wondering when we might be required to quarantine. I have tons of boxes to unpack. When I try to sleep, I have several movies and tv shows I can watch.
avatar for richardspayan1
5 years ago
1. Watching Netflix ... Loved "Zero Zero Zero" and "Fauda" ... One was on the Mexican Cartels impact on Italian Mafia ... the other was an Israeli Mossad style thriller
2. Reading books ... Letting serendipity unfold to discover the undiscovered
3. Stepping back and really thinking hard about the complicated world we have created ... Maybe its time to go back to our roots and keep it simple
avatar for wiffle shwaffle
wiffle shwaffle
5 years ago
I went to the ER Tuesday for entertainment and to also be seen. My dumbass threw my back out and began having severe lumbar muscle spasms trying to turn my living room into a webcam studio. The medications I was given really make life entertaining right now in general. There's still a dull ache in my back, but otherwise my body is relaxed as fuck and I feel like I'm floating. 🤷
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
I'm currently watching a retro NBA game on NBA TV - 1990 Cleveland vs Chicago where Jordan scored 69-points (it was a Playoff game) - Cleveland had a good team w/ Mark Price, Brad Daugherty, Larry Nance, Craig Ehlo. Ron Harper, Steve Kerr, and Hot Rod Williams
avatar for wallanon
5 years ago
Thank goodness for backup plans...
avatar for rattdog
5 years ago
that cleveland squad was the most boring team i've ever witnessed. glad mj torched them.
i did watch the passing compilation of jayson williams. that sacramento king team was awesome to watch.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
"... I'm currently watching a retro NBA game on NBA TV - 1990 Cleveland vs Chicago where Jordan scored 69-points (it was a Playoff game) ...."

Actually - I think it was a late-regular-season game
avatar for shadowcat
5 years ago
Just finished watching "Show girls" on Starz.
avatar for GoVikings
5 years ago
reading my beatles book and watching movies i rented from the video store
avatar for nicespice
5 years ago
Been on a blitz with phone games past few weeks. I was being socially distant before most other people were (mostly because I was in pain and didn’t have much of a choice 😝)
avatar for JAprufrock
5 years ago
@skiBum: Work, play poker, ski. go out to eat.

Finally, the voice of reason. Good for you, SkiBum. Keep at it. Also, go to a gym, spend some time in movie theaters, go square dancing, see an escort if you can find one. Don't worry, people in their 70s like you have nothing to worry about.
avatar for wallanon
5 years ago
"Just finished watching "Show girls" on Starz."

You mean the movie with the Saved By The Bell chick doing her best stripper impression? That's the one where Agent Dale Cooper got a lapdance and jizzed his pants after she went all bucking broncette on him.
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
Encouraging my children to keep getting fresh air and sunshine by playing outside with their neighborhood friends.

Buying more computers so my kids can do "distance learning" while the cowardly keep the schools closed.

Still going to my office and patronizing local restaurants since nobody can make me shut down my business unless they go truly full on panic mode with "shelter in place."

Seeing out of work girls when I can.

Bringing one of my kids to the one athletic complex locally that has stayed sane and remained open for athlete training.

In other words, pretty much everything I've always done except go to clubs and drop my kids to school.
avatar for Warrior15
5 years ago
Show Girls ??? I love going to the movies and do it a lot. I have only ever walked out of one movie in a theater. That was the one movie. Just awful.
avatar for Huntsman
5 years ago
I’ve also gone fly fishing a few times lately. Works well for the whole social distancing thing. Then again, I do that anyway.
avatar for Tiburon
5 years ago
Going out to fancy eateries. Dont give a FUCK about distancing. I'm here to PARTAY.
avatar for wallanon
5 years ago
"Show Girls ??? I love going to the movies and do it a lot. I have only ever walked out of one movie in a theater. That was the one movie. Just awful."

Because showgirls will live in infamy forever (maybe it's why so many customers are idiots, because all they know about stripperz they learned from that and Striptease?) I'll stray somewhat off topic share what one of the actors thought about. Since Agent Dale Cooper was the inspiration for sticky pantzers everywhere, here is what he's said about the worst decision of his acting career:

Showgirls (1995)—“Zack Carey”

KM: Uh… yeah. [Laughs.] That was a decision that was sort of a tough one to make, but I was enchanted with Paul Verhoeven. Particularly Robocop, which I loved. I look back on it now and it’s a little dated, but it’s still fantastic, and I think it’s got some of the great villains of all time in there. It was Verhoeven and [Joe] Eszterhas, and it seemed like it was going to be kind of dark and edgy and disturbing and real. I signed on, and… I think they’d wanted Dylan McDermott and he’d passed, so then they came to me and asked, “Do you want to do this?” And I was like, “Yeah!” Because I was really into that mode. And I worked hard, I came in and did my scenes, but then I wasn’t really involved in anything else until it finally came time to do the press for it.

It was about to première, I hadn’t seen it yet, and I wanted to. So I went to see it and… I was absolutely gobsmacked. I said, “This is horrible. Horrible!” And it’s a very slow, sinking feeling when you’re watching the movie, and the first scene comes out, and you’re like, “Oh, that’s a really bad scene.” But you say, “Well, that’s okay, the next one’ll be better.” And you somehow try to convince yourself that it’s going to get better… and it just gets worse. And I was like, “Wow. That was crazy.” I mean, I really didn’t see that coming. So at that point, I distanced myself from the movie. Now, of course, it has a whole other life as a sort of inadvertent… satire. No, “satire” isn’t the right word. But it’s inadvertently funny. So it’s found its place. It provides entertainment, though not in the way I think it was originally intended. It was just… maybe the wrong material with the wrong director and the wrong cast.

AVC: But apart from all of that…

KM: Apart from all that, it was great. [Laughs.] It has a couple of moments in it that are pretty wild. And I gotta say that, when I was watching the actual shows that they created, I was like, “Hey, this is a Vegas show!” I was watching it from the audience, and it was amazing, what they were able to create. But reduced down to its elements, it was, uh, not one of my finer attempts. But it was done initially for all the right reasons; it just didn’t turn [out] to be what I anticipated. Everybody has one of those in their repertoire, I think. It’s just that this one has stayed around. Even Ishtar eventually disappeared. But this one keeps coming back! [Laughs.]


Can you believe the guy who directed Robocop also directed that crime against the cinema?
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