hotel cascades questions

avatar for Kudabra
Hi all,

Just have a few questions that I didn’t see asked after a few pages. I’ve never been.

1. Can you rent a room for the daytime such as 11am-5pm? I’m doing a quick run.

2. What’s the earliest you can go in the club? Someone mentioned 24 hours but the website says 10am.

3. Anyone have thoughts on the number of ladies at noon?



last comment
avatar for JAprufrock
5 years ago
1. No. You can check out at 5 p.m. but it's the same cost as a full night.
2. Some discrepancy here. I believe they're open 24 hours on the weekend and might close around 6 a.m. during the week, but not sure. Might depend on how busy it is.
3. Never been in the club during the day but have seen guys taking ladies up in the morning when I was checking out of the hotel, around 10-11 a.m.
avatar for Jascoi
5 years ago
i’m gonna guess your biggest problem will be checking in at 11 AM into a room as a walk in. you better make A reservation. and don’t be surprised that they charge you for two days because it seems their normal business day is early check in at 3 PM and late check out at 1:30 PM.
avatar for Liwet
5 years ago
In one of my reviews I went down at about 11AM. There were about 5 customers and maybe 20+ dancers.
avatar for Kudabra
5 years ago
Thanks gents. This was very helpful as I’m thinking of a day trip and not stay overnight.
avatar for Phandy
5 years ago
If it's a mon or tue should be worth the room investment. If it's not then you can simply take girls up and show your VIP card for a 45 min session for $19 each so would take 3 sessions to make a room worthwhile.
avatar for Kudabra
5 years ago
Couple more questions.

I usually travel with a book bag, do they check it in if I don’t have a room? Or should I not bring one as I would stand out as a target.

Viagra - is there a pharmacy close to hk? What mg dosage do you use? I’ve never used it before.


avatar for Warrior15
5 years ago
1- Rooms are so cheap, sure get one and check out whenever you want.
2- It is open 24 hours. But the talent level is not too good real early in the morning. I think they are the girls that started about midnight the night before. The morning shift gets here at 10.
3- Depeding on the day of the week, there will be 20-30 girls at Noon. The closer to the weekend, the more girls.
4- I have never seen anyone bring in a large bag. I would leave it at home.
5- There are several pharmacia's nearby. Full dose of viagra is 100 mg. But don't use that much unless you are having trouble getting in up. Have you had your heart checked.? That is a serious question.
avatar for Kudabra
5 years ago
Have not had it checked recently but I’m 40 and exercise regularly
avatar for Kudabra
5 years ago
Also I went to the doctor recently and they didn’t notice any high blood pressure
avatar for Warrior15
5 years ago
If you have never used it, try 25 and see how you react. But I would probably recommend trying it for the first time in the USA. There are potential negative side effects. You want to be close to a doctor if you have one of them.
avatar for Kudabra
5 years ago
@Warrior15 - thanks!

Any way I can get it online without prescription?
avatar for Cristobal
5 years ago
If you have a bag, you can leave it at the HK front desk for $1 or $2 tip, they give you a receipt and return the bag when you turn in the receipt.

I have done this a few times and have not had a bad experience.
avatar for TFP
5 years ago
Warrior is being on the cautious side, nothing wrong with that.

Me on the other hand, my first time in TJ was also when I was 40 and my first time taking Sildenafil (Viagra generic) was right there in TJ. Just like you, I regularly exercise and on my last physical I had a clean bill of health so I wasn't too worried. They were 100 mg pills that I broke in half and took and had no problems whatsoever. Just heed the warnings, don't drink in excess while taking it. I had a good amount of beers, but only one or two shots of tequila.

They sell both brand name Viagra and Cialis in the bathroom at Hong Kong, but it's $10 per pill. You can talk the bathroom guy down in price on the multipak of 5. Or, you can do like I did and visit the pharmacia (drug store) that's like a block and a half away from the Hong Kong back entrance and buy a bottle of generic Sildenafil. $13 for a bottle of ten 100 mg pills. Break it in half and you probably won't even use half the bottle. I brought the rest back to the states in my suitcase in the pockets of one pair of shorts but if you don't wanna take any chances when crossing back into the US I'd say just throw the rest away. It's only $13 after all.

As for the book bag, you can check it in at the lobby of Cascadas. I checked my travel size suitcase there after checking out of my room on Monday because I wanted to stay until evening time. Tip them a couple dollars and they're happy to hold it for you.
avatar for TFP
5 years ago
Also, no prescription necessary when buying Viagra or any of those pills in Mexico. That's the beauty of the place. And also why it's risky bringing it back.
avatar for Kudabra
5 years ago
Thanks gents for this helpful information. Was trying to get a 25mg dosage in advance to see if I get hit with any side effects.
avatar for Cristobal
5 years ago
The club is opened 24 hours a day but I was visiting the one time they closed (for 6-7 hours), I guess someone forgot to pay the bribes.

I have visited HK at all times and the morning talent is good but keep in mind the best looking BGs get busy fast and usually start offer arriba at a higher price even if there are not too customers.

I liked the B team girls from the morning, they do not hustle as quickly, drink slowly, and are more relaxed.

The early shift (8-9am) there were anywhere from 10-20 BGs with 3-5 more showing up every hour.

@tahoecruz said it best "there is never a bad time to visit HK"
avatar for Kudabra
5 years ago
Thanks Cristobal! Might do a quick scouting day run for a couple of hours then plan a longer 2 day trip.
avatar for Kudabra
5 years ago
They better not close the fucking border cause I just found heaven!
avatar for PutaTester
5 years ago
FYI, I was in TJ for two days last week. Crossing the border was easy due to the low crowds. The girls are negotiating reasonable prices due to the low monger population. Mexico has considered closing its borders, but it is simply a topic under discussion. Currently Mexico and TJ have among the lowest incidence of virus spread in the world. That could change, so it would be a good idea to "know before you go" and recognize that you will be in intimate contact with others.

Finally of note, Hotel Cascadas is updating their single rooms. I typically get a double room or Jacuzzi room because they are so much nicer and located on the upper floors. Walking by the open doors of the remodeled single rooms, they look excellent.

avatar for TFP
5 years ago
@Tahoe those single rooms may look excellent but being confined to one for a night might still be a different feeling.

I remember checking out of my master suite on a Monday morning. Then since I planned on staying at HK till around 7pm decided to book a single room since it was only $11 with my VIP card, less than the price for a single trip arriba without a room, which would have been $19. However once I got in that room I realized how tiny it feels in there. Couldn't imagine being in there overnight or multiple nights. It was seriously that tiny feeling to me. I don't know if I had gotten to used to the master suite or what.
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
I would not want to be having sex with strangers at this time, and not in a place where tourists fly in from other continents.

avatar for Jascoi
5 years ago
A little tiny single room looks just the same to me when I’m asleep as a big double master penthouse suite.
avatar for PutaTester
5 years ago
My choice of room often depends on my plans for the chicas. I have booked small rooms when I have prearranged visits with chicas that I know are not interested in the Jacuzzi or other appointments in a master suite. If I am hunting for new talent or I will be there Monday and Tuesday, likely I will get a master suite (and some tequila for my guests). Had a CC BG offer to come to my room at Hotel Cascadas off shift. She asked about a Jacuzzi and was disappointed that I did not have one in the room on this occasion. (She still showed up and we had a great time.) I don't sleep a lot while in TJ, but all I need is a little privacy and an enthusiastic puta.
avatar for mf92802
5 years ago
I have always reserved Master Suites when visiting Hotel Cascades. I find that most of the chickas that I bring up appreciate the jacuzzi. What I like about it is after spending time in the Jacuzzi I know that everything is squeaky clean. The few chickas that did not wish to partake in the jacuzzi ultimately turned out not to provide the service I was searching for and I simply cut the session short. As they say YMMV and it depends on what you are looking for in a chicka. At my age I enjoy a slow GFE session rather than 30 minute hot and heavy sex. I think that the larger suite adds to the experience.
avatar for Cristobal
5 years ago
I have been on mongering hiatus for almost 6 months and while I am enjoying myself, reading the posts about the room sizes brought back great memories from the single rooms in Cascadas, to the Jacuzzi rooms in Rizos, and one weekend in a jacuzzi suite in Coahuila.

So many great memories:

One that stands out was getting a SFBG to get into the Jacuzzi where she used her feet to work LC, which was a first for me.

The one comment I want to make regarding jacuzzi suites is from my experience, if you want a BG to join you in the Jacuzzi, you should let her know (sime BGs will not get into the Jacuzzi) before you go arriba and you should negotiate at least an hour of her time.

Mi dos centavos.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
The US/Canada border is due to close soon - hard to imagine the Mexico border staying open
avatar for booji boy
booji boy
5 years ago

I usually travel with a book bag, do they check it in if I don’t have a room? Or should I not bring one as I would stand out as a target.

>>> You can leave it at the desk by the main HK entrance, just tip them a couple of bucks. I have done this regularly and I've never had a bag molested -- it's great if you get there significantly before check-in time at Casdcadas. Chicago Club will also do this, but they're dead early in the day so not really worth the trouble.

Viagra - is there a pharmacy close to hk? What mg dosage do you use? I’ve never used it before.

>>> Farmacias Del Ahorro (…). Literally two blocks away, and their prices are great. I would get 25mg or 50mg tablets to start... max daily dose is 100mg, and if (say) 50mg isn't enough you can take additional pills as long as you stay under that recommended max. If you have *any* doubts about taking it, talk to a doctor. The side effects aren't worth the risk. Wannabe-pro tip: One of the normal side effects is a change in blood pressure that for me translates into a mild headache, so I take it with a couple of advil gelcaps and that pretty much solves it.
avatar for mf92802
5 years ago
Of course during the HK closure you will not be able to check your bag at HK. I would assume that the hotel would be able to accommodate you regarding your bag. While I was there during the closure, they were doing everything possible to accommodate guests including room service of food from the street vendors since Azul closed.
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