Republicans should not underestimate Bernie.

avatar for CC99
I've been seeing a lot of Trump supporters lately hoping that Bernie wins the Democratic primaries.

Hoping that Bernie wins is incredibly stupid. Bernie is probably the only candidate in the 2020 field who has a shot at beating Trump.

If Biden becomes the Democratic candidate, or if Mike Bloomberg becomes the candidate. The Democrats instantly lose. Biden and Bloomberg's entire campaign is essentially "I'm not Donald Trump." There's no energy behind their campaigns. Nobody actually cares about them, Biden and Bloomberg are very mediocre candidates with essentially no potential to grow their support beyond what they already have. If anything, Biden will probably only lose voters instead of gaining them the longer he stays in the running. Even though Bernie is older than Biden is. Biden is obviously more senile than Bernie and his politics look like 2008's politics instead of 2020's.

Bernie Sanders has a tremendous amount of energy for his campaign that goes beyond a simple message of "vote for me if you don't like Trump." Republicans who only talk to other Republicans think Bernie has no chance because of what a radical socialist he is. But truthfully, Bernie is not that radical, and socialism is not controversial or political suicide anymore. 42% of Americans actually have positive views towards socialism now.…

A lot of Republicans seem to be under the impression that no centrist or centre-left voters would go for Bernie. This is absolutely false. I know people who I'd consider centre-right actually who like Bernie Sanders. The only people who support Biden, Elizabeth Warren, and Bloomberg are people who are either solidly left leaning in the first place, or people who would vote for anyone as long as that candidate wasn't Trump. Bernie, however, has much more potential to pull people away from the centre-right.

There's another issue as well, and that's voter turnout which Republicans are seriously underestimating. If Bernie wins, voter turnout in favor of him from the left is going to be enormous. Bernie's campaign has passion behind it, and the only thing that's gonna win this election is passion. Trump already has it, and the only Democrat candidate who has a shot at winning the primaries who also has passion, is Bernie Sanders. If Biden or Bloomberg wins, a lot of Democrat voters are going to not turn out to the polls because they don't actually care enough about whether they win. So voter turnout in their favor is gonna be low-moderate whereas turnout for Bernie is going to be very very high. The impact of that will easily be enough to cancel out the people who think he's too radical.

So I would seriously warn anyone who's supporting Trump against rooting for Bernie to win the primaries. If Bernie wins, we got a race on our hands. If any of the other Democrats win, then Trump will destroy them.


last comment
Sorry, but the idea that anyone center right would go for a communist pretending to be a socialist is ridiculous.
CC in DC, nice hypothetical but Bernie alienates too many voters even in the Democratic Party. Young people who haven’t made enough money to pay a lot in taxes don’t understand how his policies would rape your paycheck, but most voters have enough life experience to understand how Bernie would take more of the pie($$)!

Idealistically Bernie appeals to those who are down on their luck, but sometime in your life you got to grow up and get real. Churchill said this the best.
Sorry CC, but as a Republican I am very much hoping that Bernie wins the nomination. He is just not palatable to the moderates and Independents who an aspiring President needs to win over. It doesn't matter how much he energizes his base, he needs more than that to have a chance.

OTOH, Bloomberg worries me a great deal. He is sharp, charismatic and a seasoned campaigner. He also has enough money and ongoing income that he can spend billions and probably still be richer by election day than he is now.
avatar for mark94
5 years ago
Let’s look at just one slice of the vote, African Americans. Democrats cannot win a national election without an overwhelming vote from AAs. If it’s not over 90%, the math doesn’t work.

For 3 years, Trump has been courting the AA vote with initiatives like Criminal reform and funds for Black colleges. As a result, polls have him winning 20% of the Black vote. One poll even had him at 40%.

Bernie, Bloomberg, and Mayor Pete do not appeal to AA voters like Obama’s VP. If Biden doesn’t win the nomination, and he won’t, many AA voters will stay home on Election Day.

Game over.
===> "Bernie, Bloomberg, and Mayor Pete do not appeal to AA voters like Obama’s VP. If Biden doesn’t win the nomination, and he won’t, many AA voters will stay home on Election Day."

Don't be so quick to discount the notion that some of them might actually come out and vote Republican. Bigger than criminal reform and donations to black colleges, by far, is his nationwide school choice initiative. Many black kids are stuck in violent and ineffective schools, despite the gobs of money that many big cities throw at these schools. The promise that Trump would give these kids a chance to go to better schools is a powerful one. Dems cannot match this promise because they are too beholden to teachers unions that vehemently oppose school choice.
avatar for bdirect
5 years ago
bernie had a chance 4 years ago, got screwed at convention.........nancy doing her stupid shit,..torn up any chances of a demo beating trump in 2020
avatar for bdirect
5 years ago
bernie, just dont have it.... Trump was a TV star and can work the camera and wins all debates.......maybe a Bernie/ Kim Kardashian would help the demo ticket
I am an independent that's a social liberal and a fiscal conservative. I vote for who makes sense at the time.

I just don't see him coming even close to winning a general election. He is an extremeist on the left with a motivated base that's sabotaging any chance the Dems have to capture the moderate voters in America.

As much as an asshole Trump is he is not an social/fiscal extremist by any definition. He has huge balls and tackles controversial issues many politicians won't because of the blow back. It's easy to hate the guy because he is an arrogant asshat. More than once I have thought "just shut the fuck up and do your job". The moderates pick winners and the US economy is steamrolling right now. He will win unless something particularly bad happens between now and election time.
As someone who makes a pretty decent income and lives in a high tax and COL area (Connecticut) I think Bernie makes the most sense.

Even though I do not own any small businesses some close friends of mine do in manufacturing and they struggle keeping employees because they cant provide healthcare for them. If Universal healthcare would pass it would make it easier for them to keep quality workers. I would also be more likely to start my own business if I knew Universal healthcare passed and I would be covered mo matter what.
@UC Trump is pretty extreme himself, socially the most savage rhetoric in half a century all of a sudden has reappeared and is causing divisions in our society, and as far as being fiscally conservative, that’s a joke, boys and girls, can you say exploding deficits.
@CTLennay - Universal healthcare is only one of his agenda items. You need to look at all the crazy giveaways this guy is proposing. If it was just the healthcare thing he would stand a chance.

Sorry to inform you, it doesn’t matter, both political parties are the two sides of the same coin.

Like in any third world country, like we are now, the elites chose their puppet president, prime minister, etc

In America the electoral college is the clique of elites that will select the puppet president to benefit who else, but the elites, the 1% of wealthy people, politicians and celebrities.

Donal Trump will be the potus for a second term to make the 1% richer and the rest of the population poorer.
avatar for mark94
5 years ago
“as far as being fiscally conservative, that’s a joke, boys and girls, can you say exploding deficits.”

Trump proposed a budget today that would cut spending by $4Trillion and put us on a path to a balanced budget. Of course, the Dems will never go along with this.
@25 I did say he was an asshole who should shut the fuck up. Expanding deficits have been an eternal problem not confronted by politicians much like social security. I agree that the continued expansion under Trump is not acceptable and needs to be confronted but understand Congress has a fundamental role here. It's easy to put it all on the guy with the big mouth.
@Mark The budget he proposed today is a joke and according to the CBO his budget doesn’t get us close to a BB for real, he wants to cut SS Medicare, how about taxing some of those large businesses that aren’t paying anything in taxes, stop with the bullshit, that’s all it is.
avatar for mark94
5 years ago
Bernie is smart. He promises the moon but refuses to say how he’d pay for it. Warren made the mistake of admitting how much her health care plan would cost, making it obvious that her plan could never work. Bernie’s health plan is impossibly expensive but he refuses to admit it. It’s nice to believe in Santa Claus.
@mark94 we already pay so much for healthcare. Compared to other western countries we are getting shafted.
@UC it’s not putting it all on the guy with the big mouth, he doesn’t answer to Congress and he just keeps diverting funds from where Congress intended them to go to spend on his pet projects funny but true, just about every time the budget has been balanced or in surplus it was directly related to a Democrat president, of course these kiool aid drinkers will try to spin that to a Republican Congress but we know that’s false, there have been plenty of Republican congresses and presidency’s that ran concurrent and they didn’t get us to a balanced budget
avatar for mark94
5 years ago
Do you know when health care inflation got out of control ? When the government got involved.

Here’s just one example on how deregulation could cut cost. Allow nurse practitioners to provide care. Right now, there are severe limits on what a NP can do. The AMA has succeeded in restricting them to force patients to see a MD, even for minor and straightforward care. Freeing up NP to see patients would be especially beneficial in rural areas.

Or, another example. Hospitals can only be built if they prove a need to the government. That assures 100% occupancy, which diminishes competition and keeps prices high. Let hospitals compete on the basis of quality and cost.
avatar for mark94
5 years ago
UMass Lowell poll: 62% of New Hampshire Democrats would rather see a giant meteor strike the earth and extinguish all human life than see President Trump get re-elected.
^ your government is the one that gave health care to the insurance companies rather than pay attention to what they were doing with the funds and you want to blame the foxes for raiding the henhouse.
Wow mark that’s pretty stupid even for you I guess you idiots need some lessons in comedy too, really you need a 🤦‍♀️
If Bernie or Warren wins the nomination, Trump will win the general election while all the centrist dem voters stay home.

If Biden or Bloomberg wins the nomination, Trump will win the general election while all the leftist dems cast protest votes.

Buttigieg has the best shot at beating Trump. Klobuchar is second, but Put Beteigieg has the better shot at winning the nom in May.
avatar for mark94
5 years ago
Buttigieg is a junior varsity Obama. He lacks experience, and real knowledge, but is smooth as hell. Mc Cain and Romney let Obama get away with his BS. I don’t think Trump will repeat that mistake.
@Meat72, RickDugan, and @Skibum

I would consider both my mom and my grandfather to be "centre-right." Both of them said if Bernie won the primaries, they would vote for him. If Biden, Bloomberg, or Warren won, they would simply not vote. There's a lot of centre-right people who have socially conservative views but are more fiscally liberal. Bernie appeals to them because of his rants against corruption in politics and in the corporate world.

Bernie is essentially the Democrat version of Trump in a lot of ways. Both of them are populist candidates who have a highly energized and passionate base of voters. Both of them are anti-establishment, and both of them were underestimated by both the opposition party and their own party because they thought he would be too "radical" for people to go for. But neither Donald Trump nor Bernie is actually that radical when you look more closely at what they say and do. But both of them have just enough radicalness to them that they create a lot of energy. A lot of democrats right now are "Bernie or bust" meaning they won't vote for anybody unless its Bernie.

People don't like moderate, establishment candidates right now. Biden is boring, his campaign has no energy behind it. He is essentially Hillary 2.0. And if you think Bloomberg is a major threat, then you are thinking that because you are looking at him from a Republican point of view. From the point of view of an idealistic, solidly democrat voter, Bloomberg is another super wealthy guy with no convictions who thinks he can buy the white house. A lot of young people will simply not bother voting for him and stay home instead, and a lot of AA voters will think of him as the guy who supported stop and frisk policies in NYC and now is trying to claim he is on their side.

Buttigieg has no chance either. Again, he would be Hillary 2.0. Seems to have no convictions of his own and is just a career politician.
Bernie is proving to be a very effective campaigner. He is talking about where we need to go, Medicare For All, and in general to Social Democracy. We really don't have any other choice. We should not be trying to create jobs by Supply Side illogic. We should not be union busting, slashing wages, giving tax exemptions or environmental law regulations. We should be creating jobs by building green infrastructure, the Green New Deal.

Andy Yang, New Hampshire Town Hall, 45min, a very effective campaigner, most interesting!…

The Squad, One Hour!
“Our Very Existence Is the Resistance”: An Hour w/ AOC, Ayanna Pressley, Rashida Tlaib & Ilhan Omar…

George McGovern was a visionary for his time.…

President Trump is set to unveil his 2021 budget request today. The $4.8 trillion budget would increase military spending while cutting Medicare and Medicaid, seeks $2 billion for construction of Trump’s border wall and slashes EPA spending by 26%. Axios is reporting Trump will also request nearly $50 billion for nuclear weapons programs. Experts and Democratic lawmakers warn that increasing the nuclear stockpile will increase the likelihood of nuclear war and defy international agreements.…

Rick, anyone who would vote for Bernie is leftist or stupid, but never right.
Left, is really the only direction we can go in at this point.

avatar for RandomMember
5 years ago
Sanders has always been famous for dreamlike, pie-in-the-sky, policies that can't be paid for. He has zero chance of winning in a general election. So you're long-winded post is wrong as usual, @CC.

But the president doesn't craft policy -- he's just there at the end of the chain to sign bills into law -- and something like the UK government-run healthcare system could never occur here even if the Dems controlled all three branches. So in a practical sense, the Dems should support whoever is nominated.

My guess is that Trump will be re-elected.

I don't follow Butigieg that closely, but he seems extremely bright (he probably has 30 IQ points on Trump) and he also has the right temperament. He doesn't have support from black voters and I can't see Americans supporting a gay man -- even if he's perfectly qualified in every other way.

I'm a big Warren fan, especially considering that she understands the 2008 financial crisis better than any other candidate. HER CFPB is also a great achievement. I posted this Liz Warren clip before of her takedown of Wells CEO Timothy Sloan. Sloan's a low-IQ dipshit who grew up on a farm:…

LOL, it was amazing to see the TUSCL response when I posted the clip last time. Warren's not a socialist; her opinion is that the free-market works fine for most things, but areas like healthcare, finance, and environmental protection need government regulation. I agree.
"dreamlike, pie-in-the-sky, policies"

Nothing of the sort with Bernie Sanders, an extremely practical man. Gov't pay outs cause money to recirculate. Health care and education are things which have fucked people, made life unworkable.

and here, Protecting the Right to Organize:…

avatar for RandomMember
5 years ago
*your not you're in my post above
SJG, the Squad is a fraud, just like your organization. Randumb, glad you could figure out the correct usage of your/you’re because that is so important for us to understand the correct meaning of your post.
Bernie and the Squad are no fraud.

My organization is still in its infancy. No fraud there.

^^^ it’s been in its infancy since you started posting on here 6 years ago!! Even babies grow up eventually. That’s why your organization is a fraud like the Squad. A bunch of empty promises to those who join.
Yeah Meat, but you have no idea what things I am doing. You shit all over, and that seems to be all you know how to do.

avatar for RandomMember
5 years ago
Latest Quinnipiac poll. Just came out today:


Among all registered voters, Democratic candidates lead President Trump in general election matchups by between 4 and 9 percentage points, with Bloomberg claiming the biggest numerical lead against Trump:

Bloomberg tops Trump 51 - 42 percent;
Sanders defeats Trump 51 - 43 percent;
Biden beats Trump 50 - 43 percent;
Klobuchar defeats Trump 49 - 43 percent;
Warren wins narrowly over Trump 48 - 44 percent;
Buttigieg is also slightly ahead of Trump 47 - 43 percent.
I spread prosperity, however you project yourself into others and are the one who does nothing but shits all over on this website. You lie all the time, like how your engaged 24/7 in local politics when in fact it’s been highly documented that’s just pay for hours and hours every day on this website. That’s being disengaged with local politics when you post for hours on this site you big fat liar, who does nothing but spew shit!!
^^^ should be you’re and not your in my previous post. Must get it right or people won’t understand the meaning.
Thanks Random for that poll data.

Meat, you spread nothing except your own feces. You are a parasite!

^^^ I help people, you just teach them how to be leeches. That is another example of SJG projecting his parasitic speech onto others. I think you have a guilty conscious and are too fruity to lead any group of people, except the mentally ill to your crazy organization!!
^ More likely post birth aborted, Ralph Northam style
No, I'm genuinely wondering how your "organization" squares with spending so much time bumping your own threads on a titty bar website.
===> "Bernie is essentially the Democrat version of Trump in a lot of ways."

In some ways maybe, but there is one critically important distinction. This distinction seems to be escaping many who try to compare Bernie to Trump, including much of the media.

For all his brashness, Trump's policy positions were, for the most part, classically conservative; lower taxes, less regulation, support for 2nd Amendment rights, more border security, pro-life, support for nominations of judges who would support these positions, etc., etc. After 8 years of Obama keeping a boot down on the neck of the economy, it was what a lot of people wanted.

OTOH Bernie is off the rails, proposing extreme stuff that would bankrupt the economy, stifle private sector production and take economic choices away from citizens. Even Biden was chiding him the other night for it and you can be sure that many centrists and independents were in agreement. Nobody but fanatics with a very loose grip on monetary and economic matters could possibly support those policy positions.

In the end, I think that this distinction is what's going to sink Sanders, either during the nominating process or in the general election.

Tetradon, I have said that my organization is in its infancy. I have many other ongoing matters which keep me tied down.

"Trump's policy positions were, for the most part, classically conservative; lower taxes, less regulation, support for 2nd Amendment rights, more border security, pro-life, support for nominations of judges who would support these positions, etc., etc"

Much of that is completely reactionary. And in an economy of extreme technological surplus we cannot go that way.

Obama was phenomenal in restarting our economy.

Unfortunately the same things which cause the booms, over consumption and over production, are the causes of the busts.

Most of it is directly traceable to Reagan gutting our progressive tax code.

Bernie is 100% practical, as are most of the other Democratic candidates.

The fraud is in the Supply Side illogic.

Lol other organizing matters like what? And how does a strip club website further that?
Tetradon, you are missing one very important thing, my f2f life is private.

LOL your street name has been circulated around here many times. Don't worry, your f2f life is a lot less interesting than you think.
My f2f life is private. The only persons who would ever challenge this are clearly those who seek suicide.

I'd just follow the smell of Mountain Dew and virginity, internet tough guy.
I'm not tough on the Internet. But I absolutely defend the privacy of my f2f life.

Whatever, Mr Democratic Socialism militia, cave in your skull and set you on fire.
Fire, cremation, is the best way I have found of neutralizing real life trolls. Otherwise they can turn into zombies. I see on this forum some examples of this.

With our extreme industrial surplus, we really have no choice but to move to Democratic Socialism. As it is now, the financializers have taken over and the fruits of our labor force accrue to these financializer parasites.

And you don't see the irony of your words. Hint, if you want to guard your offline life, don't put your city in your username!
I am very careful about what I disclose. Yes, I do live in the 10th largest city in the country, a city of 1 million people, about the same size as Detroit.

This does influence my views too, as our strip clubs are much more regulated and controlled than what many here are accustomed to. But we also have an underground circuit and we have AMPs.

And I'm...somewhere east of you.
Yes, from my trips there, Bay Area strip clubs are the suck, unless you want to drop $400 on a handski.
^^^ You are probably talking about SF. At our South Bay above ground clubs they are strict no touching.

Lots of girls do OTC, but nothing ITC.

So for me, AMPs have been a big part of my life.

I don't do AMPs. I'd rather know they aren't sex slaves with their passports stolen.
I agree. Biden ans Bloomberg are basically Trump clones. While I want Yang to win id support Sanders
Bloomberg will be getting Republican votes if he goes indy. :) :) :)

Tetradon, AMP girls are not sex slaves with their passports stolen, they live just like you and I.

Naah. Trump has 90 percent approval rating among Republicans.

SJG, I've seen enough stories to know that's not the case. A few near me found to be doing just that.
avatar for TheeOSU
5 years ago
"No, I'm genuinely wondering how your "organization" squares with spending so much time bumping your own threads on a titty bar website."

Zing! Lol
Winner, post of the day!
avatar for bdirect
5 years ago
. i feel that anyone that wants to be president has to be either a egomaniac or crazy
I'm more concerned about BootyJizz. He's neck and neck with Sanders so far. And he's got a few things in common with Obama. Almost no experience with national politics, very well-spoken and Ivy League educated, young and (dare I say) handsome, which actually matters to ignorant voters. And just like Obama pulled out the Black vote, the gay Mayor might win votes from all the gays and liberal gay sympathizers. I don't care that he's gay. Good for him. But his radical left-wing garbage like eliminating the Electoral College might come into play if he's elected just based on "let's elect the first gay president" mindset.
avatar for RandomMember
5 years ago
^^^ As if someone with username "MisterOrange" could have an objective opinion about the general election. Buttigieg is considered a moderate on important policy areas like healthcare and fiscal responsibility. He happens to be gay and brilliant.
avatar for motownkid
5 years ago
I am a conservative life long republican with socially liberal views. I respect Bernie for some of his stands. i also know it is virtually impossible to do some of the things he wants to do without massive taxation on the middle class. Even he can;t say how his programs could be paid for without massive tax increases. Many talk about voter turn out increasing if Bernie is the democratic nominee - have you thought about the republican turn out when Trump destroys him in the debates and portrays him as a communist/socialist. Turnout in the republican side will be record breaking. I respect all opinions but I do not see anyway Bernie can with this time around..

avatar for motownkid
5 years ago
This comment in this thread is just incredible:
"Obama was phenomenal in restarting our economy".
OMG - Lord help us...
avatar for Member6532
5 years ago
Bernie is the 18-22 year old pot smokers pipe dream.
Elizabeth Warren has no chance of winning. She is known for having similar ideas to Sanders but is nowhere near as likable. Warren constantly lies about things that don't even matter like saying her son went to public school when he actually went to private school, and she can't seem to get through a debate without accusing anybody who disagrees with her of being racist or sexist.

Bernie certainly does have some pie in the sky ideas that people think will never happen.

So did Trump back in 2015-2016. I mean, how stupid would someone have to be to believe Mexico was actually going to pay for our border wall? How many people actually thought banning all Muslim immigrants was a good idea or a feasible one? A lot of Republicans who supported Trump simply didn't believe these things would actually happen but liked many other things about him.

My point here is that independents/moderates/centrists will support a politician even if they think some of their ideas are pie in the sky because they don't believe those ideas would ever get passed in congress anyway. But does anybody really agree with everything their candidate of choice believes in? I don't even agree with everything my closest friends believe in much less everything a politician believes in. But people vote for the personality they like, and Bernie has a very likable personality that will influence moderates.

If Bernie wins the nomination, it will essentially come down to whether Americans like Trump's economy more or Bernie's personality more.
avatar for bdirect
5 years ago
bernie has to be crazy spend the last ten years of your life span running for president... but i think trump fears him
mayor pete could be a cia seals are the SS troopers of the president....... loyal to the end
mike bloomberg has spent 312 million so far, waste of money,, just like jeb bush did against trump
my favorite is Yang.... a newbie, no experience in govt....billionaire..... voters want a new person that not from inside the washington beltway

Pete sure looked brilliant taking flirty selfies at Auschwitz. Great guy there random lol.
You guys are forgetting the lessons of 2016, the Democrats watched with great joy as the Republican Party ate its young with Trump leading the charge anyone remember lyin Ted, Little Marco, low energy Jeb etc. let’s see what happens next.
avatar for mark94
5 years ago
Bloomberg audio from 2015:

“The way to get guns out of kids hands is to throw ‘em up against the wall and frisk them. These kids think they’re going to get killed anyway because all their friends are getting killed. So they just don’t have any longterm focus on anything. It’s a joke to have a gun. It’s a joke to pull a trigger.”
===> "You guys are forgetting the lessons of 2016, the Democrats watched with great joy as the Republican Party ate its young with Trump leading the charge anyone remember lyin Ted, Little Marco, low energy Jeb etc. let’s see what happens next."

Not at all. All the infighting did indeed hurt the Republicans. But these things don't happen in a vacuum. You're forgetting that the Dems had their own competing drama, including a rigged primary process and a candidate who was as unlikable as Trump.

This year we have an incumbent with a strong economic story and a 50% approval rating according to Rassmussen (one of the only polls that got the last Presidential election right). Good luck to whichever survivor limps out of the Democratic Convention. ;)
I'm trying to not conflate what I want to happen with what is likely happen. One of sites I'm watching closely is Nate Silver's FiveThirtyEight.

I believe Sanders will get the Democratic nomination. If Sanders can convince Buttigieg to join his ticket as VP, they'll be hard to stop. It's too soon to say if that will happen.

Sanders beating Trump? Possible, but even though many polls show Sanders winning over Trump, the percentages are small. Also, it's a very emotional election. What a person does when answering a poll in their living room could be different from what they do in the ballot booth.

Since 2016, I don't put a lot of stock in the word "unelectable".
^ and the Republican Party doesn’t have its own drama going on really all of these folks coming out of this administration writing books documenting what a unfitt buffoon we have as a potus that’s just you trolling me being a contrarian if you believe all the shit coming out of the administration come see me I have a bridge I’ll sell you
25... Not trolling you (if you're directing that at me).

I don't like Trump, but I believe that he has a fairly good chance of being re-elected regardless of my opinion.

Regarding all the bad press Trump receives... his very loyal base largely seems to either not believe these accounts, or they believe it and condone his behavior regardless. I just don't see that moving the needle a lot.
^ That's all customary side noise 25. Nothing like what the Dems are doing to each other right now. It's already getting ugly and this is just the beginning.

One of the big advantages of an incumbent is the ability to focus on the general election right from the gate. Trump is already lobbing grenades into the fray even as the Dems buy attack ads against each other.
^ No question that an incumbent has a big advantage, and I’m not calling the election with any of my statements but your guy for whatever reason lives to step on his dick, it won’t surprise me in the least to watch him pull defeat from the jaws of victory, remember demagogues never know when they finally go too far and all of a sudden their support evaporates it happens to all of them eventually.
Keep on holding onto that hope that Trump will step on his dick and bail out help the hapless Dems.
I smell a brokered convention coming. Dems have never trusted their own voters to actually pick the Presidential nominee and I don't see that changing now, especially if Bernie is in the lead come convention time.

What a massive shit show this is going to be.


Lol a brokered convention hasn’t occurred in my lifetime that’s just a fantasy for political junkies
^ We shall see. The Republicans came close to one in 1976, in a convention that was contested (Reagan and Ford), and the result was a Jimmy Carter Presidency.
Reagan V Ford 1976 was just theater. Republicans do stuff that way.

And keep in mind, national polls are not what decide elections. Winning a plurality of votes in each state as part of a group of states comprising 270 electoral votes is.....
PBS Newshour 2/19/2020…

Ex-Fox News correspondent: Trump adding to swamp, not draining it…


Michael Moore: ‘Trump Is Very Beatable’ In 2020…

New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez joined "The View" on Wednesday, promoting Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders as a fighter for the working class, for "people like us."…

Michael Bloomberg was a shitty NYC governor. Now, he will be stealing votes from Trump, dividing the Republican Party.

‘The Law Is Going To Come After Him’: Obama Lawyer Warns ‘Lawless’ Trump After Pardons…

Seems like the one most hurt in the Impeachment, has been Joe Biden. Fine with me!

Younger voters seem to want Sanders and "Democratic Socialism".

Bernie Sanders Opens Double-Digit National Lead: Poll…

Why Bernie Sanders And His Message Resonates With Younger Voters, book about millennials…

Rep. Maxine Waters On What Democrats Can Do About An ‘Out Of Control’ President (yesterday)…

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Every Trump Financial Thread Pulled Results In Scandal…

Trump Weaponizing DOJ Is Worst Case Scenario Envisioned By Obama Officials…

Why Bloomberg's Debate Will Be A DISASTER…

Top Pentagon policy official resigns at Trump's request (today)…

DOJ Memo Shows Barr's Lid On Reported Giuliani Investigation…

Steve Rattner: Less Job Creation Under Trump Than Obama…

He's known Bill Barr for 40 years. Now, he's calling for his resignation…

Trump says Obama left him an economic mess. Here are the facts…

Mark Sanford Says GOP Letting Trump Drive U.S. To Financial Ruin…

Trump Hush Money Case Seen In New Light After New Reports On Barr…

Media Won't Use This Word To Describe Trump.... Why?…

Dems Battle To Retake Control Of The Senate In 2020…

TJ Street…

5 colors, won't be falling off, make Vitamin V unnecessary…

10" heel boots…
Wait until all of Sander's comments are brought up by Republicans and people realize he's a communist who has always hated America; a Jew who supports the Palestinians and Iranians who want to kill them, and how badly socialized medicine was defeated in Vermont once he had to explain who pays for it. To the poster who thinks socialized medicine will help small businesses, s big lol
Sanders will tax them out of business.
^^^^ Skibum, seems like Millennial don't think like you and they don't want to.

But Universal Health Care can give you the Lobotomy you want. Or I can just do it for you myself.

Super Tuesday: Joe Biden takes Democratic lead and Bernie Sanders takes California - BBC Newsnight…

Al Jezeera, very interesting!
The war within the Democratic Party | The Bottom Line…

AOC Calls Out Joe Biden For Selling The 'Invasion Of Iraq' And Being 1/23/2020…

Socialism vs Capitalism | Full Debate…



Democrats ‘are panicked’ that ‘socialist’ Bernie Sanders could win…

Here’s why kids these days love socialism…

Why Democratic Socialism Is Gaining Popularity In The United States…

Why Finland And Denmark Are Happier Than The U.S.…

Michael Moore Defends Sanders: ‘If We Vote On Fear, We Will Lose To Donald Trump’ | MSNBC…

Prof. Wolff on Trump's Economic Shell Game…


How Joe Biden Surprised On Super Tuesday…

Super Tuesday: What next for Bernie Sanders?
FRANCE 24 English…

New Sanders Ads:

Protect Social Security | Bernie Sanders…

Decimated | Bernie Sanders…

Feel The Bern | Bernie Sanders…

TJ Street……
Today, 2hrs ago, WATCH LIVE: Sanders makes statement about coronavirus and the economy, "scale of a major war", could exceed armed forces casualties from WWII…

NBC Nightly News, March 11th, starting with corona…

Boosting Your Immune System Against Coronavirus | NBC News, for 80% corona is very mild, less than the flu?…

They say corona came from bats, probably jumping the species barrier when butchering them.

Experts Hope Herd Immunity ‘Flattens’ The Coronavirus Curve | NBC News (makes perfect sense to me!)…

Dow Drops More Than 2,300 Points Amid Coronavirus Pandemic | NBC News 15 min ago, DOW ~= 21,200. Better if it can go lower. Preposterous idea that lack of consumption has caused this drop. And underlying economy is horrible.…

Coronavirus: The next three months | THE BIG STORY……

John's Hopkins U experts brief Capitol Hill…

Ontario, baby boy case…

Coronavirus: Trump suspends travel from Europe to US - BBC News…

Stocks Plunge Following Trump’s Response To Coronavirus Pandemic | NBC News (stock market deflation is a very positive thing) (getting close to tripping 7% circuit breaker, suspending trading)…

President Trump Announces Europe Travel Ban in Error-Laden Oval Office Speech…

Bernie Sanders: We Are Winning “Ideological” & “Generational” Debate, Now Need to Win “Electability”…

Is Over Population A Threat To The Planet?…

Bill de Blasio, today, getting close to 100 NYC cases, expecting 1000 cases by next week. Conducting "War Gaming", always using a war analogy now!…

Why Only Rebellion Can Save Mankind From Climate Breakdown (w/ Roger Hallam)…

Trump Calls COVID-19 “Foreign Virus” as Lack of Universal Healthcare Makes the Pandemic Worse…

Lack of Paid Sick Leave Makes It Difficult for Many Workers to Comply with CDC Advice to Stay Home…

Coronavirus Poses Higher Risk For Homeless Population…

One official Corona case in Portland
Could COVID-19 Remove Trump From Office?…


Devadip Carlos Santana & Turiya Alice Coltrane - Illuminations (1974 - Album)…

10", strapped on, 5 colors…

TJ Street……
Biden is talking nonsense and he is a jerk. Sanders is talking total logic.…

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