On this thread about the new post warnings regarding 'civility', etc., I specifically asked about txtittyfag (now posting as 'Not Dat POS Twentyfive AKA Fredo25'):
Given that, either you delete him or provide a last no-bullshit warning directly to him about posting standards. If he already got a warning, then just delete him.
I mean, his profile name isn't even within the guidelines you set out...
I'll note that I mute every single thread he starts.
"I'm not sure what the point is. He'll just start using another account anyway."
Yes, perhaps. Like Dougster and Trucidos, the fag-POS is committed to hostility to authority that motivates his random and seemingly gratuitous attacks on other members. He exists only to test the limits and flaunt doing so.
Deleting the account may not dissuade fag-POS's creator but it sends a message to other members that founder is willing to backup a red-flag warning.
A year and a half ago when the vinciemikelz shit was goin down i told you then to delete my account.
More recently i said if you got rid of sanjosemongoloyd i would quietly retire and ride into the sunset. I mean hes flat out threatened several people with violence more than once including Mikeya2 motorhead and many others and posted all kinds of off topic stuff that only he responds to yet he gets away with it.
So go ahead and delete me i wont sign up with another name. My word is good unlike dat POS twentyfive AKA fredo25 who i will add that im glad im not!
But how about leavin this post up so people can see that im leavin mutually without an arguement? Will you give me that courtesy?
I’ve had him on ignore for years so don’t know what he posts. Founder, you’ve always been pretty adamant about no moderation and reluctant to delete accounts, which I thought was a good policy. I don’t think you should ask the board if an account should be deleted. Just deal with it on your own. You probably have a reason why you asked us, but as an inmate, I don’t think we should be running the asylum.
Well if he's gone that's cool. Now that means I only have to mute SJG's threads instead of both his and the clone of it that Not day POS inevitable would create.
I am not a fan of pile ons and generally avoid them on principle but this sob hasn’t ever shown one simple drop of common courtesy, poster is abusive to a point where he has made him/herself a pariah I say fuck him remember this prick has driven off a number of decent posters founder remember Blond Bombshell, for an example
"A man is likely to mind his own business when it is worth minding. When it is not, he takes his mind off his own meaningless affairs by minding other people's business.
This minding of other people's business expresses itself in gossip, snooping and meddling, and also in feverish interest in communal, national, and racial affairs. In running away from ourselves we either fall on our neighbor's shoulder or fly at his throat.”
Eric Hoffer, The True Believer: Thoughts on the Nature of Mass Movements
^ thank you I thought that was quite instructive the quote itself just struck me as being applicable to a shithead that has some moralistic venomous spewing about everyones actions and words, except for his own behaviors
There is more than just him that this might apply to but that creep was the most egregious in my opinion
A while back I made the decision that I wasn't going to post here much any more. While most people here are cool there is such a long list of things that suck: the lack of moderation that lets people like SJG and trolls run free, the harassment of some of the few female members, and people (like scpandit and toychaser) posting openly about violence against women. This just is not a website I really want to contribute to.
It is great to see founder take a step in the right direction but there is still a lot of trash that needs to be taken out.
For those who would prefer a moderated forum here is an alternative that keeps growing:
While I agree that he (txtittyfag/POS Fredo) exists here to troll others 99% of the time, in his defense at least he did some club reviews and actually contributed to the site in that regard. So personally I abstain from a vote.
That said, if his account is deleted, then that opens the door for san_jose_creep to also get deleted. IMHO with zero reviews and zero articles and numerous OT posts, he's an even more negative contributor to the site than txtittyfag/POS fredo.
Just my opinion, but making an actual contribution to TUSCL should allow some access here. And by the same logic, those making zero contributions should not be given an account.
@Paul, I agree that this board could use some (very) light moderation and that it's tough to entice dancers to post here without it. But I do not agree that we should all run to a dead ass reddit forum which you happen to moderate. I have no doubt that Bucks FW is getting its share of props there, but I for one prefer a much more dynamic site with linkage between discussions and other club related content.
One thing is to not like a certain TUSCLer's posts - but there are troll-accounts that don't contribute anything but trolling and are often probably secondary accounts of other TUSCLers and are used just to troll and post gibberish - it sucks when threads are constantly bumped by trolls just making gibberish comments and solely trolling vs giving an opinion.
Txtittyfag was an original. He would target stupid posters and troll the shit out of them. I saw nothing rong with it because the people whom he targeted deserved it, because I’m sure Txtittyfag would say your reap what you sow.
I kind of like the line ** Keep your comments civil. If you wouldn't say it in person, don't type it in.* that turd never thought it should apply to him, proof is using avatars as a message, you damn well know he ain't going to show his face at any TUSCL gathering, in fact most of those highly offensive types wouldn't show up at any meet and greet.
last comment👍🏼
Absolutely 🔆
YES and delete that dude posting the latest pictures too.....
On this thread about the new post warnings regarding 'civility', etc., I specifically asked about txtittyfag (now posting as 'Not Dat POS Twentyfive AKA Fredo25'):
You stated that he's "skating on thin ice".
Given that, either you delete him or provide a last no-bullshit warning directly to him about posting standards. If he already got a warning, then just delete him.
I mean, his profile name isn't even within the guidelines you set out...
I'll note that I mute every single thread he starts.
I'm not sure what the point is. He'll just start using another account anyway. I think the ignore function is the best approach.
No one will be sad to see him go away.
It shouldn't even be a question
some never learn.
He's on my ignore list........PERMANENTLY.
"I'm not sure what the point is. He'll just start using another account anyway."
Yes, perhaps. Like Dougster and Trucidos, the fag-POS is committed to hostility to authority that motivates his random and seemingly gratuitous attacks on other members. He exists only to test the limits and flaunt doing so.
Deleting the account may not dissuade fag-POS's creator but it sends a message to other members that founder is willing to backup a red-flag warning.
Bye Felicia
Who’s troll account is that? Y’all went OD as fuck.
The final words of
Not dat POS twentyfive AKA fredo25
13 min ago
A year and a half ago when the vinciemikelz shit was goin down i told you then to delete my account.
More recently i said if you got rid of sanjosemongoloyd i would quietly retire and ride into the sunset. I mean hes flat out threatened several people with violence more than once including Mikeya2 motorhead and many others and posted all kinds of off topic stuff that only he responds to yet he gets away with it.
So go ahead and delete me i wont sign up with another name. My word is good unlike dat POS twentyfive AKA fredo25 who i will add that im glad im not!
But how about leavin this post up so people can see that im leavin mutually without an arguement? Will you give me that courtesy?
^ someone said this yesterday I’ll paraphrase what was said
“Person like you that doesn’t know how to mind his own business, doesn’t have any business of his own worth minding “
I hope the door doesn’t hit him in the ass on the way out.
Actually, I hope it does.
I’ve had him on ignore for years so don’t know what he posts. Founder, you’ve always been pretty adamant about no moderation and reluctant to delete accounts, which I thought was a good policy. I don’t think you should ask the board if an account should be deleted. Just deal with it on your own. You probably have a reason why you asked us, but as an inmate, I don’t think we should be running the asylum.
I ask because I don't want to be the sole executioner.
Democracy is a beautiful thing.
Now, about the dude posting the latest pictures ....
^^^ If not removal, the option to hide images would not go unappreciated.
Or, if a profile is ignored by a user, then that profile's posted images should be removed from that user's view of the image gallery.
What Ish said......(#2)
Well if he's gone that's cool. Now that means I only have to mute SJG's threads instead of both his and the clone of it that Not day POS inevitable would create.
I am not a fan of pile ons and generally avoid them on principle but this sob hasn’t ever shown one simple drop of common courtesy, poster is abusive to a point where he has made him/herself a pariah I say fuck him remember this prick has driven off a number of decent posters founder remember Blond Bombshell, for an example
I say fuck him
@25: Here's where that quote came from -
"A man is likely to mind his own business when it is worth minding. When it is not, he takes his mind off his own meaningless affairs by minding other people's business.
This minding of other people's business expresses itself in gossip, snooping and meddling, and also in feverish interest in communal, national, and racial affairs. In running away from ourselves we either fall on our neighbor's shoulder or fly at his throat.”
Eric Hoffer, The True Believer: Thoughts on the Nature of Mass Movements
^ thank you I thought that was quite instructive the quote itself just struck me as being applicable to a shithead that has some moralistic venomous spewing about everyones actions and words, except for his own behaviors
There is more than just him that this might apply to but that creep was the most egregious in my opinion
A while back I made the decision that I wasn't going to post here much any more. While most people here are cool there is such a long list of things that suck: the lack of moderation that lets people like SJG and trolls run free, the harassment of some of the few female members, and people (like scpandit and toychaser) posting openly about violence against women. This just is not a website I really want to contribute to.
It is great to see founder take a step in the right direction but there is still a lot of trash that needs to be taken out.
For those who would prefer a moderated forum here is an alternative that keeps growing:
While I agree that he (txtittyfag/POS Fredo) exists here to troll others 99% of the time, in his defense at least he did some club reviews and actually contributed to the site in that regard. So personally I abstain from a vote.
That said, if his account is deleted, then that opens the door for san_jose_creep to also get deleted. IMHO with zero reviews and zero articles and numerous OT posts, he's an even more negative contributor to the site than txtittyfag/POS fredo.
Just my opinion, but making an actual contribution to TUSCL should allow some access here. And by the same logic, those making zero contributions should not be given an account.
^^^ txtittyfag's account has already been deleted.
Thanks Ishmael I just realized that founder's post was quoting him rather than his actual post. It all happened so fast.
They're both POS Fredo's. Make it a two-for-one deletion and we can all enjoy.
@Paul, I agree that this board could use some (very) light moderation and that it's tough to entice dancers to post here without it. But I do not agree that we should all run to a dead ass reddit forum which you happen to moderate. I have no doubt that Bucks FW is getting its share of props there, but I for one prefer a much more dynamic site with linkage between discussions and other club related content.
One thing is to not like a certain TUSCLer's posts - but there are troll-accounts that don't contribute anything but trolling and are often probably secondary accounts of other TUSCLers and are used just to troll and post gibberish - it sucks when threads are constantly bumped by trolls just making gibberish comments and solely trolling vs giving an opinion.
^^^ Agreed.
Creating a second alias account just to troll is weak troll game.
Txtittyfag was an original. He would target stupid posters and troll the shit out of them. I saw nothing rong with it because the people whom he targeted deserved it, because I’m sure Txtittyfag would say your reap what you sow.
+1 Good point Papi. TUSCL's had more than its share of flamers, flooders, bored haters, sealioners, and the never-give-up, never-surrender trolls.
We've even had at least one stalker/doxer. And Dougster/txtittyfag did the TUSCL imitation of an RIP/death troll after vincemichaels passing.
I kind of like the line ** Keep your comments civil. If you wouldn't say it in person, don't type it in.* that turd never thought it should apply to him, proof is using avatars as a message, you damn well know he ain't going to show his face at any TUSCL gathering, in fact most of those highly offensive types wouldn't show up at any meet and greet.
Well shit.
So let it be written, so let it be done !