
Obsessed with ebonies

Avatar for JAprufrock
JAprufrockDid desertscrub's mom suck you dry, too?

Papi Chulo light appreciate this thread.
Growing up in the 1970s in a neighborhood that was 99 percent white, I wasn't exposed to many black people. I never got to really know until after I graduated college and entered the workforce in the late 1980s. Never had the opportunity to date any black women, but enjoyed some memorable mongering experiences with a couple before I was married -- an unbelievable massage from a rare black gal working at an AMP and a fantastic BJ from a street gal.
Fast forward 30 years. Lately, I've been a bit obsessed with beautiful ebony babes. Maybe it's fueled by a young co-worker, a black gal who has to be one of the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. I think she was my motivation for seeking a lovely black woman (Mariah) during my recent visit to Allure, an erotic massage establishment in the Toronto area.
Most of the porn I've been watching lately features black babes. My favorites are Jenna Foxx, Destiny Deville, Amani Banks, Lacey Duvalle, Leilani Leanne, Layton Banks, Sadie Santana, Tori Montana, Osa Lovely, Daya Knight and Persia Black. I expect the list to keep growing.
I had that expression "Once you go black, you never go back." Now I'm starting to believe it.


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Avatar for rane1234

Deal with your fetish

Avatar for Muddy

Black girls (some) just seem to have this soul that I just can't tell you exactly what it is but it's just sexy to me. I love a beautiful black girl with an afro, that is rare to see but when I see it I just love it. I'm not into the ghetto thing though at all though, unfortunately a lot of black dancers get tied up in.

Avatar for Nidan111

Ebony dancers are my absolute favorite! They have this “attitude” that is full of spice and they are the only chicks that do not quote me a shit Ton of rules in the VIP room. They just feel me up, then pull my junk out and then fuck the hell out of me without asking for money up front. They also always ask for me to return visit. As much as a fetish I have for Asian women, the ebony ALWAYS get the job done! The Asians are definitely experts at giving me a hand job or a blow job, but they can’t fuck me. The ebony chicks not only fuck me, but they are freaky fun fuckers! I ALWAYS tip them well in VIP!

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

I've always been attracted to curvy voluptuous women - I too did not get exposed to many black women till maybe high school which was about 1/4 black when I attended - liking curvy girls, when I got exposed to black-girls, they blew me away w/ the impressive curves on many of them.

I also like the features that are common to certain black women like large full lips, and large dark areolas - thus although I also like curvy/voluptuous white women, I'll still choose curvy black women over curvy white women since I like the other features common to black-women - and although I do find light-skinned ebonies sexy, I get more turned-on by the dark-skinned ones.

I often felt my Caribbean Hispanic background had something to do w/ me being attracted to curvy black-women - I also notice Italian guys, even Jersey guys w/ Italian backgrounds, are into black-women - as well as German guys (from what I've been told).

Avatar for rane1234

Can have them by all means they only curb that attitude for you guys, send pawgs

Avatar for Nidan111

@papi. And dumpy fat white guys are into ebony hotties as well! Commenting for a friend.

Avatar for skibum609

Creepy thread since black women are not some group of identical people.

Avatar for rh48hr

I looked some of those girls up. I like your taste. Although I couldn't find either of the Banks girls.

Avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael

I don't really have a particular type. I'm not into women who are so skinny that they're a walking stick figure. I'm also not a fan of women who have crossed over from 'thick' to just plain obese.

Aside from that, case-by-case basis.

Avatar for Tetradon

I've banged in clubs, dated, slept with, even nearly married, some beautiful black women. AA, Caribbean, African. Love the more curvaceous physique and particularly for women from other countries, the depth of life and cross-cultural experiences. As a biracial white and Latino man and son of an immigrant, there's both familiarity and difference.

I stopped seeing them as "exotic" a long time ago, women are still women, but I've always found dark skin sexy on women independent of body type.

Avatar for JAprufrock

Looks like you’re in the minority there, SkiTool. Would expect nothing less from a racist Trump-loving pedophile like yourself.

Avatar for Estafador

@papi chulo west side story should have told you Italians secretly love black women.....secretly. Just like the rest of the world....all in secret....should I call Houston?

Avatar for twentyfive

^ West Side Story was about Italians lusting after Puerto Ricans but it’s all pink on the inside

Avatar for gammanu95

Like Ish, I take each, individual person on an individual basis. The first or second time I was at Tootsie's, in Miami, there was this knockout black dancer who latched on to me. Even before our first lapper, she put her hand up my shorts and started stroking junior. She was tall, 5'9" or 5'10", with a killer athletic body. She had just a hint of abs, but plenty of head to toe muscle tone, and she would not let go of junior. This went on for what seems like forever. She kept trying to get me into a private room, and she was hot enough that I wanted to as well. Unfortunately, I could not get her to agree as to what activities would take place, so it never happened.

Avatar for daddyfatsack

Can't believe I'm saying this but word to skibum609. Def a creepy leaning thread

Avatar for twentyfive

That one was correct but still it’s all pink inside I lov em all

Avatar for rockie

So a gentleman born in the 50’s is creeped out by a thread that might have chosen WOC (women of color), but the thread hasn’t actually hasn’t disparaged the group of women that he’s referring to anymore than my preference for “spinners”.

Avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael

I'm not understanding why having a preference for black women (or any other distinct type of woman) is creepy.

I mean, black clubs exist entirely based on this specific preference.

Avatar for gSteph

Obsessed? No

Like, if pretty and sexy and friendly? Well, sure.

Not a lot of WOC dancing here in small town Northwest, but I've enjoyed a dance or two. Had one dud, also. It's all fun. Play how you will.

Avatar for JAprufrock

@Ish, it’s creepy to the racists who can’t deal with it.

Ass wipes who cheat on their wives and brag about getting sucked off in VIP booths for $200 think finding black woman desirable is creepy? These are the same MAGAtards who worship a guy that cheated on his pregnant wife with a porn star and paid her $150,000 to keep it under wraps.

As Robert DeNiro, another lover of ebonies, said: Fuck ‘em.

Avatar for san_jose_guy

I love Ebonies. But, be careful, easier to get crossed wires with black girls than with others.


Straps to make sure they stay on:


Enoven Truck Bodies, Redding, Sacramento, Bakersfield


Avatar for Jascoi

I have enjoyed a number of black ladies in my short SC experience. Some are absolutely gorgeous.

Avatar for DrStab

As a young white boy in the 70’s, I had a huge crush on Bernadette Stanis, “Thelma” on the TV show Good Times. I think because of her, I have always liked black women.


Avatar for Papi_Chulo

^ Thelma had a good slim-thick bod

I think she did a movie in the 2000s and she looked even more attractive than in her Good Times days

Avatar for NJBalla

I hate to be that guy but Destiny Deville is actually Indian. I know this because seeing hot Indians in porn and dancing is extremely rare. We have a few in jersey that are fun. Not mind blowingly fun, but the novelty of seeing one makes the experience one to remember.

@rh48hr he probably meant layton benton not layton banks

@skibum its not creepy at all. In fact many industries outside of dancing have catered to a look. Hate to turn the story political, but the prevalence of blondes on foxnews is not a coincidence.


Avatar for JAprufrock

@DrStab, great call on Thelma from Good Times, especially when she wore those tight sweaters.

@NJBalla, correct on Destiny Deville, my mistake. I also have a thing for hot East Indians, but I won't go there and further upset the Bestiality Boys, @SkiBum and @Mark94.

Avatar for skibum609

Aaahh its a preference and no one understands why its creepy. Yeah you do. Your overreaction to the opinion of another serves as an admission. I find it creepy. I find it fucked up that people focus on things like race. Don't like? Too fucking bad.

Avatar for daddyfatsack

IMO its creepy leaning because I have yet to see a thread on here subject "I'm obsessed, love, into, etc ivories." When it comes to white women there appears to be a nuance that takes place be it by body size, hair color, whatever. When it comes to WOC they all get lumped in one category. Now I could be being to hard on some of yall and misunderstanding creepy for lazy which is why I initially said "creepy leaning thread"

Avatar for Tiburon

hmm, @daddyfatsack makes some compelling arguments.

Unfortunately guys, at the end of the day its a website about strippers (and hoes adjacent). Race of particular women will be talked about including individual body parts. Some of these guys are creepy just for obsessing over hair color, but humans will never want to admit to the bad sides of them even if you smack them in the face with a cold dose of reality. It's just how disgusting we humans are.

Avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody

It can be preference for some. It can be can be creepy obsession or prejudice for others. It’s not the same for everyone nor will it ever be. Some of you fuckers are creepy as hell.

Avatar for san_jose_guy

Black girls can be beautiful and fun. Most always they are really smart.

But easy to get crossed wires with them.


Avatar for Tetradon

SJG, why is it easy to get wires crossed?

Avatar for san_jose_guy
  1. Black girls are reallyl smart.

  2. I have read in books that blacks are more suspicious that people are being racist towards them. Seen this in action.

  3. I have had my share of crossed wires with black girls.


Avatar for Tetradon

^ Interesting. I've dated more black Caribbean or especially African women than African American.

Since they're in America and have seen multiple cultures, they're worldwise, well traveled, and generally very intelligent and educated. I've dated enough that I can see general personality differences between say Haitian and Jamaican, or Nigerian and Kenyan women. All sweethearts but in different ways.

There are still racial and cultural differences, albeit not the assumptions that white and black Americans from birth have here. Having an immigrant mother, I'm better that most at mediating between cultural worlds.

I've dated every race, but generally I like them and they like me.

Avatar for JAprufrock

Careful @tetradon, semen-swallowing enthusiasts like @SkiBum and @daddydicklicker will accuse you of being creepy. Never mind that this is a board dedicated to dudes who pay for pussy and cheat on their wives.

Avatar for Tetradon

^ I took SkiBum's comment to mean that grouping all black women together was creepy. Not that being attracted to black women was creepy. Easy on the name calling.

You can't cheat on your wife if you aren't married. I've never so much as kissed another girl while in a committed relationship.

Avatar for skibum609

JA fucking Muslims are a majority you dirty racist creep.

Avatar for JAprufrock

@Tetradon, I took skitool’s comment to mean he doesn’t discriminate, that he craves cocks of all colors.

Avatar for Assmanjoe

Op you forgot cassidy banks. Light skin biracial but one of my faves. And cherokee d’ass - she never let me down lol

Ive been with a few black girls irl but not itc for some odd reason, other than lds/hjs.

A lot of black women, aside from having some of the best bodies out there, have extremely warm personalities. Ive fallen for quite a few over the years because of this. Especially the west indian and west african women.

Avatar for Tiburon

Old perverted white man who told me: "Jermaine

It's all pink on the inside, fuck what color their face is"

Wise words from an indecent man

Made me reflect on the times when we was three-fifths of them

Avatar for skibum609

JA makes me laughh. Imbeciles, especially the impotent, stupid ones always do. Fuck off boy.

Avatar for san_jose_guy

Sit tight Skibum, the doctors will be getting to you soon.


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