My CF and another dancer on impulse hopped in their car and drove 2500 miles to Vegas. They danced at Hustlers and made very little money. I advised them to look on stripperweb for advice on where they might do better I guess they’re going to audition at Crazy Horse at 5:00. Any suggestions for me to pass along?
Crazy Horse is my well documented go to club. I’d suggest they try there. Minimal hustle compared to SR and Sapphires and a good core group of regulars with friendly management
If it’s not convention season, I’d recommend for them to get hired at the most “touristy” clubs so they can be ready when the time comes, but work more shifts at the more “regulars” spots for new girl money.
I did a lengthy post several years ago when I’d been “pursuing her” in the club. We enjoyed each other’s company, did one hour Champagne Rooms and other than one time with a HJ and DATY things were not progressing. I did dozens of lap dances with 2 way contact but she kept saying no to OTC. Finally, she told me she needed $2000 in dental work & if I’d pay it she’d be my sex slave for 24 hours. We’ve been pretty good friends since but intimacies are few and far between. She has not been dancing consistently for several years and has made it clear that she’s trying to have a completely civilian life. I respect that but it’s too bad.
Hustler sucks, it's not a good club. The first floor is super tame and too female friendly, it's more of a lounge. Then when you do want a dance its extremely overpriced. CH3 should be better. Advice would be work the 2a - 8a shift. Vegas doesnt pop until midnight. Other advice would be to hustle. 5-10 minutes with each customer max, move on and be the wanna dance gal. And dont judge, the scrungiest dude may have just hit a 5k jackpot...
I suspect CH3 will get better after the Raiders stadium is built, so getting her foot in the door now will help her get work when business explodes there. I'd really recommend she try to work at Rhino or Sapphire as the money is probably the best there for attractive girls. Palomino is a good club too but I've heard Rhino/Sapphire pays better.
I can't think of any other club worth working in unless she wants to be the hottest girl in the club.
She called me about 3 a.m. (EST), and was filling out paperwork at Crazy Horse III and going right to work. The gal she’s traveling with was offered daytime work and left. I’m sure she’’ll text or call when her shift ends. It’s a good thing they split up because not surprisingly, they’re at each other’s throats. I want to thank those who offered advice based on your knowledge. As I read a post, I’d text the info to her and a couple of reviews. She texted back that it was very helpful and she wishes she had asked me sooner.
last commentStill, Crazy Horse is best for fly by our of towners like your dancer friends.
Expect a $$$-request soon (if she hasn't already done so)
Thanks for the information. She’s in my pics as CF.
Finally, she told me she needed $2000 in dental work & if I’d pay it she’d be my sex slave for 24 hours. We’ve been pretty good friends since but intimacies are few and far between. She has not been dancing consistently for several years and has made it clear that she’s trying to have a completely civilian life. I respect that but it’s too bad.
I can't think of any other club worth working in unless she wants to be the hottest girl in the club.
It’s a good thing they split up because not surprisingly, they’re at each other’s throats.
I want to thank those who offered advice based on your knowledge. As I read a post, I’d text the info to her and a couple of reviews. She texted back that it was very helpful and she wishes she had asked me sooner.