Everyone's different, @Gawker. Some people enjoy paying heroin attacks for long-term romance. Others enjoy defecation humor. And still others enjoy StripperWeb. To each his own.
^^^^^^ A troll is also someone who never has his own topical stuff to say, but just goes into negative meta-narratives about other members, thinking they need his approval on what they say.
I think people underestimate how much this song depends upon keyboard player and vocalist Bob Mayo.
Peter Frampton Do You Feel Like We Do Midnight Special 1975 www.youtube.com
^^^^Once again you just described yourself. Sure you post a lot of off topic bullshit that doesn't even garner responses from other members. But the reason you are most hated by a good amount of contributors on here is because all you do is launch into "negative meta narratives" on why how they're having fun is wrong. If you didn't do that, I would not care what you post. But since you do, I think you're a dickhead.
No TFP, you are the one who makes attack posts, negative meta-narratives about other forum members. I do not do this. I may disagree, but I do not attack people. You are one of the worst. And of course no one would put up with you face to face.
Ok shithead I mean SJG I'll tell you what. If you refrain from your attack posts calling people chumps etc when they post about clubbing without FRMOS and the other stuff you're obsessed with, I'll refrain from attack posts on you. You're the only person I attack on these forums, because of the fact that you attack others for their clubbing routines. So you lay off, and I'll lay off. If not, expect me to keep reminding you that you're a shithead, ok?
@Cristobal thanks and same to you. From reading your posts on here I already knew you'd be a cool person to hang out with.
There's a lot of folks that I think would be cool to meet based on their posts from here. Unfortunately, SJG isn't one of them. In his above statement "no one would put up with you face to face" he once again is trying to speak for everyone. When he only means himself, since he's the only one I attack on here.
He also constantly talks about privacy walls when people are only trying to be friendly with him. I understand folks wanting to remain anonymous on here and not meet up with anyone. But he gets prematurely violent about it, talking about dead squirrels and other weird stuff. Based off that and his other posts on here I know he has some serious issues.
All that said, I wouldn't have any problems with all that if he respected other people's methods of having fun. Instead he tries to belittle others who don't follow his stringent clubbing routine. Which is why I give him the same treatment.
As it stands now San Jose State has 4300 homeless students and UCLA has had to set up a homeless shelter just for its own students.
And then no matter how long people are in school or what they are learning, that does not mean that they will be able to get a paying job using what they have learned.
laissez-faire is turning us into a third world country, a few very rich and the rest extremely poor.
SJG, it's cute that you think what we have in this country is anything resembling laissez-faire. We haven't been "hands off" since WW II, if not before.
It started going back that way when Reagan was elected. The result is that we are trading union representation and safety standards just to create more jobs. Should not have to do this.
Those who are going to school to try and build careers are often feeling that they will get nothing.
Keynesianism worked well. Never should have left it.
Money should be used to expand the economy and create jobs, not to inflate the stock and real estate markets.
Otherwise we just end up back at 1929.
We should not be playing a monopoly game where the rich get to collect up all the money.
No it didn't start going back that way with Reagan, the fascism started when the "robber barons" were allegedly "brought to heel" by the government, but which was actually the start of the corrupt collusion between government and big business, stifling competition, rather than promoting it. Reagan made it worse with his fucking "trickle down" shit.
*Real& laissez-faire capitalism wouldn't put up with the shit big business pulls today, because big business wouldn't have the government's gun to back them up.
Well the Robber Barons were the Captains of industry after the Civil War. And then with the Granger Movement we had the first moves to limit the power of Big Business. And then we came to Teddy Roosevelt Trust Busting.
Supply Side and Trickle down are also examples of Robber Barons taking over. So are all the attempts to roll back the Great Society and the New Deal.
401k and IRA accounts, with their tax exemption are just an attack on Social Security.
And so we have it today, people feeling that they must have a privately funded retirement. That is pure nonsense.
Making sure that there will be public retirement funding should be priority number 1.
Awesome! These super low notes are clearly on the synth. But really its being done with modulation, so it is kind of being faked psychoanalytically to get through the sound system.
I don't believe that Emerson ever plays with organ pedals. Likes to be on his feet to put on a better show.
last commenttaking shitty vacations
Getting triggered on the internet.
Strip clubs without Extras !
To stop trolling
Kang of da trolls!🤣
my coffee is good you dirty fucker. next time you take sweet and low and curry and make it good.
Taking one's self too seriously! 😋🤪🥴
driving crappy cars
falling in love with your CF
^^^good point
My CF DS 😍nicespice💕 said that she would never love me in this lifetime
Argue politics
strip clubs that don't allow FRMOS's.
That is why I drink coffee at IKEA.
Friends don't let friends drink Starbucks
Founder - Too much Kopi luwak?
Fighting over chicken sandwiches.
Buying ejaculation services in strip clubs, instead of FRMOS's and FS-ITC, followed by TLN's and waking up with your girl in the mornings regularly.
Talking about doing things and never doing them.
Listening to people who think they know something about my life when there is absolutely no way which they possibly could.
Denying the obvious.
To drink cheap beer or cheap liquor.
To ingest ethanol at all.
To not use strippers for ejaculatory services
Life is too short to have sex with ugly women
Twentyfive FTW
@Gawker wrote: "Argue politics"
Everyone's different, @Gawker. Some people enjoy paying heroin attacks for long-term romance. Others enjoy defecation humor. And still others enjoy StripperWeb. To each his own.
Letting the little shit get to you. ...And... its all little shit. So, just smile and have fun wherever you are. Ditch all negative people.
Wasting it worrying about all the crap we put up with at work
don’t worry.
be happy.
hands off strip clubs.
Life is too short for one vagina.
Our local strip clubs are hands off, unless you go to the underground.
So actually here AMPs have a big advantage, 60min alone with your girl in a totally private room.
Amy Winehouse - You Know I'm No Good
Shaved pussy.
Life is too short to not risk your life doing risky things.
I like shaved pussy!
To not take chances and to play everything too safe.
Take a risk, go up to the hot dancer rather than wait for her to approach you; when a dancer asks to meet you OTC, Do It.
Shitbucks coffee sucks
Unerect boners
Unfunny troll parody accounts that say the same thing over and over and over again
Well the only box he doesn't check is troll but the rest of the stuff you said perfectly describes SJG.
^^^^^^ A troll is also someone who never has his own topical stuff to say, but just goes into negative meta-narratives about other members, thinking they need his approval on what they say.
I think people underestimate how much this song depends upon keyboard player and vocalist Bob Mayo.
Peter Frampton Do You Feel Like We Do Midnight Special 1975
^^^^Once again you just described yourself. Sure you post a lot of off topic bullshit that doesn't even garner responses from other members. But the reason you are most hated by a good amount of contributors on here is because all you do is launch into "negative meta narratives" on why how they're having fun is wrong. If you didn't do that, I would not care what you post. But since you do, I think you're a dickhead.
No TFP, you are the one who makes attack posts, negative meta-narratives about other forum members. I do not do this. I may disagree, but I do not attack people. You are one of the worst. And of course no one would put up with you face to face.
Ok shithead I mean SJG I'll tell you what. If you refrain from your attack posts calling people chumps etc when they post about clubbing without FRMOS and the other stuff you're obsessed with, I'll refrain from attack posts on you. You're the only person I attack on these forums, because of the fact that you attack others for their clubbing routines. So you lay off, and I'll lay off. If not, expect me to keep reminding you that you're a shithead, ok?
About @TFP @san_jose_guy write "And of course no one would put up with you face to face."
I met @TFP and he is a cool, chill person.
We had a good time swapping stories, drinking beers, and scoping the TJ talent.
@Cristobal thanks and same to you. From reading your posts on here I already knew you'd be a cool person to hang out with.
There's a lot of folks that I think would be cool to meet based on their posts from here. Unfortunately, SJG isn't one of them. In his above statement "no one would put up with you face to face" he once again is trying to speak for everyone. When he only means himself, since he's the only one I attack on here.
He also constantly talks about privacy walls when people are only trying to be friendly with him. I understand folks wanting to remain anonymous on here and not meet up with anyone. But he gets prematurely violent about it, talking about dead squirrels and other weird stuff. Based off that and his other posts on here I know he has some serious issues.
All that said, I wouldn't have any problems with all that if he respected other people's methods of having fun. Instead he tries to belittle others who don't follow his stringent clubbing routine. Which is why I give him the same treatment.
I think this thread needs to be pinned because the title and post sync up great.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone 🦃
Life is too short to be a trump supporter
Life's too short to worry about Trump
Shitty beer or coffee.
Crazyjoe shit in his beer and his coffee
We either deal with Trump or this country will disintegrate.
This country ain't gonna disintegrate cause of Trump. That's such a stupid thought. We've had lots of shitty presidents.
We will disintegrate if people don't blow every little thing out of proportion
^Kind of like shitty coffee 😈
Trump comes at the time when laissez-faire has pushed us to the breaking point.
Right now, the number of young people with zero future is higher than it has ever been.
That's a cop out that listless people use
Poor people are not less moral than rich people.
As it stands now San Jose State has 4300 homeless students and UCLA has had to set up a homeless shelter just for its own students.
And then no matter how long people are in school or what they are learning, that does not mean that they will be able to get a paying job using what they have learned.
laissez-faire is turning us into a third world country, a few very rich and the rest extremely poor.
SJG, it's cute that you think what we have in this country is anything resembling laissez-faire. We haven't been "hands off" since WW II, if not before.
It started going back that way when Reagan was elected. The result is that we are trading union representation and safety standards just to create more jobs. Should not have to do this.
Those who are going to school to try and build careers are often feeling that they will get nothing.
Keynesianism worked well. Never should have left it.
Money should be used to expand the economy and create jobs, not to inflate the stock and real estate markets.
Otherwise we just end up back at 1929.
We should not be playing a monopoly game where the rich get to collect up all the money.
No it didn't start going back that way with Reagan, the fascism started when the "robber barons" were allegedly "brought to heel" by the government, but which was actually the start of the corrupt collusion between government and big business, stifling competition, rather than promoting it. Reagan made it worse with his fucking "trickle down" shit.
*Real& laissez-faire capitalism wouldn't put up with the shit big business pulls today, because big business wouldn't have the government's gun to back them up.
Life's too short to be a pessimist
^^^ What founder said.
Well the Robber Barons were the Captains of industry after the Civil War. And then with the Granger Movement we had the first moves to limit the power of Big Business. And then we came to Teddy Roosevelt Trust Busting.
Supply Side and Trickle down are also examples of Robber Barons taking over. So are all the attempts to roll back the Great Society and the New Deal.
401k and IRA accounts, with their tax exemption are just an attack on Social Security.
And so we have it today, people feeling that they must have a privately funded retirement. That is pure nonsense.
Making sure that there will be public retirement funding should be priority number 1.
Keith Emerson Band - Lucky Man
Awesome! These super low notes are clearly on the synth. But really its being done with modulation, so it is kind of being faked psychoanalytically to get through the sound system.
I don't believe that Emerson ever plays with organ pedals. Likes to be on his feet to put on a better show.