Bull Shit Commercials
Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
Most people have heard or read that humans share 99% of their chromosomes with chimpanzees. No one seems to understand this better than the folks on Madison Avenue. Advertisers constantly take advantage of our chimp-like idiocy.
When I watch TV I am constantly torn between the urges to laugh or retch at the mindless crap I see and hear.
Most pecker extender pills:
(because stores have a reputation to protect and don’t want hordes of dissatisfied customers lining up to demand their money back)
Hurry! This Special Offer Won’t Last:
Call in the next 15 minutes and receive an additional substantial discount!
(the additional discount will probably be available for as long as we’re still selling this garbage but rest assured - that also includes the next 15 minutes)
Liberty Mutual Insurance Accident Forgiveness Insurance: If you are enrolled in Liberty Mutual’s accident forgiveness program, we won’t raise your rates after your first accident
(because we ALREADY got you to pay more when you agreed to sign up for our accident forgiveness program, you moron!)
But Wait! There’s More!
... all for the unbelievably low price of only $19.95! But wait! There’s more!
(You’d think we could sell this for a lot more money, but the sad truth is, we’re having trouble selling this crap for $19.95 even with our idiotic “but wait - there’s more” gimmick)
Operators Standing By Waiting For Your Call!
(We know you think 1 AM is really late for operators to be standing by waiting to take your call ... but don’t worry! It’s already 11 AM in Mumbai!)
... food for your brain, includes a chemical found in jelly fish!
(and we all know how incredibly intelligent jelly fish are!)
When I watch TV I am constantly torn between the urges to laugh or retch at the mindless crap I see and hear.
Most pecker extender pills:
(because stores have a reputation to protect and don’t want hordes of dissatisfied customers lining up to demand their money back)
Hurry! This Special Offer Won’t Last:
Call in the next 15 minutes and receive an additional substantial discount!
(the additional discount will probably be available for as long as we’re still selling this garbage but rest assured - that also includes the next 15 minutes)
Liberty Mutual Insurance Accident Forgiveness Insurance: If you are enrolled in Liberty Mutual’s accident forgiveness program, we won’t raise your rates after your first accident
(because we ALREADY got you to pay more when you agreed to sign up for our accident forgiveness program, you moron!)
But Wait! There’s More!
... all for the unbelievably low price of only $19.95! But wait! There’s more!
(You’d think we could sell this for a lot more money, but the sad truth is, we’re having trouble selling this crap for $19.95 even with our idiotic “but wait - there’s more” gimmick)
Operators Standing By Waiting For Your Call!
(We know you think 1 AM is really late for operators to be standing by waiting to take your call ... but don’t worry! It’s already 11 AM in Mumbai!)
... food for your brain, includes a chemical found in jelly fish!
(and we all know how incredibly intelligent jelly fish are!)
We cats have long recognized how similar all of you damn dirty apes are to each other. The only difference between the average hairless ape and the average chimp is that the hairless apes are more arrogant and obnoxious!
If I had to say which ape was the most fun I’d have to say bonobos. They know how to party! There was this one time that dugan, the shark, and I went on safari in tha DRC and we were out in the forest getting all toasted. I must have poured two bottles of everclear into the water the shark was swimming in. You see, we had him in a little “kiddy pool” for this adventure. Anyhoo, we were partying and being badasses (aka being ricks) and we ran across some bonobos. Those crazy apes know how to party! You should have seen dugan! That crazy bastard wasn’t having a threesome or foursome; he was having a “I can’t count that high-some”.
Good times, good times. ROAR!!!
I had this great barnacle meditation where I had a 12-hour conversation with a jellyfish. Well, I think I had a 12-hour conversation with a jellyfish. I was pretty drunk so it’s possible that dugan was dragging a plastic bag in front of me and that’s what I was talking to. But I could swear it was a jellyfish wearing a suit.
Regardless, I was having a good time. Any of you damn dirty apes have an issue with that? I didn’t think so!
Let's not forget the "You can watch your channels FREE (except for those cable channels, of course)". And let's not the ever popular, "If you call within the next 15 minutes, we'll DOUBLE your order! (so we can get this useless piece of crap out of our warehouse faster....)
I think its less infomercial type commercials and more of the non prescription medications and their amazing benefits. The mattress commercials are annoying too.
I used to get a laugh out of the my pillow commercials - as the guy in the blue shirt and cross always looked as though he couldn't wait to get more coke up his nose! But I'm finding them annoying now too.
If you’ve taken an economics course, you know that markets are supposed to be based on informed consumers making rational choices.
You take a look at the first ad you see on television and ask yourself … is that it’s purpose? No it’s not. It’s to create uninformed consumers making irrational choices.
And these same institutions run political campaigns. It’s pretty much the same: you have to undermine democracy by trying to get uninformed people to make irrational choices.”
~ Noam Chomsky
Looks like Donald Trump wants to make internment camps for the homeless
I think IG Farben-Ricks is going to try and get the contract for that, and then for the Economic Processing Plants too.
So a question to the Council of Ricks, have you ever done a hairless ape sacrifice? Do you plan to?
Researching the origins of IG Ricks
is skibum’s real name fred?
Ricks and Juice
Apes used to need their hair to keep warm
Wooking for any available guard dog 🐕 jobs
Did Jesus Die for E.T.’s Sins?
Hitler's Monsters: A Supernatural History of the Third Reich
Science and the Swastika : Hitler's Biological Soldiers
Read the history of strip club legal issues:
Beth Hart
hot looking girl