
advice to a younger you?

Sunday, September 15, 2019 6:26 AM
Heres a fun one for a sunday. saw a post on another site about this and was curious to your all's thoughts. If you could (knowing what you know now) give yourself (younger you) advice what would it be. Can be legit or funny! Serious: Never take people for granted and love to the fullest no matter what. (ok that could be kinda funny too) lol Speak the truth and only do what makes you happy regardless of anything else. Keep your head high, the CEO and the Janitor all make a living doing a job... Funny: Never let him walk away prior to tipping! Clean the pole everytime no matter what! If he groans more than 3 times grab a towel and close your eyes. No matter what they say if you work dayshift your 99% chances of being ugly!


  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    Buy low sell never
  • Warrior15
    5 years ago
    Stay single .
  • Mate27
    5 years ago
    Dayshift has hot milfs
  • Nidan111
    5 years ago
    Never turn down the offer. There are good ole bad ones and bad ole good ones, but when the lights are out, they’re all good!
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    5 years ago
    There's miles of real estate between the advice I'd give and the advice a younger me would abide. But... The things that are currently giving you great stress and keeping you awake at night aren't even vaguely worth the heartburn. poledancer83 said "No matter what they say if you work dayshift your 99% chances of being ugly!" I don't agree with this at all.
  • poledancer83
    5 years ago
    its sattire hun i dont think dayshifters are bad at all just a funny lol
  • Jascoi
    5 years ago
    stay single. stay away from vip in las vegas strip clubs. be more selective with higher standards.
  • georgmicrodong
    5 years ago
    Kiss her sooner.
  • Clubber
    5 years ago
    Save and invest more wisely!
  • Muddy
    5 years ago
    Just ask her out dude fuck it. Go for it. Stop being so fucking shy.
  • nicespice
    5 years ago
    None of these people have your best interest at heart. Nor even their own, since it’s not like they seem quite happy with their lives either. Ignore their opinion and just do you. Also... No, blood is not thicker than water. Don’t be afraid of regret. It’s okay to walk away from toxicity and never speak to any of them again. And no, trying to wait it out or trying to please them will *not* make it better.
  • gawker
    5 years ago
    Keep all things in moderation.
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    Smile easily
  • bang69
    5 years ago
    Stay away from SC's and AMP's
  • CJKent (Banned)
    5 years ago
    Exercise daily. Eat a low-fat, low-calorie diet. Get at least seven hours of sleep a night. Cultivate emotional closeness with friends and family. Remember the prescription for a longer happier life is more sex, once a day is the minimum, and as much as you are able to give and take. Make sure she experiences orgasms first and often, let her know that seeing her cream and squirt makes you even happier. And “Never regret anything that happened in your life because of a decision you made or choose. It cannot be changed, undone or forgotten, take it as a lesson learned, not a mistake but an experience.“
  • CJKent (Banned)
    5 years ago
    “Don’t worry, be happy” 😋
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    5 years ago
    ^^^ Be less creepy.
  • Warrior15
    5 years ago
    ^ CMI wins the thread !
  • Cashman1234
    5 years ago
    Relax and enjoy life as it is now. I spent my early teens working to put a college application together - and finding a way to afford college. Then once in college - I spent that time trying to find a way to assemble a resume to get a real job after graduating. I worked lots of shit jobs in college - and I knew I didn’t want that after graduating. After graduating - same thing - kept looking to my next move career wise. Finally, after separating and divorcing - and finding a bit of peace - I’m enjoying the now more than lamenting the future. Long story short - life is pretty amazing - enjoy today.
  • MackTruck
    5 years ago
    Buy more shit trucks
  • gSteph
    5 years ago
    Cork that wine. Two is enough. Learn to dance (before you're 40), that way you'll have more time for dancing. Just $10 a week, toward older me. (Saved from wine/other excess).
  • rickthecoconutcrab
    5 years ago
    Spend more time teaching sexy female hairless apes how much they want a crab claw in the hoo-ha! Scuttle! Scuttle! Scuttle!
  • Mate27
    5 years ago
    Bang69 FTW! Same thing goes with gambling and drugs. Should’ve never started then I’d never would have to say I need to quit these vices.
  • datinman
    5 years ago
    She's not hot, but damaged. She's bipolar and you can't fix her. RUN.
  • FishHawk
    5 years ago
    Life is too short, not to have fun!
  • Mate27
    5 years ago
    SJG, IceyLoco andRandumbmember are dingbats!
  • DeclineToState
    5 years ago
    Work less, play more.
  • loper
    5 years ago
    Advice to young self: you may be book-smarter than everyone else in the room, but work on other talents. Everyone around you has a lot to offer: enjoy their company as equals. Assume that some girls want you as much as you want them and act on it.
  • skibum609
    5 years ago
    Take the bar in a conservative, red state so that you don't spend your life dealing with the nastiest, most bigoted assholes on earth: Progressives.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Stay single, and day shift has hot sexy milfs. And never underestimate and animal in a suit. SJG
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    Your past, or present, does not determine your future. But one needs to believe-it/be-cognizant-about-it and not just be something that sounds nice.
  • Mate27
    5 years ago
    SJG and I finally agreed on something about dayshift hot milfs.
  • Jascoi
    5 years ago
    quote CJkent "Remember the prescription for a longer happier life is more sex, once a day is the minimum," good goal to shoot for. i have a long way to go to atain that.
  • crazyjoe
    5 years ago
    Stay away from negative people
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