Do you ever "coach" a dancer during a dance?

avatar for herbtcat
Cool Cat in the Valley
Reading some recent reviews and seeing comments like "she moved a little to fast", or "she didn't grind enough" etc., got me thinking about why the PL didn't say something.

When I am getting a dance, I have no hesitation to give her feedback on what she's doing well or what I want changed. I not talking about asking for extras - that would have already be negotiated before we got started. I'm talking about giving her feedback like "do that more", "go slower please" (this is almost always needed for newer dancers), or "please stop turning around every 10 seconds."

If she follows my requests, more dances are likely, and possibly a VIP.

If she ignores me, we are done and I remove her existence from my memory.

What about you?


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avatar for Spillthebeans
5 years ago
I always let her know what I like or don't like. Most are open to these suggestions, while those that are not are sent packing after one song.
avatar for DeclineToState
5 years ago
Generally no. Except for bouncing, which I dislike and so I'll ask nicely to stop the bouncing
avatar for Studme53
5 years ago
Of course “I like that” , “do that again” or dirtier “thats really making me hard as a rock” . I get really hard without fail just lightly kissing the girls ass, so I’ll tell them “turn around so I can kiss the gorgeous ass of yours”. Most oblige- if they don’t it’s usually one and done.
avatar for shadowcat
5 years ago
Sometimes I have to tell them to suck. That blow is just an expression.
avatar for PaulDrake
5 years ago
I will generally get a dance with a potential fav just to see what her normal style is and then coach her into doing what I like from there.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
5 years ago
What Paul said.
avatar for TFP
5 years ago
I give light coaching, but only after the 1st dance. Like Paul, I see what their general style is, then maybe decide to coach from there. If there's a lot of air dancing and position switching I don't bother coaching and usually don't bother with another dance. The stuff I want is so different from what they do normally that I don't think my requests will be welcomed by the dancer.

The ones I DO coach are the ones who do good, long grinding, and allow good contact. That shows me they're up for a good time and all I have to do is cue them in to my favorite positions. These are my favorite type of dancers.
avatar for latinalover69
5 years ago
Hell Yes!
avatar for crazyjoe
5 years ago
I am usually pretty laid back about it. I will however mention things done that I like. If the dance style not at all what I like I just don't repeat.
avatar for lopaw
5 years ago
I give guidance to those unfamiliar with the proper exploration of a camel toe. Thankfully most know their way around a poonanny well enough to get 'er done with little to no coaching.
avatar for 623
5 years ago
I have had many dancers take my hands and place them on certain parts of their anatomy, so a few years ago I started doing the same with their hands. This approach works amazingly well to get things started and keep them purring.
avatar for wallanon
5 years ago
Yeah. It's non-verbal unless she starts talking first.
avatar for Muddy
5 years ago
No honestly I can say I never care how they dance. Some of these girls are terrible up there and I accept that.
avatar for Liwet
5 years ago
I coach beforehand and tell her what she needs to do if she wants to get paid at all.
avatar for Cowboy12
5 years ago
I think they can tell by my actions which moves I like, and I'll also make comments "I like that", etc, to give them a subtle hint.
There have been a few that I had to tell them to stop bouncing, or to slow down.
avatar for gSteph
5 years ago
Yeah, I've started doing this when it seems like a good idea.

On my last dance with CF, after half a song or so of introductory grinding and groping, I said "here's something about me I haven't yet shared: I love my nipples played with". She didn't miss a beat. "That's wonderful, I love playing with nipples".

After helping me unbutton my shirt and twiddling a bit, she asked me to demonstrate - on her, how I liked it best.
Yeah. We both got breathing pretty heavy playing this game. Definitely favorite level customer service.
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