Stage side english proficiency test...

Off again on again PL
So a while back I went to the stage and told a dancer I was interested in getting a dance with her. Turns out she was Cuban and the experience was terrible. Today I came across another dancer on stage who I thought might be Cuban and I thought...
What question can I ask when I go up to tip this girl on stage that will make it obvious whether she speaks english or not?
A few ideas: How long have you been here? How many more stages do you have? How do you like this club?
last commentLanguage proficiency or lack of is pretty obvious regardless of what you say.
Prob not the ‘how many more stages’ question (if she understands well, she will probably think ‘wtf the is wrong with your eyes’)
The easiest would probably just be direct. Sorta like:
”oh wait you’re Cuban right?”
Followed up with either...
A) “Oh good, I was wondering where to find the best Cuban sandwich. Do you know a place?”
B) “ooh okay. I was trying to find a good place for a Cuban sandwich.”
Which, regardless of race, will probably help you with her ability to hold an engaging conversation in general.
Introduce yourself when she dances in front of you and then simply ask her where she is from or what is her ethnicity.
Can be hard to tell by just looking - if there are multiple Cubanas they will often clique together - if you notice this you can nonchalantly walk by the clique and see if you can hear then speaking Cuban.
One thing I've noticed with Cubans is that a lot of times, they're really ashamed of their lack of language skills and they know it hurts their earning ability. The problem is they'll usually congregate in groups where one speaks English, and she'll usually take advantage of the others.
I was small minded for not giving them a fair chance in the past, but after talking to more than a few of them, you start noticing things. Like how the perceived aggressiveness just translates badly cross culturally and is really more of a teasing flirtiness when you actually understand them...
"ola puta!" works pretty well.
Ask her something that is not a yes or no answer. I ask jer to tell me a joke...
Ask her if she’s a spit or swallow girl, you’ll know by her answer if her language skills are passable ;)
Stage side DFKing
How about “habla usted Ingles?”
The less English, the more she is likely to compensate by substituting DFKing.
Ask her what her favorite position is when fucking non Cuban men.
I whip out the ole bbbc and then there is no need to talk
How about one of these:
If she’s hot and you want a dance who gives a shit if she can’t hold a conversation in English.
Why was the experience terrible? Because of the language barrier or because the dance sucked?
What lines do you use on Russian girls who don't speak English?
ask for a taste of cuban pie...
oops. ask for a taste of russian pie.
Go to the stage and ask what is your name? If she hesiatates say: Comno te llamas? When she ansswers walk away.
So you would approach a stripper hoe you find attractive but would choose to reject her based on the language she feels most comfortable in?
I don't mind bad-ish English (regardless of the native language). But if it's so bad that you can't chat or even communicate what you like, then it can be a deal breaker.
Ok reviving a dead thread since I recently found an answer to my question. The perfect question to ask which will let you know if someone speaks basic english:
"How's your day going?"
What if her answer is just 'ok'?
The first thing I always ask at the stage is what her name is. If her English is garbage, that's usually one of the first thing she says without being asked. If I'm sitting with another dancer and see a girl I like and am not sure about, I'll ask the nearby dancer if the girl on stage speaks decent English.
"What was your TOEFL score?"
One Cubana told me she'd been a math teacher in Cuba. I should have asked her what the first derivative of x to the power of 3 was, but I only thought of it later. Another Cubana told me she'd been a music teacher in Cuba. She sang a few lines of a song in my ear to demonstrate (succeessfully) her talent.
Maybe if you talk with a Ricky Ricardo accent, they'll understand you. Practice by saying "Lucy, you got some 'splaining to do".
Or you can learn basic Spanish.
Chinga tu madre Icee.