
Throwing Down - Spending the Max in High End Clubs - Was it worth it?

Tuesday, July 9, 2019 7:17 PM
Hey all,

I’m curious, has anyone just balled out and spent serious amounts at the club? Was it worth it? To me, $500+ or above is serious and I’ve seen that thrown on stage in ones.


  • chowder
    5 years ago
    Depends on the dancer. I have spent a shit ton more in a single evening because I had it to spend, and my CF/ATF needed a good night. It was worth it to me that she have a great night. So it was worth it to me. If it wasn't my ATF I wouldn't do it.
  • Nidan111
    5 years ago
    I frequently spend up to $750 per night when having fun. Yes, worth it to me.
  • whodey
    5 years ago
    As long as extra services are provided by a high quality entertainer $500+ can easily be worth it as long as you can afford it based on your income.

    However, I have rarely spent that much at a high end club because higher end clubs tend to be lower mileage. At a high end club $500 won't get you much more than bottle service and some extended dances with a high class. Girl. In some top end clubs $500 won't even get you that.

    In mid-tier clubs it can get you 30 minutes of heavenly full service from a beautiful woman. In dives it can get you 30 minutes of fs with a good looking (but less beautiful) woman followed by an hour of drinks and stage shows and capped off with 30 minutes of fs with a different good looking girl.
  • prevert
    5 years ago
    There’s really only one of what I would call a “high end” club in Louisville and that’s PTs downtown. You could spend 500 in an hour or less there. The damned lap dance SPECIAL is 3 for 100.

    The ones I go to down on seven street now are much more reasonable. I don’t think I’ve spent 500 in one night even going to multiple clubs and getting fully satisfied.
  • Nixur68
    5 years ago
    Whodey, that exactly what I’m getting at with high end clubs. I truly wonder if the big spenders even in Las Vegas clubs get the return on their investment.
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    It’s up to you whether you get your money’s worth, if you’re not proactive you’ll get ripped off every time, I’m a fairly moderate spender between $100-300, per visit but I control the tempo and don’t throw money around when I’m not feeling appreciated.
  • skibum609
    5 years ago
    In May I went to Florida. Went to high end Dean's Gold and spent a couple of hundred on laps because even though extras are available and one of the dancer's was hot, it was obvious in her lap dances that she had some limits so I passed. It was ok, but after 2 visits there I would not go back. I also went to the IR Cabaret. I spent about $300 on drinksand laps at $10 a shot. best time evah, no extras although a lesser man would have blown a load with the amount of cock stroking going one.
  • Cristobal
    5 years ago
    It is not about how much I spend but what my money buys me.

  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    Spending more can often get you a better time but not always, obviously depends what kinda value one is getting and "value" may not necessarily mean the same thing for everyone - for some being a baller in the club and buying multiple overpriced bottles and having dancers hanging at their table and staff kissing their ass is $$$ well spent.
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    I'm one that if I'm having a good time in the club I don't mind spending more than my normal/avg and just enjoy myself - but there have def been times I overspent chasing a good time and it wasn't worth it - and there are clubs where one kinda has to piss away a lot of $$$ to just get some decent action.
  • AnonymousJim
    5 years ago
    I'm not a huge earner, so this isn't something I do often. But, I have had a few club trips where $500+ was spent. It has to be for a darn good reason, though.

    One trip cost me $600. That bought me a casino trip with the woman after we did an hour in a room. Obviously I was thinking OTC could have been on the table, but after she lost even more of my money at the blackjack table, she just wanted me to take her home and I wasn't spending any more after that. Had we won, I'm thinking the winnings might have funded more fun. We did not, though.

    Another trip ended with me spending $1,000 on OTC. It was with two DD blondes, though, and was one of those "if the opportunity presents itself, you do it to say you did" moments. It was, dare I say, worth it.

    I think I also dropped close to $750 once at Penthouse in its heyday. I saved up for that trip, though.

    My median club visit is about $100-150. I've had more empty trips lately, too, i.e. I just paid cover and didn't see anything I liked.

    You strike sometimes when the iron's hot. Other times, you save you cash for the next time.
  • Icey
    5 years ago
    I think this really depends on your location.

    In cities I'm familiar with, $500 isn't much.

    I've spent about $3600 at high end clubs before. Looking back I don't think it was worth it really... But I did get the full VIP treatment. Everything from the hottest girls to bouncers and management kissing my ass, manager getting me free drink tickets. VIP membership. On subsequent visits I'd drop around $1000 and was still treated like a king by everyone.

    On the other hand, I once spent $4000 at a dive club and I'm still remembered years later and treated like royalty even though I spend between $60 to $500 per visit now...

    Now it just depends.

    But spending more definitely gets you better treatment, that's undeniable. Is it that much better? Well you can get treated the same in other ways.... date a dancer working there, get a good reputation with the dancers and they'll talk you up to management. TBH providing $200 worth of party favors for the girls gets you better treatment than dropping $$$
  • Nixur68
    5 years ago
    I get that spending more might lead to a good time or might not at all. Just trying to get a gauge on if dropping heavy on VIP or what not was worth the cost.

    It’s not about the dollar amount but the conclusion. Did spending large leave you satisfied?
  • Icey
    5 years ago
    Dropping a lot on VIP will be a great experience. You'll literally be treated like royalty. But its also the best way to get a sucker stamp on your forehead. It marks you as the ultimate cash cow and is a status symbol for the dancer coz she'll be viewed as having finessed you into it. Its a very fleeting satisfaction.

    To use money for clout, you have to spend it on your terms...basically be a club customer with it, not a trick.
  • wildman22
    5 years ago
    It's not about the club, it's about the dancer. Some are worth spending $500+ and some aren't. And that is half the fun of clubbing - trying to find a dancer that fits your definition of hot, is willing to do what you want her to do, and spending an amount you won't regret in the morning.

    As another poster said, girls at high end clubs generally don't offer as high a mileage as those in lower class clubs. They cater to guys who want to feel like they are high-rolling playboys for the night. Their idea of fun is sitting in a really nice club, throwing money around, and having gorgeous girls hanging on them. The only thing these guys want stroked is their egos. And there are many guys who like to do this, so the dancers at these high end clubs are used to getting big bucks for little mileage. But again, that is a generalization. I have had two great $500+ experiences in high end clubs with dancers willing to risk going beyond the club rules. I recently dropped $1300 in a club in Vegas and it was worth every penny. She was a 9.5 in my book and she split her take with the bouncer to make sure we had total privacy for an hour and a half.

    The best $500+ experiences are in mid-class clubs or OTC. If you can find one of the better looking girls in a mid-class club, you can get your money's worth. But it is a challenge. The general rule is the better looking the dancer, the lower the mileage because they can move on to the next customer.

    When shelling out $500+ for a private session, here's the most important thing to remember if you don't want to regret it the next day: Discuss your expectations with the dancer before you go to the VIP room. And I mean details. Don't let the dancer use vague statements like "your going to have a great time or I'm gonna put a smile on your face or we can get really naughty." It's your money. Tell the dancer how much you have to spend and what you want to get for that price. Too many guys are uncomfortable with this kind of up front conversation. But if you leave it up to the dancer, most times she will do as little as possible to complete the deal.
  • MackTruck
    5 years ago
    I outspend everyone. I spend in pesos
  • Icey
    5 years ago
    Wildman, he's asking about strippers and strip clubs. You're talking about hookers working the clubs and how to waste money for a fuck.
  • booji boy
    5 years ago
    On the original question, the answer for me is no. I tried it a couple of times in Houston when Treasures was in its heyday at the turn of the century and realized that it's far better to be a regular and spend less money but more consistently instead.

    I'm not counting my experiences in TJ in this, as that's a totally different category. I don't live in SoCal so just the cost of getting there is comparable to a big night out in a domestic club. And so much more worth it than local clubbing that I have to limit myself.
  • chowder
    5 years ago
    Nixur68 it all depends on the girl and what you are looking for. First you have to figure out if what you are looking for is on the club or girl's menu. If it is then it all down to the cost and how much you are comfortable spending. Spending more doesn't always get you more. Find a girl you like and just ask her. Be direct. Beating around the bush only leads to money spent with disappointment.
  • Uprightcitizen
    5 years ago
    Throwing clouds of 1's onstage to me is just an image to project (to the girl(s) and fellow patrons) on what a baller you are (or think you are). That's money up front and it's unlikely to get her to do anything special for you other than sit with her. Of course she will ask for more $ beyond that from "the baller". In my opinion it's just a waste and there are better ways for me to get her attention.

    I will spend net 500+ during the right circumstance with right dancer (drinks, food, VIP) on occasion.
  • Icey
    5 years ago
    Uprightcitizen, that all depends on you. If you can finesse her she'll get with you. Girls impressed with shows like that are usually easy.

    The thing is, you can get further with less, presented in a great way than with more presented in a dumb or direct way. $40 in coke will get you as much as $500 in cash. Weed will get you more than money in a club, throwing $80 in ones at her will make her happier than a $200 tip. You have to understand these girls...
  • Nixur68
    5 years ago
    When I say “spending the max” I don’t mean throwing ones on stage. This all about VIP and the outcome.
  • chowder
    5 years ago
    I tend to drop $800-1K in my fav club. It is high maintenance but worth every penny to me. The girls are 8+ and lots of options ITC or OTC. Lots of residuals also come of this like non-expensed excursions. I pay them for their time. The rest just happens how/when it happens. Sometimes we just hang out. Other times we go at it.
  • pfunkstyles
    5 years ago
    Never spent over 300.00

    If I want something that bad I'll either jack-off, hit up my shorty, or better yet just stay at home and jack-off.

    Fun night out with the boys, yes! See some rando tits, ass, or lips, yes! Breaking the bank...no!
  • Icey
    5 years ago
    As far as VIP is concerned.....and if by outcome you mean if she's a hooker. Then its not something I partake in, but I wouldn't say its worth it...

    I've had VIP before, its fun if its comped. I've gotten drunk with girls and we ended up having sex in VIP, which I don't think is worth the cost of the room...
  • Salty.Nutz
    5 years ago
    When I 1st started clubbing i would spend about $600 on each visit. now i can have the same amount of clean fun for $180. This hobby gets cheaper the longer you do it.
  • DenimChicken
    5 years ago
    Everything is circumstantial. If your budget doesn't allow you to spend $500+ (or you easily could but you have good discipline) - nothing wrong with that.

    If I include my tab it's easy to hit $1500+ on some occassions. It's worth noting that this is not an every week or month thing. It doesn't have to include extras - which will sound like blasphemy to many I'm sure. The important thing to me is that I have fun.

    Anybody that has gone to clubs for a few years probably knows that there are times you can extras for WAY cheaper, you just have to find the right girls and know how to talk to them (And I dont mean the girl that offers bj's and more with prices before exchanging names - eww).

    I won't lie - throwing $100 in 1's on stage on a girl you know is fun. It may look gaudy - and maybe it is - but it can be a good conversation piece or even better - fun as hell if you get the dj to play a ridiculous song.

    Again it is all circumstance - if you have a good job and a family to support and all that, it won't be as easy to do this unless you are really getting paid well. For me it is a combination of a very good job, being single and enjoying the experience.
  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    I'll spend enough to be well appreciated by the target of my attention, but I haven't pulled the balla act in 15+ years where I drop well north of $1,000 on tips, dances, champagne bottles (a Boston thing), etc. IME yes it led to better treatment on the surface, but at the end of the day it was transitory and provided horrible ROI.

    Net-net the lesson for me was that the law of diminishing returns definitely applies to each additional dollar spent in a strip club once you exceed a certain amount. The threshold may be a moving target from club to club, but in each place there certainly is one.
  • maskedhero04
    5 years ago
    I'm financially secure, but I ain't built like some of you fine gents and that's fine. When I was single and fresh eyed I would got to the high end clubs and spend 500-1000 hoping and praying for extras but left unhappy most times. When I smartened up and learned that I'm not a baller...at all, I learned to spread my money in mid tier and dive spots. I haven't spent more than 300 in a club in years usually less than 200 and I always have fun. But that's me I'm a pop and go kinda guy.

    Some guys like to drop a mint and leave with swollen loins but as long as there egos are swollen more, they're good. Everybody's wins if they get what they want, in my book.
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