Any stripper trends you've noticed in the past 3 years?

avatar for Subraman
Car key and wallet dating your sister
Obviously, the delightful trend that I keep getting older, and they stay the same age, still holds. Winning team! West Side Trollas!

Okay, beyond that, here's two things I've definitely noticed over the past 2 or so years:

- More and more girls are choosing not to drink. Nearly 100% of those girls are 420 friendly though. I've recently given in and done some 420 at the club with my CF

- More and more girls are vegans. While I've always occasionally run into vegan strippers, it's gone from "once in a while, I meet a vegan stripper" to "there are sometimes one or more vegans per shift". Doesn't bother me, just a weird trend that is very clear and noticeable. The girls tell me becoming vegan is becoming a thing.

Lastly, there seems to be significant overlap between the vegan strippers, and strippers who don't drink but are stoners.

Any changes you've seen?


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avatar for Icey
6 years ago
More girls using real names or nicknames as stage names...

Using snapchat and social media to their advantage, girls viewing themselves as a brand now....

I'm seeing the opposite of the not drinking thing, young girls get dumb lit...

avatar for Subraman
6 years ago
On the drinking, Could be an weird SF thing I suppose. It's surprised me, I'd have thought it would be one of the things that always stays the same. Come to think of it, with pot legal here on a state level since the beginning of last year, that might have helped swing things...

I think the move to "snapchat/instagram as brand outreach" is at least 5 years old, but certainly continuing to accelerate as "influencers" etc get publicity
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
With the drinking, a lot of girls also complain about customers not buying them drinks.
avatar for PaulDrake
6 years ago
Agreed on the vegans. I think over half my favs have been vegan. Since clubs don't have great vegan food options a lot of them don't want to have lunch.

Might be a good suggestion to tell a manager to add more vegan stuff to the menu.
avatar for lotsoffun201
6 years ago
Butt plugs seem to be a burgeoning trend 😊
avatar for Muddy
6 years ago
Definitely music they like this “rap” where they make sounds. I don’t know how to describe its horrible though.

Another is the Kim Kardashian look. They younger girls really are trying to look like her hard. And I don’t know if this is a new thing or not but I notice a lot of girls are getting their nails done with a pointed edge instead of a flat edge. I don’t remember seeing that like 10 years or even 5 years ago.
avatar for King_Gambrinus
6 years ago
The pointed edge nails are the worst.
avatar for Cristobal
6 years ago
I noticed too many wearing one piece outfit.

I also notice the fishnets.
avatar for Subraman
6 years ago
Muddy: agree strongly on the kim kardashian diaper look. Butt implants are the most atrocious trend. Just gross, most of the time. I've said for a long time: as an ass man myself, the worst thing that ever happened is the cultural shift from boobs to butts... since it translated to a "bigger is better" gross diaper look. I don't care if girls get crappy boob jobs; I do care if they get crappy butt jobs

On rap:
- The clubs I go to don't play rap (nor do most non-urban high or mid range clubs, IMO), other than occasional smoother stuff like Go Loco, which I do hear lately in the high end clubs

- I've liked rap ever since the KRS-1, de la soul, eric b & rakim, big daddy kane, etc. days, so probably more tolerant than most in any case. I'm lost on some of it, but still a rap & hip hop fan in general
avatar for skibum609
6 years ago
I see one absolutely nauseating change: spinners are disappearing and being replaced by fat women. Last Saturday I was amazed to think that my 59 year old wife was thinner and hotter than 75% of the dancers.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
I've noticed an opposite trend in black clubs where they used to be thick-girls galore and now thick girls are harder to find - can vary by club/region but it seems in my Miami black clubs it's mostly thin to a few medium-build girls.
avatar for shadowcat
6 years ago
Cuban dancers migrating north from south Florida.
avatar for Subraman
6 years ago
Papi: that is actually a stunning revelation. Any idea what's going on?
avatar for nicespice
6 years ago
Well 3.5 years ago I started dancing so there is that 😝

One thing I’ve noticed that started becoming popular and then fell off was wearing chokers. But I love chokers so idc if it’s passé now.

Also It seems that the “middle class” of the SC industry shrinks ever more. And the cost of VIP has spiked in higher end clubs. And not just in Austin but I’ve heard of the same thing in other cities as well.

avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
I agree with Papi about the trend to thinner girls in many of the so called black clubs, but in many of the mixed clubs there seem to be more chubbys.
avatar for nicespice
6 years ago
^I think that would add to the theory about the shrinking middle class of strip clubs. Mid tier clubs are forced to either become higher end or accept its new status of a dive.
avatar for minnow
6 years ago
C-bal- The "onesie" craze seems to have gained traction in the last 2 years or so. They (dancers) say the AC is too cold, and they want to stay warm. A good percentage of onesie wearers seem to be dancers with sub-optimal bods.

I've noticed a significant minority of dancers getting butt enhancements. With one exception, the other booty jobs have been turn offs for me.
avatar for prevert
6 years ago
Except for the last couple of years I haven’t been around clubs enough to notice any trends. There do seem to be two sizes around here though. Just right and what the fuck.

I’m no Adonis, but I keep in better than average shape, and the rolls of fat on some of these women are a major turn off.
avatar for doctorevil
6 years ago
I have several dancers tell me about dropping acid. Not in the club of course--would be hard to work while tripping, but is this making a comeback? It's better than heroin I guess.
avatar for skibum609
6 years ago
Acid is nothing like other drugs. It was huge when I was growing up, but it's been a long time since I have done it.
avatar for joewebber
6 years ago
more single moms. more tattoos, more drug use, more offensive rap.
more ass and hip plastic surgery. more lip injections.
basically, more dancers are doing things to themselves to make it almost impossible to be employed after they can no longer dance.
avatar for rogertex
6 years ago
great observations ...
I started clubbing 7 years ago. Then I would meet several dancers with a business, mechanical attitude - although fun girls were aplenty.
Now, with millenials and latina dominance, most are open about sex and stripping is not seen as a "secretive" profession.

Having "good times ITC with an OTC finish" has becoming my favorite entertainment option (over NBA, World Series, NFL, Nascar, FIFA).

All my disposable income goes towards ITC/OTC combo.
Talking to a few TUSCLers - it seems to be a popular option.
Although I suspect TUSCLs #1 demographics is "guys who like LDK"
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
A lot of this varies by region, and by type of club. I also don't think the 3 year mark is necessarily a good measure...

I think a certain mainstream glamorization of strippers via mainstream hip hop culture has played a role in affecting the mindset of a lot of the girls. It impacts the lifestyle they're after, the way they come across....makes them a lot more open I think.

Stripper hoes used to be a lot more wary about going home with guys, hooking up, now its a lot easier if you portray what they like...
avatar for DeclineToState
6 years ago
-Lots more tattoos.
-Lots more strippers super high and occasionally hitting pens out in open and some cocktail waitresses doing same (and slight reduction in strippers gacked out on meth, was always a low minority at clubs I frequent but seems even lower with recreational weed being legal in certain states).
-Unfortunate price increases on dances and rooms in Calif due to transition from dancers as independent contractors to employees and corresponding increase in tip hustle, all of which makes TJ better despite standing still (as if it could possibly get better, right)
avatar for DeclineToState
6 years ago
-Big butts being in vogue, including occasionally seeing strippers with ass implants
avatar for Huntsman
6 years ago
Big asses, fake and otherwise. Less cigarette smoking. Fewer spinners. And it seems like more OTC availability, although it’s harder to tell on the last one.
avatar for chowder
6 years ago
All strippers think their butts need to be bigger. OTC is more of an option. I think this is because they have to compete with SA and the like. I know many who work a blend of stripper/sugar as much as they can. They use the club & social media to find sugar daddy's.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
"... I've noticed an opposite trend in black clubs where they used to be thick-girls galore and now thick girls are harder to find - can vary by club/region but it seems in my Miami black clubs it's mostly thin to a few medium-build girls ..."

"... Papi: that is actually a stunning revelation. Any idea what's going on ..."

Always hard to know exactly why things/trends happen.

Sarcastically one could say white-people are often trying to copy black-people - so when thick/big-booties started being more-of-a-thing with today's young white society maybe black people thought it was time to switch it up 😃.

In my area of Miami for a while King of Diamonds was the shit and curvy ebonies were def in in-that-club - KOD was sold some time in 2012 and it began a downward spiral leading to its eventual closure close to a year-ago (but it had been steadily declining since 2012). During KOD's decline a small black club down the street (The Office) kinda became the black party spot and for w/e reason the dancers were mostly small and young (still nice bods but not extra-curvy like @ KOD) - another small black club also became very popular (Climaxxx) - it too was mostly small young ebonies especially after it was bought by a white-owner 3+ years ago (AFAIK) - these two clubs were party-spots and were more nicely appointed than the avg black club and became popular since often times IME black SCs are as much, if not more, social places to hang-out and party vs getting your freak-on; thus the clubs that have slightly better decor/ambiance/amenities become popular hang-out spots and it just so happens these 2 nicer clubs that became popular for w/e reason mostly hired the small/young chocolate-bunnies (perhaps particular owner/management preference; or a well thought-out business-decision, IDK) - all I know is that it seems other black-clubs in the area w/ time followed-suit upgrading their facilities and hiring mostly small-ebonies as if they were copying the business-model of the two small clubs that became popular.

After noticing the lack of thick ebonies particularly in my go-to small-black club, some dancers I asked told me one of the current-managers (young AA guy) at my go-to club didn't like thick girls and would often turn-down the types of girls that would dance in the club in the past and fire girls that were or got too-thick.

An AA TUSCLer I know that hits small black clubs once mentioned in a PM to me w.r.t. lack of thick girls that many of those girls are trying to make their $$$ via social-media by using their "ample assets" to sell vids and pics or w/e - hard to know for sure how accurate this is - I imagine it happens to some level but I doubt it's the major reason.

So can't say for sure - but IMO/IME there seems to be a trend in many black clubs to there being not as many thick girls as in the past and in some black-clubs it's quite obvious - may be one of those things were a club starts something, it's successful, and others start copying it - the lack of thick girls in black-clubs is not universal as there are black-clubs where they are still present in good #s but still not like it was in the past IMO; I just don't know the exact reasons behind it - maybe I can somehow get a government grant and study this phenomenon in depth.
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
^ part of it is health related, people in general are more health conscious, I notice that many dancers aren’t smokers any more, even the AA communities are realizing the connection between obesity, diet and many common diseases like diabetes, as a result all Americans are trying to get or stay slimmer, and most men prefer slimmer more fit woman
That’s my own personal opinion.
avatar for Mate27
6 years ago
Agree with skibum’s assessment about quality of dancer. Seems more are less fit and don’t really want to dance, but have the behavior of trying to get easy money, work less for more.

Work ethic is way down, hustle is higher, and less attractive women looking for handouts. If you’re an attractive fit women you probably have the means to make it other facets of life, so leaving the dancing profession to deal with less nullshit is the trend I am seeing.

Hot women have better alternatives, and the fatter strippers are relegated to looking for easy money with older men who have some cash to spend, because they don’t have the perseverance to get a different gig.
avatar for Electronman
6 years ago
Exposure to porn and increased sexual experimentation.

Porn has become mainstream and lots (maybe most?) strippers will admit to watching and enjoying porn. I would hypothesize that porn exposure has increased sexual experimentation for women viewers. I hear more strippers talk about being bisexual, having no qualms about doing a BJ or anal. Of course, I know that the relationship between porn viewing and sexual experimentation is correlational in nature; the causal relationship could go either direction (or there could be an unidentified third variable that drives both porn viewing and sexual experimentation).
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
A lot of these trends are general, not just with strippers...
avatar for rl27
6 years ago
Papi, I noticed the same thing about black dancers. Until about two years ago, the majority of black dancers were ultra thick and didn't appeal to me. Now I am finding a lot higher percentage of black dancers in both black and non-black clubs are my favorite body type.

Unfortunately I am also finding a trend of mare that that are almost anorexic thin, no tits, no ass. Hopefully that trend doesn't increase.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
I've found that trends can often be pretty-trendy - not exactly sure why
avatar for rl27
6 years ago
The number one trend I am seeing is more dancers with short trimmed pussy hair, rather than being completely bare.

Here are a few trends I have noticed.

A marked decrease in tit size and implants in the more upscale clubs. Dancers are either very short, petite almost pixy looking and the rest tall, starving fashion model bodies. Not very many average height, or breasts beyond a C cup, and very few implants, and a lot less dancers with tattoos.

The next step down from upscale clubs is almost the complete opposite.

A lot more dancers with a very large amount of tattoos, including on their chest. I am talking Anna Belle Peaks, Bonnie Rotten and Kleio Valentien amounts of tattoos.

A lot more with large breasts, especially implants, and also a lot more either out of shape or thin, nothing in between.

I have also noticed a change in non-stripper jobs, and college majors from dancers. Before it was almost always either Nurse, Dental Assistant, and Fitness trainer. Now I am hearing Paralegal, Real Estate Agent, and Secretary. Majors in college I am also hearing IT, Accounting and Law. The last time I heard dancers mention those jobs and majors, was back around 2005 / 2006 right before the economy collapsed.

The only job that hasn't changed is model, although I have heard a lot more mention modelling than a few years ago.

avatar for rl27
6 years ago
Oh, I forgot to add, also a lot less dancers 25 and under mention being single mothers, or even having kids.
avatar for Dlee954
6 years ago
The day shift dancers at The Body in Miami, can’t speak on elsewhere has gotten younger. Like freshly dropped out or walked the stage young.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
^ yeah - kinda hard to find "real women" at The Body these days, vs girls
avatar for nicespice
6 years ago
^Interesting. I know you have talked about before of having a “been there, done that” attitude on SCing. Do you think the change in body types contributed to that for you?
avatar for Lone_Wolf
6 years ago
Far from a representative sample...some things I've noticed.

Lower quality talent. Man, I rarely see a smoking hot 8+ anymore. Especially among the young ones.

Surprisingly less ink on the younger dancers. Maybe the trend is starting to fade.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
"... Do you think the change in body types contributed to that for you ..."

I don't think it was the main cause but it def contributed since the small girls just don't turn me on as much.

I think it's mostly burn-out bc post joining TUSCL I SCed very hard and did A LOT of SCing .

Liking variety, for me SCing is about experiencing new things vs enjoying what I've always done - since I have SCed so much there doesn't seem/feel to be that much newness for me to get excited about.

Post 40 I was happy to not be in relationships anymore and eventually not even casually date - I was happy enjoying the PL SC NSA lifestyle and having access to many women to satisfy my desire for variety - but lately I've been considering maybe trying to get back into the relationship biz since SCs are not providing the gusto they once did.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
Young day shift dancers usually are a reflection of club policies, a lot of places require them to dance during the day for a few days a week so they can get credits to dance weekend nights.
avatar for Dlee954
6 years ago
@iceyloco I understand but it’s still crazy nonetheless. Need grown up hoes.
avatar for Dlee954
6 years ago
Hold the presses! @papi is considering seeking out a relationship with a woman?!?!?

May you elaborate on that more, sir?
avatar for SmashingHoes
6 years ago
IceyLoco and others emphasized my points, so I wont reiterate but I wanted to introduce one point that seems to be a trend:

- The increasing levels of insolence and contempt from strippers as it pertains to the treatment of their customers.
avatar for Subraman
6 years ago
SmashingHoes: is this just a trend at the particular club(s) you've always gone to? Or you think you see it more broadly?

I haven't noticed any real difference over the years.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
"... Hold the presses! @papi is considering seeking out a relationship with a woman? ..."

Not necessarily my plan going-forward, just something that's crossed my mind as of late now that the mongering lifestyle is not as fulfilling for me as it once was - I'm not necessarily craving a relationship, but something I may be a bit more-open to-considering at this current-time - chances are I won't be doing it in the immediate future but chances are def a bit-higher than 2+ years ago.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
SmashingHoes - Hoes have always hated tricks, but they're just more open about it now. On the same token, its never been easier to date stripper hoes....
avatar for Dlee954
6 years ago
@papi understandable
avatar for NJBalla
6 years ago
1. No mid range clubs anymore. I either run into low mileage clubs where girls make thier money off the tip parade/Lapdances or high mileage clubs that charge an arm and a leg for VIP. Miss the days of getting extras in the LD area
2. Same as others said. AA girls tend to be thin side while white girls tend to be on the thicker side. Thats why I love my brazilians who always have a few we call "Fit thick"
3. A lot of top talent stopped dancing as they can earn enough from OTC. Strip clubs used to allow girls an easy way to get clients in the past, but with instagram/twitter they dont have to "market" themselves at the club
avatar for tjack918
5 years ago
I used to frequently visit Sc's in the early 2000. I just started coming back around again in the last year. 1 thing I have noticed that i dont really remember before is the amount of duo teams at SC's. Every club I have gone to has had girls who push a threesome dance with their girlfriend. Has anyone else noticed this?
avatar for Timbuck12
5 years ago
More and more girls like to be lightly choked, have their hair pulled, and overall be dominated. I guess it’s a 50 Shades Of Grey thing.
avatar for MackTruck
5 years ago
Nicespice said "One thing I’ve noticed that started becoming popular and then fell off was wearing chokers. But I love chokers so idc if it’s passé now."

Choker are badass
avatar for Liwet
5 years ago
A lot of girls are open about revealing their names, some even giving me their real name first. Maybe they've always been like this and I've just matured or maybe it was the rise in popularity of the internet and the presence of social media that makes them more open to give our some of these personal details.

avatar for nofuglies
5 years ago

More dancers hiding out in dressing rooms or sitting in a corner on their phones.
More dancers who want to get paid top dollar for the least amount of effort possible.
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