
What’s a Nice Muslim Girl Like You Doing in a Swimsuit Like This?

Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
Anisa, (now known as “Mrs. Hornibastard) was born and raised in an overwhelmingly Muslim village among the terraced rice paddies of East Java. Like everyone in her village, she was accustomed to bathing naked in the river that runs through the community. This was just a normal part of life in her village. It was never a matter of flaunting her sexuality.

We became romantically involved when she was 20 years old. When I invited her to accompany me to Bali for a few days her first concern was that she didn’t own a swimsuit. She had never owned one.

I handed her a wad of cash and told her to go buy herself a nice one.

When she returned from her shopping foray she tried it on for me.

It looked like a fucking wetsuit.

I didn’t criticize her choice. If that’s what she would be comfortable wearing at the luxury resort where I had made our reservations, that was fine with me.

Once at the resort she got her first view of how affluent young women dress when they are on the beach or poolside at a luxury resort. The place was full of Australians, Kiwis, Koreans and Japanese with some Europeans and Americans thrown in. Most of the young women wore bikinis. Some were quite daring.

After our second day at the resort Anisa made comments suggesting she fell out of place wearing her Muslim inspired wetsuit at the luxury resort. I offered to take her where she could find a new swimsuit she might feel more comfortable wearing in this more progressive setting.

“Ayo! Belanja baju renang!” (Let’s go shopping for a swimsuit!), she replied.

We headed for the main tourist shopping district in Denpasar. There were so many shops and so many styles of swimwear for her to select from. As I watched her reviewing the choices, it was clear to me that, not only was she contemplating the purchase of a bikini, she was considering purchasing one of the more daring bikinis.

It would be a very bold move for a young woman who just a few days ago purchased a Muslim inspired wetsuit, one that she considered daring because it had SHORT sleeves and the leggings were tight and only came down to a coupe of inches above her knees.

Like any woman I’d ever known, faced with so many choices Anisa found it impossible to make up her mind.

When I am shopping for swim trunks for myself I can be in and out of the shop in only 5 or 6 minutes. As long as the swim trunks fit comfortably, allowing my privates room to breathe and move freely, I’ll buy them (unless the swim trunks have something offensive printed on them like “it’s a small world after all”).

We had already been to three swimwear shops and Anisa was still empty-handed.

The window display of next shop suggested that they specialized in racy swimwear. I was sure Anisa would walk on by. But after evaluating the display window for a couple of minutes, she entered the shop and began rifling through the skimpy swimwear.

Almost immediately Anisa seemed confused. She motioned for me to come help her with something.

“Aku bingun. Apa ini?” (I’m confused. What is this?).

Anisa had one of those micro bikinis in her hands. She couldn’t figure out which side was up, down, front or back.

She put it back on the rack and sampled further.

The next one was even more extreme - a string, teardrop micro bikini. The bottom piece was essentially a G-string consisting of one narrow strip of tan colored fabric with some small yellow stars. The patch of fabric was so tiny it had barely enough room for three stars. The rest consisted of thin tan colored straps no wider than fettuccine that tied on both sides.

The top piece was similarly minuscule - two tiny tan colored triangles each with a single yellow star on it, tied together with flimsy tan straps. You couldn’t really expect to tuck any American-sized boobies into this micro-bra. But Anisa is a petite Asian lady whose diet had always been grievously deficient in cheeseburgers, milkshakes and curly fries. Her perky titties would look very sexy in this, not like most oversized American muchachas - like water balloons being uncomfortably restrained by bandaids.

I had seen some scandalous swimwear but I’d never seen anything like this - not even in strip clubs!

The linked photo will give you a sense of the outfit Anisa was evaluating. The photo, taken from the web, is not a photo of Anisa but shows a bikini of similar design to the one she was considering. (https://www.pinterest.com/pin/2118106072… )

I confessed to Anisa that I had no experience, direct or indirect, with swimwear like this but that I was concerned that something so flimsy and tiny would quickly fall off if she actually got into the water with it. If she got into the surf it would certainly wash away and never be seen again.

Anisa remained undecided. Something about the idea of wearing such a scandalously revealing swimsuit seems to appeal to her.

“Coba!” (Try it on!), I said, encouraging her fledgling exhibitionist impulse.

In North America or Europe a woman would not be allowed try on a garment so intimate unless she had already paid for it. But Indonesia they are not so fastidious.

Anisa disappeared behind the curtain to change into this marvelously skimpy, stringy piece of swimwear. A couple of minutes later she re-emerged.

Anisa looked absolutely stunning! I had seen her completely naked practically every day and every night for the last few months. But now, in a perverse way, she looked even hotter in this outrageous, cock-tease, micro teardrop string bikini than she looked completely naked.

Anisa lifted her arms above her head into the “Y” position and did a slow 360 so I could fully appreciate her remarkable transformation.

I’d never seen Anisa (or any other woman) look so hot! The tiny tan colored strips of fabric and tan colored straps closely matched Anisa’s tropical Asian skin tone. The thin tan-colored back strap of the micro G-string bottom was barely noticeable nestled in her cute ass. It was a startlingly alluring display of the finest brown ass in the inner solar system.

EVERYTHING except Anisa’s pink parts was on full display!

The marvelously thin strip of tan fabric on the front of her G-string was barely wide enough to conceal her dainty love cleft. That not a hint of even a single stand of pubic hair could be detected unequivocally declared to the world that her pussy was fully shaved!

Anisa failed to notice that another couple was now also in the shop with us. From their accents I concluded they were a young Aussie couple. The young man spotted Anisa modeling her barely there micro string bikini. He was obviously impressed. He continued absentmindedly visually caressing Anisa from head to toe until his sheila tugged on his chin, pulling his gaze back toward her and away from Anisa.

“Membelinya!” (buy it!), I said. My voice was dripping with approval and pre-cum dribble.

She did buy it!

Now Anisa wanted me to purchase something comparably skimpy for myself.

“Tidak mungkin” (not a chance), I said.

“Kenapa?” (Why?) she demanded.

She quickly picked out a bizarre red, white and blue male thong. It looked like a patriotic sock with elastic straps.

“Tidak mau” (I don’t wanna) I whimpered.

“Kenapa tidak?” (Why not?) Anisa persisted.

I didn’t know how to convey in Indonesian “I would look butt-fucking gay in something like that” so I only replied, “Malu” (I’d be embarrassed).

“Tapi cintaku sangat gantung!” (but you are so handsome, my love) she insisted. “Cewek-cewek pasti akan cemburu melihatku bersamamu!” (all the girls will be jealous to see me with you!)

“Hanya lelaki gay pakai baju renang seperti itu!” (only gay men wear swimwear like that.) I explained.

Anisa stretched the patriotic sock a couple of times.

“Mungkin ini terlalu kecil untukmu. Mungkin ini akan jadi kurang nyaman.” (Maybe this is too small for you. Maybe it will be uncomfortable for you.)

I dropped the conversation and hoped it would now be left it for dead.

Later we went to a nicer shop where I bought Anisa a fashionably elegant pool coverup she could wear walking from our room to the pool and back or whenever we went directly from the pool to one of the restaurants at the resort.

Anisa forgot all about her Muslim inspired wetsuit and instead proudly wore her skimpy string bikini while we remained at the resort.

I noticed an over the hill white guy focusing his long, expensive telephoto lens on my gal quite a bit.

And why shouldn’t he?

Anisa was the hottest babe at the resort!


  • ATACdawg
    5 years ago
    There is an Iranian dancer at my favorite club who is a practicing Muslim. She wears VERY tiny bikinis until she strips them off completely on stage. It's as far from a burqua as a girl can get!
  • 4got2wipe
    5 years ago
    Brilliant story reverendhornibastard!
  • 4got2wipe
    5 years ago
    ATACdawg, is the Iranian stripper a hijabi?

    That would be aces! Allah would want her to cover her hair in the interest of modesty. Remember, as long as she shaves there is no need for a pubic hijab! ;)
  • reverendhornibastard
    5 years ago
    When I was in Qatar, I overheard a couple of locals discussing their plans for the evening after dinner. One said he knew of a place on the outskirts of Doha where they had “veil-less” dancers live on stage.

    The other guy was very enthused and said, “الله أكبر! Now we’re talking!”
  • I dont wear bikinis when I swim. I think its weird to wear what is basically a bra and underwear in public.

    That's just me.

  • reverendhornibastard
    5 years ago
    @Nicole -

    So ... you swim naked?
  • I swim in a sports bra and tennis skirt !
  • jackslash
    5 years ago
    Reverend, you've had some interesting experiences with your wife.
  • bang69
    5 years ago
    Swim naked!!!!!!!
  • MackTruck
    5 years ago
    Good story bro...

    Kind of remends me of the Movie My Five Wifes with Rodney Dangerfield
  • @bang

    Only if u do it with me !!
  • Icey
    5 years ago
    I like tanned Persian girls who wear white bikinis....
  • dancewdcpa
    5 years ago
    Awesome story Rev... the link was better than what I was imagining from your words!
  • reverendhornibastard
    5 years ago

    The swimsuit in the linked photo is slightly (but not much) skimpier than the one my wife purchased. I selected the linked photo because it came closest to reflecting the style and minuscule size of my wife’s swimsuit.
  • rogertex
    5 years ago
    on a roll Rev !
    While you are lucky to have Anisa - in many ways Anisa is lucky to have you RHB
  • reverendhornibastard
    5 years ago
    @Rogertex -

    “ ... in many ways Anisa is lucky to have you.”

    Mrs. Hornibastard and I have heard comments like this ever since we became a couple.

    The truth is, Anisa became Mrs. Hornibastard because she leapt out of my servants quarters and saved me from my sordid life of endless one-night stands with women I met in bars, a grim and lonely nightmare that I had somehow mistaken for my dream come true.

    This marvelous woman has brought nothing but magic to my life ever since.

  • Jascoi
    5 years ago
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