
I Feel Like I Dodged a Bullet

Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
Yuni finally left.

She had been in the front room with my wife, crying up a storm for more than two hours.

Naturally, I wondered what the hell was going on in there.

After Yuni left I asked my wife what that was was all about.

My wife says it’s a long story. She says Yuni is very lonely. She feels like she is a failure. More than anything Yuni wants a family. She fears she will never have any children.

My wife says that, despite Yuni’s cheerful, bubbly personality, she is really a very sad person with lots of insecurities.

My wife said she would tell me more later.

As pretty as she is, Yuni seems to be a dented can.


  • Jascoi
    5 years ago
    ask your wife if you can have yuni as a second wife.
  • Jascoi
    5 years ago
    it honestly seems like it’s all the family that is intended.
  • wallanon
    5 years ago
    Is there like a Yuni chapter 1 or prequel posted somewhere on here?
  • reverendhornibastard
    5 years ago

    As much as I would like to give Yuni a ferocious canoodling, leaving her crumpled and damp on the bed, I do not want two wives.

    Besides, how would I import her to the USA? A “spare wife” is not one of the categories eligible for an immigration visa.

    Plus, my Indonesian wife has become very Americanized. She is unlikely to accept Yuni’s fierce sexual competition in her own home.

    I may be desperately horny, but I don’t have a death wish!
  • nicespice
    5 years ago
    Smash that like button
  • reverendhornibastard
    5 years ago
    @Nicespice - you have any idea how badly I’ve wanted to smash Yuni’s “like button” over the last 24 hours?

    Or at least drag my tongue repeatedly over her panic button.
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    I like smashing nice spices like buttons ;)
  • captainfun
    5 years ago
    Rev, awesome stories, superb writing. Astounding that you kept it in your pants. Abstinence wasn’t likely given the fruit that was dangling.

    I have a very attractive 40 year old friend who is dealing with the same issues right now - severely bummed at the prospect of never having kids. She’s had a few serious men in her life, including one short marriage, yet no kids which is what she mostly wants.
  • flagooner
    5 years ago
    Reverendhornibastard is really Neo.
  • ATACdawg
    5 years ago
    Amazing job holdong out, rev. You are the poster child for family valued, and I mean that in the best possible way.

    That being said, what if your wife were to give you the go ahead to try and impregnate Yuni?
  • ATACdawg
    5 years ago
    "holdong out"

    Now there was a Freudian slip of the fingers if there ever was one, lol!
  • reverendhornibastard
    5 years ago

    Great Freudian slip!

    Even if my wife gave me clearance to try to impregnate Yuni, I would not.

    I’d love to “go through the motions” but not actually get her pregnant.

    Life in the village is nasty and brutish for most people. I could not leave one of my children to live like this.
  • jackslash
    5 years ago
    Reverend, this cannot be the end of the story. It is an anti-climax. I'm hoping for something like this: Yuni kidnaps you and keeps you as a sex slave until you give her a baby.
  • flagooner
    5 years ago
    ^ It would be nice if he had total control and could determine the outcome.
  • FishHawk
    5 years ago
    Rev, you are a prince among men. I have faith that Yuni will find the right guy to be the father of her children.
  • MackTruck
    5 years ago
    You definitely have had a predicament there rev. That is p e can of worms you may be glad you never opened
  • reverendhornibastard
    5 years ago

    I didn’t open this can of worms. I think Yuni did, perhaps with a little help from my wife when she agreed to have Yuni join us on the hike to the hot spring.

    One thing that still stands out in my memory - when I first told my wife that Yuni had suggested that the two of us go hike the mountain, my wife’s response was something to the effect of, “You will enjoy that! Yuni knows the mountain very well and can show you around. Be sure to take plenty of water.”

    She has known Yuni a long time.

    The motive for my wife’s initial response is hard for me to reconcile with her usual behavior.
  • Jascoi
    5 years ago
    Reverendhornybastard... if I was in your situation I would definitely get snipped. ( which I did after my last child was born.)
  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    ===> "I feel like I dodged a bullet"

    Did you ever. The Yunis of the world are exactly why the three cardinal rules of fucking on the side exist. for a refresher, they are:

    Reverend, Ideally you'll find a paid option to get your mind straight. If you must fuck civilian side ass, don't forget the three cardinal rules:

    1. Don't shit where you eat
    2. Don't dip the pen in company ink.
    3. Not in my back yard.

    Again meaning don't fuck any girl in your wife's social circle, don't fuck a girl you work with and don't fuck a girl who lives too close to your home.

    Women are generally incapable of keeping a secret under the best of circumstances, damaged women like Yuni even less so. You can be 100% certain that if you had fucked her the other day, she would have been spilling her guts about it to your wife during her self pity fest. IMHO the only way you can fuck civilian pussy with any chance of keeping your wife from ever knowing is to follow the rules above AND hope that you never give the girl sufficient motivation to seek your wife out and tell her out of spite.
  • reverendhornibastard
    5 years ago

    The suggestion that my wife put Yuni up to this just to test me, while not altogether implausible, has a flaw. If it was a test, and I flunked the test by going for Yuni’s bait, what then?

    Was Yuni supposed to just sucker-punch me in the nuts once I had been entrapped and say, “Nevermind, hot shot! This was just a test and now I’m going to report your sorry, undisciplined, cheating male ass to your wife”?

    Andy why, after all this time would my wife find it necessary to test me this way?

    Many years ago, before our twins came along, she was willing to push the envelope of our sexual relationship by inviting her girlfriends to share sexually charged moments with us. But she hasn’t done anything like that since she got the wedding ring.

    Why now?

    The pieces of this puzzle definitely don’t fit together very well in my mind!

    Now I worry that Yuni will blab and I will be in trouble for failing to report Yuni’s disloyalty to my wife by offering to have sex with me.

    On Monday we will leave East Java.

    Maybe this will soon just be a delicious but weirdly mysterious memory.
  • Jascoi
    5 years ago
    I envy you RHB. fun (but challenging) experience.
  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    ===> "Now I worry that Yuni will blab and I will be in trouble for failing to report Yuni’s disloyalty to my wife by offering to have sex with me. "

    Nah, this is the least of your worries, because you didn't take her up on it. You can play it off as not wanting her to hate Yuni. Why this is different than your earlier river encounter is because you were ogling and flirting, which is subject to all sorts of misinterpretation, especially if you hide it. This was you clearly saying no, which is hard to criticize.
  • reverendhornibastard
    5 years ago


    I’ve had women pissed off at me for a whole lot less than this before!

    May I call you in as a character witness if it proves necessary?
  • ATACdawg
    5 years ago
    Do you really want a character reference from Rick?

    Or for that matter, from any of us? 😁
  • reverendhornibastard
    5 years ago

    Good point!
  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    ===> "Do you really want a character reference from Rick?

    Or for that matter, from any of us? 😁"

    Exactly, lol.
  • Lone_Wolf
    5 years ago
    This is fascinating on many levels.

    Yuni was openely seducing you in front of your wife yet you, kind of, imply your wife was oblivious to it. That's silly. Your wife knows what's up. They play on the same team.

    Before you protest much, being long term married clouds our judgement of the obvious.

    It may seem unfathomable but your wife just may be okay with you fucking Yuni. Again, that will seem unfathomable to you but it is very possible.

    On Yuni, young sexy Asian women have so much power it is interesting she feels so desperate. Drop that honey, penniless, in the middle of LA and she would be driving a new Benz within a year if she has any smarts at all.

    Where Yuni will struggle is her obvious inability to keep her panties on even when it is in her best interest to do so.

    Great story. Thanks for sharing.

  • reverendhornibastard
    5 years ago

    “It may seem unfathomable but your wife just may be okay with you fucking Yuni. Again, that will seem unfathomable to you but it is very possible.”

    12 years and more ago I would have believed this 100%. In the early days of our relationship, when she was my live-in girlfriend rather then my wife, she not only tolerated me getting sticky with other women, she actively encouraged it as long as she picked the women and was always around when it happened.

    As I became increasingly serious about m feelings about her, I felt threatened by her cavalier attitude toward my activity with other women.

    I even concluded that she just liked to watch me jumping other women.

    In those days she was always taking highly personal photos of me skinny dipping in our backyard pool or even taking selfies of herself with my cock in her mouth or riding my cock cowgirl style.

    I even caught her back then sharing some of these personal photos with her girlfriends.

    Her excuse was that she figured I would cheat on her anyway so she preferred that I did it only with her permission and only with women she trusted.

    Astoundingly, she pinned this on advice on her mom who told her, after meeting me, that I could not be trusted and that she would never be able to keep me in line. According to her mom, all men cheat as often as they can and it was up to her to get used to this and to try to manage it if she wanted to save, or at least prolong, her relationship with any man worth having.

    In the end, I chalked this odd behavior to her youth. My wife had just turned 20 when I started getting sticky with her. She was still shy of her 21st birthday when she started living with me.

    She’s been a changed woman in the last 10’ years since the first time we lived in the USA and our twins were born.

    This whole Yuni thing seems like a faint echo of our early relationship when she seemed to line up her friends who were willing to spend time banging me in her presence.

    You’re 100% right. I still find it unfathomable that my wife wants me to get juicy with Yuni. Not only do I not believe that, I don’t even want to believe that.

    It’s 11 PM Sunday night here in East Java. Twelve hours from now all this will become a moot point because we will leave here and go to Central Java.
  • Lone_Wolf
    5 years ago
    Wow, given the background just convinces me more your wife wanted you to fuck Yuni.

    You were nucking futz not to fuck Yuni but it was absolutely the right thing to do. Lol.

    Knowing the overwhelming sensuality young honeys like Yuni has, I would have been powerless to resist her charms.

    Good stuff.
  • reverendhornibastard
    5 years ago
    I could have given Yuni a good rogering.

    But I don’t think Yuni is going to be satisfied with just some exuberant sex.

    I think Yuni wants a family.

    That’s not something I am prepared to help her with.

    Yuni needs to leave the village where she can find more eligible men that she might find appealing.
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