Worst thing you've heard in a strip club
Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
What's the worst thing you've heard in a strip club? For me two come to mind.
The first was a girl who said that I'm probably a good Dad. I said that I don't know about that given how many hours I spend in places like this. She responded with "Well I'm sure you don't molest your kids like mine did."
The second was a girl who looked as young as I've ever seen in a club. This was a Charlotte MAL club, so I have no doubt that she was legal, but holy fuck. She told me that she made almost all of her money off of perverts who would take her to VIP and ask her to call them "Daddy" or talk like a little girl when she was dancing for them.
Both times my night was utterly ruined.
What's your worst?
The first was a girl who said that I'm probably a good Dad. I said that I don't know about that given how many hours I spend in places like this. She responded with "Well I'm sure you don't molest your kids like mine did."
The second was a girl who looked as young as I've ever seen in a club. This was a Charlotte MAL club, so I have no doubt that she was legal, but holy fuck. She told me that she made almost all of her money off of perverts who would take her to VIP and ask her to call them "Daddy" or talk like a little girl when she was dancing for them.
Both times my night was utterly ruined.
What's your worst?
1. "I don't do FS"
2. Quotes a price for FS higher than I want to pay.
I later learned that the shooting was drug related.
But when a girl does share a rape story, she is immediately off my OTC list. Why? Because if it's real, then she doubtlessly has mental hangups re: sex. If it's not, then she's a high risk for having a future "buyer's remorse" moment. Either way, no bueno.
But the stuff involving kids always kills me. Those first two stories were at the top, but I have also heard some disturbing stories about custody issues. Grownups can fend for themselves, but dependent children cannot.
Maybe 3 or 4 on my list was a mother who was trying to pimp out her 18 year old daughter. They were both stripping in the same club and I had OTC with the mother before, who had the kid very young and was only 34 herself (and looked much younger). Idk why this bothered me so much as the kid was legal. Maybe I would have felt better about it if it was the daughter trying to arrange the threesome, but having the mother doing that while her newbie daughter was just learning the ropes really bothered me.
Wall, did you really just drop a teaser in a tuscl post? 😀
C'mon man, lol. This is probably the most interesting part and maybe even educational for us - do share.
Much as it pains me to agree with rickdugan, I’m with him regarding anything with kids. Before rickdugan comes back at me, I know I semi-defended one person who said some shit in that regard. In that case I think it was a fucked-up joke that got away from the person in question. rickdugan took it literally. Whatever. Taking things on TUSCL literally is probably not the best idea.
After all, I don’t think there is an actual lion that wears a suit and hangs out with a vulture that posts on TUSCL. And I hope everybody agrees with that! ;)
“Pleeeeaaase pick me up. I’m so tired and my feet hurt.”
-other person speaks-
“I made $475.”
-other person speaks again, girl looks sad-
“Oh...okay I understand.”
For context, at the particular club we were at, management is cool with dancers coming and going whenever and doesn’t even charge extra for leaving. I found it really sad that some girl was asking some dude for permission and got denied because she didn’t make some kinda quota.
A dancer I danced with got shot in the head by her boyfriend and left in his car on the freeway.
Known girls who were getting pimped and beaten regularly but couldn’t get out.
And one girl who used to talk to me while snorting Roxy’s saying it’s the only thing keeping her off heroin. Just gave me a sinking feeling
Once upon a time this used to bother me too, but at some point I stopped giving a shit so long as it didn't impact me. The girl had almost $500 in her pocket, a phone and plenty of earning potential. She could have gone anywhere, yet this is what she chose to endure. In this day and age, with all of the information and resources at our fingertips, anyone who willingly tolerates this is too stupid and/or weak to be helped.
girls talking about pick pocketing drunk guys.
worst was probably a dancer trying to sell date rape drugs to a guy before he went to VIP with another girl.
I recall watching a show on "human trafficking" a couple of years ago and most of the girls featured just decided they wanted to leave home to do what they wanted to do. One of the girls was a very pretty 17 y/o or so - "she fell in love" with a "bad boy" that was a drug addict but "she loved him" - she started selling-ass so she could make $$$ to give to him for his drugs b/c "she loved him" - mind you, from what I recall, he didn't force her to; she did it b/c "she loved him" - anyway she was presented as a "victim" and the jonhs she thought out as the perpetrators b/c it was presented that the jonhs seeking sex was the reason for her problems.
There are def helpless victims out there - but seems a lot of the girls in the sex-biz made a decision that didn't turn out to be what they thought it was.
1) Step dad been molesting her since she was three years old, at 15 she left her home finally. Had to give ass for places to stay. Finally went to place that give underage kids work experience and they live in dorms. Meets a guy gets pregnant. They move in together. He ties new born baby by limbs to nursery because he doesn't like the crying. DSS hears about it (thank God) baby gets taken away she and he go to jail. She gets out and starts selling crack and prostituting herself. Gets raped one nite after a guy breaks in while she was sleeping.
2) Another girl's step dad use to come into the club and watch front row while she danced full nude, lips spend, but he'd tip her so I guess that's a plus
3) Girls mother starts trading her for crack when she turned 15 till Child Services finally got involved and took her away at 17.
4) Dad made her brothers (multiple) have anal sex with her so she wouldn't get pregnant.
Ya you year some real sad shit.
Damn, definitely sad shit. Especially 4) which makes absolutely no logical sense. Y’all making me feel better I can’t hear well so I’ve fortunately missed hearing the worst of the worst.