Ricky Douchebag: "Doctorevil is obsessed with me. I think he wants me." That's pretty funny, coming from the guy who blocked me, but then obviously lurks offline to read my posts. At least now he seems to have saved up enough testosterone to respond to my posts himself, instead of sending notes through third parties. https://www.tuscl.net/app/discussion.php… Jeez, can this guy become more of a pathetic parody of himself, or has he hit rock bottom?
Remember when you used the cucumber system? You brought so many cucumbers to the club that the piggly wiggly ran out of them? I remember someone telling you to make a salad with them.
I guess it's kind of flattering to have my own online stalker. Kind of scary, too, though. I wonder if he's trying to stalk me in real life, also? After all, this is the guy that threatened to "fuck me up" in the parking lot next time I go to the Dollhouse JAX.
My gosh, dancers will be leaving their clubs all over the USA to be where juice is. None of us will have a chance! Oh, the Humanity!
yer doing fine now.
yeah... maybe it’ll change as you get older.
you know what!????
four girlfriends????
dr phill!!!