How do you use the profile history?

avatar for founder
On a user's profile you can see how many reviews, discussion, comments, etc that a user has posted. I think this is a helpful feature, based on the fact that when I removed it before, there was an uproar.

Can you guys sort of describe how you use it?

For instance, when you are looking at a user's discussion comments, what valuable information is there for you? How does it help?



last comment
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
I think it’s used mostly by trolls and folks trolling
avatar for flagooner
6 years ago
@25 uses it often
avatar for rickdugan
6 years ago
I think it can serve a useful purpose. Sometimes topics come back up that were covered many moons ago and old posts can be useful historical reference.

Btw, since we are on this topic, I can't go back to my old club reviews. When I click on the next 30, it brings me to the same first screen in a never-ending loop. I suspect that this is a glitch.
avatar for Warrior15
6 years ago
I use my own profile page to go back to Comments, Discussions and Reviews that I made. When I log in each morning, I may not remember which Discussion Topics that I made comments on the day before. By going to my Profile page, I can easily see which topics to go look at to see if someone else commented on something I said.

As far as seeing the Comments that someone else made, not sure I would do that. I do like to see the Discussion Topics that other start, the clubs they Review, the Trusts they have. One way seeing the comments would be to call somebody out on something they said long ago. You can look that up by looking thru their profile.
avatar for rickdugan
6 years ago
And since I'm complaining, I agree that knowing how many review, clubs, etc., a user has is extremely helpful. in fact, I wish it was more prominent when reading the reviews - like it used to be - so that we don't have to keep clicking on each reviewer's screen name to see it.

Thanks again for everything.
avatar for rickdugan
6 years ago
And since I'm complaining, I agree that knowing how many review, clubs, etc., a user has is extremely helpful. in fact, I wish it was more prominent when reading the reviews - like it used to be - so that we don't have to keep clicking on each reviewer's screen name to see it.

Thanks again for everything.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
6 years ago
When I'm looking at reviews for local clubs, if I see a user who posts particularly good reviews I'll click through to the profile history to see if he has reviewed other clubs I might like to visit.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
"... I can't go back to my old club reviews. When I click on the next 30, it brings me to the same first screen in a never-ending loop ..."

^ this - whether is to look at old reviews in my own profile or some other PL
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
I look at older discussions/comments in a profile if it was a recent post I was looking for - if it's been a while then it harder so I'm less apt to try and go thru a whole bunch of prior posts
avatar for shadowcat
6 years ago
I get many personal messages from people who's name I do not recognize. Usually seeking inside information. I check their profiles to see how active the person is on TUSCL and base my reply to that person based on their information/participation. It's a trust issue.
avatar for doctorevil
6 years ago
Same as Shadow.
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
6 years ago
Agree. The profile gives a picture of trust of a user that the ‘trusts’ don’t completely give. It’s a quick way to do a little due diligence to determine with whom we are sharing info. I don’t like that I can’t easily click on a user’s profile when I get a pm from someone I don’t know.

Less important, I use it as a search engine to find old reviews, threads or posts. Of mine and other users. It’s sometimes easier than the traditional search.
avatar for georgmicrodong
6 years ago
I view my own history sometimes, but most often I’m looking for whether or not someone is worth replying to. I’ll also look at a user’s past reviews when I am looking at a specific club they’ve reviewed to see if they add useful info, or just recycle old info for a new month.
avatar for mark94
6 years ago
I lookup other members if a review seems suspect ( first time poster AKA club ad ) or they message me.
avatar for K
6 years ago
Agree with shadow on this.
avatar for Roadworrier
6 years ago
Agree with all of the above. I also noticed that in the profile you can only access your 30 most recent reviews. Mainly I use the profile data from other people to establish whether they are trustworthy reviewers.
avatar for CC99
6 years ago
I like discovering the statistical minutiae of trivial things and then re-posting that statistical minutiae as a fun fact for the rest of the forum.
avatar for Huntsman
6 years ago
I use the info for the reasons CMI and Shadow said.
avatar for DeclineToState
6 years ago
Helpful feature. I use it to:
-Read the user's prior articles or reviews (including to see if user has posted prior reviews before I accuse an apparent club ad).
-Save time in navigating to a discussion thread I know the user posted on if the discussion is buried beyond the first page so I don't have to scroll to it.
-Message the user.
-Look at a female user's selfies.

Some users' threads or articles would be difficult to find without this feature (such as me going back to review farmerart's posts - farmerart preceded my time here and I looked back after ArtsBrother posted his article about farmerart).

Also this feature is helpful find reviews and reviews and review comments of users who post infrequently but give good intel in certain geographic areas - user Scfanatic323 is a good example of this for his LA / COI intel.
avatar for DeclineToState
6 years ago
^and for Scfanatic323's smartass comments which I find amusing
avatar for Nidan111
6 years ago
I like using it to see you who has published reviews. I like to use it to see who has made comments. I like to use it to find threads that I have forgotten about by certain people that started those threads. I like using it to see you to who has published reviews. I like to use it to see who has made comments.
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
I always look at everything on their history, including when they first registered and when they have last logged in. This is always helpful when I see a post from someone for the first time.

avatar for bubba267
6 years ago
First step in assessing poster's credibility, then what Shadow and others mentioned for sharing intel or not.
avatar for Jascoi
6 years ago
ditto most everyone reasons.
avatar for minnow
6 years ago
I think user profile is useful for seeing ones review and posting history. Though like papi, I've noticed review history stuck in an endless loop of first 30 reviews only- both on user review history, and on club review page. What gives there, founder ??
avatar for founder
6 years ago
The 30 reviews will be fixed in the update
avatar for mjx01
6 years ago
I use # of trusts, # of reviews, and # of places as a measure of how much weight to give a user's review. I also use my own list of reviews and articles as a shortcut to lookup what I've written previously.
avatar for bullzeye
6 years ago
The profile page, as is, is very useful for all the reasons that have been stated. I’m glad you (founder) included it.

One way I use it, is to track discussions I have been interested in after I have not been on the site in a few days. If I have participated in the thread, then I can check my own comments/replies to find the thread I’m interested in. Especially if the thread has gone off topic and I don’t remember the subject of the original post.
avatar for Liwet
6 years ago
I use it, but the problem is the inability to see their/my VIP posts even when I have VIP privileges.
avatar for Cristobal
6 years ago
Sometimes I use it when someone PMs me for intel, it is sort of a TUSCL background check.
avatar for Electronman
6 years ago
Same as above, a background check especially for neophyte posters. Also I use it if a post in a discussion thread refers to "clubs in my area" but the poster is not specific. I'll look at the poster's history of reviews.
avatar for rickdugan
6 years ago
===> "Also this feature is helpful find reviews and reviews and review comments of users who post infrequently but give good intel in certain geographic areas - user Scfanatic323 is a good example of this for his LA / COI intel."

Come to think of it, when I am planning road trips I sometimes latch on to a good local reviewer as well and spend time going through his historical reviews and review comments. I did this with a couple of reviewers on my most recent trip to Providence. I would hate to lose the ability to do this.
avatar for Dolfan
6 years ago
Like others, I use it to set context. I can click on PC's profile and see which clubs he's reviewed, what his comments are on them, etc. He might be a bad example because he spells it out in each review, but if it were someone else I could find a common club we've visited and get a better idea of his perspective. That makes his reviews of clubs I haven't visited more valuable. The same is true of comments, it provides context.

I also will use it to find an old post with something, maybe a funny comment or nugget of info. I'll remember it was a thread by a user, then look at that persons threads, then find the comment.

I'll use it to go look at my own review history too.

Also, I agree with Rick. I miss having the # of reviews/# of places near a user profile in every review/comment. To me, that's much more worthwhile than the tagline stuff. Or at least worth finding a place to put it somewhere. # of trusts to me is still useless as the last time I looked there were still old "Self props" or repeated props from the same person being counted in that number.
avatar for Piggie
6 years ago
I use it to see their other reviews of my local clubs and what shadow said. And to see how many trust nicespice has today.
avatar for JohnSmith69
6 years ago
I use the info in a manner similar to what shadowcat describes. It is very useful.
avatar for DeclineToState
6 years ago
nicespice is solid. Probably soft too, but I wouldn’t know
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
6 years ago
Feature request... It would be useful to get an email notification when a particular user posts a review. Meaning, I'd like to subscribe to specific user reviews.

A possible good metric for real trust would be to display on the profile history page how many people subscribe to a user's reviews. Similar to how conventional 'trusts' are displayed.
avatar for TFP
6 years ago
^^^that is a great idea.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
6 years ago
Email notification or perhaps TUSCL private message. Whichever is easier.
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