Gifts for Dancers
I give in to sin because you have to make this life livable
A dancer who I've visited numerous times, hit me up for a decent priced laptop so she could take a few online classes to finish her general education.
I've also been hit up for jewelry and a tazer.
For the record, I passed on the gift requests.
What gifts have dancers asked to buy?
I've also been hit up for jewelry and a tazer.
For the record, I passed on the gift requests.
What gifts have dancers asked to buy?
I have had a dancer ask me to come to the club more often, to help with her with vet bills for her kitten. And I have had dancers ask if I wanted a kitten or puppy because they were trying to give them away.
As we are discussing it she has a glimmer in her eye and a huge smile as she pretend tazes me, I figure she might have a few people on her to taze list (maybe even me).
The worst part is that once you start with something small pretty-soon they'll be asking you to pay the rent bc of some drama they're going thru.
Helping a dancer often becomes a bottomless pit and they seem to have one emergency/need after the other and in the end one is usually not helping but unconsciously enabling.
Helping out a dancer usually doesn't work, they seem to go back to square one as soon as you stop helping - the ones that have their shit-together usually don't need PLs' help - the ones that need your help seem to never get their shit together especially as long as the PL is enabling - if they want something they should do as most responsible people do, work extra and/or save up for it rather than mooching off of the PL/RIL.
I never understood why she acted that way. Although I was unfamiliar with the particular restaurant she wanted me to take her to, I was familiar with the area and there were no exceptional, high dollar restaurants in the nearby.
I don’t know why she couldn’t take what she earned from just one lap dance and treat herself to a meal there if she was so crazy about the place.
I bet she’s huge now.
don't do it don't be that chump
I have bought my ATF and CFs various gifts, all below $500. I paid my ATF's cable bills and phone bills a number of times. Papi asks why they can't pay for things with the money they make, Well, that heroin doesn't pay for itself.
Now I did buy her a number of other more expensive gifts, but she didn't ask for any of them. Perhaps she "hinted" enough to put the thought in my head.
Other dancers, no more than a drink or two.
There is very little ROI on gift giving.
Wow, I wouldn't co-sign loan for a family member.
Seems like a KCmember received a good ROI
Meals (most of the time I brought it)
Christmas Gifts (only one gift bought)
Birthday Gifts (never bought)
Lunar New Year Envelopes (never bought)
Co-sign for an apartment (no way)
For the most part though, it’s just cash for time and stuff.
In terms of giving gifts for the fuck of it, I've had two favorites in all the years who I enjoyed enough that I felt motivated to get them Christmas gifts. But outside of those two instances, never. I do not want to foster any notion in any girl that I am remotely SD material.
I've given small gifts to a CF unsolicited (part ulterior motive giving as Cristobal says, and part not) and she's occasionally reciprocated unsolicited. Difficult to discern if my giving has increased the mileage but the value of gifts hasn't been significant and the ulterior motive was only part of it so I haven't cared.
✔️ 👄 🔥
^Not judging, just curious. I’ve always had a serious high heel fetish and more recently became insanely turned on by women in yoga pants wearing flip flops, which is a fairly recent warm weather fashion trend.
For other dancers I've bought outfits and sometimes shoes. Those all got put to good use, and as someone else said it's basically around the same cost as a few lapdances. When I look at how much to spend on dancers basically everything turns into comps for lapdances, vip sessions, or hookups with other girls. I've definitely done the Sally's asking for this much but that's 2 or 3 Suzies head math lol.
I don't count drinks, meals, random amusement expenses and hotel rooms. That's just the cost of doing business.
On Our Stripper Ladies.