Kissing/Licking a dancers neck while getting dance

avatar for Muddy
I’m really into this. Only really VIP though. I get mixed reactions some totally get into it and it’s hot as fuck. Some tell me “dude chill!” But this might not as common as I think it is. It’s total turn on for me what about TUSCL. Y’all do that too? I just fucking love it man.


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avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
Approached the right way, using words to come on to her and soften her up, and demonstrating generosity, I think that could be done. But I would suggest in the front room, not the dance booth. And use it as a prelude to a makeout session.

avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
Some girls do that, just like pressing forehead to forehead, to see if you want to start a makeout session. But coming on to her verbally too, in my view, is very important.

avatar for Muddy
6 years ago
I don’t know SJG you tend to ramble on like a raving lunatic on the boards I’m not sure verbal would be the best approach in your case. There is a chance it could be unbelievably annoying to the dancer. Just keepin it real.
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
No Muddy, its you and some others like you who just ramble on.

avatar for eastsidecap
6 years ago
SJG=raging lunatic!! lol
avatar for Muddy
6 years ago
Hey man I’m not hating on you but come on dude you post in your own topic with these crazy long posts with just you responding. Who does that shit? You say some interesting stuff sometimes but you gotta take it down a notch man. Everybody thinks that shit is nuts. People would probably read your shit a lot more if there was less of it.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
6 years ago
Muddy9 said "People would probably read your shit a lot more if there was less of it."

avatar for Cristobal
6 years ago
When getting a dance I like to follow her lead, so one time a dancer kissed my neck and sucked on hers, she started stick shifting, I started FOV, which soon became FIV, until she squirted.

It does not happen very often but it's pretty damn awesome when it does.
avatar for Assmanjoe
6 years ago
i do that when theres a good vibe with the girl. i dont normally lead off with stuff like that but if i get a slutty signal from her (like stickshifting or her popping a titty in my face), ill kiss/lick/nibble/rub all over her. they normally get very into it and its an excellent segway into freebies or the vip/otc if shes not feeling generous.
on another note sanjoseguy is THE ONLY person on tuscl i have set on ignore lol i see hes still talking nonsense from others comments
avatar for jsully63
6 years ago
I enjoy it as well but in my experience it usually happens over time and she gets comfortable with you. And yeah, you spend on her on a regular basis. The first few times with a dancer they want to get a feel for who you are and if you’ll be s decent customer. Then the guard comes down.
avatar for bruno0639
6 years ago
I love doing that as well. several times this has allowed me to move to her nipples.
avatar for wallanon
6 years ago
Going from zero to body fluids is a big jump, especially for a dancer you just picked for the first time. Some girls aren't going to care if there's tongue and spit involved right from jump, just like there are some girls that will whip out a cock and go bareback on a dude they just met. There's a simple way I check to see what a girl is into where that's concerned. It's in your PM.
avatar for larryfisherman
6 years ago
I like doing it as well, but I have to get the right vibe from the girl.
avatar for Muddy
6 years ago
Well I just love going in like gang busters. She either with program or not. And I just don’t like wasting time and money on a girl who’s not into it. I try it in the first two songs.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
I assume most dancers don't like a custy's saliva/bodily-fluids on them, which I understand thus I avoid kissing/licking on them bc it's not exactly a must-have for me.

Doesn't mean I don't like kissing/licking but I feel I should reserve that for a more private setting (OTC, maybe VIP) - I don't do OTC and don't do VIP often and don't really have a fave dancer whom I specifically invest heavily-in in order for me to get more personal that way per se - if I do kiss a/on a dancer it's usually a dry kiss.
avatar for nicespice
6 years ago
You most certainly live up to your rep as a young guy. Bonus points if you’re Hispanic.
avatar for Muddy
6 years ago
Na not Hispanic. I’m just really confident in the club. Like I KNOW I am sexy as fuck and you should know it too. Even if it’s not true that’s the mentality I have in a strip club. I mean most of the time, it’s received very well anyway.
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
Muddy9, why don't you read what people post?…

And Cristobal, you can give her money in the front room. Don't you see that it is better to escalate the intimacy in the front room, and then save the back room for when your own pants are going to come down?


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avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
Everything is more flexible in the front room. No you can give her money, but there is not standing agreement about anything.

So save the back room until it is really needed.

avatar for Muddy
6 years ago
SJG I’m not talking making out with a dancer. That’s some other shit. I’m talking about there neck. There is a big difference.
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
Nuzzling, pressing forehead to forehead, ear lobe nibbling, and neck licking are all about 1 mm from DFKing. Girls often do it. Often you can do it to them.

Often good to start girls out with showy open tongue kissing, keep them looking presentable, and put on a good show.

But try to do it in the front room. This does not mean for free, but it means without any standing agreements about money or time.

avatar for Muddy
6 years ago
Dude doing that shit in the front room is blowing up a dancers spot. I’m not doing that. I know if I see that Im gonna get turned off by that dancer.
avatar for nicespice
6 years ago
“Even if it’s not true that’s the mentality I have in a strip club. I mean most of the time, it’s received very well anyway.”

Probably a good mentality to have even not in a club.
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
Most US strip clubs are cliip joints, separating marks from their money.

We have this because the vast majority of guys have never thought it through, and have never met girls who are more GFE-FS and OTC oriented.

avatar for nicespice
6 years ago
“Most US strip clubs are cliip joints, separating marks from their money.”

I ❤️ clip joints.
avatar for pistola
6 years ago
^you probably have never stepped your ass in a real one
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
^^^^ Pistola, not sure who your comment was directed at. But you recently described a wonderful GFE-MSOG session at an AMP.

That is the opposite of a clip joint.

In a clip joint the mileage may be lower, but mostly the quality of the encounter is lower because the choreography is screwed up by unnecessary front room restrictions. So if you buy dances you are being played for a chump. And unlike many no touching clubs, the costs are not low.

avatar for gSteph
6 years ago
I can see that licking on neck is a tongue too far for most dancers, but if she seems ok with neck snuggling during hugging I might plant a gentle dry kiss there. Prefer the same on boobs though.
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