How often do people actually take a crap at the club? I think I would just go home if I had to go that bad. I don’t feel super fresh after taking care of business, and usually prefer to have a shower before getting intimate with a beautiful woman.
A couple of months ago one of my favorite Follies dancers came up to me and told me that she had just taken a big shit in the ladies room but that she had wiped herself really good. All I could think of to say was "Thanks for sharing that".
Definitely make a point to take care of business at home. But occasionally when I’m making it a long day in the city and I find my self needing to go, I’ll swing by one of the more upscale clubs that’s open from noon to 2am. They keep their restrooms reasonably clean and well-stocked. Certainly far better than most fast-food places and damned near every gas station. I’ve even saw the night time rest-room troll freshening up one of the stalls once. So I’ve never begrudged tipping him.
I do, do this sometimes. If I do it, it's always when I first get there. I will try to take a shit at the gas station before if I can help though. I don't know why it's always before something important.
I try to avoid doing that anywhere but home, but sometimes it's unavoidable. Never have in a strip club, but I'd advise against a gas station. Some 30 years ago I was out and suddenly had to go real bad, I mean real bad like I thought I might shit my pants. Stopped at a gas station and took care of business. Only then did I look to my left and see there was no toilet paper. And this was a nasty shit and I needed to wipe. I had no choice but to use my socks. Long story short, I made a complete mess of the place, with soiled socks in the bowl and who knows what the fuck else. I blame those assholes for not keeping it stocked with toilet paper. How did they think that was going to end? I've often thought back to that day and wondered who had to clean that shit. If it was someone who's now a TUSCL member and is reading this, my apologies. But I hope your employer learned a lesson.
There’s only two clubs locally that are simultaneously clean enough and offer enough privacy for that. Otherwise, there’s a White Castle that has a really clean RR right near most of the clubs.
It was just as humiliating as when the cops stop and harass you in public....
There was no door on the stall and it directly faced the door, so everyone coming in saw me on their way to the urinal. If the urinal was occupied, the line stood in front of me. And they had nasty one ply toilet paper...There was no soap, just hand sanitizer.
I've seen that at a restaurant before.... it was disgusting.
At one strip club, the toilet overflowed and men were walking through shit to get to the urinals, like they didn't care. I went to pee in the parking lot
I took a shit in Golddiggers in Houston last month. No the worse place I've shuttled. Wasnt too bad, good locking door.
Usually I'll just take a dump outside somewhere, I keep wet wipes in the car. I had been drinking and eating bad food, my stomach was rumbling. Had to make a game time decision.
I was so relieved when I was done. Whew. Yes indeed
I think only once and under extreme gastric distress.
Normally I only use the stalls for removing the used cover and a quick alcohol wipe clean of the unit. I've never flushed the rubber seems like a clog risk. wrap it in TP then in the trash.
I avoid strip club shits at all costs. I'm not concerned about the germs. I'm just not interested in getting dances after making an emergency evacuation.
I had some bad food at Disney once - and I barely made it to the restroom. The only toilet was blocked off - and I had to kick the door open. Sadly I found the toilet didn't flush after.
Never have, would avoid at all costs. I was in PM in Bridgeport a few months back and someone dropped a duce the in urinal, the fucking urinal, how do you even manage that feat?
At least peeing is just standing at a urinal or toilet, not a fan of a dirty bathroom, but at least you don't have to sit to pee.
My nomination for worst strip club bathroom, Sugar n Spice in Morrisville PA or Showplace in Dover NJ.
last commentSJG
I've often thought back to that day and wondered who had to clean that shit. If it was someone who's now a TUSCL member and is reading this, my apologies. But I hope your employer learned a lesson.……
There was no door on the stall and it directly faced the door, so everyone coming in saw me on their way to the urinal. If the urinal was occupied, the line stood in front of me. And they had nasty one ply toilet paper...There was no soap, just hand sanitizer.
I once puked in a strip club bathroom.... walked in and saw a pile of shit in the sink.....
At one strip club, the toilet overflowed and men were walking through shit to get to the urinals, like they didn't care. I went to pee in the parking lot
Usually I'll just take a dump outside somewhere, I keep wet wipes in the car. I had been drinking and eating bad food, my stomach was rumbling. Had to make a game time decision.
I was so relieved when I was done. Whew. Yes indeed
Normally I only use the stalls for removing the used cover and a quick alcohol wipe clean of the unit. I've never flushed the rubber seems like a clog risk. wrap it in TP then in the trash.
I had some bad food at Disney once - and I barely made it to the restroom. The only toilet was blocked off - and I had to kick the door open. Sadly I found the toilet didn't flush after.
At least peeing is just standing at a urinal or toilet, not a fan of a dirty bathroom, but at least you don't have to sit to pee.
My nomination for worst strip club bathroom, Sugar n Spice in Morrisville PA or Showplace in Dover NJ.