What is your favorite movie with strip club scenes?

avatar for MackTruck
Feeding off of Muddy9's topic.

I was thinking of posting this anyway...


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avatar for MackTruck
6 years ago
Varsity Blues


I want a teacher like that
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
Star Wars and Dancing at the Blue Iguana
avatar for jackslash
6 years ago
The Wrestler. An aging wrestler (Mickey Rourke) meets an aging stripper (Marisa Tomei).
avatar for Assmanjoe
6 years ago
Belly - the opening scene when they shoot up and rob a strip club...probably my favorite opening scene of all time.
The Wrestler's strip club scenes were filmed at Cheeques in Linden - a real operating club. Also the Acme scenes were filmed at a random grocery store in Bayonne with real customers, dont know if same is true for the strip club scenes.
Striptease with Demi Moore, and Dogma with Salma Hayek get honorable mentions.
avatar for TrapBaby304
6 years ago
Can't believe no one mentioned From Dusk Til Dawn

avatar for Daddillac
6 years ago
I actually agree with trap on this one
avatar for Muddy
6 years ago
I’m going Flashdance the end always gets me. Totally relatable movie too. 18 year old high school girl from Pittsburgh, Steelworker by day, stripper by night. Falls in love with some 50 year old guy. Then dances her way to her dreams. Who hasn’t done that?
avatar for Jascoi
6 years ago
the flick ‘pay it forward’ had a stripclub scene.
avatar for Nidan111
6 years ago
strip "club" scenes ..... Flash Dance. Dusk to Dawn. Enemy Gold. Savage Beach.
avatar for flagooner
6 years ago
Magic Mike and Magic Mike 2
avatar for Cashman1234
6 years ago
I enjoyed Demi Moore’s tits in Striptease - and Burt Reynolds was funny in it too.

From Dusk till Dawn has a great scene with Salma Hayek.

Sin City was quite enjoyable with Jessica Alba.

I liked the Wrestler - as Mickey Rourke seemed to be a true pl interacting with Marisa Tomei. The club reminded me of a NJ club too.
avatar for pensionking
6 years ago
Loved Tomei in The Wrestler, very realistic
Enjoyed Aniston in "We're the Millers" -- great MILF
Got wood first time I saw Berkley in "Showgirls" -- first filmed LDK ?!
Surprised to enjoy strip club scene from "The Internship", though thoroughly unrealistic in SFO anymore
avatar for SuperDude
6 years ago
Striptease with Demi Moore--enhanced.
avatar for aham5
6 years ago
avatar for Assmanjoe
6 years ago
Shit forgot about from dusk til dawn, awesome movie
avatar for Cristobal
6 years ago
21, when they have the strippers exchange the hustled chips for cash, all the strippers are leaving work in sexy outfits and heels (only on the movies, real strippers leave work in baggy sweats and flip flops).
avatar for BoringLoser
6 years ago
I believe the movie Go! had a good strip club scene
avatar for jackslash
6 years ago
Here's a movie I had forgotten about. "Blaze" with Paul Newman and Lolita Davidovich.

avatar for rl27
6 years ago
I agree about Jessica Alba in Sin City. Salma Hayek in Dogma is also great.

Dancing in the Blue Iguana, at least 30 minutes of the movie was stripper scenes.

There was also a movie I watched back in the 90's can't remember the name of it. The premise was a woman tracking down the people who killed her sister. There was several good strip club scenes, including a sexy lap dance up to the point when she kills one of her sisters drug dealers / pimps.
avatar for NJBalla
6 years ago
You cant mention Dusk Til Dawn and not show the salma hayek scene!


Not a movie but you in honor of the 20th anniversary Bada Bing from Sopranos

avatar for Icey
6 years ago
avatar for crazyjoe
6 years ago
Beverly Hills Cop
avatar for flagooner
6 years ago
Gee, I wonder why Quentin Tarantino cast himself in that role.
avatar for MackTruck
6 years ago
avatar for RandomMember
6 years ago
Easy choice: stripper scene from "The Big Short."


Steve Carell (sp?) Is a hedge fund manager who is betting against subprime mortgage bonds and the their derivatives during the 2008 crisis. Hot stripper explains that she owns five houses and a condo, telling her mortgage broker that she's a "therapist."

Lol! The book is terrific and highly recommended for all the Libertarian nutcases on TUSCL who insist that Barney Frank caused the worst crisis since 1929.
avatar for TheeOSU
6 years ago
Leave it to our misguided dipshit resident troll rumdummoron/realdougster/josh43/etc to turn a discussion about about strip club scenes in movies into a political statement supporting his secret crush Barneyfag.
avatar for crazyjoe
6 years ago
All of them
avatar for April9424
6 years ago
i know everyone is all about her in 'from dusk til dawn' but... this is my fucking favorite. she's so hot.

avatar for THE CHAINDOG
6 years ago
Dusk till dawn, The Wrestler, Sin City, and a t.v movie In which Spencer for ire shakes down a pimp in the naked eye. I think it was April Kyle?
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