Recently I saw a PL hanging out with someone I had a ROB experience, should I have warned him?
I didn't warn him, I felt if she was a ROB, it's his lesson to learn and his money to lose.
Though some part of me wanted to at least advise him of the potential ROB; in a way that's why we write reviews, comments, and discussions to share information (and warn others) via an online forum.
If I know for sure the the girl is a thief I might mention it to a bartender or floor man if I’m familiar with them, that’s about as far as I’d go with it, OTOH if I saw her pickpocket him or lift his money I’d prolly tell him.
I would not do it in front of her b/c that will create drama - and unlikely I would get up and walk across the room to tell him - but if he was close to me I might let him know - the problem is many people are skeptical of a stranger telling them something along these lines and it can come across as the tattletale perhaps having an ax to grind.
Not all ROB experiences are really ROB. If you are having a front room makeout session and decide to continue it in the back room, then getting ROBed is very unlikely. More likely is that you will be waking up with your girl in the morning.
A lot of what people call ROB is more like just crossed wires. Either that, or the girl feels that you have insulted her in some way which is so unallowable that you deserve what you get. While not endorsing this view, I still do not classify that the same as ROB. May girls will considered being treated as a prostitute to be so unallowable that taking the money and splitting is legitimate.
SJG's New Headquarters, coming soon to a strip club parking lot near you.
The fact you didn't seem to be sitting with the PL, and she didn't do anything identifiable like take his wallet or phone, then it's say nothing. Part of all of our learning curve. If she took anything identifiable like his wallet or phone, and you are POSITIVE she hasn't ditched it, tell the manager and another person. If she took cash off him or the table/bar, say nothing.
25, If you can prove she stole from you, tell the manager and someone else there, or say nothing.
To me, these incidents are things we choose to risk, so I think you know where I believe the blame lies.
It depends on how you define ROB.... if she actually robbed you , or she just danced when you thought you were entitled to fuck. Either way, its none of your business. You should have told management when it first happened if it was legit and they'd keep an eye on her and fire her if she really was robbing customers.
One mans trash is another mans treasure. Just because she gave you a bad experience doesnt mean she will do the same to another guy. In my experience girls who are ROBs stop dancing after a few months.The only places these girls thrives are at clubs that cater to newbies and bachelorette parties where guys come once a year.
Thr discussion is regarding the validity of warning another PL about a ROB.
A ROB experience is up to the PL to interpret but the point was I felt I was wronged and though I did not warn the PL in retrospect maybe I should have said something.
Then I consider, how would I take a total strange walking up to me saying something like"this girl you are talking to ripped me off."
If I was heavily engaged with the dancer I would easily ignore anything anyone would say but if I was barely engaged I might ponder his warning but probably ignore it anyways.
What you're really saying is you want to tell him you didn't enjoy your experience with said dancer. Unless she actually stole money from you its not ripping you off....
If the dancer definitely stole your wallet or phone - then I’d make sure I told the club manager during the visit when it happened. Since the manager was made aware - he needs to determine the proper course of action to take.
If you had an unsatisfactory dance - that’s between you and the dancer.
I doubt that I’d tell the customer about a ROB dancer unless I was friends with the customer. There’s not a lot of trust among pl’s in clubs.
Hookers will do that....its good business. Make the trick pay more for more. Saying she'll get naked and not doing it is just leading you on, you have no recourse if its not an all nude club. You should have complained to management about the dances. For those kind of hookers time is money.... they won't waste time if you're not cumming quick enough You have to understand their business strategies
I would never do it in front of the dancer. Even if she is a ROB, I'd want her to look the other direction if I was two knuckles deep inside one of her coworkers, and I want her to decide to punish me if I hurt her income.
If a random customer walked up to me and started talking shit about a dancer, I'd be suspicious. At least to some extent. Also, you never know who that customer is to that dancer. You leave yourself wide open to drama and unpleasantness.
As I said, case-by-case basis, but probably not in most circumstances.
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A lot of what people call ROB is more like just crossed wires. Either that, or the girl feels that you have insulted her in some way which is so unallowable that you deserve what you get. While not endorsing this view, I still do not classify that the same as ROB. May girls will considered being treated as a prostitute to be so unallowable that taking the money and splitting is legitimate.
SJG's New Headquarters, coming soon to a strip club parking lot near you.
12' x 20', and with over 9' of center stand up height.…
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If she took anything identifiable like his wallet or phone, and you are POSITIVE she hasn't ditched it, tell the manager and another person.
If she took cash off him or the table/bar, say nothing.
If you can prove she stole from you, tell the manager and someone else there, or say nothing.
To me, these incidents are things we choose to risk, so I think you know where I believe the blame lies.
A ROB experience is up to the PL to interpret but the point was I felt I was wronged and though I did not warn the PL in retrospect maybe I should have said something.
Then I consider, how would I take a total strange walking up to me saying something like"this girl you are talking to ripped me off."
If I was heavily engaged with the dancer I would easily ignore anything anyone would say but if I was barely engaged I might ponder his warning but probably ignore it anyways.
Better yet, post it on whatever review board is most used in your area, and hope it’s seen. Include a TUSCL review of course, but spread the word.
If the dancer definitely stole your wallet or phone - then I’d make sure I told the club manager during the visit when it happened. Since the manager was made aware - he needs to determine the proper course of action to take.
If you had an unsatisfactory dance - that’s between you and the dancer.
I doubt that I’d tell the customer about a ROB dancer unless I was friends with the customer. There’s not a lot of trust among pl’s in clubs.
I think Cristobal had a bad dance -
I would not consider a bad dance a ROB experience.
Amongst my ROB experiences:
Dancer said she would get fully naked in the VIP room but did not
Dancer stopped dancing after two songs but I paid for 4 songs
Dancer changed price of previously negotiated service after said service is rendered
Hooker changed the previously negotiated price based on the number of positions engaged in
Hooker says we're are done when neither time was up or I was done
Saying she'll get naked and not doing it is just leading you on, you have no recourse if its not an all nude club.
You should have complained to management about the dances.
For those kind of hookers time is money.... they won't waste time if you're not cumming quick enough
You have to understand their business strategies
If a random customer walked up to me and started talking shit about a dancer, I'd be suspicious. At least to some extent. Also, you never know who that customer is to that dancer. You leave yourself wide open to drama and unpleasantness.
As I said, case-by-case basis, but probably not in most circumstances.
Besides how much of warning someone about a so-called Rob is really about helping them vs your own ego