So the tricks and trolls started blocking me en masse....
After having trolled the shit out of me over the last week and bitching and whining how I'm a loser for having blocked them...
25 started the campaign claiming if enough block me I'll quit TUSCL... this after claiming he "won" and calling me a pussy for having blocked him...
My crime.......
Having reminded the old tricks on this site that stripper is in fact not a euphemism for hooker and that strip clubs aren't brothels....and that no, strippers and hookers don't enjoy making ugly or socially awkward men cum, whether the traditional way or in their pants...
And no, a stripper finessing you isn't a stripper lying to you...
"financial exchange is gonna be the driving force for her"
"That's why the men on this site in general are so bitter...All they have going for them is finding women desperate enough to sleep with them for money."
"And I agree, its really weird that she would cut off the $$$."
"Im hoping if nothing else, she misses the money. She won't find this was a lot. A few hundred a day, some days over a thousand."
^ TUSCL quotes by IceyLoco (aka the hypocritical trick bitch). LMAO he has his own euphemisms for paying for his pussy (like a hypocritical trick bitch).
Translation: IceyLoco got impatient because he created four threads in the front room that didn’t have enough replies. So he got impatient and decided he wanted to pay for VIP.
Knowing full well that if he attempted to write a review, it would come out like shit and his account would have been deleted like BigDickSammy’s.
And quotes taken out of context.... during a moment of weakness... don't mean much.
You're referring to when I had a some stuff going on and yeah, I am that in love and when it comes down to it, love is stronger than pride and I couldn't fathom what went on....thinking that even at the lowest denominator, at least there was that thing that would keep a woman around if nothing else. That doesn't make me a trick.
At least I can afford to spoil my bitch though....and she spoils me.
Meth head spice writes reviews with her troll profiles and gets VIP status and none of them complain coz they hope kissing her troll ass will get them nudes.
20fag is delusional.....he thinks telling everyone he's winning and acting like he's a keyboard warrior makes him smart. Sad thing is he's delusional enough to believe it lmfao
IceyLoco's quoted examples of his euphemisms for being a trick bitch...
"financial exchange is gonna be the driving force for her"
"That's why the men on this site in general are so bitter...All they have going for them is finding women desperate enough to sleep with them for money."
"And I agree, its really weird that she would cut off the $$$."
"Im hoping if nothing else, she misses the money. She won't find this was a lot. A few hundred a day, some days over a thousand."
"Thank you for the replies. Yeah, Im fine with the sugar daddy aspect. Im not naive to think she'd be with me if I were broke. "
@IceyLoco LMAO you are trying to deflect from the issue that you are still a hypocritical little trick bitch. Saying that you were taken out of context is just a euphemism for you admitting it.
I already posted that I laugh about posting to TUSCL with my wife. Yes she knows I like trolling little bitch trolls like you.
IceyLoco's quoted examples of his euphemisms for being a trick bitch...
"financial exchange is gonna be the driving force for her"
"That's why the men on this site in general are so bitter...All they have going for them is finding women desperate enough to sleep with them for money."
"And I agree, its really weird that she would cut off the $$$."
"Im hoping if nothing else, she misses the money. She won't find this was a lot. A few hundred a day, some days over a thousand."
"Thank you for the replies. Yeah, Im fine with the sugar daddy aspect. Im not naive to think she'd be with me if I were broke. "
IceyLoco's quoted examples of his euphemisms for being a trick bitch...
"financial exchange is gonna be the driving force for her"
"That's why the men on this site in general are so bitter...All they have going for them is finding women desperate enough to sleep with them for money."
"And I agree, its really weird that she would cut off the $$$."
"Im hoping if nothing else, she misses the money. She won't find this was a lot. A few hundred a day, some days over a thousand."
"Thank you for the replies. Yeah, Im fine with the sugar daddy aspect. Im not naive to think she'd be with me if I were broke. "
IceyLoco's quoted examples of his euphemisms for being a trick bitch...
"financial exchange is gonna be the driving force for her"
"That's why the men on this site in general are so bitter...All they have going for them is finding women desperate enough to sleep with them for money."
"And I agree, its really weird that she would cut off the $$$."
"Im hoping if nothing else, she misses the money. She won't find this was a lot. A few hundred a day, some days over a thousand."
"Thank you for the replies. Yeah, Im fine with the sugar daddy aspect. Im not naive to think she'd be with me if I were broke. "
IceyLoco's quoted examples of his euphemisms for being a trick bitch...
"financial exchange is gonna be the driving force for her"
"That's why the men on this site in general are so bitter...All they have going for them is finding women desperate enough to sleep with them for money."
"And I agree, its really weird that she would cut off the $$$."
"Im hoping if nothing else, she misses the money. She won't find this was a lot. A few hundred a day, some days over a thousand."
"Thank you for the replies. Yeah, Im fine with the sugar daddy aspect. Im not naive to think she'd be with me if I were broke. "
LMAO that Icey (aka the hypocritical little trick bitch) put me on ignore, then kept reading and replying to my posts, and then took me off of ignore. And now he can't stop replying to me.
LMAO that Icey (aka the hypocritical little trick bitch) put me on ignore, then kept reading and replying to my posts, and then took me off of ignore. And now he can't stop replying to me.
LMAO that Icey (aka the hypocritical little trick bitch) put me on ignore, then kept reading and replying to my posts, and then took me off of ignore. And now he can't stop replying to me.
LMAO that Icey (aka the hypocritical little trick bitch) put me on ignore, then kept reading and replying to my posts, and then took me off of ignore. And now he can't stop replying to me.
LMAO that Icey (aka the hypocritical little trick bitch) put me on ignore, then kept reading and replying to my posts, and then took me off of ignore. And now he can't stop replying to me.
LMAO that Icey (aka the hypocritical little trick bitch) put me on ignore, then kept reading and replying to my posts, and then took me off of ignore. And now he can't stop replying to me.
LMAO that Icey (aka the hypocritical little trick bitch) put me on ignore, then kept reading and replying to my posts, and then took me off of ignore. And now he can't stop replying to me.
LMAO that Icey (aka the hypocritical little trick bitch) put me on ignore, then kept reading and replying to my posts, and then took me off of ignore. And now he can't stop replying to me.
LMAO that Icey (aka the hypocritical little trick bitch) put me on ignore, then kept reading and replying to my posts, and then took me off of ignore. And now he can't stop replying to me.
LMAO that Icey (aka the hypocritical little trick bitch) put me on ignore, then kept reading and replying to my posts, and then took me off of ignore. And now he can't stop replying to me.
LMAO that Icey (aka the hypocritical little trick bitch) put me on ignore, then kept reading and replying to my posts, and then took me off of ignore. And now he can't stop replying to me.
You begged me to reply and were butt hurt when I had you blocked, you were spamming threads and trolling me regardless.
Now you're calling me a trick for taking care of my bitch. Do you pay for your wife or does she pay her share of bills? Do you buy her food or just yours? Are you paying for her pussy?
LMAO that Icey (aka the hypocritical little trick bitch) put me on ignore, then kept reading and replying to my posts, and then took me off of ignore. And now he can't stop replying to me.
LMAO I should have logged in earlier! This is so entertaining. —— “Meth head spice writes reviews with her troll profiles and gets VIP status and none of them complain coz they hope kissing her troll ass will get them nudes.”
You do realize dancers could get VIP without jumping through hoops, right?
All of that being irrelevant anyways since spice paid the money for lifetime membership almost three years ago.
And if many straight male board members are “kissing ass” then maybe founder is making a smart business decision to recruit more women on here?
Also maybe, if the likes of you backed off on your flaming of female board members, then more females (who are not me) would hang here.
Yeah. And if I found so many “desperate losers” by myself as “just trolling”...
Then imagine how delighted the board would be with even more females here.
It’s like the 7 in a dive is the star of the show there. But would be mostly just “there” in a larger club. —— You on the other hand flame female members. Saying that females who don’t hold any emotions for *all* customers as anything other than disgust are liars. And let’s not forget the blondbomb harassing.
it wouldn't make a difference. it wouldn't attract more members just like you're not attracting them. plus, you're expecting them to pay attention to them... you really think a large number of strippers are gonna come on here and pay attention to these guys just for attention online or trolling. If anything, itll attract hookers like blondebombshell and get the site shut down.
if they're not getting nudes they should ask her, look at all the trolling they do for her. might as well get something in return besides a cyber pat on the head.
Also maybe, if the likes of you backed off on your flaming of female board members, then more females (who are not me) would hang here. ——
Only people flamed are 1 a female obviously not a dancer selling herself and 2 a female (you) that creates troll accounts or encourages members to troll whenever she hears something she doesn’t like from someone who hasn’t kissed her ass. Nobody has issue with blah, linzee, psd, Nina, etc. Funny pulling that woe is me card when you’re the one creating accounts just to make fun of someone.
“Nobody has issue with blah, linzee, psd, Nina, etc.”
Next time you play dumb, I recommend trying that on an account where you haven’t accidentally posted as txtittyfag... —— And poor Icey. I’m sorry if you feel like I manipulate members against you.
I assure you, in a hypothetical scenario where I stop posting here entirely, or even never posted here at all, that would not stop the backlash against you.
You would have gotten all the drama you craved with or without me.
Next time you play dumb, I recommend trying that on an account where you haven’t accidentally posted as txtittyfag... - 1 I'm not txtf, 2 doesn't negate the fact that you've been messing with ppl for your own personal kicks when they make points they disagree with so dont pull the little miss innocent card when ppl see thru your bs
Nicespice, I didn't say you manipulate members against me. I'm saying you manipulate members and get off on the drama.You wait for someone to get butt hurt in the discussions then egg them on. Then you keep adding to the flames by making shit up and paying attention to the losers, which emboldens them. You get off on it. And they're happy coz sadly that's the only "free" attention they can get from a female...I'll call you a female and refrain from calling you a woman coz... But that's another issue.
Sorry Mack, never applied to drive a shit truck. Had bigger goals in life. Look at these three rejects above posting shit truck jokes. Go fuck off with your Tonka truck toy fantasies now. And suck my like button bitches. Lmao
Did you just proposition MackTruck for a blow job? Between that and asking Dadillac to be your sugar daddy (… ), you may be making good progress.
Nice Spice doesn't add shit to the discussions... she incites shit, eggs dumbasses on in their trolling, and paranoid delusions...
No one is flaming the female members of the site, just Nice Spice for her incessant trolling and Blondebombshell for being a hooker advertising on the site. I don't see anyone coming to Nicole's rescue when she's the most trolled and harassed woman on the site!
Yeah nm txspice I wouldnt want a bj from your disease riddled mouth. You got the clap so many times the last time you went to your doctor he prescribed applause.
Idk what ur talking about moron about Dadillac, I dont route for any Texas teams. But keep on trying to stir up drama.
I don’t have to “try” for any kind of drama. I just have to keep not using the ignore feature and here you are.
Anyways, it seems like Dadillac already rejected the offer, so I won’t bring up that sore spot again. But for your sake, I hope either crazyjoe or MackTruck will agree to that blowjob. Maybe then you will be nicer.
Nah spice, you keep posting behind my posts or egging on other trolls, go check your other posts I dont do the same. Dont act like you ain't the one stirring the pot. Your innocent 'lil ole me?' routine is staler than your cooch.
As far as Mack and CrazyJoe I hardly care about what two feces obsessed trolls think.
Another user pointed out to me there is a good chance that you were also behind the taxi_driver account that harassed bj99, plus weird associated aliases such as Lord_Cthulhu and Trucidos. Unless you log back in and make another post wrong account slip, I can’t be completely confident. But I agree the tactics are alike.
Nah you delusional medicated SW refugee, I know how it started. It started when I realized that you were behind multiple aliases you created to parody and make fun of people, including me, that did nothing to you, and you used these aliases for your own personal laughs rather than just be direct. Sorry that I’m one of a few that see thru your bs, only wished I saw it earlier. As far as this mystery user and y’all gossiping about me like bitches (expected from you bc you’re female) behind my back, proves that you’re a drama queen and conspiring with other users. I don’t even know who Trucidos, Bj, or Cultho are. All before my time of posting here. It’s funny you’re admittedly behind multiple personalities but fixated on proving others are the same, nah it’s just your trick ass and a few others. Also funny how you manipulated founder into a girls locker room section, but don’t post any dancer club reviews as gratitude - what an asshole move.
Pistola, she does message others and makes shit up about people, plants ideas in their heads, plays the victim and gets them to egg her trolls on. She basically takes advantage of PLs and uses them to stir shit for her own entertainment on here. And she thinks she's so smart for doing it coz they're stupid and just happy to get some attention. She's way easy to see through once you realize what she's doing.
Good lord Postrolla, you have come after me for so long for writing “novels” when I post and then you text dump a bunch of either exaggerations or outright lies.
But, no. I’ll post the link again because it’s proof enough and you seem unable to explain it off. Hopefully for you, I don’t get bored enough to dig into your posting history.
“behind my back, proves that you’re a drama queen and conspiring with other users.”
An individual who is only occasionally active here, and who was sad to see bj99 disappear off this board, is not going “behind your back” by sending me a warning PM that I will likely get a lot of harassment by misogynistic accounts.
He made a prediction and he was correct. This individual also partakes in neither flame wars nor aliases.
Idk what’s up with dramatic language from you. Oh wait, I do know. It’s cause you sassy!
Now let’s go find you a boyfriend you sassy bitch. — Gee another gay quip just like the rest of your troll accounts. Lemme guess I don’t like you so I must be gay. Uh no. Grow up twat. You need your cobwebbed vagina bent with a long hard dick, give you something other to do that rereading TUSCL over and over and over and then trolling and trolling and trolling.
@Icey, it’s funny because she can hide and insult people under aliases then can’t take it. She ain’t half the troll Nicole94 is, at least Nicole94 can troll under one account.
get a lot of harassment by misogynistic accounts — I know you’re a bird brain, but calling you out for trolling people nonstop here is hardly misogynistic.
Oops, sent it out too early. MackTruck is one of the few who will stick up for dancers. And also other random alias accounts (who are mine?) And the harassment aliases are unending.
And thus the board gets to deal with troll nonsense.
And thus the board gets to deal with troll nonsense. - Glad you admitted you’re behind it all. And if someone like me calls the trolls out, we get trolled for trolling trolls. Ok. So basically you and a few others are responsible for the never ending trolls here. Duh
Um, no I didn’t “admit” to anything. You (and whoever else) harass different dancers under different misogynistic personas. Others react because they want to actually stick up for us.
But I didn’t mean to say you exclusively target females, I noticed your rehashing of VM stuff too. Except your hateful nonsense got derailed thanks to BigDickSammy.
Pistola you do say stuff that is questionable sometimes, a lot of your comments seem to be about one upping the dancers you meet, about how you want TUSCL to be a boys only locker room, and make excessively crude comments about the actively posting dancers. - Yep, Im not a conventional thinker, Im about out hustling a hustler, I liked when TUSCL was boys only but I hope I’m proven wrong, and no probs with the other dancers just women not dancers slinging pussy for dough and then spice who is trolling anyone she disagrees with
You (and whoever else) harass different dancers under different misogynistic personas — Hate to break it to you fruit cup, it’s just one persona here. Unlike you.
Yes, hateful nonsense. You know damn well you set that up to log into your vincemichels account and go back into old board drama.
And it’s hateful because you’re hell bent on going after somebody others have described as a decent enough guy. And determined to keep spreading malice on him after he already passed away.
@DC don’t disagree. Nina used to drive me a little nuts with her bragging, but at the same time never said anything because she kept it 100. As far as the others, I don’t want hookers here. The gals that come here need to realize the forum is definitely strong male, TER was kind of a dipshit board for pussies
I’m sitting here roflmao at this chick thinking I wrote a thread to log into some old account I don’t even know. I’ve been using this website for years, only posting in last year, never read old forum shit, And in between laughing, I’m like, wait - who died? Wtf this girl is so bananas least until you realized I hadn’t exited the board. Then you backtracked and did more Nina flattery again. At least under your pistola account anyways. The hopes of another cat fight is also why you don’t go after her for her “lack” of reviews.
(Despite the fact that lack of reviews doesn’t stop dancers from being allowed to be verified.)
StripperCutie is a troll account, that's obvious... Nicespice is a troll and a drama queen and Blondebombshell is just a hooker advertising on here.
Nicole gets harassed the most on here and Nicespice joins in and I've never seen her stand up for strippers on any of her troll accounts. I've stood up for strippers much more...
But yeah, there are dancers on here who don't post much coz of the trolling and harassment they get from guys... lots of whom are in the VIP room...and who kiss Nice spice's ass, so she really has no moral high ground in this.
As far as this site being a macho locker room....nothing macho about being PLs and bragging about being in bad marriages and having to pay hookers... You “like” Nina in the hopes there is more conflict again. At one point you were malicious at her too... — Wtf are you high? We were debating ball. In no way did Nina take that as malicious. Holy hell you are crazy. Nina and I have traded a couple of pms, we are totally cool. Just because I disagreed with her take didn’t mean I was malicious. Give it a rest bird brain
The hopes of another cat fight is also why you don’t go after her for her “lack” of reviews. — Wrong again sugar tits, she doesn’t try to be queen b #1 dancer. You want to be, set an example.
“I've never seen her stand up for strippers on any of her troll accounts. I've stood up for strippers much more...”
By advocating beating them and the like? —— Anyways, one evidence of many. Here is a link where I stuck up for both Nina and Nicole. Though I haven’t done much of that since that time.
I stick up for LinzeeDet… —— Ah hell, at one point I stuck up for even you, when you were Phatboy. I even PMed 25 and said I didn’t think you were trying to troll. Except that was definitely an error I hopefully won’t make again. Oops.
I never told the hooker to leave I just call her out coz its funny AF to watch these losers kiss her ass coz a hooker is paying attention to them for free online.
I don't like Nicespice's trolling, nothing to do with her being a dancer.
Strippercutie is a definite troll. The person behind the profile just repeats the lines dancers tell customers.
Anyways...even if pistola/txtittyfag is a sassy gay boy and IceyLoco wants to act like a hypocritical trick bitch...I’d rather change it back to something more positive. (doubtful it will stay that way tho, lol)
That something positive being that MackTruck started the whole like button thing here. And this board smashes it.
Anyways...even if pistola/txtittyfag is a sassy gay boy and IceyLoco wants to act like a hypocritical trick bitch...I’d rather change it back to something more positive. (doubtful it will stay that way tho, lol — Ahahahaha coming on here to talk shit then wanting to ‘be positive’ while continually trolling my every post. Trick ass ho
Did you just proposition MackTruck for a blow job? Between that and asking Dadillac to be your sugar daddy ( ), you may be making good progress."
Wow pistola. Your true colors are comming out. I don't swing that way
And then you mention in one of the links that you hate dancers being here. Must be wanting back the old days when tuscl was sausage fest and dudes circle jerking each other
^Its a euphemistic expression not a literal request d-bag. Although I wouldnt expect a shit truck drivers tiny brain to be able to comprehend such things.
BBWS sounds like she's on meth, or at least acts like it. Hows the traieler park? Everyone knows you're a hooker, give up already
and Nicespice, why do you incessantly troll the site? You claim to defend dancers but all you do is pander to the most repulsive members and use them to egg you on
last comment"That's why the men on this site in general are so bitter...All they have going for them is finding women desperate enough to sleep with them for money."
"And I agree, its really weird that she would cut off the $$$."
"Im hoping if nothing else, she misses the money. She won't find this was a lot. A few hundred a day, some days over a thousand."
^ TUSCL quotes by IceyLoco (aka the hypocritical trick bitch). LMAO he has his own euphemisms for paying for his pussy (like a hypocritical trick bitch).
"Thank you for the replies. Yeah, Im fine with the sugar daddy aspect. Im not naive to think she'd be with me if I were broke. "
...more proof that IceyLoco is a hypocritical trick bitch. He admits to paying for his pussy and them trolls others that do the same thing.
LOL he's now officially my little pet troll bitch.
Knowing full well that if he attempted to write a review, it would come out like shit and his account would have been deleted like BigDickSammy’s.
And quotes taken out of context.... during a moment of weakness... don't mean much.
You're referring to when I had a some stuff going on and yeah, I am that in love and when it comes down to it, love is stronger than pride and I couldn't fathom what went on....thinking that even at the lowest denominator, at least there was that thing that would keep a woman around if nothing else. That doesn't make me a trick.
At least I can afford to spoil my bitch though....and she spoils me.
20fag is delusional.....he thinks telling everyone he's winning and acting like he's a keyboard warrior makes him smart. Sad thing is he's delusional enough to believe it lmfao
"Im hoping if nothing else, she misses the money. She won't find this was a lot. A few hundred a day, some days over a thousand."
"Thank you for the replies. Yeah, Im fine with the sugar daddy aspect. Im not naive to think she'd be with me if I were broke. "
"financial exchange is gonna be the driving force for her"
"That's why the men on this site in general are so bitter...All they have going for them is finding women desperate enough to sleep with them for money."
"And I agree, its really weird that she would cut off the $$$."
"Im hoping if nothing else, she misses the money. She won't find this was a lot. A few hundred a day, some days over a thousand."
"Thank you for the replies. Yeah, Im fine with the sugar daddy aspect. Im not naive to think she'd be with me if I were broke. "
...a hypocritical trick bitch, at that!
^ IceyLoco TUSCL quote from a few days ago.
And then LMAO he goes and upgrades to VIP so he can post there (like an oversensitive little bitch).
So you replaced paying women to make you cum in your pants with obsessive trolling? How does your wife feel about that?
Do you pay for her shit or are you paying for pussy by paying the bills?
I already posted that I laugh about posting to TUSCL with my wife. Yes she knows I like trolling little bitch trolls like you.
"financial exchange is gonna be the driving force for her"
"That's why the men on this site in general are so bitter...All they have going for them is finding women desperate enough to sleep with them for money."
"And I agree, its really weird that she would cut off the $$$."
"Im hoping if nothing else, she misses the money. She won't find this was a lot. A few hundred a day, some days over a thousand."
"Thank you for the replies. Yeah, Im fine with the sugar daddy aspect. Im not naive to think she'd be with me if I were broke. "
...a hypocritical trick bitch, at that!
"financial exchange is gonna be the driving force for her"
"That's why the men on this site in general are so bitter...All they have going for them is finding women desperate enough to sleep with them for money."
"And I agree, its really weird that she would cut off the $$$."
"Im hoping if nothing else, she misses the money. She won't find this was a lot. A few hundred a day, some days over a thousand."
"Thank you for the replies. Yeah, Im fine with the sugar daddy aspect. Im not naive to think she'd be with me if I were broke. "
...a hypocritical trick bitch, at that!
"financial exchange is gonna be the driving force for her"
"That's why the men on this site in general are so bitter...All they have going for them is finding women desperate enough to sleep with them for money."
"And I agree, its really weird that she would cut off the $$$."
"Im hoping if nothing else, she misses the money. She won't find this was a lot. A few hundred a day, some days over a thousand."
"Thank you for the replies. Yeah, Im fine with the sugar daddy aspect. Im not naive to think she'd be with me if I were broke. "
...a hypocritical trick bitch, at that!
"financial exchange is gonna be the driving force for her"
"That's why the men on this site in general are so bitter...All they have going for them is finding women desperate enough to sleep with them for money."
"And I agree, its really weird that she would cut off the $$$."
"Im hoping if nothing else, she misses the money. She won't find this was a lot. A few hundred a day, some days over a thousand."
"Thank you for the replies. Yeah, Im fine with the sugar daddy aspect. Im not naive to think she'd be with me if I were broke. "
...a hypocritical trick bitch, at that!
Now you're calling me a trick for taking care of my bitch. Do you pay for your wife or does she pay her share of bills? Do you buy her food or just yours? Are you paying for her pussy?
“Meth head spice writes reviews with her troll profiles and gets VIP status and none of them complain coz they hope kissing her troll ass will get them nudes.”
You do realize dancers could get VIP without jumping through hoops, right?
All of that being irrelevant anyways since spice paid the money for lifetime membership almost three years ago.
And if many straight male board members are “kissing ass” then maybe founder is making a smart business decision to recruit more women on here?
Also maybe, if the likes of you backed off on your flaming of female board members, then more females (who are not me) would hang here.
(* aka the hypocritical little trick bitch)
And sirlap’s stuff is so satisfying.
Then imagine how delighted the board would be with even more females here.
It’s like the 7 in a dive is the star of the show there. But would be mostly just “there” in a larger club.
You on the other hand flame female members. Saying that females who don’t hold any emotions for *all* customers as anything other than disgust are liars. And let’s not forget the blondbomb harassing.
Only people flamed are 1 a female obviously not a dancer selling herself and 2 a female (you) that creates troll accounts or encourages members to troll whenever she hears something she doesn’t like from someone who hasn’t kissed her ass. Nobody has issue with blah, linzee, psd, Nina, etc. Funny pulling that woe is me card when you’re the one creating accounts just to make fun of someone.
Yet you defend the hooker advertising on here, and Nicespice's incessant trolling and fake reviews with her troll profiles....
Also, you're a troll.
Next time you play dumb, I recommend trying that on an account where you haven’t accidentally posted as txtittyfag...
And poor Icey. I’m sorry if you feel like I manipulate members against you.
I assure you, in a hypothetical scenario where I stop posting here entirely, or even never posted here at all, that would not stop the backlash against you.
You would have gotten all the drama you craved with or without me.
1 I'm not txtf, 2 doesn't negate the fact that you've been messing with ppl for your own personal kicks when they make points they disagree with so dont pull the little miss innocent card when ppl see thru your bs
See what I did there?
Pistola joined the MackTruck crew!
MackTruck started Smash that like button!…
^^^ proof
Proof: multiple posts about crapping in basements lol…
Did you just proposition MackTruck for a blow job? Between that and asking Dadillac to be your sugar daddy (… ), you may be making good progress.
LMAO he/she played itself (like a hypocritical little bitch).
No one is flaming the female members of the site, just Nice Spice for her incessant trolling and Blondebombshell for being a hooker advertising on the site. I don't see anyone coming to Nicole's rescue when she's the most trolled and harassed woman on the site!
Idk what ur talking about moron about Dadillac, I dont route for any Texas teams. But keep on trying to stir up drama.
Anyways, it seems like Dadillac already rejected the offer, so I won’t bring up that sore spot again. But for your sake, I hope either crazyjoe or MackTruck will agree to that blowjob. Maybe then you will be nicer.
As far as Mack and CrazyJoe I hardly care about what two feces obsessed trolls think.
Luckily I remember the topic of the thread where this nonsense started. A few searches and I found where it started from you.…
You have been relentless with going after me.
Another user pointed out to me there is a good chance that you were also behind the taxi_driver account that harassed bj99, plus weird associated aliases such as Lord_Cthulhu and Trucidos. Unless you log back in and make another post wrong account slip, I can’t be completely confident. But I agree the tactics are alike.
But, no. I’ll post the link again because it’s proof enough and you seem unable to explain it off. Hopefully for you, I don’t get bored enough to dig into your posting history.…
Now let’s go find you a boyfriend you sassy bitch.
An individual who is only occasionally active here, and who was sad to see bj99 disappear off this board, is not going “behind your back” by sending me a warning PM that I will likely get a lot of harassment by misogynistic accounts.
He made a prediction and he was correct. This individual also partakes in neither flame wars nor aliases.
Idk what’s up with dramatic language from you. Oh wait, I do know. It’s cause you sassy!
Gee another gay quip just like the rest of your troll accounts. Lemme guess I don’t like you so I must be gay. Uh no. Grow up twat. You need your cobwebbed vagina bent with a long hard dick, give you something other to do that rereading TUSCL over and over and over and then trolling and trolling and trolling.
@Icey, it’s funny because she can hide and insult people under aliases then can’t take it. She ain’t half the troll Nicole94 is, at least Nicole94 can troll under one account.
I know you’re a bird brain, but calling you out for trolling people nonstop here is hardly misogynistic.
And thus the board gets to deal with troll nonsense.
“I know you’re a bird brain, but calling you out for trolling people nonstop here is hardly misogynistic.”
When just a few posts up...
“y’all gossiping about me like bitches (expected from you bc you’re female)”
Glad you admitted you’re behind it all. And if someone like me calls the trolls out, we get trolled for trolling trolls. Ok. So basically you and a few others are responsible for the never ending trolls here. Duh
“I know you’re a bird brain, but calling you out for trolling people nonstop here is hardly misogynistic.”
When just a few posts up...
“y’all gossiping about me like bitches (expected from you bc you’re female)”
Yeah a gossipy little bird brain
But I didn’t mean to say you exclusively target females, I noticed your rehashing of VM stuff too. Except your hateful nonsense got derailed thanks to BigDickSammy.…
Yep, Im not a conventional thinker, Im about out hustling a hustler, I liked when TUSCL was boys only but I hope I’m proven wrong, and no probs with the other dancers just women not dancers slinging pussy for dough and then spice who is trolling anyone she disagrees with
Hate to break it to you fruit cup, it’s just one persona here. Unlike you.
You were already caught posting as txtittyfag. Give it up, mr sass
And it’s hateful because you’re hell bent on going after somebody others have described as a decent enough guy. And determined to keep spreading malice on him after he already passed away.… least until you realized I hadn’t exited the board. Then you backtracked and did more Nina flattery again. At least under your pistola account anyways. The hopes of another cat fight is also why you don’t go after her for her “lack” of reviews.
(Despite the fact that lack of reviews doesn’t stop dancers from being allowed to be verified.)
Nicole gets harassed the most on here and Nicespice joins in and I've never seen her stand up for strippers on any of her troll accounts. I've stood up for strippers much more...
But yeah, there are dancers on here who don't post much coz of the trolling and harassment they get from guys... lots of whom are in the VIP room...and who kiss Nice spice's ass, so she really has no moral high ground in this.
As far as this site being a macho locker room....nothing macho about being PLs and bragging about being in bad marriages and having to pay hookers...
As far as correcting people for talking shit. That's one of my crimes here and why I get trolled.
Wtf are you high? We were debating ball. In no way did Nina take that as malicious. Holy hell you are crazy. Nina and I have traded a couple of pms, we are totally cool. Just because I disagreed with her take didn’t mean I was malicious. Give it a rest bird brain
& Strippercutie might be a troll account, haven’t decided.
Wrong again sugar tits, she doesn’t try to be queen b #1 dancer. You want to be, set an example.
By advocating beating them and the like?
Anyways, one evidence of many. Here is a link where I stuck up for both Nina and Nicole. Though I haven’t done much of that since that time.…
I stick up for LinzeeDet…
Ah hell, at one point I stuck up for even you, when you were Phatboy. I even PMed 25 and said I didn’t think you were trying to troll. Except that was definitely an error I hopefully won’t make again. Oops.
I don't like Nicespice's trolling, nothing to do with her being a dancer.
Strippercutie is a definite troll. The person behind the profile just repeats the lines dancers tell customers.
That something positive being that MackTruck started the whole like button thing here. And this board smashes it.
(* aka the hypocritical little trick bitch)
He/she is also the treasurer. LOL
Nicespice must be on some good shit
Ahahahaha coming on here to talk shit then wanting to ‘be positive’ while continually trolling my every post. Trick ass ho
Did you just proposition MackTruck for a blow job? Between that and asking Dadillac to be your sugar daddy ( ), you may be making good progress."
Wow pistola. Your true colors are comming out. I don't swing that way
sausage fest and dudes circle jerking each other
Spices Tuscl fan club complete with one of her troll profiles.
and Nicespice, why do you incessantly troll the site? You claim to defend dancers but all you do is pander to the most repulsive members and use them to egg you on
bbs lay off the meth
And he is not TrapBaby304.