
I've Just Been Robbed And Nearly Assaulted At Diamond Dolls Pompano Beach

Wednesday, December 12, 2018 6:03 PM
I know this belongs in the review section but I felt this was important enough to be published here as well so the story can receive maximum attention. For over a year now, I've been a regular at diamond dolls pompano. If you have visited this club then you know they have small private rooms in the back that can mostly be used for 3 songs at a time and then they have 2 bigger private VIP rooms near the entrance that can be bought 1 hour at a time. I find the private rooms at the back to be too small for an enjoyable experience. Because of this, every time I visit this club I will always pay to get access to the bigger VIP rooms at front. The cost for the bigger rooms is $150 per hour and you also get one bottle of champagne per hour included. There are 2 of these VIP rooms and one is significantly bigger then the other. Depending on the night, there can be high demand for this specific VIP room so what I do when I go in is I will pay for the room in advance so I know i have it when I need it. What most guys do is they find a girl and then when they have the girl they go buy the vip room. This can be risky since by the time you have your girl someone else might have already taken the room. What I do is I will buy the biggest vip room as soon as i get to the club and I always buy in chunks of at least 2 hours. For example, if i get to the club at 10 PM then i will pay $300 so I have the big vip room until 12 AM. Once the room is secured i will go hang out in the main area of the club and start looking for a girl i like. If after 90 min or so I still have not found a girl I like, I will pay another $300 to reserve the biggest vip room for an additional 2 hours. I'm the type of guy who likes to take his time and stay in strip clubs for a long time and most of my visits are almost always 4+ hours so I almost always end up occupying the big vip room for at least 4 hours every time i visit this place. This has been my routine at this club for over a year now and there has never been any problems in the past until this week. On Sunday, I returned to this club after not have been there in several months. It had been a long time so I ended up spending over 6 hours in the club and spending $900 to reserve the big vip room during the entire visit. I enjoyed myself and left on Sunday with no problems. I decided to return the next day and that's when things started to go south. I walked in and as always i told a staff member I wanted to buy the big vip room for 2 hours. I gave the staff member the $300 and waited for her to go grab my 2 bottles of champagne. At this point, one of the club managers a man named Brett walked up to me. He welcomed me back, told me the club appreciated my business and then..... Then he launched into this rant about how he had heard I had been at the club the night before and had not tipped any of the waitresses. He went on about how these girls made a living off tips and how the government taxes them on tips and that the nice thing to do would be for me to tip them. It was an extremely weird scene; i found it incredibly strange that the manager would be coming up to me and basically try to reprimand me for not tipping the waitresses. I tried to explain to him that I do not like to feel obligated to tip and that I would only tip if someone went above and beyond and provided extraordinary service. Instead of listening to me Brett walked away mid sentence as I was still speaking. About 2 hours later, I went to a staff member and informed her that I wanted to buy an additional 2 hours of the room. I gave her the $300 and waited while she went to grab the 2 bottles of champagne. About 10 min later, Brett walks up to me, gives me my $300 back and tells me someone else has already bought the room after my first 2 hours are up. This is when I knew something bad was happening. This manager Brett has been working at this club since I started coming there, he knows my routine very well, he knows I almost always buy more time after the first 2 hours so I knew he had done this on purpose. I decided to leave the club but before leaving i asked around and found out the guy in charge, Brett's boss was a guy named Garry who was the general manager. I decided I would go home and return the next day and speak to Garry who I was told had already left the club that night. I return the next day and asked to speak to Garry. Garry spends 40 min trying to convince me that I should be tipping the waitresses even suggesting 15-20% would be a good amount. I refuse to agree to tip them by default and tell him i will only tip if someone provides extraordinary service. After going in circles for 40 min, I flat out ask him " are you basically telling me you do not want my business if I refuse to agree to always tip the waitresses?" Garry tells me that this is not what he is saying but that since I wont tip them i should know that the waitresses will not want to serve me. I ask him why as their boss he cannot force them to, he tells me if he does that he will lose staff. I ask him " if you refuse to force the waitresses to serve me then who will bring the bottles and set up the room when I pay for the vip rooms?" He tells me he will get Brett the manager to do it. I agree to this and Garry walks away. I tell Brett that I want to buy the big vip room. He says ok and then walks away. I assumed he had gone to go get my champagne that comes with the room. A few min later Garry comes back and tells me if I want the big vip room then its $300 per hour and that for $150 I can only get the smaller of the 2 vip rooms. I tell him I've been buying that big vip room every time i come in for $150 per hour for over a year. He tells me that the managers had been making a mistake and that for the big vip room its supposed to be $300 per hour. Thinking back now, I should have probably walked out of the club at this point. But at the time I decided to just pay them the $300 per hour for the room I want. I felt I would not enjoy the girls in the smaller vip room since its actually not that much bigger then the closet sized rooms in the back that most people use. I pay them $900 for 3 hours of the big vip room and head to the main area of the club to finally begin my night after wasting nearly 1 hour listening to Garry try to convince me to tip the waitresses and then all the nonsense with them suddenly doubling the price of the big vip room. for the next 2 hours and 40 min, i'm doing my usual routine, enjoying myself and looking for the best girl to take to vip. This club does not have a huge roster so ive already met most of their regular girls so thats another reason i like to take my time. One thing i also routinely do is ill go inside the vip room i have paid for every 30-40 min just to make sure no dancer is in there smoking since i hate the smell of smoke and ive noticed in the past some of the girls will go in there to hang out and smoke when its not being used by a customer. After around 2 hours and 40 min, i go to the washroom. 10 min later when i come out i go to check my vip room and i find another customer in there with a dancer. I walk up to the manager (Brett) and ask him why there is someone in the room i paid for. He brings me to Garry who tells me that I only had it for 10 more min so they just went ahead and gave it to the next guy. At this point, i get super angry but I manage to control myself and i dont start yelling or causing a scene. I tell Garry "that is completely unacceptable and unprofessional". He just looks at me and kind of smirks. I look at him in a very serious way and calmly ask "are you sure this is how you want to handle this?" He nods yes to me. I turn around and immediately walk out and start making a phone call. This is when things escalate even more. Garry follows me outside of the club and so does Brett and one of the bouncers. Garry walks up to me outside and says in a threatening way "who are you calling?" and adds "you better not be calling the wrong people". At this point, I'm outside alone and Garry, Brett and the bouncer are basically hovering near me in a way i felt they where about to jump me. Luckily, within 1 min of me being outside a taxi pulls up, i wave him down and get inside before any of them have a chance to attack me. I have the taxi take me to a nearby gas station and from there I decide to call the police. 5 min later 2 officers show up, I explain to them what happened and they tell me there is nothing they can do because its a civil matter. I do manage to convince them to drive back with me to the club so they can assure my safety while I request a refund for the unused room time. so the officers hop in their car and my taxi is following them from behind. with me in the taxi. Unfortunately, we get stuck in a red light and the officers get way ahead of us. By the time we catch up to them at the club, I see Garry outside talking to the officers. I get out of the taxi and approach and as soon as the cops see me one of them says " I told you we could not get involved in this, we have to go" and then the cops drive away in a hurry. It was very strange how they suddenly just left so Garry must have lied to them about me or something. At this point, with the police having abandoned me I decide its not safe and get in my taxi to leave. Garry walks up to the taxi, opens the door and starts yelling "get out he is not taking you". Luckily, the taxi driver accepted to still take me. But the way Garry spoke to the taxi driver I could tell this driver had some sort of arrangement with the club, Garry spoke to him as if this driver worked for him. At one point Garry asked the taxi driver "where are you taking him?" Because of all this I decided it would not be safe to have this taxi driver take me home so I had him take me to a nearby hotel and from there I called a friend for help. And thats pretty much the end of the story yesterday. I was so angry last night and could not even sleep. First thing I did today was call my friend who originally told me about this club. I told him the full details. He told me that I was very lucky to get out of there without getting assaulted. He says that I should never return to the club because they will jump me and then claim i was trespassing private property if I call the cops after. He also told me I need to remember that strip clubs are inherently environments filled with bad people and that he has personally seen people get beat up by staff at diamond dolls and other clubs in Florida. He also told me that he has been going to that place for 10+ years and that Garry controls everyone there including the cab drivers they allow to wait for people outside the club. Thats the full story. I'm still extremelly angry and I cannot believe I was treated like that even though I've probably spent $40 000 - $60 000 at this club in the past year. and thats how much I've spent on just the vip rooms and drinks and does not include paying the dancers. Is there anything i can do? Can I sue? Should i call the police again? Or is this a hopeless case and I should just try to forget and move on with my life? I'm so fucking angry right now and cant stop thinking about last night. I've Just Been Robbed And Nearly Assaulted At Diamond Dolls Pompano Beach


  • larryfisherman
    6 years ago
    Ain’t nobody got the time to read all that. TLDR?
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    How old are you? Because you seem very immature, and also either naive, or fucking stupid. A strip-club is not the fucking Ritz-Carlton - do they have bouncers at the fucking Ritz-Carlton - the answer is no and for a reason, they are two fucking completely different environments and one needs to not have their head up their ass to know how one needs to act in a specific environment - the strip-club business is a vice-business and vice usually means seedy-individuals from staff to customers. Assuming all your claims about how much $$$ you spend are true (anyone on here can say anything), you are acting like an entitled little-bitch thinking everyone is gonna bow down to you "because you spend a lot of $$$" - strip-clubs are filled w/ sleazy-people who will kiss your ass for a few bucks but also turn on you - in strip-clubs one is not dealing with the best humanity has to offer. You seem to think that the world should rotate around you - first of all hogging-up a VIP room for multiple hours when you are not even using it most of the time is kinda a self-centered dick-move - and of course you gotta tip the fucking waitresses - they don't have a salary or a very small salary - America is a tipping culture, it is what it is - there has to be something wrong w/ you for you to "supposedly" drop up to $60k in the club in one year but think you should not tip a waitress whom does not have a salary or at best a salary below minimum-wage, if that, and thus their main if not only compensation is tips. You have issues - you think you can do as you please and that by spending $$$ that everyone should agree w/ you and bow down to you - it seems you have zero social skills and just depend on your $$$ to get by in life - I think you should def not only stay out of Diamond Dolls but any other strip-club until you fix yourself.
  • anthony6613
    6 years ago
    You are lucky they did not kick your ass. Dropping money like you were is an invitation to trouble. Strip clubs are not run by choir buys. Move on and do not do foolish things like this in the future.
  • carlos_spiceyweiner
    6 years ago
    I'm curious as well why you're so adamantly against tipping. If you've already dropped $40,000 - $60,000 dollars in a year, why not give a reasonable tip for drink service? That being said, the club was wrong to escalate the situation like they did. I doubt if there's anything you can do. It's going to be your word against theirs.
  • IceyLoco
    6 years ago
    You should be tipping the waitresses. And you left the room and they probably thought you left early. You weren't robbed. You could have said you'd be back or could have waited 10 minutes.
  • April9424
    6 years ago
    TLDR: op supposedly blows 400-900 a night to reserve vip rooms, without even choosing a girl first, but refuses to tip waitresses even a few bucks. After a while managers called him out on it and cut his room short by 10min for a better customer. He threw a fit and called the cops but the cops wouldn’t do anything. In short he’s an idiot and thinks he’s the victim bc he’s afraid to go back to said club.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    I assume the club had had-it w/ this guy's douchey entitled attitude, and when he failed to back-down from doing the right, if not at least sensible, thing, of adequately tipping the waitresses, that is when things boiled over - like I said a strip-club is not the fucking Ritz-Carlton and def not the place where you wanna pick a fight or "make a stand on principle" - it's like going to the ghetto and standing in a street-corner to debate everything you think is wrong w/ black people.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    "... I have never felt that any of the strip clubs in my area were "seedy" or "sleazy" ... Never once felt remotely unsafe at my club in the three years I've been going there ..." That's the thing - you only know about your area and you are talking as if you have a wealth of strip-club experience - your comment is based on your minimal experience.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    @OP you are a phony, bullshitter, a gentleman, tips generously, to those support staff, they are working, if you want to protest the system, do so at your own expense, being a bully is always a bad look. Not tipping a waitress who's livelihood depends on tips, just because you can get away with it makes you a bully, they should have kicked your ass.
  • IceyLoco
    6 years ago
    Im sure they're seedy and sleazy.... he's picking up hookers in them! What does he call that? He's just too socially retarded to understand what's going on, or just too dumb.
  • Liwet
    6 years ago
    >TLDR? OP pre-paid for 2 hours in the VIP room and then went to the main room to find a girl. When he came back to the VIP room, he found that it had been given to another customer/dancer despite him having already paid for the room. To the OP: you technically might have a case but only for about $100. I'd take your business (and your spending habits) to another club that deserves it. For tipping, you should generally tip anybody that's doing something for you that you can do for yourself. You can go to the bar and get your own damn drink so tip the waitress if she does that for you. You can wash and dry your hands on your own so give the bathroom troll a tip if he hands you a washcloth. You can jerk it at home so if a dancer decides to play with your pee pee, you give her a tip. A safe bet is to tip the waitress/bartender $1 for every drink they give you and tip the bathroom troll a buck every time you use the restroom. Bouncers, managers, and strippers have their own individual tipping rules which have been written about somewhere on this site.
  • Uprightcitizen
    6 years ago
    Oh lord this is such a total fail at soo many levels dude. All because you won't pay a waitress their standard 15-20% which is standard (not for extraordinary service). Are you from Europe or something? Where TF did you get that notion!?!? You then call the cops?!?! Are you really that socially inept that you feel this will resolve anything? You simply escalated the situation where the police can't really do anything and no doubt you are banned from the club. I am just amazed someone will spend $900 at Diamond Dolls for VIP for one or two girls and that doesn't even include what they are paid!?!? That is fucking hilarious. Fuck dude go to Eleven or something of you want to burn that kind of cash with better talent. Oh wait, waitresses expect tips there too, nevermind!
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    I call BS
    6 years ago
    to spend that kind of money in the vip and then refuse to tip indicates that you are an asshole. i'm sure everyone in that club thinks you're an asshole and the cops think you're an asshole. spend some of that money on trying not to be such an asshole. go into therapy or take up yoga or something other than being an asshole. even to write this discussion makes you an asshole. who the fuck is going to read this and think you are not an asshole? i mean its amazing how much of an asshole you sound like. people like you make me feel better about myself. that's the only nice thing i can think of to say.
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    Does it make me a bad person to admit that I was rooting for Garry by about halfway through the story? ;) Now I don't condone bad behavior by club staff, but stiffing the waitresses really sucks.
  • doctorevil
    6 years ago
    I agree with flagooner. No one could be that fucking stupid.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    Yeah - good chance this is all BS b/c it sounds so off the wall - perhaps a disgruntled dancer or staff trying to badmouth the club, or a troll jerking us around - so better than 50% chance this is BS but the reality is people like this do exist and not uncommon for them to end-up in strip-club bizarro-world where there is very-little judging going-on, if any, compared to normal-society - but even then this guy managed to fuck it up (if it's true).
  • nofuglies
    6 years ago
    Kudos to the manager and general manager for standing up for their waitresses
  • mark94
    6 years ago
    By the end of your story, I was 100% on Gary’s side. The fact that you feel you were completely in the right, smugly so, is just part of your problem. Time to do some self reflection.
  • TxVegas
    6 years ago
    I have no idea if this story is true. But, I couldn’t help but think about how much fun most men on here could have at DD in Pompano for the money that you spent on the room without dancers.
  • larryfisherman
    6 years ago
    The manager showed a lot more patience than I would have.
  • aham5
    6 years ago
    If the story is true, as you told it..... theres gotta be more to it. No way a manager scares away a customer that drops that much money without good reason. My guess is OP has ruffled more feathers than he is disclosing
  • bbbgoodtimes
    6 years ago
    Well said Papi- hope you get some awesome SC karma for that response. Also think how much business the dancers and waitress lose by having their best room tied up and unused all night. Infinite- thanks for an interesting read.
  • grand1511
    6 years ago
    Read about the first 20% of this screed and then decided to wait for the movie to come out to learn the rest.
  • shadowcat
    6 years ago
    I agree with the bull shit call.
  • What the fuck is everyones problem here ? The manager tried to fucking one up him and youre complaining him for not tipping. That isnt any of yalls business to comment on bc it doesn't justify thr mansgers fucking scary behavior.
  • Y'all are sooooooooooooo weird!! Trying to justify a manger scaring someone off? Woowwww
  • BoringLoser
    6 years ago
    If you have enough money to be spending that much at the club wouldn’t you have enough to talk to a good lawyer? With your personality I would recommend having one on retainer.
  • goldmongerATL
    6 years ago
    Assuming this is not BS, realize that by you tying up the room for hours without tipping, it guarantees the waitress she is not getting the proper $50 tip from anyone else. She makes her living by getting tipped on that room. So she is not making anything on it for hours. You are not just not tipping her. You are preventing anyone else from tipping her.
  • Muddy
    6 years ago
    Maybe I’m missing something here but why the fuck are dropping 300 on a vip room and not using it? Like it’s nothing, then not tipping at all. Good God this like some master level trolling if it’s trolling.
  • IceyLoco
    6 years ago
    First off, I think he's lying. I'm sure his version of the "truth" is different from club management's version. His story doesn't make sense. You find a girl, take her to VIP, pay for VIP and VIP starts after your bottle is delivered. I have never heard of anyone getting a VIP room in advance and then chasing down a dancer while his time is ticking away. I also never heard of anyone leaving VIP early, with the girl already gone, and then coming back. If the girl were in the room, a new custie wouldn't have come in. This dumbass is full of shit. I don't believe the manager did that. But I do think this trick is a retard for not tipping the waitresses. @Nicole, what this trick is saying is next to unrealistic in a SC scenario
  • Htxx
    6 years ago
    I’m confused. In Detroit you’d be getting full sex from 3-4 different dancers per night for what you’re paying for a room... tip the waitress and bouncers. I always do it’s amazing how much better life is in a strip club when you do that. Don’t like it? Don’t go to a club. Motel 6 $70 for 24 hours then 1 800 dial a ho you’ll be all set
  • jackslash
    6 years ago
    If you don't tip the waitresses, they should kick your ass.
  • Musterd21
    6 years ago
    I always tip. I tip really good for good service!
  • skibum609
    6 years ago
    Gary is an arrogant douche bag and a thug. This club always has a shit staff, which is why I haven't liked it, although I have popped in every once in awhile over the part 25 years. I dislike it enough to choose the Booby Trap and the Porthole over it. Having said that, the idea that someone who allegedly spends that kind of money would make this their home club is idiotic. For what you say you spend you could be doing the same thing with much hotter women, for the same money at Dean's Gold. Why the fuck would anyone spend $1,000 at Mickey D's and not that Capital Grille? I believe that everyone whom makes enough money to fritter it away has a MORAL obligation to tip well. I learned this on my honeymoon back in the day when we felt guilty about going away for 19 days and assuaged that guilt by tipping those whom we knew are never going to do that? Check 3 bags? Throw him $15. Valet the car? $5 on take away, $5 on pick up. Tip a third of the restaurant check if its good service and not 20%. I tip $2 a beer in the club, even when its dollar drafts. Big fucking deal. By tipping 2-4 times more than usual on our 19 day honeymoon we spend $198 more than tipping the standard. Big fucking deal. If you have the kind of money that you say you have to spend and I really don't believe you anyway, then you are a cheap fuck who screws people over and your punishment is to be you for the rest of your selfish, ugly life. Moral: There was a hot new girl at the club I go to. Experienced dancer, but not used to competing with all the extras dancers. She decided to tip her toe in the extras water and asked the bartender whom she liked, as to who she might start with. The bartender told her I was a nice guy to all the girls, was fair with the cash, and would say nothing because she had worked there 10 years and knew me. It was a lot of fun and it costs me essentially 2 bets at the craps table spread out over 10 years. Stupid cheap.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    @ Skibum I’m the anomaly I’ve been saying for years DD is a trap house if you want to go to a nice club in Pompano Solid Gold is well run with much hotter dancers and if you play it right anything is available, Cheetah is also well run even though it’s a bit down market, I know the guys here like DD, but laziness is the real reason they like that place, any Dweeb with a few bucks can get his rocks off on their assembly line.
  • Electronman
    6 years ago
    That was the most tedious description that I have read. Here's the synopsis: I refuse to tip the waitresses. I got shorted 10 minutes on my VIP time so I tried to involve the cops. The managers are bullies. Who's right? My advice: Be generous, especially if you have money to burn. Tip the waitresses, if the service is adequate-- by the way, what is extraordinary service from a waitress in a strip club? Resolve disputes on your own, sometimes by compromising. Be respectful of others, including the TUSCL readers who suffered through the drivel that you wrote (and the customer who wanted access to the VIP room that you had abandoned).
  • 4got2wipe
    6 years ago
    infinite122018, despite the high likelihood that this is BS I’ll react in a manner that assumes you’re not just making up a stupid story to get reactions. In that spirit, I’ll offer two bits of advice: First, learn to write in paragraphs. A little more brevity would also be nice. Try to channel Hemingway when you sit at the keyboard. Second, listen to skibum609 when it comes to tipping. You said you were willing to basically rent a big room at $150 per hour before you identify a girl. But you’re not willing to tip a waitress? He only mentioned 15-20%. Don’t be a dick. Shoot for at least 25% in this environment! Or better yet, be a brilliant guy and go with skibum609’s suggested 33%. I hope you aren’t that stingy when you eat at restaurants. Because I can guarantee that wasn’t aioli on the sandwich you had. Nope, it was the boogers and cum special! So, unless you want to continue eating boogers and cum with your meals, you really want to start tipping! ;) Also, question for people who’ve actually been to this club: is $150 per hour really all the deluxe room costs? How deluxe is it really?
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    This guy tied up one of only two CR rooms for hours and didn't tip the waitresses a dime. While I don't condone everything that Garry purportedly did, I think he was right in calling the OP out.
  • DeclineToState
    6 years ago
    This has to be BS. Dude refuses to tip cocktail waitresses, but without objection he pays 2x room cost when manager doubles it from $150 to $300 per hour. Ya right.
  • DrStab
    6 years ago
    This is a weird story. If you are such a shooter that you spend $1k+ on rooms and hoes, you can’t flip a $20 at a waitress?
  • IceyLoco
    6 years ago
    Its obvious he's lying. None of it ads up. Who gets a room, pays for it, then wastes time going out to look for a dancer. Doesn't mind that lost time. Then leaves 10 minutes early. Dancer obviously left too. Then claims to have been robbed of 10 minutes. Every club I've been to, you go into VIP with the dancer coz everyone gets paid before you go in. Your time starts when your bottle arrives. I also think its a lie that he agreed to pay twice as much, but then bitches about tipping a waitress a few bucks.
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    ^ I'm not in the habit of posting outrageous crap just to generate a discussion. If I thought this was fake I wouldn't have posted it. The girl in question is a well known local provider and the story was posted on a popular monger site with active local participation. If this was fake, another monger with ties to the provider would have called it out by now. Assuming just makes an ass of you and you. Maybe it would advisable not to be seen as brushing off a horrific incident like this just to pound the drums about stuff that is far more innocuous.
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    Oops...sorry...posted in wrong thread. Will report in right place.
  • abqspencer
    6 years ago
    First...I read the whole thing and can't find where you were "robbed". Yeah, you were ripped off, but not robbed. Second...fucking tip your waitresses EVERY DAMN TIME they bring you something. Don't be that guy. If you're in that club (or any club) as often as you say, they ALL know that you're a cheapskate if you aren't tipping.
  • DeclineToState
    6 years ago
    This is all just BS and I shouldn't have fallen for it. New member, no reviews, and this discussion post is user's first ever post.
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    op... you need to enjoy the girls and vip as it happens. IF it happens... (and tip the waitress a bit!)
  • chessmaster
    6 years ago
    If this "story" is true whatever they did you deserved. You 60000 to throw away but dont wanna tip the waitress. Gtfo. And i would've let them have an orgy and hotbox in the room since you obviously didnt care. This is probably bs anyway.
  • 501traveler
    6 years ago
    Tip the waitresses you cheap bastard. You should be tipping her for the lost money from the tips she would be getting for bottle service for each hour the room is rented by different customers. Besides being a douche move with you blocking the room from other customers, you are costing her money. I dont see anywhere in the post where you were robbed. They probably have finally got tired of it and want you out of there. Quit being a cheap skate and tip or stay at home. You're probably also won't tip a couple bucks to dancers on stage and just think they should get naked for free because you paid your cover charge.
  • Skippy10
    6 years ago
    Funny stuff. I always tip the waitress well. They can be fun to talk to when the other company isn't. Plus the drinks get a little stronger too. Sometimes I have more fun with them when the other action is slow
  • Skippy10
    6 years ago
    The OP is bitchin about 25$ ??? Am I seeing that correctly? Maybe the other guy tipped the waitress. Should be use it or lose it. IMHO this is a troll or loser.
  • Dolfan
    6 years ago
    If I read that crap right, and I'm not sure I did since it was fairly incoherent at at times, I was there when this purportedly went down. I didn't see shit like that happen. I sat at the front bar Monday night from a little before 11 till a bit after 1 near where the room is. There's no way there'd have been such a scene and we'd have not noticed. And again, even if I read that right, I see nothing to suggest the OP was robbed. Maybe slightly short changed, but its well within reason for a floor host to see a room empty 10-15 minutes early after being used for 3hrs and assume that the patron has left. Don't get me wrong, they can absolutely be total dicks at DD. Probably much like any other club. I've seen it first hand. But, this story sounds like total bullshit or at best seriously exaggerated to me. I'd believe a version where a guy came in for the first time, bought a room, didn't tip the waitress, couldn't find a girl who'd take his lowball offers, then got called a cheapskate & had the room cut short and was escorted out when he bitched about it.
  • mjx01
    6 years ago
    1. Who in their right mind spends $900 to 'reserve' a VIP room and then proceed to no use it? 2. Can't FS be had at DD PB for WAY LESS? 3. What kind of manager, lets one customer cock block every other customer from using an otherwise empty room?
  • infinite122018
    6 years ago
    its obvious most of you commented without even reading the whole story. I know its a very long story but why comment if you dont even have the full details? Anyways, I will address some of the most common questions now: #1: I do NOT have anything against tipping in general. On average i spent probably $200-$400 per visit on tips during my time visiting this club. I had 2-3 bouncers i would always tip as they provided great info on the girls like which girls are known for drama and should be avoided, new girls who just started, etc... And I went out of my way to to give huge tips to the washroom guys. I've seen people piss on the floor, shiet and not flush, etc...and this poor guy has to deal with all that....i consider the washroom guy to be the hardest working man in the place and i always went out of my way to give them huge tips....no one will miss me more at this club then the washroom guys I refuse to tip the waitresses out of principle as I find them rude and entitled....several times when I would be ordering my room a waitress would make a comment like " and you are going to take care of me now or at the end?" .....or "most guys usually tip at least 20%"....im NOT tipping anyone who makes a comment like that. #2: A lot of people think I'm lying but yes i really do buy the room in advance for several hours even though I'm not using it. That's literally what I always do. I like to take my time to find the right girl and when I have her I want that specific vip room to take her to and I dont mind paying $600+ per night so the room is available when i need it. I would not enjoy a visit at this club if I have to use one of those rooms at the back. I hate those tiny rooms. #3: None of you have addressed the obvious aspect of all this. Why did Garry not just say no? I flat out told him I would NOT tip the waitresses and asked him if he still wanted my business. Why did he not say no? Why did he not just refuse to sell me the room? And also why follow me outside? I never yelled, cursed or caused any sort of scene so why follow me outside? He scammed me out of my remaining 10 min in the room and I decide to leave the club, why are most of you not addressing what the club did at this point? why are they following me outside at this club? Why gang up on me like that at that point? Also, I'm still willing to pursue any lawsuit angle if anyone has any suggestions when it comes to that. I'm still very angry at what they did to me and if there's anything I can do legally then I will pursue it.
  • IceyLoco
    6 years ago
    They can take your money if you want to pay but they don't have to pander to you or like you. If you still want to spend it under those conditions, its up to you. If strip clubs are full of bad people. Why do you want to go there so bad? The waitresses should just serve you, drinks are money for the club. But I don't blame them for being like that when you spend so much but are so cheap with them. Honestly, you sound neurotic. Yes you can sue. You can always sue. But you'll waste a lot more money on legal fees than what your 10 minutes is worth.
  • BoringLoser
    6 years ago
    Legal action isn’t the solution. Go back with a stack of $50s and tip out all the staff you’ve been shorting. Then find a girl and take her to the big room if it’s available right then. Your time starts when the waitress brings the bottle - don’t forget to tip her.
  • Uprightcitizen
    6 years ago
    ur dumb
  • Uprightcitizen
    6 years ago
    ur dumb
  • Uprightcitizen
    6 years ago
    ur dumb
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    So everyone is wrong except you. It's their club, they set the rules - you have the choice of not going if you don't like the way they run the club, but don't expect you can can go to a strip club and do as you please bc "you spend a lot of $$$" - it's a fucking strip club where sex is being sold for $$$ and you're partaking in those services and you're trying to take some kind of moral stand. I don't like having to pay $5 for a water that I can buy for 25-cents at Costco nor do I like having to pay to park my own car, but it's their club, if I don't like the way the club does business then I have the option of not going but I don't have the option to do as I please in their business.
  • Special32k
    6 years ago
    Well said papi
  • theDirkDiggler
    6 years ago
    I'm going to actually agree with the OP in the sense that i don't understand why the waitress should get a 15-20% tip on top of the VIP. I only tip waitresses based on what i actually drink or am served, just like at a restaurant or a sports bar. Usually it's just one non-alcoholic drink, so a few dollars but still way more than 20%, or a few more if the girl i'm with orders a drink. Very rarely $10 or so just so she can leave me/us the hell alone and it's on her to try to make money other ways from other people since we have no need or use of her for the entire hour or so after i pay for the drinks. But rooms are a lot more expensive in my parts, usually at least $500 per hour and $300 per half hour. Any tip on that i believe should go to the dancer and not other people, assuming the dancer gave EXTRAordinary service or something. I mean the dancers don't get a salary or wage either. I think waitresses legally get at least something even it's below minimum wage. If the pretty waitress wants to make more money, start dancing is what i say... Even if i separated the costs between what the dancer gets and the "house" gets, i still don't see why the waitress or anyone else really should get a fixed percentage (up to 20%) of the fee/cost to use the already overpriced room. In my case, it would come out to about $40-$50 each hour for doing what exactly? Bringing me a bottle of water? Or even in the OP's example, because he books the room for 6 hours whether it's used or not, the waitress should just get $180? Many dancers have to do a lot more "work" and might not clear that much after tip out. I tip pretty generously when it's warranted ITC and IRL, but that's a sincere question. If the waitress isn't even having to work at all for most of the time the OP isn't in the room, and even when he is (most PLs don't want to be "bothered" by the waitress), does anyone really think she's entitled to some arbitrary percentage of the cost of the room? When did it become the PL's responsibility for a waitress at a SC to make a good and easy living? Again, if she wants to make more money... I seriously have no personal need of any waitress or bartender at a strip club. It's only because drink sales (alcohol mostly) are often a large part of SC revenues, that waitresses and bartenders, particularly ones that sell drinks hard, are necessary for the club's bottom line and sometimes their survival, that i have to "suffer" them... Also, i have been to a club where the VIP bouncer/host expected a 20-30%tip (off of an hourly rate of $500 or a half hourly rate of $300) or about $75-150 more for "security", which really meant he wouldn't just sit his ass by the entrance and watch. Needless to say, i didn't do the room...
  • 4got2wipe
    6 years ago
    First, I’ll give infinite122018 a “brilliant!” for achieving a better approximation to the way most normal people write. Good for him! Second, I still don’t get it. If true (and I don’t think it is) infinite122018’s story is that he doesn’t mind paying $600+ per night so the room he likes is available. Fair enough. If he has the money to blow it is his money. But why not consider tipping the damn waitress part of the cost of doing business? After all, infinite122018 claims to be ok with tipping the bathroom troll (for the record, I’m not against tipping the bathroom troll - I’ve only been in a few places with a troll but I always provide $1 per visit in response to him providing a towel 2wipe my hands!). If the amount is a problem infinite122018 could just tip a touch lower. I’m sure she’ll ask the bartender and kitchen staff to reduce the amount of boogers and cum in whatever food and drink infinite122018 orders by an amount proportional to the tip! Big picture: why is “not tipping the waitress” the hill this guy is willing to die on?
  • IceyLoco
    6 years ago
    A buck or 2 per drink and maybe 10 to your favorite waitress is fine. But if you're spending close to a grand and that cheap, something wrong with you.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    The story could be all fake, or half-fake. There are people who are staunch anti-tippers and don't accept that they should have to tip pretty-much anyone. The half-lies could be him exaggerating the amount he spends as to make it sound like he's not any ole custy but an important custy that should be treated a particular way - or make it sound like it's not about the $$$.
  • IceyLoco
    6 years ago
    I think the story is real. I believe he left 10 minutes early and they gave the room to someone else, and when copped an attitude they pointed out his stinginess with the waitresses. What I don't believe are his details that try to make him out to be the victim of some kind of conspiracy by management.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    "... i don't understand why the waitress should get a 15-20% tip on top of the VIP ..." I agree - but as I mentioned b/f, one is on their turf and either has to play by their rules, or not visit the club - as others mentioned, it's part of the cost of doing PL-business. Is it fair - no - it's actually a shakedown, but that's how many if not most strip-clubs work - as I mentioned earlier, strip-clubs are usually seedy vice places when women are getting naked for $$$ and in many clubs fucking and sucking for $$$, what is one gonna expect, a church type setting? In most clubs w/ extras, the VIP bouncer is gonna pretty-much demand a decent-tip "if you wanna enjoy your VIP" - and same for the VIP waitress - it's a shakedown no-doubt - but as I mentioned it's a vice-place w/ a ton of $$$ floating around and everyone wants to take a cut whenever/wherever they can. Strip-clubs seem to often treat PLs as chumps to be fleeced - anything from mandatory valet, mandatory coat-check, expected to tip the doorgirl who all she does is to take your $$$ so you can enter the club; to VIP/paid seating; to tip-parades; to bathroom trolls; to $100+ VIP room-fees for a mere 30-minutes where one could get a decent hotel-room for the night for a similar price - that is the nature of the beast - one should know what they are getting into when visiting most strip-clubs yet many people either don't get it, or choose not to get-it and seem to wanna romanticize strip-clubs and expect them to be something they are not - they are not the real-word, they are bizarro-world so one should not expect real-world rules to apply. In most places I've visited, the VIP waitress is content w/ a $10 tip (sometimes $20 but IME $10 has usually sufficed) - is a $10 or $20 tip warranted for her just bringing you drinks, no, but you are in bizarro-world and if one does not like how bizarro-world operates then don't go into bizarro-world.
  • pitts1
    6 years ago
    As a frequent of DD, I understand Garry can be an arrogant asshole. Why? Because he can. He takes note of those not spending or buying drinks as he walks around sipping his cocktail and kissing the dancers. When I started SCing, I learned about spending and tipping quickly. It is what it is - no one is forcing you to enter their establishment. The total cost of tipping is generally nominal compared to total amount spent on dancers and rooms (especially in the example by the op above). So if you plan on staying you best start tipping to avoid unnecessary drama and negative reputation in the bizarro-world.
  • Nixur68
    6 years ago
    In America, Service Industry workers survive on tips without it they will not make it. Life is expensive, we want to live well and there's a reason the Las Vegas Club Bathroom Attendant drives a new Porsche. Personally, I think we should get rid of tipping but it what is is and you pay extra for good service. On the other hand, I feel like the management at the club overacted. They should have told you "tip or get out" and left it that.
  • nofuglies
    6 years ago
    You started the escalation.. "I look at him in a very serious way and calmly ask "are you sure this is how you want to handle this?" What is that supposed to mean? Some kind of veiled threat? Not surprised things took off from there, just surprised you haven't been handed your ass by someone else considering your anger issues and wannabe tough guy act.
  • theDirkDiggler
    6 years ago
    @ Papi That's why i said that very occasionally, i'll give a "VIP" waitress a $10 "get the hell out of here and don't come back" tip for doing essentially nothing. Most VIP bouncers/hosts, i'll just give about $20 and they'll do the same. But in general, i have very little "fear", if any, of the VIP waitress. Really, what can she do? The VIP waitress at the clubs i do rooms at is usually just a regular house waitress that's summoned by a host/manager to ask me and/or the girl for a drink. I'm not costing her anything in terms of opportunities as she's free to work the rest of the club or at least whatever her section is. Also there are multiple rooms/VIPs still available (i've never seen them completely full), so it's not like i'm preventing someone else from doing a room or that she could make more if i wasn't in the room. That doesn't mean i don't tip the waitress. I tip, but not some percentage off the whole cost of the room like that one greedy bouncer wanted. Strangely at that former club (it has since changed management/ownership), the day shift VIP bouncer didn't expect such hefty tips. I thought it was just a little strange that in the OP's "story", the manager and GM were so concerned about one waitress. I think it was just one waitress involved. Was that like their sister or something? If it was the owner instead, and he had knowledge of how often the OP went there and spent there, i would wager that he would let the PL do whatever he wanted and tell the waitress tough titties and to pound sand if she complained or he'd personally bring the two or six bottles of champagne himself to the room. The sadder thing is, is that at the clubs i frequent, it's usually the girl that gets shaken down sometimes even worse than the PL. At one club, if the PL pays for a room with a credit card, he has to pay an additional 10% (processing fee, yeah right; i know there is a fee but it's nowhere near 10%) of the total room cost, but then they take another 10% out of the girl's cut. Also if the PL leaves a tip on the card, the club/house (or manager really) could just take it and the girl can't claim it, even if the PL specifically tells the girl how much he left her on the card. So the girl could have done extras for free, still get docked 10% of her cut, and get screwed, npi, by the manager. It's another reason i only use cash at the SC. Not only that, but if the bouncer/host brings the girl to a PL that wants to do a room, afterwards he's going to harass the girl for a significant tip (like $50+ or so) after the club already took some 40+% or so of the total cost (not including the tips, which girls hide with their life). Even if the PL initiates the finding of the girl and requesting of a room, the bouncer still expects a tip, even though he did nothing for the girl. In any case, the girl doesn't really have to give any money (like she does with the DJ and house mom), but she has to deal with those guys every day she works, and they can make things more difficult for her, so it's easier for her just to give in and pay up. When i heard this from one of my regulars, it just really irritated me, how much of my money (i guess it's actually her money after it leaves my hands) goes to people i have no interest in giving it to...
  • IceyLoco
    6 years ago
    The clubs I'm familiar with.... the VIP charge includes everything. Tips for everyone, a room, a bottle, a fee for the dancer... Bouncers do expect a tip if they bring a dancer, but it should be from the trick not the dancer. But yeah they basically shake the girls down.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    If you prefer that experience for the same cost of clubbing why do you go to strip clubs at all instead of just going the escort route?
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    ^ Wrong thread
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