
Girl claims that the kid is his

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My favorite was feeling gossipy last night, so she decided to entertain me with a little dirt about a dancer three seats down and the regular that she was sitting with.

Apparently this dancer had a kid a few months ago and this guy had been seeing her OTC for the past two years. This girl is married and when the kid was born, she told him that it was her husband's child. Well, yesterday the husband apparently lit off for parts unknown. Now suddenly, she's telling her regular that the kid is his. She was even showing the guy pics of her child and telling him that they could be identical twins, lol. I couldn't hear much of what they were saying, but the expression on his face was worth 1,000 words.

This is her third kid, all three born in wedlock. I feel bad for the girl, with three kids to feed and the husband suddenly gone, but she's obviously trying to set this guy up as a meal ticket. Thank goodness for this guy that the laws in this state presume the husband to be the father, regardless of actual paternity..


  • georgmicrodong
    6 years ago
    Some might remember that I dad a similar thing happen to me a few years back. Fortunately, even *had* we been raw dogging (not a chance in hell with this particular girl), my vasectomy had already proven itself many times over by that time.
  • georgmicrodong
    6 years ago
    “had” not “dad”.

    Now *there’s* an ironic slip if ever there was one.
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    The funniest part to me though is that, despite all of that, the guy still took her OTC again that night. If she gets pregnant again, he'd better hope that she is still married when the kid comes around.
  • shadowcat
    6 years ago
    Remember stories about the infamous Gwen at the Columbia Platinum Plus? She was a white dancer and had a baby that was definitely black. She managed to convince her BF that the skin color was due to her Italian heritage.
  • jackslash
    6 years ago
    A dancer who did OTC with me stopped stripping for a while and had a son. After coming back to work she suggested I was the father. Fortunately, I know how to count. Her son was born 12 months after my last OTC with her.
  • RandomMember
    6 years ago
    I did have a dancer 3 yrs ago tell me she was pregnant. I texted her a copy of my vasectomy notes and that settled things very quickly.
  • RandomMember
    6 years ago
    ...which is why I always say: "strippers are the caviar of the sex industry."
  • chessmaster
    6 years ago
    Hoes aint loyal.
  • rickthelion
    6 years ago
    Tell me about it rick!

    Remember that orangutan whore we tag-teamed in Sumatra? She told you her baby was yours but the kid was obviously a tiger-orangutan hybrid. Why the fuck to those whores tell such obvious lies?

    We should have gone wildebeest on her. ROAR!!!
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    Like others here, I've also had this tried on me once. Fortunately it couldn't have been me based upon the timing, which she quickly realized once I reminded her of the last time we connected.

    This guy is in a different boat from what I could gather. He was boning her around the time of conception and, in light of my favorite's comments and his own expressions, seemed genuinely concerned. I don't know much more than that as I did not press for details, but he might want to think about wrapping that thing up if he's going to keep messing around with fertile strippers.
  • ARagingFlamingGay
    6 years ago
    The problems you straight people have. Gays never have to worry about pregnancy!
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    Never had that accusation. I always use a condom to keep myself safe from this type of shit.

    Sadly, in the past, women making those accusations would accidentally fall down a flight of stairs... some would fall twice...
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    its not a big deal , just ask for a paternity test
  • 4got2wipe
    6 years ago
    Was rickdugan replying directly to rickthelion?

    I think we have more evidence for my rickdugan = rickthezoo theory! Brilliantly played rickdugan! ;)
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    There’s a reason to use condoms - it’s because it’s safer when fucking strippers in the ass!
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    One thing I have always wondered though is how many strippers would actually pursue child support from a customer. In order to do so, a girl would have to admit to the world that she took money for sex. That would haunt her forever with her family, future relationship and eventually even with her kids.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^ Rick the kind of woman that you are referring to have no shame, and in today’s world, it won’t protect you, better to be careful than get mixed up in a situation like you’re describing.
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    ^ It goes without saying that relying upon a dancer's sense of shame to protect you from the consequences of bad decisions is foolhardy.

    But I don't agree with your notion that the girl who was shaking down this guy has no shame. It's one thing to tell a drunk John in a strip club that a kid is his, but quite another to announce it to the world. I've lost track of how many girls I've taken OTC over the years and the ones who I got to know had family, friends and SOs who they were were doubtlessly keeping in the dark about their extracurricular activities. Shit, some of them even hid the fact that they were dancers, instead claiming to be waitresses or bartenders.

    If I was in his shoes (a chilling thought), I'd likely call her bluff. I'm guessing that she has no idea who the biological father really is and that she's not going to risk public shaming to pursue the matter. Of course, in this case the biological paternity doesn't really matter because she is married, but if she was not then he'd still be smart to hold his ground.
  • georgmicrodong
    6 years ago
    @rickdugan: “how many strippers would actually pursue child support from a customer. In order to do so, a girl would have to admit to the world that she took money for sex.”

    Not at all. “He seduced me.” “He raped me.” “I’ve never done that kind of thing before; I just got carried away.” “Aliens.”
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    Yeah, but to get me to pay up she'd have to admit to fucking an old, short, balding, fat, cheap bastard. I'm safe.
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    ^ lol, exactly. Who is going to realistically believe that she willingly went to a hotel room with unless she was being paid. I wasn't going to argue with GMD's paranoid theoretical post as anything is possible I suppose, but most of that is highly unlikely. But as we all know, gmd is an extremely cautious man. ;)
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    Yeah - I think banking on her "not wanting to out herself" is a flimsy strategy - many of these girls don't have much to lose, and actually a lot to gain from a responsible gainfully-employed baby-daddy.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    I can def see/understand the initial shock of a PL if he's been banging a stripper raw and he's not snipped - w/ today's technology it doesn't mean he'll get saddled w/ someone else's kid, but still the initial shock of not knowing for sure is understandable.
  • georgmicrodong
    6 years ago
    “But as we all know, gmd is an extremely cautious man”

    Given that I’ve been fucking strippers for 40 years, been married for 30, don’t have any kids by strippers, haven’t been robbed, and have had only one minor, easily cured STI, I’ll call that a win. :)
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    I hate saying this out loud, but the “easy” out to the implications of possibly admitting to sex for money is claiming to have been assulted.

    Luckily, even among the crazy, it’s not too common.
  • georgmicrodong
    6 years ago
    See rick, I’m not the only one. :)
  • wallanon
    6 years ago
    "In order to do so, a girl would have to admit to the world that she took money for sex."

    She would also need to know a guy's actual name. Taking "Mr. Microdong" to court wouldn't get her very far.

    And dragging women face first up a flight of stairs by their hair doesn't count as falling, Cashman.
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