Body Type within Reviews

avatar for AmeliaSmith
I really wish there was a section on the review where you can add or describe the body types of most of the dancers. A lot of you guys put the demographics, which I love, I just would love to be able to know body type.


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That’s a good point. It is useful information in a review - as certain clubs seem to have similar dancer body types.

It is definitely a relative thing - but it could be helpful info regardless.
I've started doing that recently in the reviews discussion area. I do think it's helpful to point out the number of curvy versus spinner versus athletic etc. It's just hard to quantify that in many ways as what I see as curvy may not be what someone else sees. I do think it's a good idea
It would generally be good info to include in reviews. Our definitions may vary a bit from person to person but there may be some consistency shown over time.
I agree! When I'm trying to vet clubs on this site and I read "girls were all above a 6" Like okay, thanks what the fuck does that mean. Were they thick girls, black girls, latina's, white girls, skinny, no boobs, no ass, etc. lol. Describing body types would definitely be helpful.
avatar for FTS
6 years ago
This is an excellent suggestion. Due to the relative nature of terms like “thick,” “skinny,” etc. body types could be described using silhouette figures, e.g. how many of each of these in the club:
I put this info in all my reviews. I also think it's important info.
Not to give founder more work but I think FTS has a good idea.
Amelia, there used to be XoticSpot. It was set up for the whole country, but in practice it was mostly used in OR.

Any club could get an XoticSpot website. You could look at the on duty girls, or the entire roster and then click on a girl's picture and go directly to her profile. Like that?

For girls who were not on XoticSpot, there would be just a generic drawing. Looked like the dives of dives tended to have such girls without profiles.

Overall, looked to be highly informative.

Like the idea?

I think that I usually do in my reviews. I know that I search for Puffy, long nipples. Give me an ugly face with long puffy nipples and I am still in heaven!
avatar for FTS
6 years ago
@JS69, thanks for backing me up. Can’t believe we haven’t thought of this before now. There’s been so many discussions about how a 9 in one guy’s eyes is a 5 in another’s, but that might just be because one guy likes the skinny chicks and the other likes the meaty chicks. Of course, it might also be because one girl has a beautiful face and smells good, and the other has a crooked nose, a unibrow and smells like ass... but they have the same body type; that’s where the number system is helpful.

Doubtful that Founder would be willing to implement this, though.
That would be nice.

Amelia if that’s you in your avatar, you are one sexy girl!
Well there is a section in the reviews. It's called the review body. Cheekiness aside, it is up to the reviewer how much he wants to detail in his reviews, but i usually describe most of the girls along with remembered names that were working that shift giving them a brief description including personal numerical rating, boob size and whether natural, general body build, relative age if they're older, MILFy, lol, tattoos, hair color, but still pretty general. A few others do this, but this is pretty uncommon. A lot of reviewers do describe a particular girl they danced/VIPed with, usually also pretty vaguely.
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