I Have Hypersexuality: Ask me Anything

A lot of guys are super curious when they meet a girl with hypersexuality but most guys are really clueless on what its actually like to be a girl with hypersexuality. I can assure you that its not just "being a girl with a man's sex drive." I've never met anybody who's like me tbh. I have to go eat dinner and then get ready to work tonight but I'll try and answer everybody's questions tomorrow.
Have you done like a good piercing near the clit? One girl I used to see who I would classify as hypersexual hax one and it was a hair trigger to get her fired up.
Another I know now actually got nipple piercings to reduce their sensitivity and it actually made her even more sensitive.
Anything like that to increase or decrease your sensitivity or drive?
great sex!!!!!!
Oh, and, wanna fuck!
What are some of the positive/negative impacts it’s had on your life and personal relationships?
What's your stage name?
Do you carry Kleenex in your clutch?
For @100lber, @nicespice, @DC9428, and @Dblednmike I think a combined answer could answer all of your questions.
I would say that there are good things and bad things about being hypersexual. The bad parts are how, to answer DC and nicespice's questions, all the things you have to think about and do to manage it. Because I can't really turn it off. Long exams like the ACT are worrisome because if I get a wave I just can't focus. Also, long gatherings with my extended family give me anxiety and I have to go in with a plan as to how I'm going to get a chance to masturbate somewhere. When I was a freshman, I was started to do badly on long tests and exams because I couldn't focus so I realized that the best thing I could do was not to try and fight it and focus on the exam even though this wave is coming over me but rather to just take a few minutes and give into it. I will put my face down in the exam papers so it just looks like I'm stressed, or thinking, or taking a mental break, then I squeeze my legs together really tightly, let the sexual thoughts take over and grind the seat very slowly. If I'm going through a wave it doesn't really take much and I can orgasm within about five minutes. Usually this helps things a little bit, but sometimes I have to silently rub out another one. I consider this a last resort option though and don't really like doing it unless I absolutely have to. Some other things is that if I can't have sex in a day I can't sleep and spend the whole night fantasizing. It also has made monogamous relationships impossible. I've dated a few guys who were like "oh you're hypersexual, that's perfect we can fuck all the time." They always got more than they asked for and we would fuck a lot but they always got tired of it because it has always been too much for them no matter how much they thought dating a nympho would be great. Also, I can be very demanding in bed, and this kind of puts some guys off. I'm not rude about it or anything and thankfully, some guys have loved it, but I've found that I need to go for guys that are willing to be more giving in bed. They don't want me to see other people though so we end up just having arguments because he's not willing to have sex as much as I need it anymore, but he won't let me see other people, so I end up seeing other people behind his back and we eventually break up.
Honestly there's so many little things, I could probably talk about it forever lol. Even though there's a lot of drawbacks though, there's some parts about it that I love and because of that, I wouldn't change it if I had the choice. The thing I love about it is that it really can be a lot of fun as long as I stick to my routines. If I stick to my routines I know how to manage the strongest symptoms and it provides me a lot of happiness to have this opportunity to really indulge in something I love. I know it sounds weird to make sex into a routine but when you're me you kind of have to. I also don't ever get tired of it even though I've had so much of it and it does feel really amazing when I get to have sex in the middle of one of my waves. It mainly becomes burdensome when I have to be in a situation that disrupts my routines and my whole body gets thrown off balance.
About the definitions. Hypersexuality and nymphomania are pretty much the same thing, but the term nympho has origins in Victorian Times where any woman who enjoyed sex was considered a nympho lol so some don't like the term. I personally don't mind it though. I would definitely say hypersexuality is different from a high sex drive. All my fuck buddies have high sex drives too and the biggest difference I can see is that people with high sex drives like sex a lot but they can turn it off when they need to. Like you guys can take an exam, go to a family gathering, or hang out with friends for several hours without really thinking about it much or feeling like you need to do something sexual. For me, I have to lowkey masturbate at school almost every day because they make you be there for so damn long. By the time I get back I feel like I'm going to explode lol. I've literally left in the middle of classes to find a guy who would fuck in the bathrooms because I was just too horny and couldn't focus. Thankfully I've found some good friends who are very open minded but there's definitely quite a few people at my school who think I'm just an out of control slut.
For its impact on my dancing. Yeah, this is definitely why I'm more open to extras. Last night I actually came while I was grinding on a guy and told him if he wanted to go OTC after my shift that we could have sex for $300. Sometimes I feel like I've lost my leverage though because I'm trying to trick the guys into paying for it when I actually really need them to say yes and just do it. I try to offer something that's reasonable but not high enough that it will cause them to turn it down. I haven't told anybody at work that I have hypersexuality because the other girls would probably strongly suspect I'm doing extras and customers would realize that they could leverage that against me. I have to make sure I am a sexy stripper but not get too into it and then really go crazy OTC.
I am actually more cautious about who I do extras with then you might think though. I have only done extras with three customers so far. I try to only give extras to the customers I can count on to come in regularly so that I have my outlet but I don't get too much of a reputation as an extras girl. So I'm definitely not fucking every guy who comes in. With the third guy last night though I kind of just gave in and went for it anyway. The most number of times I've ever orgasmed in a day? forty times actually. I had this one girl in the summer between my freshman and sophomore years that had a pretty high sex drive too and we would just have sex all day not stopping for food or anything. That was a wild summer haha.
Do you like to be worked with dildos or vibes ever? What type, solid abstract basic type? Cock shaped? Vibrating type, bullet vibe, batteries inside?
Using oil? What kind?
Why do you listen to a medical industry that function like a business and care more about profit from selling drugs than the wellbeing of people?
Sexual behavior is a normal, healthy part of life and many people enjoy being active with multiple sexual partners or seeking out many different kinds of sexual experiences.
The so called “Hypersexuality” becomes “problematic” when it causes significant mental anguish distress to an individual, or puts them at risk of harming themselves or someone else, but only because society keeps pushing them in that direction it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy “sex is bad and brings bad things to you”
Sex not only feels good is good for your physical emotional mental health. I remember you mentioning how good it made you feel even hours or days afterwards. What you have is a healthy, natural desire to mate and procreate, tha is being repressed by moder society. Go make love and be happy, don listen to those that know nothing about you.
In modern societies, the culture plays in the concept of “hypersexuality”. Cultures that view sexuality in a more positive light may have values that don't judge sexual behavior as being "excessive."
The Greek word nymph, has the primary meaning of "nubile young woman; bride, young wife" and is not associated with deities in particular. It refers to young women at the peak of sexual attractiveness
A nymph in Greek mythology is a minor female nature deity typically associated with a particular location or landform, nymphs are generally regarded as divine spirits who animate nature, and are usually depicted as beautiful, young nubile maidens who love to dance and sing; their amorous freedom sets them apart from the restricted and chaste wives and daughters of the Greek.
Nymphs were the frequent target of satyrs.
The terms nymphomania and satyriasis were once used to describe extremely frequent or suddenly increased libido.
Just use common sense listen to your heart your guts your conscience and do the right things for you and your loved ones.
Remember anything in excess is likely bad.
“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who'll decide where to go...”
Dr. Seuss, Oh, The Places You'll Go!
I agree with you request “Bring Articles Back!”
To answer your question, it doesn’t matter people believe what they believe. Their beliefs and perceptions are their reality.
Some authors have questioned whether it makes sense to discuss hypersexuality at all, arguing that labeling sexual urges "extreme" merely stigmatizes people who do not conform to the norms of their culture or peer group.
One of the many people that criticized Americans enchantment with psychiatry was Thomas Szasz, MD, he said that mental illness is a myth and provided the philosophical basis for the antipsychiatry and patient advocate movements that began in the 1960s and have flourished ever since.
He was highly critical of the so-called medical model for understanding human struggles and difficulties. He saw the uses of diagnostic systems as wrongly implying the presence of actual disease. He saw such efforts as medicalizing morality and the typical dilemmas and struggles of human life.
And what could possibly be controversial?
At the most basic level, the American Psychiatric Association maintains a kind of monopoly on what constitutes a mental illness.
If you thought that the only benefit of sex was, well, pleasure, here’s some news for you. Making love is good for adults. And making love regularly is even better.
Not only does it help you sleep well, relieve stress and burn calories, there are also several other reasons why you need to have sex more often.
Improves cardiovascular health
Increases immunity
Reduces stress
Relieves pain
Promotes longevity
Increases blood circulation
Help You sleep better
Improves overall fitnes
Once again strippercutie404 in my humble opinion is a nice human being that has a healthy desire to mate and procreate and there is nothing wrong with that.
I hope strippercutie404 has good nice safe sex and enjoys it.
Can we see your booty pls
Shaved, landing strip, or at natural
How deep can you go orally, can you slurp the balls while the shaft is in your mouth
And what are your thoughts on the first ever TUSCL gangbang bukkake starring you. Would you think it’s hot that 15 to 25 of the perviest older dudes on the web wearing masks were drilling your pussy at the same time?
Hypothetical question to the whole board...
who is even aware of what bukkake is? Without googling the answer?
I’ve already messaged two non-millennial/nongeeky board members this question and neither of them automatically knew.
There’s more than one possible reason for that. But it’s interesting nonetheless.
Let’s get back to the topic on hand which is this lass’s thirst for the cock.
I wasn’t even completely confident about that, but it looks like I was right.
As for Strippercutie, I’m sure she can get plenty of her needs fulfilled at the Miami meetup. And since she was planning on going to the University of Miami, it seems like a perfect trip for fun and a campus tour from wherever she is.
But I’ll say it again so it doesn’t get buried. Is strippercutie404 going to the Miami meetup?
Hey strippercutie, on January 24th, there will be a LOT of members on this board going to a club that is well-known for extras. (Easy to fulfill your desires)
Since you’re hyper sexual, not only can you play with the gentlemen here and start developing a positive following, but you can also get a feel for where you would like to work while going to school.
When you feel a "wave", does that mean your threshold for being stimulated is lowered (easier to get you excited)?
Does it take less effort to achieve orgasm? Are you able to achieve orgasms more quickly? Is the refractory period between orgasms (time it takes to recover before the next one) less?
When you say you cannot "control it", it almost sounds like the thoughts of needing to have sex are intrusive - even compulsive. It does give a new avenue to obsessive-compulsive. Have you ever sought medical attention? An imbalance in your endocrine system might be contributing. Before you or others say, "so what?" keep in mind that there is always more than one side to a medical condition, ie., it's possible you might have another condition you are not aware of that is accompanying your hypersexuality.
Lastly, I am very surprised, none of the women mentioned that there are classes, and a movement in this country that is over 6 years old that involves teaching men and women to help women achieve clitoral orgasms through touch stimulation without the context of sex/intercourse. There are sites/groups that have people registered in this so women can feel safe finding men or women willing to help them achieve orgasm without the need for reciprocation (that's why the context is non-sexual, strange as it sounds). The concept is called therapeutic female orgasms; the movement is OM (orgasmic meditation) - you can google it. It's most popular in SF and Austin. Maybe that might help you with your waves when you're not able to find your regulars.
I do sometimes use cock shaped dildos with coconut oil to masturbate with, but I like to switch it up too and just use my fingers or household objects.
@Pistola I have to admit that my mouth is kind of small so I wouldn't be able to get both inside. I can go pretty deep though. I am shaved and I will get a photo of my ass up pretty soon ;). 15-25 man bukkake sounds a bit much tbh lol.
@NiceSpice I'm actually going to Miami next week so I don't think that I will be there in January.
@Mantown Yeah its definitely easier for me to orgasm when I feel a wave. I don't really have any refractory period to begin with, I can easily reach 5-6 orgasms in a row if I just keep going. I don't really want to get medical attention for it, like I said, some people might think its too much but I like being who I am. I've been this way, to varying degrees since as long as I can remember and I wouldn't want to change anything. While it has some drawbacks its also my biggest source of happiness.
Don't worry guys, I have plenty of people helping me out right now ;)
Thank you for answering my question, I was trying to find out if you where diagnosed by a doctor?
“Hypersexual disorder was recommended for inclusion in the DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition) by the Sexual and Gender Identity Disorders Workgroup (Emerging Measures and Models, Conditions for Further Study). It was ultimately not approved.”
"DSM-5 Development Page for Sexual Dysfunctions". Dsm5.org. Retrieved 28 August 2017.
In my opinion you are fine, as long as you practice safe sex and don’t get pregnant, go ahead and have a good healthy sex life.
I am old fashioned and you have mentioned that you have tried/used some substance. I recommend to my students, who are of your generation, to avoid any kind of substances that could cause problems or harm to them and others, alcohol, tobacco, cocaine, marijuana, etc etc etc etc etc etc etc.
I don’t even know the new ones they should avoid.
Be aware that any kind of legal or illegal substance that affects your actions and ability to control your behavior and could cause harm to you and others.
Do no harm to yourself and others, be as happy as you can, that is the goal in life.
Thank you. Have a nice day.
It doesn’t sound like it ruins your life, so I’m glad you’re comfortable with it, and comfortable with sharing.
And no, I’m not offering to “help” you out. No way I’d be able to keep up. My ATF, on the other hand...
I can never figure these phobias out!
I’d want to do that in a freshly filled hot tub! I don’t trust the water in those tubs...
Now I'm really curious... does the hypersexuality extend to a desire to explore the limits of your sexuality and try new experiences, situations, fetishes? And if you were in the middle of a wave, would seeing something normally disgusting, like a picture of your grandparent nude or a dead puppy, kill the wave for a short while? Or what about being interrupted in the middle of enjoying a wave by your mother suddenly barging into your space! I'll bet those things would kill the hard-on of 99.9% of all the mongers on here... maybe even require some to have intensive psychotherapy for a year...
Or something like that.
Would your club allow that? Ever been to one which would allow it?