
ATF Back in the Club...15 Years Later

You walk into one of your old haunts to see if it's ever rebounded from the depths of irrelevance. It's livelier than you expected, looks like it might've even seen a coat of paint or two in the years since your last visit. A girl is off at a corner table with a customer, but is looking right at you. She reminds you of someone, it's uncanny, but you shake it off and find a seat. The club doesn't suck, but it's not screaming quality either.

You find someone interesting to distract yourself (or she finds you) and later on your way out the dancer you saw is now on stage prepping for her dance. She's walking deliberately between the poles on stage and wiping them down with a cloth, just like "she" used to do. She sees you in the mirrors and turns to look directly at you. It's her, your first ATF. 15 years older than the last time you saw her, and back in the same club where you spent way too many hours of your youth.

She's made like she's going to back to her routine, but is still looking at you. You're 15 years older, too, so maybe you're just some rando who has a familiar face? She's not smiling. Neither are you. Always looking younger she's still surprisingly pretty and fit, non-enhanced, but looks tired. Instead of walking out you've now sat down at the last table before the door. No one else is near the stage, but the dancer you've been trying to avoid since emerging from VIP is walking in your direction...again. What do you do?


  • ATACdawg
    6 years ago
    Shoot, I'd catch up! Lord knows there'd be a lot to talk about and the lap dances could be epic!
  • Warrior15
    6 years ago
    Depends on how it ended. Why did she stop being your ATF ?
  • Subraman
    6 years ago
    Why in the world wouldn't you catch up with your old ATF? Even if I'm not interested in dances anymore, I'd go catch up with her
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    There's no harm in spending a few minutes catching up, but 15 years is a long time, especially in stripper years. If you feel the urge then by all means spend some time and money on her, but I wouldn't let nostalgia create any sense of obligation. You were her customer, not her friend. She spent those years with people she cared about and you weren't one of them.

    I haven't had a stretch like that, but I had one dancer, with whom I had some OTC history with, who I ran into after 8 years. It was fun catching up and I bought a few drinks and did a little tipping, but that's as far as it went. I declined when she pitched OTC again. The problem was that she didn't look nearly as good as she did 8 years earlier, which included some weight gain.

    But as I always say, I will never criticize how another grown man spends his money when it comes to strippers. All that matters is that you feel like it was worth it to you.
  • Huntsman
    6 years ago
    I’d probably buy some drinks and catch up if the old relationship didn’t end too awkwardly. Being honest, the curiosity factor would be worth a few drinks and tips. But after that passage of time, I doubt that it would be worth more than just catching up for a bit. Given how visual our attractions are to women, it would be very unusual if her current looks matched your memory of her 15 years ago and you said “she reminds you of someone”. That doesn’t sound like your first impression of her now was necessarily bad but it also doesn’t sound like she was really pulling you in either. So I’d probably enjoy the chat but then move on.
  • JohnSmith69
    6 years ago
    If I saw the DS in her club again, I’d hand her $1,000 and beg her to come to my hotel room after he shift so we could do it all over agin.
  • JohnSmith69
    6 years ago
    So is this story real or made up?
  • shailynn
    6 years ago
    ^^^ would you do it if it was 15 years later? I would, I am aware 15 years on a stripper could potentially be 30 on a normal person but for example my retired ATF still looks great 10 years later. If I ran into her again I’d be dropping $$$ because we got along so well.

    Look at Gawkers ATF, chick was doing heroin everyday and still looks great. There are some people out there that defy the tests of time in their appearances and we are all especially fond of those types that decided to take up stripper as their profession.
  • bubba267
    6 years ago
    What Rick said. I've had something similar happen but the gap was a little over 10 years. Age and children had impacted her
    looks some but the personality was still there but matured. It was fun to catch up.
  • Dominic77
    6 years ago
    I doubt I'd remember much less even recognize a dancer from 2003 today. Most dancers I've seen I only saw once and chatted briefly once if at all. Not enough to make an impression on either of us.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    I'd sit at the rail and jack off watching her dance.
  • skibum609
    6 years ago
    My ATF just turned 32. I did my first dance with her when she was 19. She is much hotter and sexier now. Interesting that while she remains my ATF and I still do rooms with her, she isn't in the current top 3 cf's.
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    If that was true, that’s really cool.

    I’d say go for it with taking and catching up. Sure she’s older, but she obviously took care of herself well. (Or she’s a genetic freak) either way, that would be interesting.
  • georgmicrodong
    6 years ago
    I can’t imagine nay at least saying hi, unless she’d fucked me over or turned to drugs or something.
  • dirtysecrets
    6 years ago
    If you liked her back then, you'll probably like her now. Age has never been a factor in whether or not I feel a connection with a woman. I've gained some wrinkles (and pounds) and lost some hair in the last 15 years, so I couldn't really expect her not to be affected as well. Do some catching up!
  • theDirkDiggler
    6 years ago
    Is this a hypothetical situation? Cause if this really happened to me, i would be absolutely tickled. Thankfully, i don't look that different than i did 15 years ago, and if the same were true for her (i've known some strippers for around 10 years and they still look great), i'd definitely be glad to see her. I mean she was an ATF for a reason.

    Heck, even if she wasn't an ATF, i've missed out on so many strippers that i never danced with or barely experienced and wondered what the hell happened to them as i never saw them again. If they were to return even 15 years later, i would probably still recognize them and be willing to spend some time and money on them. There would be no dilemma, even with my still present situation with too many concurrent favorites. There's always room for more.
  • PutaTester
    6 years ago
    The majority of the women who earned my ATF status did so primarily by personality. If they are the same sweet ladies today, I would definitely want to catch up and see if the spark was still there. Had an ATF that was 40 when I met her. Started seeing her OTC and that went on for over two years. She was easily an 8 even at 40 (physical fitness freak and very pretty). That was three years ago. She quit, because "I have aged out of the business." If I were to see or hear from her again, I would be on the rocket ship.

    Another ATF reminded me that I had not seen her in over four years. I guess that our schedules simply didn't mesh, because I found her again at the same club. She was fairly liberal four years ago, so I took her for VIP dances and got free "reunion extras" that she didn't do before. OTOH, she has gained some weight and lost a bit of her physical appeal, despite being a gym rat. I would still buy dances (and extras) from her, but during our last encounter she complained a bit too much about her roommate and some of the other girls in the club. Seems like her s&^$ has unraveled a bit over the past four years, so she is not likely to achieve ATF status again.

  • larryfisherman
    6 years ago
    I wouldn’t want to see that. I prefer to remember my favorites in their primes. Not to say she can’t still look good 15 years later though.
  • Vantablack
    6 years ago
    Is this a true story? Because if it is you should totally go and catch up! 15 years is a ridiculous amount of time! Come to think of it, 15 years ago I was still in the first grade lol
  • stripfighter
    6 years ago
    ^^ larry??? :)
  • stripfighter
    6 years ago
    to answer the ? I'd reconnect, no matter what she looks like. No matter how great in shape she is, 15 years is 15 years. 15 wrinkles, 15 flabs, and at least 15 lbs, with 15 years of gravity doing its work. Where we go from there, depends on where how much of an ATF she was and where I am w/ my current ATF. Hell, any dancer I remember from 15 yrs back I'd at the very least, reconnect with.

  • NJBalla
    6 years ago
    The NJ club circuit is small and I bounce into old favs once in a while. I keep things cordial and catch up, but have never have bumped into an old fav that outranks my current fav at the bar. If I ever ran into an old fav from my early days clubbing I would definitely get her number and catch up OTC. One of my old favs is so legendary people still ask for her at the club where she hasnt danced for over 8 years.
  • DandyDan
    6 years ago
    Several years ago, I had this scenario play out. I hadn't seen her for 12 years but there she was at the club she had danced at before. And the crazy thing was she remembered my name.
  • theDirkDiggler
    6 years ago
    ^ and..? Was it rather anticlimactic?
  • K
    6 years ago
    I have the same experience as NJballa. It happens so often it isn't something I even think about.

    Treat it as you would any other person you haven't seen in that long. She isn't your ex girlfriend or wife. Say hello, chat some, maybe get a dance for old time sake or leave that to memories.

    If things ended poorly between you, say hello, wish her well and walk back to your seat. Most of people will take the hint. Running and hiding is unmanly. That isn't to say avoiding a nasty situation by walking away is wrong. But you can do it well or not.
  • wallanon
    6 years ago
    The OP was asking what you would have done, not the author.

    If it's in the past tense, the author would have already made a decision. Let's say it's a "real" story, and someone who's seen over 500 clubs and put an ATF label on two more dancers out of thousands since her (which means she got bumped not once, but twice on the fav-o-meter) dropped in to see if a past its prime club sucked as much as all the reviews keep saying. It didn't, but the joy of TUSCL is that customers who don't have any sense for the hobby can write reviews, too.

    Of course she isn't an old girlfriend or a wife. Strippers and hookers exist so men (and lopaw) can get what they want without having to GF or wife them. If life's a journey and 15 years of it go by for two people, what does a person who's seen and done more shit than they can remember or talk about have to say to a person who walked for 15 years to end up where they started? There's a door, a sealed can of worms, and a stripper who can't comprehend "no thanks" with about 5 seconds to make a decision. That's an easy choice for me.
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    ^ Wall, did you really start that last post by referring to yourself in the third person? ;)

    Look dude, there's no doubt that you've contributed a lot to the site. Even if everyone applied the 50% haircut to your numbers that I do for the pop in reviews (especially overseas), nostalgic reveries, posts that are more literary exercises than a real attempt to provide intel, and other efforts which provide little to actually sink one's teeth into, the results would still be impressive.

    But all of that doesn't make anyone else's opinions or club reviews any less valid. Perhaps you weren't trying to say that, but that's how your post came across. I sometimes fall into that trap myself as I've also been doing this for a long time and have been in hundreds of clubs, even if I've seen less than you have. Yet every so often I am reminded of why that is a limiting view to adopt, especially when I am collecting intel on areas that others know far better than I do.

    Just a few thoughts fwiw.
  • 3LeggedMan
    6 years ago
    IF my ATF from 15 years ago reappeared and still looks great, I’d be buying dances and VIP time just like the old days. Unfortunately she joined the army and later got married. Meanwhile the club where we met was sold and is now a high-priced low-mileage rip-off joint where I’d NEVER go again. So this question is not something I’ll ever worry about.
  • DandyDan
    6 years ago
    DirkDiggler- Assuming you were asking me if it was anticlimactic, it was actually just like old times, only better because that club became a 2 way touch club along the way and I could grab her tits, which were huge. She was there one time after that, though, and then she was gone, presumably for good.
  • theDirkDiggler
    6 years ago
    ^ That is even better. Many a time i had wished that a stripper move to a "better" club so we could have better moments. Actually, one of the first clubs i went to became a two-way touch club (at least in VIP, where before they didn't even have a VIP) in the last few years. Still no extras, though. I have had favorites there, but i never developed anything close to an ATF. That label didn't apply until i started going to clubs with much more mileage. That's when i started seeing particular dancers regularly in a relative short period of time as well as spend quite a bit on her each time.

    Before that i was fine with just getting a few dances once a month or less even with no strong desire to immediately see her again. Was definitely more into variety back then or spreading it around here and there between numerous girls, particularly newer girls. Now i generally consider getting just a couple dances from a girl a bit or quite a bit of a waste unless she basically goes HAM in those couple dances, in which case those few dances are more than good enough and usually entails a generous tip.
  • wallanon
    6 years ago
    Hey rickdugan, I meant OP as Original Post rather than Original Poster. But if wallanon wants to refer to himself in the third person that's what wallanon's gonna do! Nobody puts wally in a corner...

    But anyhow, because ATF is a horribly overused term at TUSCL I floated a question because I was interested in which shapes would fall out of the rainbow. Some guys might never have the experience of finding a dancer they thought had "made it" (and actually hoped they had) looking at them a generation later like they've seen a ghost.

    I don't have time to write much more now, but to me the premise was contemplating the distance between what we choose to remember, the story we put in place about whatever happened afterward, and choosing whether it's worth trading that for a reality staring at you from a mirror. It was an odd moment, realizing that we were looking into each others eyes through our reflections.

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