
Is it acceptable to write a review for a club where you didn't spend any money?

If she walks away smiling, you spent too much.
One of my regulars found a whale, the new hot girl didn't come up to me, and there really weren't any other girls there that I'd be interested in. Should I still write a review or no?


  • JeffTUSCL
    6 years ago
    Why not? Just be detailed about the place, what it's like, and if it's a less-reviewed place I'm sure someone would find it useful.
  • wallanon
    6 years ago
    Why not? I spent $0 at the newly reopened Night Shift and will still review it.
  • Warrior15
    6 years ago
    I've done that. What does the place look like, how good looking are the girls, what are the prices of things, is there a cover, is there parking fees, how friendly are people in the club. These are all good useful information that you can give out without actually paying for anything.
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    I guess I'd question how you collected enough intel to write a decent review without spending any money at all. I think we can all understand not finding anything worth the cost of a LD. But what about a cover? If no cover, how did you sit there for any period of time without ordering some type of drink? Idk, but a 60 second walkthrough makes for a pretty shitty review IMHO, especially since you would not have been there long enough to see a full rotation, talk with any of the girls, etc.
  • shailynn
    6 years ago
    Was this club in Vegas? I’d love to hear how you got away with not spending any money in a Vegas club! I did it once, I went to meet my former ATF while she was working, just to say “hi” and since it was a slow night I ended up sitting and chatting for over an hour and the waitresses left us alone.
  • shadowcat
    6 years ago
    I spent zero money at Babes in Atlanta a couple of years ago on the day shift. No door fee. I took a table and and stayed for 20 minutes. During that time no waitress came around. 2 dancers did but were fuglies and I turned them down for dances and left.

    Bad review of a club are just as important as good ones.
  • TheeOSU
    6 years ago
    I agree with Shadowcat. I've written reviews of walking in to a club and being disgusted with what I saw regarding talent or lack thereof or waiting and not being served by an inattentive bartender and turning around and walking back out without spending a dime. Pointing out how bad things were are just as important as mentioning a good experience IMO.
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    shadow and TheeOSU, I do not disagree in principle that a bad review based upon a short visit is valuable intel. Indeed, I've had my fair share of those too. But I do question whether a 10-20 minute stop in is enough to really assess the state of affairs and to write a fair review.

    Maybe I'm a purist, but I always try to stick it out for at least two hours in order to give the club a chance. I don't always succeed since sometimes a club is just so awful that I need to leave sooner, but I try to give it enough time to determine whether anything is likely to develop. Maybe the club just opened and more girl are on the way. Maybe it's shift change. Maybe there are 3 hotties in the DR getting ready to come out. How could you know any of this if you pop in and then right back out?
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^ Not sure where you got that Rick the OP said nothing about length of time only that he didn’t spend any money.
    And I agree if you have something to add to what we should know about a particular club go ahead write your review.
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    Fair enough Twenty. But I wonder how long one can sit in a club without spending anything at all? There may be a disconnect here as it is tough to do this on night shift in most clubs, which is when I club, but could be easier to do on dayshift. IDK.
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    It depends on how much information you were able to get during your visit. If it was a quick in and out - and you don’t remember much of anything - then a review might not provide useful information.

    However, based on your initial post, it appears you’ve been to this club previously. In that case, you probably have enough information to write an informative review. So, I’d say yes.

    Describe the club, the layout, cover charge, dancer types and quality, parking situation, etc.

    Most importantly - tell us how you were able to enjoy any time at a club without spending any money! That sounds like a new “system”! Lol!
  • pistola
    6 years ago
    Yes, if I walk into a mcdonalds and the shitter looks like a hot mess with no hot water I'm inclined to leave an epic 1 star rant on yelp without having spent a dime.
  • PaulDrake
    6 years ago
    I don't have a problem with a zero money spent review if the club is very rarely reviewed and the review still has a lot of information about the club.
  • JamesSD
    6 years ago
    Reviews regarding the talent level and if the girls actually approach are helpful.
  • Liwet
    6 years ago
    "tell us how you were able to enjoy any time at a club without spending any money! That sounds like a new “system”! "

    It's really only possible as a local and you have to have the mindset of a dickhead but it is possible. Some girls will let you grope a bit in order to make a sale; they will give you some free samples. Take those free samples, but don't buy any of the product. Do that to a couple of girls and there's your cheap night, all for the cost of cover/drink (but free cover if you're a local). Next time you go clubbing, go to a different club eventually hitting every club in the city. By the time you go back to the first club, no one will remember you and even if they do, you can always drop an additional $20 for a dance or ask for something so outrageous that they won't agree to it.

    I'll go ahead and write a review then and we can let the "editorial department" decide if it should go up or not. I ended up spending 3 hours at the club.
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    Liwet thanks for clarifying how you were able to hang out for basically nothing (in a strip club). The free samples are a useful sales technique. I’m sure there are folks who have quite a good time just sampling.

    It’s even more impressive that you were able to last 3 hours and to spend nothing!
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    @Liwet So basically you’re saying you treat the strip club like Costco;)
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