Tj addict
I entered the dragon and was never the same
I love tj so much i am seriously thinking of getting a trucking job in san diego to be close to tj! What does everybody think? Am i out of my mind? I am absolutely miserable knowing it is going to be a few months before i have time to go back! Or is it the fact i am the definition of a pl! I am home going to go to a Louisville club tonight but i don't think that will help!
Is that how much you spend in a month?
How often are you on the road and how often are you actually home? Especially if a lot of the off-work times are spent in TJ?
However , if you don't see a problem with either, than why not go forward with ur plan.
However , if you don't see a problem with either, then why not go forward with ur plan.***********
Country man might b one of the most mature guys here..he doesn't try to fight every guy that tries to talk shut lol
My nickel for what it’s worth.
Re-read what I wrote. IF he is doing those things he should see a professional. IF. I don't know if he is or isn't, only he can answer that.
Do whatever you want if it makes you feel good. Why not, you aren't hurting anyone.
That kind of advice and short term thinking has never led anyone down the wrong path. Shit.
And why not talk to a professional? What is the harm there?
Y'all are being so irresponsible encouraging him to do this.
Countryman probably has Down Syndrome, and Y'all (with the exception of 25) are giving him advice that he may actually follow.
Here's a good idea, move to high cost San Diego so you can cross the border every day and give all your savings to whores. After a year or so when he is broke and alone, he is the one dealing with it,not you guys.
Fucking irresponsible, but I'm the douche.
It is fucked up to be making such big life decisions around paying for pussy.
At least you don't have building/racing cars as a hobby. Cars are literally the most expensive hobby out there. It makes P4P look like nothing
And if it's so thoroughly consuming your thoughts and affecting your moods, then maybe it's not a bad idea to get some counseling. tj is gonna make him anymore "alone" than his current life, wherein he spends long hrs truck driving and has no wife nor kids
Like I said..the issue isn't moving to Mexico , but rather the lifestyle with being consumed with women, something u all share in suggestion was to avoid this life style...and indulge in other hobbies to live a not shallow life.
Since u guys aren't addressing the root of the problem , it makes no sense for u to tell him not to go.
As far as your motivation, as best I can tell it seems to be loneliness, if you aren’t deluding yourself, I’d say you might be suffering from grass is greener on the other side of the fence the of thinking.
For myself I like pretty women, strippers are a lot of fun, you seem to have more of an unhealthy fixation, rather than the byproduct of smart thinking.
The main cost seems to be that his state income tax will go from 5% to 8%. But he will be saving on the cost of flying to TJ. So assuming his income is 55k, the $1650 in extra taxes (and also the time savings from not dealing with airports) would make it worth it.
But, if he is making multiple trips to TJ, that trade off is worth it. If he’s not renting an apartment, and barely spends any time in the city, then overall COL is irrelevant.
Now, it might be a good idea to look into everyone else’s suggestions of less expensive places to live if it comes to retirement planning or something. But while his job remains a straight travel one, it wouldn’t really matter.
But on the other hand, he seems to enjoy his experience, doesn’t seem to get distressed at the idea that any of them won’t become a serious gf, and (hopefully) still has savings for the future as well.
And he also said he’s learning Spanish in order to better communicate. Even if there’s a day he gets bored of TJ, learning another language is a wonderful hobby to have. Not only to keep the mind sharp, but also for the potential ability to communicate with somebody you may not otherwise have been able to.
Maybe it’s a good idea, maybe it’s not. But knee-jerk reactions are seldom good.
I’ve thought about this, too, following my first visit to TJ, as something to do in retirement in about 6 years. But I doubt I’ll go through with it.
My latest retirement plan is 2-3 trips a year to TJ and 2-3 trips a year to Toronto (great massage).
I wouldn’t want to live in Mexico by myself, not knowing Spanish and being old at the time. The COL is San Diego and SoCal make it cost probibitive.
Phoenix and Las Vegas have their advantages. Lower COL and close enough to access TJ frequently but not so close that you’re spending every spare dime there every week.
Loneliness sucks and causes us to think irrationally at times, I think. That’s why I would do plenty of due diligence before making such a life-altering move.
My advice to Countryman is to give it a try if his heart is pointing him in that direction. He can always go back to his house and life in KY if he doesn't like it. His job will allow him to work on the road and he has his truck to sleep in, so why not. Just keep your head straight Countryman. Don't drink too much down in TJ, don't buy or do any drugs there, stay alert, and don't drink the water amigo!…
My situation was nowhere near as extreme as countryman's. It didn't involve relocating across the country to pay for sex with girls I don't even know. And your rationale advice was to take the job if I got the offer at the expense of being able to see my ATF regularly.
I get the sense that y'all are just fucking with this guy and I can see him following this advice.
Im not saying he is being irresponsible, I'm saying you are for giving him this advice.
I am saying that if his allure mongering is this strong and obsessive he should simply talk to a professional before going further down the rabbit hole.
Would you be giving the same advice if he said something like:
Countyman: "I started taking heroin a few weeks ago and really like it. The laws here suck so I'm thinking of moving to Afghanistan."
You: Go for it. YOLO. You don't have anything tying you down here and it wouldn't hurt anyone else. WTF, why not.
"I'd rather die with memories, not momentos."
But how about Mentos. They are quite tasty.
I didn't read in the OP where he said his income was gonna be severely affected or have to change careers and hope he could find a similarly paying job - people relocate all the time for various reasons especially to the coasts (CA and FL) and in those cases it often has to do with quality of life - if TJ is what makes the OP happy then why not pursue what makes him happy if it's attainable - again people relocate all the time, some of you make it sound like he's moving to Iraq - the alternative is him staying in Louisville being less happy instead of being where he'd like to be.
Everybody owns their choices, and the consequences. I'm not going to pretend to care what happens to online psuedos I've never met. But I'm also not going out of my way to offer bad advice or encourage someone to do something stupid. Other than spending more than a handful of dollars on wish fulfillment.
Just to point out the obvious, or maybe it’s not so obvious to a bunch of mongers blinded by pussy. Seems to me the little head rules a lot of you folks here.
I say if the OP is able to do it then why not do what makes him happy - I don't see how this move has a high potential to ruin his life, I see it as improving his happiness.
A good # of people on here probably drop a good amount of coin ITC and/or OTC - if the OP has the flexibility to make a move so he can enjoy mongering as others do then I don't see how that is more of a problem than those that already monger regularly in w/e city they live in.
A lot of people move for quality of life - the OP being a single guy if mongering improves his quality of life by doing something that makes him happy then IMO go grab that opportunity if it's attainable.
1. What is your current income as is? (Don’t have to answer)
2. Will the current income change? (Don’t have to answer)
3. It looks like the state income tax is going to go from 5% to 8% if you change your “homebase” in San Diego, after you factor in the potential income increase or decrease, how much “income” has been raised or lowered?
4. Are you still making mortgage payments on the house in Louisville?
5. If you make the move, are you going to have it up for rent, possibly save it for if you want to come back, or what?
6. What are your normal expenses when on the road?
7. In a two month period, how many days would be spent on the road working vs how many would he spent not working?
8. How much does it cost to stay at hotel Cascadas/get Ficha drinks/Arriba every night?
9. Is the brothels the only thing you’re doing on your off time? Or will you be supplementing it with potentially cheaper activities like hanging out on the beaches in baja?
10. After all this, how much money will you have in savings? How about in retirement?
But I think he is just thinking out loud on this idea. I tried to give him ideas on what he should think about. Not tear him down because he made a statement of what he is considering. Flag, this is no different than you made a statement that you were considering not taking a job because you would be farther from your CF. Where is the difference ? He is just thinking out loud !
We gave you different advice bc you're flagooner
Carry on
In the short term for sure. But one thing to consider: If someone has easy access to a place like this -- and he certainly has an affinity for it -- they might overdo it and blow through their retirement savings, mortgage the house and who knows what else if they can't control themselves.
I think I could control myself, but you never know until you're in that situation. That's why in the dream scenarios I concoct in my head, I'm living in Phoenix -- close enough to visit TJ regularly but not so close that you're there several times a week every week.
by the way I do not like the Teamsters union. they pay their union officials way too much and they are power-hungry.
There's a quote, "all men die but few men ever lived"
I'm glad I did :-)
When I travel it will be for business, not for sex tourism and certainly not to gain approval from TUSCL members.
There are all different types of business travelers. These travelers are the sorts who most benefit from strip clubs and TUSCL.
Good Luck Countryman!