
Why don't more SCs promote on Social Media?

Avatar for SanAntonio_LDK
SanAntonio_LDKSan Antonio, Texas

Never made sense to me why clubs don't promote their top dancers on social media. They should be showing the space and using hashtags like #GoSee(Insert name). Maybe it's just me, but 90% of SCs have little to no promotion on social media. Seems like a bad strategy to me in 2018.

Thoughts on why that is?


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Avatar for shadowcat

For the same reason we have a reason for rejecting reviews...shill.

Avatar for NJBalla

The top reasons are. 1.) Strip Club owners are lazy 2.) Strippers are extremely flaky. Unless they make a consistent amount of money girls can be late or a no show. Lineups can be false. 3) Strip club websites attract stalkers in the same way strip club websites attract trolls.

SCs that promote on social media are usually a red flag to me anyways. I find the best strip clubs sell themselves through word of mouth and by providing a good experience everytime I visit. The ones that post 5 pictures a night are hoping to attract newbies and bachelor parties.

The truth is 90% of customers come by hearing

Avatar for SanAntonio_LDK

These are good point, NJBalla.

  1. totally agree with you and txtittyfag. Owners might be the laziest people on the planet.

  2. I understand strippers are flaky, but the club is just promoting the best of their fleet. This should create a perception that every dancer they have looks like "that". Especially unseasoned PLs.

  3. Nobody likes a stalker, but if they are willing to drop $ shouldn't the club/dancers want that?

Never thought about Social Media actually being a warning sign. Thanks for the insight.

Avatar for nicespice

I’ve noticed a lot of dancers tag their club and promote themselves anyways. Probably better to just allow something like that.

Maybe it’s also because social media is flaky? For a while, stripper stuff getting shadowbanned (where you can find the stuff if you had already previously followed it. But otherwise it wouldn’t show up in a search.) It got so bad that even “female” or “girl” would show up on Instagram searches for a short while.

That and most strip club managers/owners, I think, are older and like to do what’s established.

I’ve noticed that Adult Entertainment likes to be ~10-15 years behind on innovation than other industries. I’ve wondered if there is good business opportunities depending on when managers retire and allow millennials to take over.

Avatar for gawker

I was a little surprised to hear a radio ad for a Providence strip club. It runs regularly on a sports talk FM radio but doesn't promote specific Dancers.

Avatar for jsully63

Most owners know their regular girls will pull in their customers and essentially do the promoting work for them.

Avatar for SirLapdancealot

Some Portland clubs have dedicated websites and/or Instagram and Facebook accounts. I like clubs that show pics of the dancers and that post the schedules but it isn't a deal breaker for me if they don't have anything. What social media pics do is encourage me to visit them when I see a stripper pic that I like instead of having to take a blind visit. But ultimately it's not a must have thing.

Also knowing schedules in advance is great once I have established a few faves. I definitely like it when schedules are posted and updated. And luckily a good portion the clubs here do this.

Also a lot of strippers here have their own social media accounts and they can be followed through that instead of a club's.

Avatar for jackslash

Strip club owners don't know the difference between social media and social diseases.

Avatar for nicespice

It’s interesting that Portland does that. But I’ve heard they enforce scheduling more with the dancers. So it’s maybe that plus the increased competion of clubs everywhere that makes it that way?

Avatar for SirLapdancealot

@nicespice That's probably true but also Portland is just more "techie" than most cities. LOL you can't swing a dead cat in this city without hitting a techie hipster.

Avatar for BN1ce

As much as I like the thrill of the unknown, an accurate line up post on social media would definitely pursuade me to go to a club if I see something I like. There’s nothing like a sure thing.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

I would think many-a-stripper would not want their faces splattered all over the internet announcing to the whole world they are strippers - or maybe that's changing.

I would assume most custies would like to see a lineup of who's there on a per shift basis - but this can also be a double-edged sword for the clubs since many custies may look at the latent at hand and decide not to visit where o/w they would be forced to go to see what's there and thus pay a cover and buy a drink.

Avatar for Smalltowncpl

Im noticing a few clubs that have FB and Instagram and they are promoting more. Seems like a couple of the girls are running it. Even see several girls that have FB and Instagram for their stripper persona.

Avatar for s275ironman

Several Detroit area clubs have Facebook and Instagram pages, but the advertising is mostly for special events, food and drink specials. The majority of them use models for their advertisements instead of their own girls.

As for clubs advertising actual girls that work there, Deja Vu clubs seem to do that nightly on their Facebook and Instagram pages by posting a lineup of who’s there. They also use their own girls to pose for pictures, but about 90% of them will not show the girl’s face, most likely for the same reason Pali mentioned. A lot of these girls want to remain anonymous when it comes to the possibility that someone they know may find out they are a stripper just simply by stumbling across their picture on a strip club’s social media page.

Avatar for s275ironman

Sorry Papi, one little typo misspelled your name as Pali

Avatar for pistola

This is how it's done proper:


Roll call by shift and they have a good IG page.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

^ that def helps but doesn't seem they show the girls' pics - it's helpful for those that are familiar w/ the club and its dancers but not so much if one is not a regular at that club or at least has been there b/f

Avatar for pistola

^true but you can usually find some of them on their IG or Twitter if you look hard enough. Definitely helps though and more clubs should do it.

Avatar for san_jose_guy

Many do use FB, and have let their paid domain names go. I think it is a mistake.


Avatar for ppwh

it's because they think it's awkward when their mama and grandmama see the spum on the customers' shirts

Avatar for Warrenboy75

I don't think it is all that hard to find them on IG or Twitter and actually you can get a pretty good idea of what the girl thinks ( really thinks) if you look at their twitter account.

Avatar for NJBalla

@pistola thats a great website and ill give the benefit of the doubt that because SoCal strip clubs have a healthy supply of wannabe actresses or porn stars to draw from. That kind of website in NJ/PA/NY would raise warning flags to me lol. The strip club which provides one of the worst experiences provides a lower rate version of the website and has a great instagram page. The best strip club in my opinion, Clancys, does no advertising and you could literally drive past the location and not realize its there.



Avatar for pistola

@NJB Yes a ton of hot toddies. Google 'Synn COI instagram' and you'll be shocked esp considering it's basically TJ in there. Also there is a cali website like this sorta where the dancers are rated, but to be a member you have to live in Cali. I won't go into more detail, but living in SoCal didn't suck and some of us didn't need to go to TJ...

Avatar for nicespice

“do the clubs in san antonio promote LDKs?”

It promotes plenty of two way contact.

Anyways, I’ll be meeting up with this person on Friday. So I think it will happen ;)

@nicespice That's probably true but also Portland is just more "techie" than most cities. LOL you can't swing a dead cat in this city without hitting a techie hipster.”

Haha, true.

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