High spending, low mileage

avatar for TFP
Adventures of Assjobman
Gonna pull a Papi Chulo and share a review that made me cringe after seeing the amount spent and services received.

From a review today of Mardi Gras Lounge in Atlanta, GA:

Arrived at 10 pm and had an appointment with Cassie. She is high class. Great conversationalist. A super blodn10 in my book and I am glad I met her. I respect her limits and she allows me some extras like breast attention, She is no follies girl however. 90 mins in VIP = $900 to her and $225 to the club. After our engagement Cassie departed (midnight) and I notice the club only had maybe 10 dancers and 25 guys - the ratio was almost 1:1 when I arrived. I did see the older, but fine, tall, fun Burnett but Cassie is my gal, when I am dropping coin. At midnight the quality of dancer was about 7 and not much going on in the club this evening. I departed for the Oasis -see review which had more action. I prefer Mardi Gras for the lower lighting and more comfortable VIP area. If I have my gal and a good place, I'm set. Not sure the evening would have been so fine if I had not made arrangements.

I just don't understand. I mean even for a well off guy I would think he'd see that is horrible value. To each his own I guess but sheesh.


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avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
He prolly just don’t care about value, he gets what he wants, he’s happy, he didn’t ask you for a loan did he?
avatar for TFP
7 years ago
Yeah you're right about that twenty-five, but that's like going on Amazon and searching for something and buying the first one listed for $100. Never mind that if you scroll down a couple slots, there's the same thing offered for $25.

But hey, you're right. He gets what he wants, why should I care?
avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
^ listen I got a gal I like she works in a better club, I see her often OTC just FWBs no P4P, I go in the club 2 or three times a month at most and drop some serious coin on her, often over 3-4 hundred plus and don’t do any V I Ps when I’m in there and she’ll stay there with me as long as I’m there, I have helped her out a few times but she always tries to pay me back, I don’t always let her. Point being she’s not an item on Amazon she’s a great friend, so there’s often more to these things than meets the eye.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
7 years ago
@TFP remember this when you think of giving a stripper a $100 tip for some good dances. Not judging. Just saying...
avatar for shadowcat
7 years ago
Ordinarily I'd be pissed at him for running up the price of pussy. But in this case that won't happen. This club is known for very low mileage and nobody buys trips to the VIP rooms except for a once a year unicorn. His actions won't hurt anything. Throw in that the City of Sandy Springs is in the process of shutting them down, it really doesn't matter.

Cassie will be looking for a new club to work at.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
I guess this guy graduated from the Dadillac school of SCing
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
This guy probably has RIL tattooed on his forehead
avatar for Jascoi
7 years ago
maybe cassie will dance at follies.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
I'm thinking this guy is in for a rude-awakening at some point
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
I saw this review in the Unpublished list earlier today, didn't read it but from the title it gave me the impression it was a RIL review
avatar for PinkSugarDoll
7 years ago
Some men *actually* like us and want to

Take care of us
Do something nice for us
Make sure we have a good night at work
Help us with a bill
Feel like a big spender
Do something they normally wouldn’t do
Build a repoire with us
Show some appreciation in the form of a tip
Blow a little money

All kinds of people visit the SC, everyone spends differently!
avatar for skibum609
7 years ago
The word is rapport. Paying someone is never building a rapport with anyone.
avatar for TJ Lee
TJ Lee
7 years ago
My god, that amount of money made me cringed.
avatar for Salty.Nutz
7 years ago
he probably ran into nina, no biggie
avatar for nicespice
7 years ago
Aww Nina, Salty Nuts seems fond of you enough that $900 to you would be no big deal. <3

I was curious enough to look into this user, so I looked up his past stuff. The first time this Cassie was mentioned was in early March. It took him 4 months to actually come visit even though he clearly liked her a lot. He strikes me as being an occasional big spender as opposed to a true “regular.”

Plus we don’t know how much Cassie had to text back and fourth. He probably got his time’s worth in other ways just the room.

I think almost every dancer has experienced something like this at least once. Often without even having to ask for it. It’s a separate class of customer whose generosity doesn’t affect dedicated mongers like you guys too much.

In the long run, Cassie is (likely) going to get way less than anyone’s ATF on here.
avatar for nicespice
7 years ago
I was curious enough to look into this user, so I looked up his past stuff. The first time this Cassie was mentioned was in early March. It took him 4 months to actually come visit even though he clearly liked her a lot. He strikes me as being an occasional big spender as opposed to a true “regular.”

Plus we don’t know how much Cassie had to text back and fourth. He probably got his time’s worth in other ways just the room.

I think almost every dancer has experienced something like this at least once. Often without even having to ask for it. It’s a separate class of customer whose generosity doesn’t affect dedicated mongers like you guys too much.

In the long run, Cassie is (likely) going to get way less than anyone’s ATF on here.
avatar for Countryman5434
7 years ago
Think about how 1125 would go in tj.
avatar for Smalltowncpl
7 years ago
Is this a regional thing ? Sounds to me like he could have got the same experience in a private dance for $100. Some of the places I go on the floor. I'm not judging anyone here. If he is happy that's great.
avatar for Baller_Biggie_Playa_69
OP already said he didn't want no skanky follies girl.
avatar for gawker
7 years ago
It's all relative. 8 years ago I was swimming in money and didn't bat an eyelash at that kind of spending. One night after paying a dancer $500 for an hour OTC I gave her an additional $500 for cim. Then I tipped another $100. Foolish spending then led to being broke more often than not now. Proper money management
Is a lesson I skipped. Tomorrow a dancer has offered to buy me gas for my car, a pack of cigarettes, and an iced coffee if I'll come visit her. I always dreamed of them paying me.
avatar for PaulDrake
7 years ago
@nicespice - Good point that she is getting less than any of our ATFs. I would still say that I support everyone playing fair. Guys who waste dancers time are shitty and dancers that prey on newbs are shitty.
avatar for chessmaster
7 years ago
The review doesnt say what race "cassie" is but im assuming white. When i say you fools put the white girls on a pedestal this is what i mean. Why would "cassie" work at follies when she can get some chump to give her a $1000(for presumably less than what she would do at follies). This is as bad as the rain making black fools do.
avatar for stripfighter
7 years ago
If he's happy then all is fair. I don't have to agree with it, but then again it's not my money.
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
Buying dances is a chump's game.

Select and approach the girl yourself, the one you want to be waking up in the mornings with.

Get a front room make out session going. Then when it is time for your own pants to come down, you invite her to the back room. Then after take her home with you to continue.

avatar for nicespice
7 years ago
Lol, SJG you’re a big programming nerd. Do you genuinely type out every other post on here or did you write a script to do some of it for you?
avatar for nicespice
7 years ago
@chessmaster She’s blond too. It’s in the March review of that club.

@PaulDrake I agree.
avatar for Icey
7 years ago
SJG makes a lot of sense, his game works...

Personally, I have no problem spending on someone I care about. I wouldn't spend money on a random bitch, but when my main bitch's family was having some problems, I went to the club, paid her tip out fees and everything, took her to our favorite place to get high and asked her for a private dance in the car, gave her a 5k tip.

Ive given side bitches up to 1k to remind them Im their daddy
avatar for abqspencer
7 years ago
That’s a ridiculous amount for VIP. I couldn’t do it, even if I had the money flowing like water.

avatar for lurkingdog
7 years ago
Not sure what I think about all this. It IS just money and when you have it, you can spend it however and upon whomever you wish. That written, he (and therefore she) is way out of my price range as far as playtime budgets are concerned.
avatar for TFP
7 years ago
Thanks for all the comments, they helped me see this in many other perspectives.

SLD your comment showed me that value really is subjective. Where you see $100 tip as too much, I see it as not that much money and if I deem it's deserved then I'll give it. I guess the same can be said for the poster of this review. Where I think $1125 is a lot to drop for an hour and a half, especially in a low mileage club where hands get brushed away for grabbing boobs (although this guy's girl let's him get some boob action). This guy feels it's worth it, and I guess that's all that matters.

Gawker solidified the point of value meaning different things to different people. When he was well off that amount of money was nothing to him. Could be the case with this guy as well. I'm just not balling like he is, so I think it's a ridiculous amount of money. Pacman Jones will drop 40K on stage without even having received a single dance yet lol.

Nicespice also brought up a nice point, and I think actually describes me in some ways. I don't have an ATF and I don't have any one club I visit regularly. In my most recent visit to a club I spent a good amount on one girl and after our session she asked to exchange numbers. I know it's so she can try to get me back in the club and spend more on her. She'll find out soon that I don't club often enough to depend on me for income and take me off her list of guys to text. So the author of the review possibly just splurges every now and then on SC visits much like I do. But looks like he has more to spend, as he still went to another club after already having spent $1125.

avatar for jester214
7 years ago
The guy is a sap, he may be the happiest sap in the world, but he's still a sap.
avatar for Salty.Nutz
7 years ago
hes no sap if he can drop a G at the club. i can take and drop a G everytime i go to the club; however, the most i will drop on a lady is a cnote ITC. if i drop more then a c-note, the lady that gets my dough is vetted. if not, i will sip on goose and soda all night.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
7 years ago
In my world $1125 is at least a dozen separate club visits and leaving happy every time.
avatar for ppwh
7 years ago
Then there are the guys who get in the news for tipping a diner waitress $20k or whatever.
avatar for Smalltowncpl
7 years ago
For $300 you can get FS from an escort.
avatar for Salty.Nutz
7 years ago
exactly sirlapdance its better not to force the issue because a G is about 10 visits if youre looking for LDKs, which for me average about a cnote a pop. sometimes i dont get an LDKs so im rolling 2 Gs deep. Fish sometimes just jump in your boat.
avatar for Mate27
7 years ago
I take it if you want an ITC girlfriend you’ll need to drop some coin on her to pay attention, otherwise she obviously won’t. This guy may want a fake, yet safe intimate p4p relationship. It’s guys like this that keep cheap spenders like me from scoring at the club the majority of my visits, because the dancer will just wait hoping for that one whale to come along before she gives it up. It’s rare to find a consistent fave that likes to play with you just because she finds you attractive, without giving her much $$. They’re married to money and it’s their first priority over a guy with good looks.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
Dancers call him "generous" but he's an idiot being bamboozled by a girl in a g-string - it's analogous to paying $200,000 for a $100,000 car "just because you got the money"
avatar for shadowcat
7 years ago
Just to stir the pot. There was a white dancer named Cassie working at Follies and she has been MIA for awhile now. I wouldn't call her a 10 but probably an 8.
avatar for chessmaster
7 years ago
^i wonder why she left?

avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
@Meat it’s no secret money trumps looks in a strip club, if you want to meet women that don’t care about money, you need to look elsewhere, try meeting a civvie woman elsewhere. Betcha any woman you have your eye on ain’t interested in some cheapie date, desirable females are looking for guys that will treat them to a good time, so all you got left are fuglies and undesirables.
avatar for Pizza (hiatus)
Pizza (hiatus)
7 years ago
Man, these guys live in a totally different world than mine. I wish I could afford to drop $1,000.00+ for a couple squeezes and go home happy.
avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
^Well yeah I said that when I was your age too.
avatar for joewebber
7 years ago
follies cassie was back at follies last friday
avatar for Mate27
7 years ago
Hey 25, r u hinting that my wife’s fuglie?

Just kidding, but I do relate to clubbing for a safe escape with no strings attached. I had a bartender explain to a group of women in the strip club that they should rather their husbands go to the strip club instead of a regular bar/club. Rationale was that it is much likelier that a guy will have an affair in a regular bar since women will go their looking to pick up men, while women go to strip clubs looking to pick up $$.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
7 years ago
@Meat72 my wife goes by the rationale that she would rather I go to strip clubs and have fun ITC with a stripper than have an affair with a civie OTC and possibly get emotionally attached to her as well.
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
The guy knows the girl well enough to make an ITC appointment with her, he's probably at or real close to the point where he could be seeing her OTC.

See - Want - Get is what strip clubs offer, getting the one who floats your boat that day, and dressed and painted up as when you first spotted her. Best not to use appointments.


10 Warning Body Signs You Shouldn't Ignore
avatar for Countryman5434
7 years ago
Low spending high mileage always begins with tijuana tim he has the hookups!
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
And nothing loosens people up like seeing a show put on by one of Tijuana Tim's Donkeys, trained by Mamisan.

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