How many clubs do you go to that do not have free or pay parking lots? In all of the years that I have been clubbing, I have only run into it once at the Discotheque Lounge in Augusta GA. In fact all 3 of the Augusta clubs were that way. Down to just 2 clubs now.
I feel that club parking lots are safer than street parking and given the choice I'll use the club's lot.
I almost never go to a club if I have to park on the street and walk some distance to get there, especially at night. Strip clubs are usually in unsafe areas where you’d be an idiot to walk late at night with hundreds of dollars in your pocket.
This is usually an issue in clubs that that are downtown in large cities. Minneapolis is one lexample.
Agreed on lot being ideal. Except of course when it's valet and in a business district and they park car directly out in front for all to see (including your friends neighbors and clients if they happen to be passing by). There's not a single strip club in San Francisco that has a private lot. It's all street or nearby parking garage.
Pretty much all SoFlo clubs have their own parking lot.
When I SCed in Irvington, NJ I hit 2 black dives where it was only street parking and I had to park about a block or two away and trust me I walked pretty-fast with eyes in the back of my head even though they were afternoon visits - part of it was me being unfamiliar with the area and also being the only white person I could see
Discotheque and Vegas Showgirls (aka Jokers) Street parking wasn't so bad. It's not like Broad St is a four lane highway. It's a tiny ity bitty lane practically
Pleasant moments has no parking lot and is in a tragic neighborhood in Bridgeport, CT. Outer Space Club in Philly, has no off street parking and is in a neighborhood that makes the one in Bridgeport look like Greenwich, CT. Always worry about the safety of my rental car, as I would never go to either club with a vehicle I liked and owned.
Some clubs in Dallas have both street parking and a parking lot. If I am dancing then I usually use the parking lot and valet for a discount whereas if I'm clubbing, I park on the street.
Most Detroit-area clubs have valet parking, and many will deny you entrance if you park on the street. Bogart's and Henry VIII and Criket have free parking lots with no valet.
Most clubs I frequent have there own lots and I feel pretty safe there, the inner city ones some have mentioned above PM in Bridgeport and Vics in Irvington have no parking and thast a bit dicey,
A club I used to frequent in Oregon had only street parking. I could usually get within a block of the place. There were a couple of regular bars on the same block as well. I never worried about safety. The late night street vibe was more deserted than dangerous.
This is what I hated when I wanted to go dance in one of the clubs in Daytona over on the beach side. 100% street parking, and if I wasn't early enough to the shift (especially during the weekend), I would have to find some far off and complicated parking space 2 or 3 lots down and try to not look so obviously like a dancer walking down the sidewalk with a luggage bag rolling behind me.
In most cities some amount of dedicated parking is mandated for any business by local zoning ordinances. The exceptions are usually grandfathered in somehow, or the area they're located in has ample on-street and/or public parking.
In addition to a few already mentioned, a couple of other examples I'm aware of include Deja Vu Hollywood CA, Delilah's Den in Manville, NJ, and PT's in Louisville KY. All of the above are in relatively dense urban areas (well, sub-urban for Manville) that had some on-street parking and pay lots in the area.
The very first club I went to, the Admiral Theater in Chicago, did not have one and may not have one.
There are no less than 5 located in the downtown area of cities in Iowa that do not have their own lot, Teaser's in Sioux City, Bookem Dano's in Denison, Top Hat in Ft. Dodge, plus one of the clubs in downtown Waterloo and the one in Ames, whose name I don't feel like looking up at the moment. The Aragon Bar in Albert Lea, MN is similar.
I've only driven into tj one time two years ago. parked at pepes. free parking for vip members. the problem is that it took over two hours to cross back into the land of the free.
last commentThis is usually an issue in clubs that that are downtown in large cities. Minneapolis is one lexample.
There's not a single strip club in San Francisco that has a private lot. It's all street or nearby parking garage.
When I SCed in Irvington, NJ I hit 2 black dives where it was only street parking and I had to park about a block or two away and trust me I walked pretty-fast with eyes in the back of my head even though they were afternoon visits - part of it was me being unfamiliar with the area and also being the only white person I could see
Discotheque and Vegas Showgirls (aka Jokers) Street parking wasn't so bad. It's not like Broad St is a four lane highway. It's a tiny ity bitty lane practically
Any experience parking at Pepe's Parking or the Parking Libra? Curious how safe and secure those lots are.
In addition to a few already mentioned, a couple of other examples I'm aware of include Deja Vu Hollywood CA, Delilah's Den in Manville, NJ, and PT's in Louisville KY. All of the above are in relatively dense urban areas (well, sub-urban for Manville) that had some on-street parking and pay lots in the area.
There are no less than 5 located in the downtown area of cities in Iowa that do not have their own lot, Teaser's in Sioux City, Bookem Dano's in Denison, Top Hat in Ft. Dodge, plus one of the clubs in downtown Waterloo and the one in Ames, whose name I don't feel like looking up at the moment. The Aragon Bar in Albert Lea, MN is similar.