
Rate Her: Amouranth, Twitch streamer and cosplayer

Avatar for Pizza (hiatus)
Pizza (hiatus)Pizza

She in the middle of some Internet drama since she was asking for donations from young men until it was discovered she is married.




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Avatar for ToyChaser

I love her, I follow her TBH. An have even got a DM back a couple times.

Avatar for Liwet

I think the one of her top donors was a mod who donated a total of $13,000 to her. When it came out she was married, a lot of people jokingly said the mods should be put on suicide watch.

Avatar for Warrior15

I like this one. But I'm wondering if those are butt implants ?

Avatar for shailynn

When I look at her I think she is not a “nerd” at all and is just playing the role to make $$$. Hot, great body even though it looks cartoonish.

Avatar for Eve

I've seen photos of her everywhere and even noticed some popular Youtubers use her as an example of particular content (ie: 'sexy' cosplayers or nerds). But yeah. I'd bury my face in her boobs.

Avatar for pistola

@warrior - I thought same, def butt implants.

She looks like a real high maintenance pain in the ass and if she was scamming young boys not cool...

Avatar for Subraman

The thing I've learned from this thread is, just seeing the term "cosplayer" gets me a little excited. I have no idea how that happened, I'm not a comicon type of guy, and I'm not sure I've ever seen a hot cosplayer in real life. But man, someone posts a link to cosplayer pics, I'm getting a chubby even before I left click.

Chick is gorgeous. Hips too curvy for me, but at least not the cartoonish meat-diaper so many guys here are attracted to.

Bottom line: would.

Avatar for Cashman1234

She’s hot and beautiful. Her big fake tits and big round dumpster look very sexy!

It totally sucks that she scammed a dude out of $13,000. Poor dude probably had to sell all his Pokémon cards and all his action figures to get enough bus money to get to a bank to rob!

Avatar for Dominic77

@shailynn + 1

I'm not a real fan of the models-exploiting-cosplay-to-further careers as it has the side effect (not that they care) of intimidating the regular nerdy girls but more importantly they take up the lion's share of the guys' attention, eyesballs, and media coverage. So it leaves less for the real female fans who might want to cosplay and get some attention. But that's just the way it is.

The model in question is very beautiful, though, in a cartoonish way. I like her.

Avatar for georgmicrodong

Definitely in the “hot enough” category. Though I’d want to see her without makeup, and check if the boobs are fake. I don’t think either one would lower her rating very much though.

Because like Subraman, I have a thing for female cosplayers, though I’ve known it for a looooonng time. :)

Avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael

Nerds convince themselves that these cosplay babes are also nerds in much the same way that PLs convince themselves that strippers orgasm in VIP.

Regardless, 8 to 9(ish).

Avatar for l00ber

Not bad. Cute face.

Avatar for WetWilly

Off topic: I've heard the term cosplay. Can anyone tell me what it means?

I'm asking here because some of you clearly understand the term.


Avatar for Subraman

Your best bet is just to google it, and witness the sexy, goofy magnificence of it all. It probably stands for "costume play" or something, but as far as I'm concerned, it stands for hot chicks in insanely hot outfits that vaguely resemble some well-known comic, cartoon, or other character, plus a bunch of male dorks who do it too

Avatar for Liwet

"a bunch of male dorks who do it too"

Some of the male cosplayers are pretty good:


Avatar for JamesSD

Solid 8. If the tits were real I could go 9

Avatar for JamesSD

There's a stripper here who also does cosplay modeling. She is kind of nerdy.

Avatar for Pizza (hiatus)
Pizza (hiatus)

@ Liwet

Incredible. She made $13,000.00 and she didn't have to have sex with the guy. She didn't even have to get naked. She just had to lead them on with hints at a future relationship while she had a husband back home.

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