Price vs looks
Would you rather fuck a 9.5 OTC for $500. The sex is incredible, no complaints
You can fuck a 7.5 OTC for $250, sex is just as incredible as the first option.
Which would you choose?
You can fuck a 7.5 OTC for $250, sex is just as incredible as the first option.
Which would you choose?
"You could whore yourself out to a thousand women for fifty bucks each, or fifty fat women for a thousand bucks each. Fat women need it too, but they gotta pay!"
But if these were my only two options in a normal club setting, odds are good that I would walk out empty handed. If I am paying a real number for sex, I'm not going to blow good money on anything below an 8, but $500 is too much, in my view, to blow on a single sexual encounter with any girl. The reality is that I would probably move on to the next club and find something 8+ that is coming in at a more reasonable price.
It is like buying steak at the meat market. If I make the choice to cook steak (paying a stripper for sex) instead of buying far less expensive chicken or pork (say, jerking off to a cam site or porn), then I had better be getting a damned good piece of meat. If I am forced to choose between a $7 per lb top sirloin or a $15 per pound ribeye, I'm going to take the ribeye every time. But with that said, the odds are good that I'll look for a better deal on rib-eyes from another good source rather than pay $15 per lb for a single serving of steak that I have to cook myself, so if those were my only two choices I'd likely walk out of the store without the steak.
Good topic though. Too funny. :)
In my case I want the finer things in life haha, so if the finer things cost significant more, then so be it. You only live once, and 9.5’s don’t come around often.
As I write that joke, I think about how fugly you have to be to be a 1.5. New thread coming.…
Where your theories fell apart were in the assumptions that we would: (1) never pay $500 under any circumstance just because we normally won't; and (2) gladly settle for lesser talent when better talent was on the table. In order to validate your theories, you tried to force us into a binary choice when. In reality, our choices are more dynamic, so we know that we don't have to pay $500 to get a hot girl OR have necessarily to settle and, if one night goes sideways, there is always the next night.
Strip clubs are already an expensive entertainment option and there are plenty of cheaper options out there if busting a nut was the sole concern. Your hypothesis would likely get a lot more confirmation support on a board like USASG then it is going to get on a strip club customer site. A lot of those fuckers on USASG would gladly put a bag over her head and ignore the track marks on her arm if a girl will just let them stick their dicks in for $60.
Fuck it. Going with the 9.5. I've got a hefty savings account.
Seems reasonable to me...
The rates are pretty low already - so I’d say $75 for the room and call it even at $325 for several hours of bliss with a 7.5 - leaning towards an 8.