Are table dances still a thing?

avatar for UberGoober
I used to visit strip clubs, mostly in the LA area, fairly frequently. They typically featured two kinds of "dances" - the table dance and the lap dance. At some places, a table dance was actually on a table, but at most places it was some kind of booth. The lap dance of course was physical contact, but the dancers had to be clothed. The table dances tended to be full on gynecological training.

I haven't been to many strip clubs over the last decade, but when I did- it seems that the table dance has gone away and only lap dances were going on. At least at the places I went.

I'm probably strange this way- but I never cared for lap dances. The grinding and plastic boobs bouncing in my face never interested me that much. But I always did like the table dance, with close up fully nude beautiful women. Some girls made these table dances extra erotic as well.

Do table dances still exist? Did California laws change? I live in the Bay Area now, and also frequent Vegas and Los Angeles. Any recommendations where I can see highly erotic fully nude close-up vaginal yoga without basically paying for a prostitute?


last comment
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
In our underground, they have table dances. It is "at your table", meaning just where you are sitting. Not on any table.

Actually a very good way to talk to the girl.

avatar for rogertex
7 years ago
Uber - In Texas - dancers grind heavily, facing customer and then reverse. Very physical with 2-way touching encouraged. If you are nice and respectful - and dancer is cool - more fun can be had.

Given above - a request for "hands-off" Table dance show may startle the dancer at first - but I'd be surprised if dancer does not honor that request. In her mind, dancer will be thinking "Hmm ... he's one of those Gentlemen kinds that I thought was urban legend".

In fact - for the most beautiful and stunning dancers I specifically ask that the first dance be an air dance and with each dance a piece of clothing come off. Perplexed at first - the dancers don't mind - and in fact like the choreography.

I just like to take my time eating desert !

Only been an issue with cubanas who don't speak english or dancer who is very drunk (and yet beautiful).
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
Buying dances is a chumps game, ejaculation services only increase your own sexual frustration.

Front room makeout session. Then when it is time for your own pants to come down, you invite her to the back room.

Then take her home with you and keep on seeing her regularly.

avatar for chessmaster
7 years ago
avatar for Jascoi
7 years ago
table dance$ are for chump$... take her fer a lap dance. then pant$ down in the vip.
(if $he doe$n’t yell for the bouncer$ fir$t.)
avatar for UberGoober
7 years ago
SJG - what is this underground?
avatar for chessmaster
7 years ago
Uber dont listen to him. He hasnt been to a strip club since the 90s, if ever. There are no underground strip clubs. He has no clue.
avatar for PaulDrake
7 years ago
Seriously uber don't pay any attention to San Jose Guy. He seems to have some mental issues. Most people on here either ignore him or ridicule him.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
Seems to vary by region.

Here in South Florida (SoFlo) there are $10 table-dances and $25 lap-dances - the table-dances are aka floor-dance and usually at your seat in the main-room (at your table; barside, etc, i.e. in the main-room seating area) - lap-dances are usually in a separate room out of view of the main-room but it's open within the lap-dance room - "technically" speaking the SoFlo table/floor-dances are full-nude but no-touching (some clubs enforce this some not as much) -the lap-dances are topless (girl must have on her g-string) and are two-way contact - in most places the girls don't like doing the table/floor dances b/c it's less $$$, and the custies don't usually like them b/c it's usually less-mileage (more look than touch) - thus the table-dances are not as popular at most clubs where there is a lap-dance option but you can still get them if you ask but most-likely it'll be less-mileage/contact that a lap-dance in part b/c it's out in the open and in part b/c why would the dancer give the same amount of mileage/contact for the lower-priced floor-dance.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
In Dallas, many/most of the clubs the dances are on the floor and there isn't a dedicated out-of-view from the main-room lap-dance area; so it's just "dances" and no separate table vs lap dance option.

IDK the LA/SF/Vegas scene personally so IDK which clubs may have *good* table-dances.
avatar for Jascoi
7 years ago
the cheapest dances in vegas are single song topless lap dances in the showroom of most clubs at $20. depending on the girl they can be anything from air to full two way contact.
LA lap dances are usually $20 for topless usually in a separate area right off the showroom.
i’ve never been to a san francisco area club so idk.
avatar for shadowcat
7 years ago
Atlanta is know as the air dance capital and the Cheetah has taken it to the maximum. About 6 months ago after some went on the club changed their policy and table dances are now done on top of the table. Nice eye candy though.
avatar for lopaw
7 years ago
You can find "highly erotic fully nude close-up vaginal yoga" at virtually any nude club in the LA/OC area. I've been to probably all of them by now and getting an up close gyno show at the rail is standard M.O.
avatar for WillMunny
7 years ago
"Close-up vaginal yoga"? If that occurs during a table dance, wouldn't that make all us PLs the Upward-facing dogs?
avatar for Liwet
7 years ago
You asked about Vegas. There aren't many places where you can get genital nudity. The places that do offer it require you to go into one of the VIP booths so it's typically 3/$100, 15 min/$150, etc. The $20 per song dances are only topless, even in the full nude clubs, but you can generally ask the girl to dance in any way you want, with contact or no contact.
avatar for JohnSmith69
7 years ago
There are still clubs out there that offer some version of what you refer to as table dances, but most clubs don’t. Cheetah, which scat mentioned, is probably the best known club with table dances (and hot nude women performing them).
avatar for sinclair
7 years ago
At the first club I went to many years back, a table dance would actually take place on a small table that the bouncer would position in front of your barrel chair. The dancer would perform on the table and also come on to your lap. I never saw such a thing since.

For a couple years after that, I always thought a table dance would have to take place on an actual table, but everywhere else a table dance meant a lap dance at your chair on the main floor.
avatar for Cashman1234
7 years ago
Uber - the underground SJG refers to is his mothers basement. He has an “apartment” there - and he gets his free WiFi from upstairs.
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
In Santa Clara County strip clubs are most strictly regulated. So what we have then, it comes and goes, is an underground circuit. It is not advertised, and so it can run more loosely, allowing some contact. Mostly it runs in Mexican Bars, with some talent agents organizing it and providing the girls. The girls are a more outlaw bunch, mostly trying to line up OTC.

But usually such places will not have a stage. I know this is also common in other parts of the country, table dancing, dancing right at your table, right in front of you as you sit, when they have no stage and are not officially recognized as a strip club.

Welcome to TUSCL. As far as all the trolls, one just learns to live with it.

avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
Always better to deal with the girls in as unstructured an environment as possible.

Table dances, lap sitting, front room makeout sessions. Only invite her to the back room when it is time for your own pants to come down.


Volkswagen history……

Robin Trower…
avatar for SirLapdancealot
7 years ago
I've had table dances at Christie's and BSC in Phoenix and at TDs in Albuquerque.

Out here in Portland there are only private dances. But that said, at tables and the bar I have had strippers give the equivalent if not better version of a table dance - for free and as a prelude to future private dances.
avatar for April9424
7 years ago
The only place I’ve ever known to have table dances is sams hofbrau in LA where you literally stand on the table/bar and twerk up there. Usually table dance = a lap dance in your chair at the table and that’s still a thing
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
At our Mexican Bar underground circuit we have table dances. It means at the customer's table, really right in front of his chair.

They have no stage.

They don't want dancers climbing on guys or sitting on laps. Not allowed to go that far.

One girl was dancing on the bar, but they stopped her.

But it can get to be very in your face.

We have this because the advertised clubs are so strict. It is easy to set up, no special furniture. Talent agent just shows up with the girls.

Best when it is flexible, usually $1 at a time, and with a party tape with no gaps between songs. Girls usually make more money than they do at the "wanna dance" type places. They just do, they never ask permission.

So you just keep feeding her money, really sometimes just to be nice. Best not to hold out for favorite girls. Just take them as they come, better for the spirit of the venue.

In those venues most of the girls are outlaws, always trying to line up OTC.

More kissing in these places than in the advertised clubs. I would usually start them out with open tongue kissing. Girls do it, seemingly cause they most want to line up OTC, sometimes immediately.

avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
Never been there but there had been this place on Western Ave in Chicago called Cha Cha's. Totally table dancing. Sounds like mileage very high, may have even been surreptitious front room FS. Gone now.

Largely Puerto Rican, Hispanic, Black, I had read. Widely written about.

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