

Older than dirt
I received a text from a dancer which I copied below:
"Ur literally the only.man that makes me feel so uncomfortavle w myself and i wish u wld stop. We can b great friends then all of a sudden u pull this shit that makes me less than impreased w u and question the kind of man u r deep dwn"
1. Should I be insulted?
2. Should I offer to teach her proper grammar & spelling?
3.i had asked her to fuck the night before and she declined. Do I need a better approach?
4. In the next paragraph I was called a pervert. Should I be complimented?


  • Lone_Wolf
    6 years ago
    That would sting. Best to move on. She's got good hustle though.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    Need context what happened?
  • Subraman
    6 years ago
    gawker: if it makes you feel any better, you make the rest of us feel uncomfortavle w ourselves also
  • Dominic77
    6 years ago
    It depends on what you did. Men should be stoic and maybe this is just something you should take on the chin (boxing reference).

    If we take her at face value, you tried the nice approach (friends) to manipulate her, then asked for sex. That's not a good because they don't like 'nice guys' (manipulative). But that's a stretch for me to assume that based on the gibberish she provided. She did call you a pervert so maybe something was creeping her out and you should back off and circle back later. Probably just your timing is wrong. Keep flirting with her then try again later.
  • Liwet
    6 years ago
    Just because you're the one paying money, doesn't mean she can't have her fantasy too. You can't take the Sex For Money relationship you have for granted and treat her like a common hoe (even if she is one). She sounds like she wants you to be more discreet about the relationship.
  • gawker
    6 years ago
    Twenty Five: about 2 or 3 months ago she needed $1000. I offered to forward it in exchange for 3 OTC meetings. She counter-offered that two would do. I agreed.
    She's been away and has returned but is pregnant & im to accompany her for an abortion. Last night I asked to collect on one of the "dates". She denied, saying I told her to forget about them when she left. I had the temerity to call her a liar and tell her that I intended to collect or there would be consequences. Fuck her if she can't take a joke.
  • shailynn
    6 years ago
    lost cause on the grammar.

    It's reverse psychology on her part. "I hate you, you're an asshole," just makes you try harder.

    Perfect example - I have a friend that dated a girl younger than him. She was a gold digger and he was on the fence about her... until she said she didn't want to see him anymore. Then it offended him and he went all out on her. 3 years later, has a kid out of wedlock, had to wife her up, then get a house, and a new BMW for her. She got what she wanted, he's miserable. Reverse psychology worked on him.
  • Dominic77
    6 years ago
    That reverse psychology stuff is pretty sinister. No wonder my gut feeling was to mostly ignore her and pull back away from her.
  • stripfighter
    6 years ago
    I can't even read that... tell her to take the marbles out of her mouth :)
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    @gawker sounds like you’re repeating old behavior patterns, I would just ghost her that’s just shitty behavior on her part. I realize you are lonely and get it complexity this broad is a user. BTW don’t advance these girls money it’s a surefire way to get taken advantage of.
    Fuck her, whether or not she can take a joke that’s my opinion.
  • K
    6 years ago
    "i wish u wld stop." the safest path is following her wishes
  • grand1511
    6 years ago
    I think that pretty much wipes out accompanying her to the abortion.
  • JohnSmith69
    6 years ago
    Time to find some new pussy.
  • Bj99
    6 years ago
    It sounds like a horribly unhealthy relationship. You prolly do make her uncomfortable, but it’s her fault too. You should not be the one accompanying her for an abortion, and the person accompanying her shouldn’t be worried ab their own sexual gratification anywhere near that time.
  • Huntsman
    6 years ago
    I just thought I’d post here because I like having Bj99 on top of me.
  • MackTruck
    6 years ago
    ^^^ lmao
  • gawker
    6 years ago
    Oh, one other little detail. I bought her a car earlier in the week ($14,000) and the first night she had the car she stayed out all night, came home at 8:45 am complaining that a guy she’d known for awhile fucked her, then treated her like shit, and threw her out. I’m going to return the car tomorrow. I’ll eat the sales tax and other fees if need be.
    THAT will make her uncomfortable.
  • Bj99
    6 years ago
    ^ I hate to lol.. but, that’s pretty funny. :P
  • skibum609
    6 years ago
    This scenario seems too much like listening to ppl bitch at work.
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    Wow Gawker! I was going to say that more money usually cures those uncomfortable situations - but you’ve definitely fronted her good money already.

    I agree about returning the car.

    This sounds like your ATF - but my memory might be off.
  • jackslash
    6 years ago
    Send her a dick pic. That will make her change her tune.
  • 4got2wipe
    6 years ago
    gawker, you truly are a reliable source of crazy but brilliant stories!

    Free advice that I'm sure you'll ignore: don't get quite so involved in the lives of strippers you chase. No disrespect, but I think you like drama.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
    What Subraman said...
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    Did you try to get her hooked on smack?
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    You don't want to talk to her like you think she sells sex. Especially if you are f2f with her, all kinds of fun ways to talk to her.

    And then f2f there is always the possibility of preliminary physical friendliness. Civilianize the interaction.


    Loretta Lynn, very different from Tammy Wynette



    Devil's Bargain
  • Uprightcitizen
    6 years ago
    Wow you did the pl car thing. I hope you got a GPS stuck in there soo when she says its stolen you know where it really is.

    Gawker this story is way too fragmented for us to truely see whats going on. We need more detail and some narrative.
  • mjx01
    6 years ago
    "I bought her a car earlier in the week ($14,000)" WTF! WTF! WTF!

    I drive a 20+ y/o POS-mobile that has a blue book value of about $500, 4 wheels, an engine, and it gets me from A-to-B.
  • rh48hr
    6 years ago
    Gawker - I honestly think you need to stop seeing strippers OTC. You have way too much drama. You seemingly find dancers who turn it into a major obstacle course. Sex is not worth the hassle you are going through. I'd rather be celibate then deal with the shit you've dealt with.
  • gawker
    6 years ago
    Upright Citizen: you're right. This whole thread is now encompassing far too broad a topic and yet to put it all in context would require an article. Yes this is my ATF. Yes, she's no longer with her BF. Yes, she moved back into my condo. Yes, there's still conflict and strife, but there's also an attachment which just won't go away. I honestly don't write about our ongoing adventures here to garner your derision, but more to entertain and enlighten.
    I'm in the "Autumn of my Years" at age 72 with myriad health problems. She at age 32 is still a very beautiful woman, who brings me both pain & pleasure. She's no longer the cute blonde I first met about 9 years ago, but she is understanding and helpful (I.e. We recently were in bed together. Despite having taken vitamin V I was as limp as can be. It was like trying to put a clam in a slot machine. She cuddled, we talked, I gave her a full body massage and she then began massaging my back, then my ass, then there was a stirring in my loins. She rolled me onto my back and performed magic tricks with her tongue & lips . I developed a resemblance to an erection and got off in about 10 seconds. Far from having great sex, but I might the next time.
    My point: there's an affection there which is unique in my experience, is not normal in our type of relationship, and to me is worth all the crazy shit we go through. We could easily both be admitted to a psychiatric ward, but the guy's with the nets haven't caught us yet. She's been clean since Christmas and claims she no longer has cravings for dope. So on one hand I'm bragging while on the other I'm warning about what can happen.
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    Gawker - your last paragraph is an insightful and introspective view of your relationship.

    Based on reading your writings here, it’s obvious you have feelings for her. Those feelings go well beyond just sex. You have been through quite a lot with her, and if it was only sex, I think things would have ended long ago.

    I’m not sure about your ATF’s motivations. I just don’t know - as I’ve not seen her writings about your relationship. I’d like to think she has a deep emotional attachment to you.

    However, since you provide her with more necessities - and a safe harbor - it’s very difficult to see where her attachment lies.
  • shadowcat
    6 years ago
    Well that clears up a few things. Is she going to be the sole beneficiary in your will?
  • gawker
    6 years ago
    I'm doing my damnedest to make sure I spend every cent before I check out. I don't have many assets, just a good pension which ends when I do.
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    Your posts offer insight into your relationship (with your ATF). I try to not judge. But I sometimes think it’s crazy the attachment you have to her.

    Then - at some point - I realize that her body is your avatar - and then I understand a bit more.

    I’m not saying it’s all about pussy. But a hot bodied 30’something can be very enticing.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    In this case, it must be all about the pussy regardless of how many random dicks use it.
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