Ok i do alot of post on here and work on being informative but sometimes i get alot of questions i answer and some i cant/wont but heres something ive thought of doing for while so here goes. I'm offering a ask me anything kinda post. Now please understand that questions specific to me or about me won't (probably) be answered but just in general questions will be. So lets see if we can have some fun with this and see how it goes
last commentHow do most girls get started in the industry?
If this is too personal - I apologize. What is it that you most enjoy about your work? And what do you dislike most?
Your pussy lips are gorgeous. (That’s not a question!)
Sometimes the customers here guess at what percent of girls do itc extras or otc. What’s your best guess?
Chain- Most girls get into it for the money. Each story is different but often its school, rent etc that causes a girl to try it out. most often the money is the driving force
What do you think of the guys who go to clubs? Do you see them all as marks or do you genuinely like some of them?
cash- i like being the center of attention. besides money thats the best part of it. people love watching me and that makes me excited and proud of my body. the attention is great. worst would be the asshole guys. they can ruin a night quickly. also the hours suck
hunt 100% at times. heres what i mean every girl working never thought they'd be dancers so it the time is right every girl would at the very least consider it if not actually do it. its all about timing.
Customers are great i like alot of them. Some arent but some are. I think most of the time their guys looking for a release and to chill out for a while. i never judge them until they give me a reason
When you are giving a lapper and you are bored or disinterested do you imagine some kind of fantasty to fire up the routine and make yourself more interested or do you just drift off in your thoughts and let the body run on sexy autopilot?
Thanks Poledancer. Assholes suck - I agree. It must be a rush to be the center of attention. You know that you are hot - and all the guys want you!
Poledancer, (1) Thinking back to your FIRST night, and comparing it to what you experience today, do you feel that you were able to process what you were seeing and what was happening? Or were you naive and unable to take it all in or see everything?
I’m just curious if you felt equipped to be thrusted into it or if it was overwhelming at all.
(2) Political enemies had nearly successful equated dancing and prostitution with TRAFFICKING. And the public seems to buy into. Some other groups have been trying to rebrand stripping and hoeing as SEX WORK.
Do you feel the label sex work is a postive one, for you? Or is that group missing the point?
(3) Do you still have a cherished momento or a gift from a customer that you’ve still kept and or think positively about?
Do dancers get annoyed by cigar smoke?
Dom great questions!
Nothing could compare first night vs now for me. its overstimulation i think. loud music girls dancing, drinking, people etc. its alot to take in and honestly the first few months dancing you dont really get it yet.
sex work is positive in my opinion. sex is fun and strippers sell sex even if not performing in sexual activities. People want to see sexy girls without clothes on and that is a sexual trade. My only hope is we expand on this and allow girls to do more legally.
i make it a point to not hold onto things people buy me just because i like to keep it seperate...work and life.... but i do have a chocolate diamond tennis bracelet that i held onto simply because the person that bought it for me listened in passing that i wanted one. It was sweet
Which brand of bubble gum do you prefer: A. Bubble Yum B. Bazooka C. Hubba Bubble D. Bubblicious E. Other
Does it matter if customers seem interested in you as a person?
If you are working in a club where girls can easily get away with extras, say there’s 20 girls working any particular night, how many of those 20 are performing extras.
If a club is strict on extras but a dancer can get away with it if she’s extremely careful, how many of those same 20 are performing extras?
Same 20 girls, how many of them regularly meet customers outside of the club for OTC?
I remember you left stripping for awhile for another job (waitress if I remember correctly?) and you came back. What made you want to quit? (I remember why you said you came back).
its hard to give a hard number but as i said before all 20 are at least somewhere in their mind thinking about it or even a step further considering it.
OTC is probably easy when you find the right person huh?
I don't have anything to ask, but this whole discussion is amazing. Also, both pics!
Of a typical dancer’s nightly income, how much does she tip out or pay the house?
What sort of fines or fees does the house impose? Like for missing a stage set, coming in late, etc.
PD, That’s pretty eye opening about the extras and OTC rationale and the the statement “every girl working never thought they'd be dancers” thanks for the frank talk.
Thanks for responding, Poledancer!
Of those same 20 dancers, how many would you say are attention whores?
I can’t think of a single question to which I’d like an answer that you’d actually answer. :)
What percentage of dancers bring condoms to work?
When dancers go to the changing room for a break, is it really to join in on an all dancer lesbian orgy?
Flag - that’s why dancers bring condoms to the club! They use them to make water balloons - for the lesbian wet T-shirt fun in the dressing room...
I’ve found - when deciding on which dancers will give the best (filthiest) back room dances - that the dancers who talk a big game (without specifics) - are the ones who will not deliver in the back room.
From your experience - do customers who talk big - actually deliver? Or is it usually a let down when they must perform?
Not that you’d do anything dirty - but if one of the other 20 dancers was an extras girl...
Like GMD said I too can’t think of a single question that you would want to answer in an open forum like this.
Throughout your entire career, has there ever been a customer with whom you had a strong desire to have sex regardless of the compensation, or lack thereof?
^^^^ yeah she met Ricky Dugan one night. Fuckin shiny suit sealed the deal on the spot!!!!
How do dancers feel about LDKs?
How do dancers in general feel about giving dances to couples? My GF likes to go to a club with me and I’ve found some dancers like it and give her a lot of attention. Others seem a bit uneasy. What’s your take?
What type of customer or behavior gets the most mileage from you? And/or what is the best way to ask you succesfully for more mileage?
With a customer that is spending a modest to moderate amount of money on you regularly (3-4 times a month). Is there anything you particularly look for besides being respectful that will make you willing to give more of your time/mileage to that customer?
@Poledancer, to be honest I care about the answer to PaulDrake's question more, but I am curious about The Chaindog's too. Not the life choices and events which led them to that moment, but rather what is the process for becoming a dancer (the FIRST time). Is this through "amateur nights" or do they just go to the manager and audition? Is it a straightforward process? What if they have never taken their clothes off in front of a crowd? Are they recommended to be bar waitresses first? Should they start at small clubs before going for the big names? Do the large corporate chains handle things much differently than the independents? What advice would you give a young woman seeking to break into the business? What questions does she need to answer for herself?
How many PL's from the sc are you actively texting with?
How many times a day, on average, do you give out your phone number?
Do your feelings about sex (and men) or your enjoyment of sex change after stripping as long as you have? That is, after being touched by random guys all the time, however they touch you, many of whom you are not attracted to even a little, do you just tune out or something IRL or lose more interest? I know it's different for every stripper, but in your case?
@Lone_Wolf - Interesting question!
How fast can a manatee swim?
What kind of cum do you prefer?
A. Vulture B. Lion C. Bear D. Manatee E. Hairless ape
Squawk! Squawk!
In your clubs, how common are front room makeout sessions?
As restrictions on contractor have gotten tighter in CA and as other states are expected to follow, would you like to see dancers simply considered as customers, freelancers? So maybe they pay a cover charge like the men do, but after that the house gets no money from them and there really are no rules, and nor real limit to the number of women. So likely it will get more and more off the hook, and with more and more front room mileage.
The Planets, Organ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CwZkAgGuNdU&list=PLMd0C_YvTNY-e_MryozfgeuaLi6XEehEI
Sorry if any question is inappropriate,you don't need to answr
^^^^^^ responding to above, PoleDancer, do you look down on guys who want LDKing, rather then showing real interest in you and trying to fuck you ITC and then regularly OTC?
Did you find it hard to get used to the idea that most guys do not treat you as they would any other woman, and instead treat you as some kind of a vending machine?
Do you take offense at guys who divide women into two categories and display attitudes like #4 above?
Welp, it was good while it lasted...
Now - the fun is over. SJG and DarkBlue999 made sure of it!
@poledancer, I reread your thread post again.Ignore my questions..i asked questions about you.
Are you creeped out by individuals asking about front room makeout sessions and would you have them ejected by the bouncers?
^^^^^ Extensive reporting about girls in US clubs encouraging front room makeout sessions, and then in TJ, girls giving a guy almost no choice in the matter.
If a dancer calls a patron handsome (or anything of the like), does that actually mean she thinks he is attractive?
When you ask a dancer to clarify and she tells you something like "I think you are a 9," is she boosting her score considerably or flat out lying?
I think I already know the answer but I'd be interested to hear a dancer's perspective who probably will be more honest with her opinions on the internet
I have found dancers to be full of it and quite offensive when they are like that.
On the other hand, often I get along with dancers very well, verbally in our local no touching clubs.
Chaos Magick https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j-4YN9p6yCc
playlist https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL01B0C87E9FE77487
Why poledancer not responding..She said she won't answer if the questions are relates to her.But there are still other questions unanswered.
^^^maybe she has a life DUH-OH
Now I understand why Darkblue999 has issues with women. Lol!
At your current club, what percentage have boyfriends/husbands? are strictly lesbian?
What's the most recent thing you've heard of another dancer doing OTC and ITC?
@poledancer... Is this the last time you'll ever post this type of thread?
Ishmael - I was thinking most folks have been well behaved. Maybe it’s just my view of the questioning. I had expected this to move quickly to requests for pics of Poledancer nude.
@Cashman Who said I have issues?? LOL
ha ha - I have no questions but I enjoyed this thread - good job PD !!! Appreciate your participation.
PLs - calm down - PD will be back and answer everyone. She got stumped on the Bubble Gum question. I've posted the May challenge for y'all.
Looks like poledancer83 is flaking on answering questions
Awww, man. One of her regulars came in and wanted to do a champagne room. It was Friday and Saturday night and she would have been up the creek for the week because the other days are slow otherwise.
Well behaved until all personal questions, and until SJG started asking "questions" demanding that she confirm his crazy-pants worldview. Asking for nude pictures, by comparison, is benign.
But really, this isn't too surprising.
Nina went MIA for awhile after her AMA. I think the questions become overwhelming and feels too much like work for the honeys.
I've know 4 dancers quite personally and I don't mean in a sexual way. Of the four, one ended up losing everything she had with her husband. The second actually lived in my home for close to 2 years. I know, my son knew she was a dancer and I know she was, but my son didn't know I knew. She ended up a druggie. The third became a club barmaid and seem to settle into that quite well last I saw her. The last is my ATF, and she ended up with a condo on the beach, her Porsche, a good real estate job and investments.
My question, where in this spectrum do you expect to end up? And are you on the pathway to that end?
Just saying this name reactivates my crush a little. Stahp. I'm with f to the boner now.
Maybe it’s just me, but I think the lack of inquiries asking pd for nude pics could be due to the fact she has shared many with us without even being asked to.
I love pd’s pics - and after reading my comments - I’m sure Pd knows I’d love to see more of her gorgeous pussy lips - and her perfect body!
"Nina went MIA for awhile after her AMA. I think the questions become overwhelming and feels too much like work for the honeys."
Not to thread jack, but you're not the first person who has said this to me. Wtf. I really thought I had listed my answers. Apparently not. Well I can look in my post history and find the thread. I'll post answers in a few days, unless I get super bored before that.
I do seem to recall that Nina answered many of the questions after a few days, maybe a week.
I do seem to recall that Nina answered many of the questions after a few days, maybe a week.
"I do seem to recall that Nina answered many of the questions after a few days, maybe a week." Flagooner.
Hm. That's weird. A few posters have mentioned to me that it was never posted. You're the first person to say it has. I thought I did, but it is not in my Discussion history, so idk what you read or how you saw it. I guess some of us will never know.
^^^flag has hallucinations often , don’t hold it against him he’s an old man. ;)
I must have been hallucinating. I figured there was something written to get me to stop mentioning it back then.
But you're mentioning it now, so maybe twentyfive is right.
I got a lot more than 10 Qs, I'll probably post them 10 at a time if I get around to it.
@Nina I just went back to your discussions, and I don't see responses to the questions.
Has it really been 7 months since you started a discussion. Damn.
You did have some epically (is that a word) funny threads though.
BTW, am I the only one that misses dougster?