
To leave or not to leave

I have been a fan of this site for so many weeks now. I need an advice from a lot of members. In January my husband drop the bomb on me that he has been seeing a stripper since October and wants an open marriage. Didn’t even know that term until I started to google it. Anyway it was like giving him permission to cheat. Married for 20 years. He has also confessed that he has been cheating on me for the last 10 years with hookers and showed me 40 videos of himself fucking different women. The CF is 23 has 2 little girls ages 4 and 3 and he is 46. He mentioned since the girls are in custody (lost custody because of her line of work to her ex bf parents)
he is happy that the girls will not be a part of his life if they stay together b/c at this point she is only on visitation process. He gives her at least $900 a week and has spent so many $$$ on her. He even buys her bikinis and thongs from eBay. He would not however help my older son in college pay for his tuition and have said that my son is accountable for the loan since he chose an expensive school. Since he gives his CF $900 a week I asked that he gives me $1000 a month which he reluctantly did with protest each month. The CF constantly tells him that she needs money for rent, car trouble, food allowance and not making the quota to pay the club etc. The CF has bailed out on their date for about 4 times already. Over the weekend he told me he wants to stop seeing her and cried because he wants her so bad but can’t get what he wants and if he does see her he is going to pay me $1000 but as fate would have it he didn’t have work Mon and Tue. Tuesday at noon she texted him and he went nuts so Wed he told me he wants to see her but does not want to pay the 1 k to me. Yesterday pm I came home early and saw him all dolled up and ready to go to HB SC and was going ballistic I simply said that I was helping him not to be a junkie and that he is into withdrawal process so naturally it hurts. He said he doesn’t care but wants to see her so bad he even told me he cried on her last week because he really wants to make love to her (words he used to her) not have sex but yo make love. The CF keeps sending him some pics so he kisses the pics before He goes to sleep with the song “Perfect” by Ed Sheeran he said that was the song most of the time when the DJ plays w/e he gets a LD with her. He told me that he has found his perfect love, they have a connection and willing to go and move out with her. He said that the only problem with is his junk might not go up or keep up because nowadays he has ED Erectile Dysfunction. Anyway he said he doesn’t want a divorce because we have a history and 2 sons together. Youngest son in high school. Anyway he has been in and out of the relationship and has been blaming me b/c he said I worked a lot as I have 3 jobs. My other 2 part time jobs are per project which I can do at home so I am home and working on these projects after I come from my full time job. His work is not steady so I tried to help with the bills. H/e even if he is laid off our tax returns always comes out high because of him. He is a Union electrician. I have quit the other 2 jobs and have been spending time with him but most of the time it’s like spending time with someone who is always tuned out and looking at his phone for a text from CF. The sex has been very good lately btw. He also has been harsh verbally with my youngest son in HS. Here is my dilemma he is on heart medication and takes 4 pills everyday. He also takes the blue pill I am afraid that he will die and succumb to a heart attack if this happen and I love him but who will take care of him when this happen, he already had 3 Emergency Room episodes within the last 2 years. I am willing to look the other way and All my friends said drop him but I can’t as I love him. I was also told that if we divorce I have to give half of the asset as I am the saver and he is the spender. I am worried that he will spend all our money on her CF. I don’t know what to do and I am asking the members for an advice as I am emotionally drained already. I want to hear from men who go to SC and women who stripped what’s their take on it. Currently he gave himself until the end of March meaning if CF doesn’t go out on a date with him he will no longer see her but if she does see him on a date then his SC days with her would not stop. Btw during my 20 year marriage I have been asked at least 5 times by different men if I want to go out with them, simply turn it down with a smile. Should I stay and look the other way or should I go? Please HELP.


  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    TLDR; I skimmed your volume I got the gist of it you should PM our TUSCL member flagooner he’s always available for revenge sex if you should desire that.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    7 years ago
    If you're a troll (likely...), you're not the first and far from the best.

    If you're legit, then you need an editor.

    Your being a 'fan' of this site makes no sense at all, given your long-winded story of woe. So, I think you're a troll.
  • WillMunny
    7 years ago
    +1 to Ishmael. Why would any woman who knows such extensive details of a husband's infidelities be (a) so focused on repeating them here, or (b) confused in the least whether or not she should divorce the schmuck and take as much of his money as possible in the process?
  • shadowcat
    7 years ago
    Paragraphs make things easier to read.
  • Undecided
    7 years ago
    Nope not a troll
  • PaulDrake
    7 years ago
    I am going to treat this as if it is real.

    So it's actually really simple... imagine for a moment that the situation you are in continued for 5 years. Different strippers, different drama but all similar to what you are going through now. How would you decide to act today if you knew that was the way things were going to be?

    I am not saying things are going to be that way, I just want to know how you would act if you knew it would be?
  • PaulDrake
    7 years ago
    Also if you do type a response to my question please use paragraphs.
  • gothamyte
    7 years ago
    do you stay or go?

    flip a coin
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    @PaulDrake +1 about the paragraphs
    @25 -1 not interested
  • sinclair
    7 years ago
    It sounds like the Viagra combined with the heart medication may end up killing him. Do what you feel is best for your sons. Your husband met the stripper at Heavenly Bodies?
  • Undecided
    7 years ago
    Thank you, PaulDrake. My bad about the paragraph. :)

    I am for real. In 2 years my hs son will graduate and I will be free from turning his life upside down.

    @25 & @flagooner - not interested as well.
  • Mate27
    7 years ago
    To me the answer to this is an easy one. He said he wants an open relationship and his health is not good.

    Buy a term life policy on him, if you can afford it for 10 years. He should expire by then, and in the meantime you should be able to have an easy time finding sex partners on the side, maybe even a new lover.

    Either that, or fuck him in the mouth!
  • Undecided
    7 years ago
    @sinclair - yes he did.

    Do you think she will go out on a date with him after bailing out so many times? Or she just wants his $$?
  • sinclair
    7 years ago
    Undecided, she probably doesn't want to date him and pursue a long term relationship. For her it is about the money. She will probably call him up for p4p when she gets behind on bills. It sounds like he fell in love with a hooker that just wants his money.
  • PaulDrake
    7 years ago
    @undecided - You didn't answer my question. In detail what would you do if you knew this would continue? Would you divorce him? If not how would you set ground rules to make things better? How would transition your finances to better protect yourself?
  • georgmicrodong
    7 years ago
    I think I’d already be gone. You obviously aren’t getting what you want out of things. Hanging on for the kids’ benefit can do more harm than good.
  • galiziabob.sabbatical
    7 years ago
    Read the book "the 5 love languages" figure out which one is his. Do that even though you will be hurt by him, and he might not ever come around. Eventually the stripper shit will catch up to him, she will leave him or he will stop and move on. Hopefully your there at the right moment. Either that or just deal with it, or leave him. If you have had 3 jobs and have not been there it most likely caused him to look for love elsewhere, but just in the wrong place that has scewed his view of what love is. It's not a stripper.....so your in a hard spot. I know that I want quality time, and when I don't get that it affects me. Figure out what it is and work to get him back in a loving forgiving way or move on.
  • jackslash
    7 years ago
    He gives her $900 a week ($3600 a month) and he's supposed to give you $1000 a month but doesn't. That tells you all you need to know about your husband.

    The stripper loves his money, not him.

    Follow Meat72's advice about life insurance. You may also want to watch the movie "Double Indemnity."
  • Undecided
    7 years ago
    @sinclair- thank you for your input.

    @PaulDrake - you sound like my dad, in a good way, since I needed that. Only thing is, he is in a better place.

    Yes, I would divorce him. I give myself 2 years. Maybe do a post nuptial agreement. Open up my own bank account. What else can I do?
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    @Undecided why would you ask a bunch of guys who voted for Donald Trump what you should do? Are you being taken care of as well as Melania.
  • max_starr
    7 years ago
    If this is not what YOU want out of the relationship then I would leave (Divorce) You need to take care of yourself first and your dependents. He seems to be out of control. With a fragile emotional state and being dependant on LD/OTC to make him feel good he's going to get taken for a lot of money.

    I was unhappy in my own marriage and had a fling. my wife stated she wanted divorced for years...Well, now she wants to make it work so I quit seeing strippers. I'll try to make it work. If it doesn't work, then maybe I'll go to a club once in a while like I used to. I still get calls too from one CF but I ignore her....I felt ignored for years and the attention I got from my stripper friend was mind blowing...but she was also a money vacuum. The relationship wouldn't have worked long-term. He needs to make up his mind what he's going to do and so do you.
  • max_starr
    7 years ago
    If you really are ok with an open relationship something like SA (seeking arrangement) would be more logical...he could set a budget and stick with it possibly as long as the SA girl wasn't a stripper with problems...! its just most of the strippers I know always have a problem that needs solved with more money.. so until you learn some self control, you're going to spend a ton of money.
  • Undecided
    7 years ago
    @meat72 - no insurance company would take him b/c he has lots of health issues.

    @georgmicrodong, @galiziabob, @jackslash thx for the input.

    @25 - Stop ✋ your bullying and for once be a descent human being.
  • Undecided
    7 years ago
    Big shout out to max_starr for stating his experience and opinion. Thanks.

    Btw he went to AF to get SA but he said he doesn’t like the $$$ demands they require so he is back to his CF.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    That wasn’t bullying, you must be a fool if you think that . what I asked you was very legitimate, if you aren’t being taken care of why would you bother with this man, who doesn’t have enough respect for you as the mother of his children to treat you with decency and not bring this drama around you. Or maybe you really are a troll if so IDGAF.
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    ^ bully
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    Your writing style makes you seem uneducated. Based on that, I’m guessing you are working low paying part time jobs to make ends meet. So, I doubt you have the intellect to pull yourself together and move on.

    Your husband is a fool. There’s no kind way to state the truth. He has taken the “bait” from this stripper, and he can’t see things properly. Many guys get involved with strippers. Many love-less men fall deeply in love with strippers. An effective stripper knows how to string a man along - with the hope of his deep feelings being validated.

    Your husband is a grown man. He should understand his responsibility to his children. However, I find it odd that you refer to children as yours. Does this mean that these are not his biological offspring?

    My advice would be very simple. You should leave him now. He is a fool. He wants to be with a girl who has no feelings for him. He has not matured as a man should. Getting fresh young pussy is no excuse to forget your wife and your children.

    Your writing is so poor, I almost thought you said that you were still fucking him. I’m hoping that’s not true. If you are still letting him fuck you - I’d recommend you get an STD test.

    If you divorce your husband, I’m confident that you will find another man. Remember, men aren’t complex animals. Men need food, sex, shelter and clothing. They don’t need much emotionally. They don’t like nagging. They like to hear they’ve done a good job at times. That’s it! I also think you will get a decent settlement in your divorce, as you are working hard - and he’s the cheater.

    I hope you smarten up - and dump your loser husband.
  • PaulDrake
    7 years ago
    @undecided - If you would divorce him if this situation remains the next question to ask yourself is if there is any sign he is giving you of changing? From what you have described that seems like a negative. In fact it might only be until after you leave him that he decides to change and then wants you back. However in the mean time it is probably best to start thinking from the perspective that your marriage is ending and doing things in a way to protect yourself. Open up your own bank account, maybe move some money into cash off the books. Also it might be good to set some ground rules with your husband, maybe tell him you don't want to hear about his affairs, and get him to agree to a more reasonable budget.
  • PaulDrake
    7 years ago
    Also document everything to use in the divorce proceedings
  • Mate27
    7 years ago
    Undecided, doesn’t he have life insurance at his employer? Unless he is self employed, you should be able to increase to a certain level without a medical exam.
  • GACA
    7 years ago
    @Undecided isn't even an entertaining troll. Her husband doesn't work he could still afford to give her$1,000 and a stripper $3,600 a month?

    You're asked him for money even though you say you have three jobs and he can't keep working consistently?

    So since this is all just a bad fantasy I say you should stay have a threesome with him and his stripper she can move in get her kid back and you can take care of all them. Problem solved
  • K
    7 years ago
    I couls not read all of that.
    I will assume this is not a troll.

    Whatever you do, step one is consult a lawyer and protect your assets and income. Step two is get counseling. Whever you do, a qualifien therapist will help you deal with this.
  • SteveSutton
    7 years ago
    Is this for real??? I was lost after 2 run-on sentences....

    If it is, my advice is for you to call Dr. Laura.
  • realDougster
    7 years ago
    “step one is consult a lawyer“

    If only we had a half-way competent divorce lawyer on this board
  • realDougster
    7 years ago
    @twentyfive - bullying a brand new member? Have you no sense of decency, sir?
  • K
    7 years ago
    She should consult a lawyer in her state and not over the internet.
    But that assumes this isnt a troll.
  • orionsmith
    7 years ago
    Well I have a sister in law who claimed she had cancer and was undergoing experimental drug treatment that cost 1700 twice a month. This went in for months until I suggested to another relative to ask my brother to go to the doctor with her to make sure everything was legitimate. Suddenly she was cured. Cancer gone. It was a miracle. Yeah right. I think my brother had hunted at possible divorce. He was not cheating and busy working. She was the one running all around doing who knows what. It wouldn't surprise me if she set up secret bank accounts in another name so a lawyer couldn't search for everything in her name. To my surprise they are still together and it appears my sister in law is just an idiot who took my brothers money and blew it doing whatever.
  • orionsmith
    7 years ago
    My thoughts.
    Stripper is after his money. Not in love with him. He is in love with her.
    He will be out in the cold after both of your money is gone. The more he loses, the less you have as well. He wants everything. This situation is not good for you.
    I would seek professional counseling for yourself and find a divorce attorney and support group. People can live a long time and spend all the money they have. In a marriage, he's sending money he should be sharing with you and his kids, not a stripper. Well not most of his money. Everyone should be able to enjoy a hobby. I not a fan of open marriages but different strokes for different people. You have to watch out for yourself because if you can't trust others, no one else will. I'd also work on improving job skills and get a better job. A counselor or attorney may be able to give better advise and options of how everything can play out.

    I'd want to get out of your situation if I were in it. Good luck. He's got you set up with an allowance that is probably less than you would get with a divorce for child support. I have no idea but a professional might know. A counselor can get info and go over options and scenarios.
  • orionsmith
    7 years ago
    If he died and you were single, would you be happier after a few months? If the answer is yes, that says something.
    Would you be happy if he lived another 5 years and gave the stripper 3000 per month or 36k a year or over 150k over 5 years and he complains every time you get 1k? Prepare a list of possible questions and write it down to ask a counselor and lawyer. Maybe ask if they have any free sessions or look online for support groups and or free help.

    On the other hand if you are happy as is, don't know why you are asking here. Maybe you are too tired from working 3 jobs. Can't imagine making a wife work 3 jobs while going out and spending over 3000 a month on just one stripper. I think others are having trouble believing this. Possible troll comments come from this. However the guy making up stories like this is busy making money playing poker now I think. I thought it was funny when he made a fake female troll account one time.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    7 years ago
    Yep... troll.
  • orionsmith
    7 years ago
    From what I know, if he falls in love with strippers easily, he may fall in. Love with another after this one as well. If you are ok with this situation, it could last many years. I prefer to plan and prepare for a better future and picture how you want it.
    If you are ok with open marriage, then you can find guys online as well. He could have more than one stripper but unlikely if he has ED. ED is an early warning for heart attack risk. I read side effects of some drugs can lead to heart attacks. I would find out what life insurance he has already as part of his job. He should be willing to share this info in case he dies because insurance companies sometimes keep the money if spouses don't request it and file paperwork I read. I thought for years they would just automatically pay but read otherwise recently. Some insurance companies probably hope more people don't talk about insurance. In my last job, I had term life, accidental, and more I think.
  • orionsmith
    7 years ago
    3 jobs does not sound believable and married as well. However could be a chance if not too many hours.
    Juice you trolling us again?
    Wanting to see how many guys offer sex as part of open marriage or offer advise instead?

    I thought this thread was more believable because of the newbie comment mistake of not hitting return every 4 or 5 lines making a post more readable.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    7 years ago
    Why would a woman whose life has been thrown into turmoil by her cheating strip club PL husband be "a fan of this site for so many weeks now."?

    A woman in her position, if legit, would hate us all and this site.
  • orionsmith
    7 years ago
  • orionsmith
    7 years ago
    I'm still wondering if it's juice.
  • Clubber
    7 years ago
    Come on people. It is so obvious "Undecided" is a troll. Do some homework.

    Last Seen 19 Hours Ago
    Joined Yesterday
    Contribution Level: 0.00

    Then in the comments:
    15 HOURS AGO
    Nope not a troll

    So "she" already knows what/who a troll is?

    Many times and almost immediately:

    @25 & @flagooner

    "She" also knows how many reply on here?

  • JordanBelfort
    7 years ago
    First off TROLL...secondly, in these sort of situations the husband is doing the wife a favor by going to strip clubs and hiring prostitutes; it means he still has respect for the wife and values his commitment. In reality she has committed a worse transgression by ending a very important component to marriage, sex. If its ok for the wife to unapologetically break her vow ny not being there for her husband intimately, then her feelings go out the window as far as im concerned. So OP you should prob blame yourself. A guy going to a strip club is no different than him going to the movies or playimg basketball with his friends. Its entertainment.
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