Which North American City Has The Hottest Dancers Willing To Do Extras?

avatar for theh
Detroit is not an option for me and I've already been to Miami and City Of Industry.

Anywhere else worth visiting besides those 3?

I'm not willing to go to mexico.

So far it seems Houston is a pretty good option.

What do you guys think?


last comment
avatar for Dougster
7 years ago
avatar for WetWilly
7 years ago
North America includes Tijuana, Mexico. That's the answer.

Financing is a different issue.
avatar for WetWilly
7 years ago
Tijuana's Zona Norte, BTW, is 500 yards from the US border.
avatar for theh
7 years ago
@ Dougster

I've been reading a lot of phoenix reviews as that's one place I'm considering.

Seems LE has cracked down on extras in that city lately.

What is your experience in that city?

I want extras from ONLY legitimate hotties (8s and 9s).

Is that available in phoenix?

Which club specifically?

How much will it cost me?
avatar for theh
7 years ago
@ WetWilly

I have no interest at all in going to Mexico
avatar for WetWilly
7 years ago
Forget Phoenix. There are only one or 2 clubs which offer extras from attractive women, and 1 of them is under intense scrutiny at this time. Getting extras as a newcomer would be especially difficult.

You'll notice reviews of other Phoenix clubs don't mention the attractiveness of the dancers. There a reason for that-- they're fat and/or phugly.
avatar for Corvus
7 years ago
Might try Salt Lake City. Or the ldaho clubs.
avatar for JAprufrock
7 years ago
Tijuana, Mexico. You don't have to stay there. Stay in San Diego and commute. As long as you can directly to the club and back to the border and don't wander anywhere, you should be safe. I think. I've been there just once but had a fantastic time my second night at Hong Kong. Nice being able to go somewhere (essentially a brothel) where there's no pretense of BS, straight up ask for what you want and cost and it's legal.
avatar for samsung1
7 years ago
Houston used to be a good club city. Not sure how it is now.
avatar for Mate27
7 years ago
You can take a shuttle from downtown San Diego to TJ for $5-$10 and it takes only 40 minutes. That would be my bet, and the food and beverage scene in SD rocks also good scenery. Don't waste your time trying to build rapport as a newbie unless you're a frequent visitor at a club.
avatar for chessmaster
7 years ago
I would guess nyc or vegas. One would think extras are possible in those $1000 vip rooms.
avatar for mark94
7 years ago
Not Phoenix. Maybe once, but not now.
Not SF. Maybe once, but not now.
Probably nowhere in the US except possibly Vegas. Even then, you could spend $1,000+ and be ripped off. Locals would have a better chance than tourists.
avatar for shailynn
7 years ago
Look to our friends of the North. Toronto.
avatar for WillMunny
7 years ago
The way you've framed the question leaves a lot open to interpretation.

Most cities with more than 2-3 clubs will have a number of 8-9+ dancers. If money is no object, their willingness to do extras is generally just a fuction of how much it takes to meet their price.

What about Detroit rules it out for you, esp. compared to COI or Miami? I've clubbed in a lot of places and I have to say the best quality and value for money consistently for a city has to be Detroit metro.

Other places have a single club as an outlier (e.g. Follies) but lack consitent quality and/or readily available extras in a majority of clubs.
avatar for JohnTitor
7 years ago
avatar for vincemichaels
7 years ago
Porn Hub is the easy alternative. Any thing you want, you'll find there.
avatar for vincemichaels
7 years ago
Choking the thing will keep you warm. :)
avatar for Cashman1234
7 years ago
I’m sure there are clubs in the NYC area that might provide the services you seek. However, the expense can be significant, so there probably isn’t a good ratio of “bang for your buck” -
avatar for Dolfan
7 years ago
I don't understand ruling out what most folks would consider top options, but I'll take that premise at face value.

My recommendation would be Toronto, or at least the greater Toronto Area. Although, I hear Costa Rica & Dominican Republic also have some real hotties too but I've never been to with that on my mind.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
Yeah - Houston is not what it used to be w.r.t. extras - there was a crackdown about 3 or 4 years ago and it's never been the same - many clubs either had to remove their VIP rooms or make them open - some extras can still be had but one would not go to Houston for that specific purpose these days.
avatar for Tiredtraveler
7 years ago
West Babylon NY lap dance clubs out on Long Island. 15-20 minutes east of JFK.
Go in pick you girl, pay the room fee, pay there girl for he attentions! 5 or so clubs all withing a mile or so of each other to chose from. Some clubs have only one or two choices some have 5 or 6. I went for club to club until I found the one I liked.
avatar for mark94
7 years ago
The unicorn option would be
1. Lots of 8s and 9s
2. FS readily available ITC
3. Reasonable prices

The German FKKs, Thailand, and some other Asian locations might have all 3. Nothing in the US I’m aware of, but I’d love to be proved wrong.
avatar for wallanon
7 years ago
I just read the OP as Detroit is on his radar but not an available option. It didn't work with my travel schedule, either, but eventually a reason that fit the bill came around.
avatar for theh
7 years ago
@ Corvus

Are you serious about Salt Lake city and Idaho?

You can get extras with 9s and 10s in these 2 cities?


what club?
avatar for theh
7 years ago
To everyone who keeps insisting on Mexico.

I do NOT care how close it is to San Diego.

I have no interest at all in going to mexico.
avatar for theh
7 years ago
@ chessmaster12
"I would guess nyc or vegas. One would think extras are possible in those $1000 vip rooms."

I do not think this is true.

The completelly private rooms at the top vegas clubs I think are $2000-$3000 per hour.

I think the $1000 per hour or less rooms are shared in top clubs like rhino and sapphire.

I could be wrong but I'm 85% sure I'm correct.
avatar for theh
7 years ago
"Probably nowhere in the US except possibly Vegas."

I'm shocked people are mentioning vegas.

I've sent a lot of time at the rhino which I think is the top club in vegas.

Never once got the impression extras where available there.

What are you guys talking about?

It seems a lot of people are coming in here and speaking with no experience.

Have you personally gotten extras with a 9 or 10 in a vegas club?
avatar for loper
7 years ago
Rhode Island.
avatar for theh
7 years ago
@ shailynn11
"Look to our friends of the North. Toronto."

Wow another suprise.

I've also spent a lot of time at brass rail/upper brass in toronto which it was my understanding was the club with the hottest girls.

I did receive an otc offer there once but never got the impression itc extras where available.

Which toronto club do you speak of where extras with 9s and 10s are available?
avatar for theh
7 years ago
@ WillMunny

"The way you've framed the question leaves a lot open to interpretation.

Most cities with more than 2-3 clubs will have a number of 8-9+ dancers. If money is no object, their willingness to do extras is generally just a fuction of how much it takes to meet their price."

I never said money was no object.

I would be willing to spend up to $800 per hour for extras with a 9 or 10.

That's $800 total so room fee, the girls share, any bouncers that need tipping, $800 per hour total for everything is my limit.

I'm looking for in the club action NOT otc.

Now that I've clarified my needs, do you have any recommendations for me?
avatar for theh
7 years ago
@ Cashman1234

"I’m sure there are clubs in the NYC area that might provide the services you seek. However, the expense can be significant, so there probably isn’t a good ratio of “bang for your buck”

Which club are you talking about exactly?

Where have you personally received offers for extras by a 9 or 10 in nyc?
avatar for theh
7 years ago
@ Dolfan
"My recommendation would be Toronto, or at least the greater Toronto Area."


Another vote for Toronto.

I've spent a lot of time in that city.

which club exactly do you speak of?

Where in toronto are extras with 9s and 10s available?
avatar for WetWilly
7 years ago
Sosua, Dominican Republic. North American city famous for hotties, prostitution is legal.
avatar for theh
7 years ago
@ WetWilly

Thanks for the suggestion but Im looking for a club in either USA or Canada.

I should have have specified this in OP.

avatar for theh
7 years ago

"Yeah - Houston is not what it used to be w.r.t. extras - there was a crackdown about 3 or 4 years ago and it's never been the same - many clubs either had to remove their VIP rooms or make them open - some extras can still be had but one would not go to Houston for that specific purpose these days."

I'm surprised you say this.

I've read a lot of Houston reviews the past few days and it seems extras with hotties are definitely available there.

In fact right now Houston is the best option I've found given my requirements.

avatar for WillMunny
7 years ago
"Now that I've clarified my needs, do you have any recommendations for me?"

Actually no, because other than quoting a price range (which on average would be sufficient in probably 2/3 of clubs nationwide to pull ITC extras with the top talent) you haven't made anything clear about your criteria.

Repeating: what about Detroit rules it out for you? And you seem to imply something lacking in COI or Miami - if that's the case, what?

I'm not hung up on Detroit as a suggestion, but can say that in my own experience if you want a top-tier girl that will be open to extras ITC for $800/hour all-in, Detroit would be my first suggestion.

In most markets where a VIP "on the clock" is standard, a 30 minute session is more common than an hour. So taking $400/half-hour as your standard, even backing out "overhead" costs (room, tips, drinks, cover, parking, etc) you should still be well above market rate almost anyplace except NYC or possibly Vegas.

The other subjective questions you leave open to the reader are what constititutes an8/9/10 (in your personal view), and how many you need to see in a club to meet your elusive standards?

You might also consider being more cordial to people who are genuinely trying to help you out. Acting like a dick here won't get you better answers, and if you have a similar attitude while clubbing it could explain why you're not getting offers where others report positive experiences.
avatar for theh
7 years ago
@ WillMunny

"Repeating: what about Detroit rules it out for you? And you seem to imply something lacking in COI or Miami - if that's the case, what?"

- Detroit is simply too far for me to access

- Miami is AMAZING and meets all my requirements but is also too far to go to

- Regarding COI. I did a lot of research on this place and it seems extras are easily available but the quality is not good. If I'm going to pay then quality has to be the best. I have no interest in extras with 6s ad 7s.

"The other subjective questions you leave open to the reader are what constititutes an8/9/10 (in your personal view), and how many you need to see in a club to meet your elusive standards?"

- I do not have any specific requirements. I'm sure what most guys consider and 9 or 10 will be very close to that for me as well. I'm NOT one of those guys who believes in that whole "one guy's 9 is another guy's 6".

" You might also consider being more cordial to people who are genuinely trying to help you out. Acting like a dick here won't get you better answers, and if you have a similar attitude while clubbing it could explain why you're not getting offers where others report positive experiences."

I honestly was not aware i came across like a dick and that was not my intention at all.

I sincerely appreciate you and everyone else who has taken the time to reply to this thread.

I just get annoyed when guys post recommendations that they obviously have no direct experience to back up.

avatar for theh
7 years ago
@ WillMunny

"In most markets where a VIP "on the clock" is standard, a 30 minute session is more common than an hour. So taking $400/half-hour as your standard, even backing out "overhead" costs (room, tips, drinks, cover, parking, etc) you should still be well above market rate almost anyplace except NYC or possibly Vegas."

Can you recommend any cities besides Detroit where extras are available for $400/half hour or less?

I have no experience with NYC but I would be shocked if extras with 9s and 10s are available in Vegas at that price.

avatar for DroidX
7 years ago
I'll go out on a limb and suggest Atlanta. Pretty much an inexpensive flight from most cities. You could have a really good time with very attractive girls for less than $800.
avatar for AnonymousJim
7 years ago
It does seem as though Miami gets mentioned next most often after Detroit when it comes to extras, but not nearly as often or as consistently. Atlanta as well, though I get the impression it's moreso the black clubs. San Francisco sounds like it once had it going on, but not so much anymore.

Detroit, however, is the place, although the 8 Mile clubs are having a bit of an issue right now. But there are far more clubs than just the 8 Mile ones. Play your cards right and FS should be happening for $300 with the right girl.

You say it's too far, yet you've been able to do COI and Atlanta, which tells me you've been across the country. Hard for me to imagine you couldn't find a $200 flight to Detroit from anywhere in America if you plan it right.
avatar for Corvus
7 years ago
@theh, for the record, I've never been to Salt Lake City or Idaho. Based on the reviews here, or lack reviews, those places are SC deserts with less than desirable clubs. I was being facetious.

My advice, spend lots of time and money until you find what you are looking for. Just like most of us here have done. And read the reviews, always read the reviews.
avatar for vincemichaels
7 years ago
Split the cost of a bus ticket with Juice. Flip a coin to see who comes up. It will be you. Juice never will come here. He'll come up with some flamboyant excuse. My dog had to pee, I wanted to watch. :)
avatar for theh
7 years ago
@ DroidX2

"I'll go out on a limb and suggest Atlanta. Pretty much an inexpensive flight from most cities. You could have a really good time with very attractive girls for less than $800."

Yes from reading reviews here Atlanta seems great but unfortunately its too far for me as well.
avatar for theh
7 years ago
@ AnonymousJim

"You say it's too far, yet you've been able to do COI and Atlanta, which tells me you've been across the country. Hard for me to imagine you couldn't find a $200 flight to Detroit from anywhere in America if you plan it right."

I've never been to Atlanta as its too far for me.

COI is close for me but from all the research I've done it seems extras are available in mass quantities but not with hotties.

I have no interest in extras with 6s and 7s, If i pay it has to be hotties.

Regarding Detroit. the problem is not cost of the flight but length of the flight.

avatar for vincemichaels
7 years ago
How can a 3 hour flight be a problem ?
avatar for theh
7 years ago
@ vincemichaels13
How can a 3 hour flight be a problem ?

Who said anything about a 3 hour flight being a problem?

If Detroit was a 3 hours flight away I would go tonight.
avatar for vincemichaels
7 years ago
Regarding Detroit. the problem is not cost of the flight but length of the flight.

OK, the miles is the problem ??
avatar for minnow
7 years ago
"What do you guys think." I think you're bored with the South FL club scene, what with all the reviews you've submitted since 2015. I'd say you're a prime candidate for a "new adventure." May I suggest going to Phoenix, and checking out a certain tuscl member who owns a car wash with a power wand sprayer.
avatar for Cashman1234
7 years ago
Maybe you should let us know your starting point - and the number of hours you are willing to travel?

I’m guessing that will narrow the search radius significantly. The options of both Atlanta and Detroit would be my two top destinations (based on your post).

New York is probably too pricey - unless you hit some dive clubs with high extras offerings.
avatar for wallanon
7 years ago
"Now that I've clarified my needs, do you have any recommendations for me?"

Thank people for their replies, go to the nearest clubs and cultivate a diamond in the rough, and post reviews like the rest of the helpful TUSCLers. If you can't get what you're looking for with the type of cash you're talking about, this crowd can't help you.
avatar for rickdugan
7 years ago
Another dude who is trying to get tusclers to give him a nationwide compendium of places where he can get ITC sex with hot women at a reasonable price. How novel.

You know, a lot of people here have spent tons of money and countless research hours, over many years, in order to figure these things out. When you come on a site hat in hand, after contributing very little here, you could at least be gracious. I actually have a few cities in mind, but I'm not feeling particularly inclined to lend a hand, nor are many others around here if the lack of good intel is any indication.

But I will share two tidbits:

1. It will never happen for $800 all-in in NYC with a 9 or 10, not after the high room fees and tipping expectations of the strippers, VIP managers and even the waitresses.

2. Miami is probably the most consistent source of backroom fun with 9s at a reasonable overall price.

You're welcome.
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
7 years ago
Don't rule out Toronto and Montreal. You'll have to get to know the map, to be able to really find the best options in either metro-area. Although both metro areas have clubs which might fit your bill, those clubs are not in the literal CITY jurisdiction, but instead are in the outskirts, in cities / municipalities / suburbs / bedroom communities / places that are far enough away, and large enough in and of themselves, that they merit "city" status in an average atlas. Mississauga, a "suburb" of Toronto, for example, had (according to Google) a population of over 780,000 people in 2014, f.e.. That makes it larger by more than double the size of New Orleans, in the range of Jacksonville FL.

So when a fellow farther up the thread said he'd been to the Brass Rail, a strip-club "in Toronto," he was using the more literal definition of the city. The Brass Rail is smack downtown, right in the center of the city legitimately named Toronto. But when people recommend Toronto for high-mileage hot-women type clubs, usually they mean to indicate a location JUST OUTSIDE Toronto -- Mississauga, Brampton, Etobicoke, other suburbs. Yet we say "Toronto" since most non-Torontonians have never heard of the others.

Montreal is somewhat similar. In fact, so is the Tampa Bay area, and Miami (just, South Florida in general).
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
Every strip club has girls who do OTC. And usually this is a full GFE escort session, and the girls who do it, as I have seen, are very good.


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