Looking for Advice

Ok, something strange happened to me. And, I honestly don't know what to make of it.
About a month ago, I went to a strip club. I have not been in 3-4 years, as my business went belly up and I have had no money for fun. But, I got a new job and recently returned from a business trip and went to a strip club, near the airport in Detroit. I was there for 2 hours. I had one drink. By nearly the end of my evening, the only thing I had heard was "wanna dance?" from the strippers. I had hardly tipped anyone.
I was going to leave. A young (maybe 21), thin, athletic, black, and super hot girl sat down and started talking. She had an amazing outfit. I complimented her. And we talked for like 30 minutes. She unbuttoned my shirt. Showed my chest to some other random stripper. Grabbed my crotch. Now, I am 48, and, in reasonable shape, but, my body fat is still like 20%. Our conversation was interesting and natural, which really surprised me. I've never had a real conversation at a strip club.
She gave me her digits. I asked her if she would give me a dance. She said yes. I ask her if $200 would be enough and she says yes. No mention of how many songs or what would happen. At this point, I discovered I lost my ATM card. Evening over.
She texts me the next 2-3 days. Wants me to come back to the club. I'm busy. Two weeks later, I text her, she sends me to a different club, in Detroit. This is a place I would never go.
She gets there late. Sits down next to me. She is in street clothes, she has been painting a friend's house. We talk a little. She asks if I want to stay in the club or head out for drinks at a bar. I want to stay in the club. She goes and gets dressed.
She comes back. SHE BUYS ME A DRINK. Ok. I've never had that happen. She gets up, and starts dancing. No mention of price. I'm counting songs. 3, 5, 15 songs go by... She says, "I'm going to change outfits, I'll be back". She comes back. She looks amazing in both outfits, but, honestly, I'm not remembering the outfits. She dances again. She has danced, sat in my lap, chatted with me for 2 hours. No mention of money. She is getting tired. It sure seems like, I could have walked out at any time and never given her anything.
Instead, we go back to the private area. I take her clothes off and we boink for 30 minutes or so. She asks for $300, I gave her $220 or so -- the only money I have given her.
Now, she still texts me, and sends me snapchats. She asked me to buy her an outfit for $150 - something she would wear on a date with me -- it has sequins and boots -- it would make her feel like it was her birthday. I don't think it is a low key outfit. She wants me to come to her house for the evening.
What am I getting into? What should I turn this into?
last commentSounds cool to me, for now. Large potential for clinginess from this one, so look out.
Enjoy the hell out of it for now.
I would kill or die for the stripper that I want more than anything to behave even partly that way with me, but that ain't gonna happen.
Best of luck. You won the lottery.
She's playing you for your money. Smell the coffee!
Strippers are strippers b/c of $$$, and that is the reason for their interactions with custies, some just have different hustle styles and some are genuinely off their rockers - she either wants a sugar-daddy (asking you to buy her stuff) or as a regular to spend $$$ on her - best to never assume a stripper is into you b/c 99% of the time she's not, always assume it's a hustle and it's about the $$$ - experienced SCers know it's about the hustle and enjoy it for what it is if it's worth it to them - strippers are a different animal and if u gotta ask what to do then you are not ready for the ride b/c it's often a rollercoaster
i.e. IMO best to just stick to dances in the club till you know the game better
If she wants you to buy her shit, tell her to buy it with her own money. Then go on a date with her, fuck her, and reimburse her for the cost of what she bought.
I have a weakness for beautiful black girls and I love OTC fun, so my advice is different than Papi's. Although his advice to spend time with her in the club and get to know her better is good advice. Good advice unless you end up spending way too much cash on her.
Personally I would never see her inside a strip club again. And I would not go to her place or have her over to your place either anytime soon. I would take her out to dinner and then to a hotel room and fuck her senseless. Hell I would even pay for her new outfit but not until she showed up wearing it and then only after it hit the floor of the hotel room.
But watch your wallet and don't get in so deep she is taking all your money and bleeds you dry. Think with your head, not your little head.
I hear wedding bells!
@jackslash you bring the lasagne I’ll bring the thanksgiving leftovers, they can have a teenage wedding and all the old folks wishing them well.
Something about you must be screaming “ meal ticket” to her. She is going for the big score. She likely has another dozen customers where she is playing the same game.
The worrying part is exactly how she plans to extract the money from you. Most likely, she sees you as someone who is good for $300 per week, either ITC or OTC. Or, she may be planning a faster, bigger score.
You know the old saying, if you don’t know who the sucker is, it’s you.
Bypass the outfit and go straight to a diamond ring.
It’s called “the long game.” If you actually fucked her though, it’s one of two things.
1, she gave you a taste so that you’ll come back, but you’ll never get it again. She’ll just keep asking you for money with excuse after excuse as to why kitty doesn’t want to be petted that day.
2, she sees you as a meal ticket, and will play as long as you keep giving her a couple hundred bucks a pop and buying her shit. She continue to ask for more, though.
There is a third, far less likely, possibility. She actually likes you and is auditioning boyfriends and sugar daddies.
If it were me, I’d keep seeing her at the club as long as she kept fucking me, or I’d see her at a hotel, as long as she was fucking me, but there’s no way I’d go to her place or bring her to my place. I probably wouldn’t buy her much in the way of gifts, either, unless she was ok with a gift instead of cash for fucking. Cash is usually easier.
There is some very good advice posted here this morning.
"What am I getting into? What should I turn this into?"
My opinion... She's looking for a longer-term meal ticket. Meaning, she wants more of your money over the long term as opposed to quick club money.
And that's fine, as long as you keep it firmly in mind that this hot, young black woman has no interest in you romantically, or even as a friend (except in the most superficial manner). With that in mind, go forth and have fun!
Keep in mind though, that her requests for gifts and/or cash will almost certainly increase over time. And what she's willing to do in return may or may not keep pace with her requests. There will likely come a point where (if you're smart...) you'll have to establish a ceiling with regards to what you're willing to spend. You've had your livelihood go belly up once; don't do it again for a stripper.
Also, be carful about getting overly involved with her life and/or drama. That's a rat's nest. As long as you've got the money, then you have control over the boundaries. Use that leverage for all it's worth.
There is lots of useful advice provided here. One thing that I’d recommend - as she appears to be going for a meal ticket - is that you use a burner or prepaid cell phone. Also, be careful about fucking her bareback - as you want to avoid knocking her up and getting hit with child support.
andy posted: "She asks if I want to stay in the club or head out for drinks at a bar. I want to stay in the club."
She's hot, fun and wants to get you OTC for drinks and likely much more - for a price to be sure - and you turned it down? Ouch dude, it sounds like you passed up a real opportunity there. If it were me I can guarantee that she would have been toasty soon after and then getting the full treatment soon after that.
As others have said, it sounds like she's trying to groom you for an ongoing SD relationship of some kind. A girl tried to do that with me once as well (which I posted about on here) and I didn't end up biting on the SD thing, but I did take her out for a couple of fun test drives. There's no harm in playing along for a bit and getting what you can without committing to a lot beyond payment for her immediate efforts. If you are worried about safety issues, just pick the places that you take her.
So go have fun and trust yourself enough to manage the situation.
Lunch tomorrow. Anyone want to bet on whether she shows?
I'm thinking she'll show. At least, I have never had one ditch on lunch.
Keep mental track in your head of what your time and experiences w her are worth to you, and what you spend overall.
Lunch??? This girl tried to get you OTC to a bar, no doubt to loosen up before an even better event, and your brilliant follow-up is to take her to...lunch?
I can only shake my head and chuckle. ;)
If this is a money issue, then you'd be better off just cutting bait altogether and not wasting your time or hers. I only say that because of your recent issues with going over $200 ITC.
Up to now you have posted abut what she wants to do or has suggested to do - it seems as if you are a deer in the headlights - what is it that you want - if you're not sure then don't get involved w/ a pro b/c highly-likely you will come-out on the losing-end (financially, mentally, etc)