
Around The World In 80 Lap Dances

Strip Club Nation
I have no plans to travel around the world in 80 days, but I would like to expose myself to different cultures by getting lap dances from dancers from around the world.

I have had lap dances from women from 38 different countries so far. By the time I croak, I hope to get 80 different stamps in my lap dance passport book. The country where I physically get the lap dance does not matter (honestly, most have been in the US or Canada), but the dancer has to be born and/or grown up in a different country to have it count. For example, I have had tons of lap dances from dancers of Irish or Italian descent in the United States, but none of them have been born or raised in Ireland or Italy, so I have not been able to put those countries on my list. Military brats who were born on foreign US military bases (ie. Germany, Japan) also do not count. From some of these nationalities, I have gotten lap dances with many different dancers. For example, I got lap dances at Michael's Men's Club from a dancer from Devon back in May, and just yesterday I got a lap dances at Polekatz from a dancer who was born and raised in York (can you dig it, londonguy?).

9.Costa Rica
11.Czech Republic
12.Dominican Republic
23.New Zealand
33.Trinidad and Tobago
35.United Kingdom
36.United States

As you can see, I have checked off a lot of countries from the former Soviet Union and Latin America. These regions tend to produce a lot of poor young women who are willing to get naked for money. I have come across very few strippers from Africa. I have had a lot of opportunities to check off Asian countries, but I refused to get lap dances with those dancers because I am just not attracted to most Asian women. I need a dancer to at least be around a 6.5 to buy a private dance.

If you have any questions about any of the stamps I have accumulated in my many years of clubbing, just ask because some of these have good stories to go with them. Feel free to share any stories you have with foreign strippers.


  • SirLapdancealot
    7 years ago
    @sinclair this is most impressive! LMAO I am still working on Canada for my first stamp.

    What country did you have your best and most memorable dance at? And your worst?
  • SirLapdancealot
    7 years ago
    ^ oops I thought you had been to all those countries. But I'm still curious if a foreign stripper has been hands down better or worse than a 'murican one.
  • sinclair
    7 years ago
    SirLapdancealot, I have only had lap dances in five different countries. Foreign strippers run the gamut in lap dance skills, just like their American counterparts. It really depends on the girl. I have noticed Russians or girls from former Soviet countries that identify as being ethnically Russian tend to be the biggest ROB's and scammers.
  • mark94
    7 years ago
    I’m impressed by your ability to get them to tell and for you to remember. I’d guess I am somewhere between 20 and 50, but I don’t remember more than a handful. My current faves include Italy, Taiwan, Russia, Philippine. Venezuela recently dropped off the CF status.
  • shailynn
    7 years ago
    This is similar to Juice’s goal of eating a donut from each state!!!
  • theDirkDiggler
    7 years ago
    That seems unusual that ethnic Russians would be the biggest ROBs. I've had mostly good experience from Eastern European dancers (of course they're not all the same), and a lot of my favorites have been Polish or largely Polish (in looks and dances). Thinking of how cheaply Russians will do sex work in their mother country, i would think that they would deliver for more in the US. But i read somewhere that Russian was the ethnic group that made the largest number (proportionally to their population) of self-made millionaires in the US, so maybe that tight-fisted philosophy extends to dancers, but ROB tactics doesn't seem the way to get there.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    I too have had negative experiences w/ Russian dancers (many tend to be cold and cutthroat) - I also have had bad-encounters w/ Cuban and Dominican dancers - but overall often I find foreign girls more personable and more-willing to earn their $$$ by treating you well.

    Being that I'm almost-exclusively into ebonies, other nationalities don't intrigue me too-much - even black non-American dancers I don't enjoy as much as AAs - IME I find the AAs in particular often better-built/more-thick, and better-mileage, than non-AA black-women.

  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    What I would like to do if I ever won the lottery is spend a year or so hitting every SC in the US (or good brothel abroad) that remotely piques my interest.
  • Mate27
    7 years ago
    A donut from each state! Ha ha ha
  • rh48hr
    7 years ago
    Never really paid attention to every country, my dancers have been from. I know Mexico and Australia are two of them and my ex-ATF was from Romania.
  • ppwh
    7 years ago
    > Thinking of how cheaply Russians will do sex work in their mother country, i would think that they would deliver for more in the US.

    Word at Fusion GPS has it that In Russia most the girls aren't obese, so the typical Russian girl is at less of a premium than she can command in the US.
  • SirLapdancealot
    7 years ago
    I remember a Russian blonde I once had a single LDK with. She was a little nastier than my CF at the time. She stick shifted me OTP without shame. She was a solid 8 and I would have made her a CF but our schedules were never in sync.

    Most of my strippers have been red blooded 'muricans. Just like I like 'em.
  • SirLapdancealot
    7 years ago
    I will be surprised if anyone has had a native born Korean stripper. That stamp is going to be rare. Also Taiwanese would be too.
  • rattdog
    7 years ago
    good point sirlance err sirlap - there is a a dearth of koreans in the industry. i've never seen one dance in a club. vietnamese girls a couple of times.
    on a more domestic note, can't say i ever saw any girl from rancho cucamonga, cali ever hit a stage either.
  • ppwh
    7 years ago
    I don't remember having a US-born stripper of Korean descent, but the clubs I went to in Honolulu were split pretty evenly between imported Korean and VIetnamese with a few Fillipinas sprinkled in.

    I still remember clearly one super cute US-born Japanese girl who looked upper middle class dancing at one of those clubs. She would only go on stage for her stage sets, then disappear, though. There was no back room or lapdances at her club, but some dancers would sit at your table and talk.
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    rattdog. evidently you haven't met ruby at monarchs and synn coi. she's from rancho cucamonga. i myself am from that general area. upland.
  • DandyDan
    7 years ago
    I got 3 countries not on Sinclair's list, Haiti, Jamaica and Belize. It wouldn't be a shocker if I had Guatemala or El Salvador on my list, either, but usually with Latina strippers, I tend to think they are from Mexico.
  • ButterMan
    7 years ago
    One time at sapphire in Vegas me and a buddy did what we called around the world. We got LD's) from every race available:) and we didn't include the Russian girls as white just so we get more dances.
  • mark94
    7 years ago
    SirLapDancealot: one of my faves is from Taiwan. Extremely hot. Great dances. Fun to talk to.
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    i've had native girls from japan, china, viet nam, philippines, korea, thailand, australia, new zealand, brazil, columbia, peru, panama, costa rica,Venezuela, Cuba, Puerto Rico, the Bahamas, guatemala, South Africa, Ethiopia, Egypt, Israel, Greece, Italy, France, Spain, Portugal, Belgium, England, Ireland, Germany, Czechoslovakia, poland, russia, india, canada, and hundreds from mexico. i know there are more... but my brain hurts now.
  • sinclair
    7 years ago
    My favorite lap dance stamp was from a girl from the south of France. She was doing a workcation in Quebec. I had always heard that French people were rude, but she was very sweet. It was quite a thrill to French kiss an actual French girl.

    The most surprising stamp was from Uzbekistan. It is a backward former Soviet country that is about 80% Muslim. The dancer must have won a green card lottery. She was a popular fake-titted dancer named Natasha who worked at Shotgun Willie's around a decade ago. She told me several times I looked exactly like some famous Russian actor.
  • rl27
    7 years ago
    Not counting Canada and the U.S, I have had dancer from the following countries. I won't count Cuba in Florida either. So here is all I have found, at least according to the dancer.
    Czech Republic
    Hong Kong, back before it was given back to China
    Several UK countries
  • Digitech
    7 years ago
    Hmm, fun game. I haven't really kept track though. These are the ones I concretely remember. There's more "pretty sures" and "I think sos" left out

    Dominican Republic
    United States




  • Digitech
    7 years ago
    Regarding Korean girls...I think the massage parlor business is more their culture and they gravitate to that. I've banged a ton of SK girls but never saw one in a club
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