
avatar for Cowboyscott69
How many of you guys are there the front Peggy what's your girlfriend f*** you it's amazing


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avatar for Cowboyscott69
7 years ago
That was supposed to say how many of you have let your girlfriend f*** you in the ass it's amazing
avatar for chessmaster
7 years ago
Faggot shit
avatar for ppwh
7 years ago
The pegging is straight:…

It's coming here to talk about it with us that is gay.
avatar for MrDeuce
7 years ago
That may be simultaneously the gayest and most incoherent discussion topic I've ever seen on TUSCL -- and that's saying a lot!
avatar for grand1511
7 years ago
I think he was being pegged while he wrote that.
avatar for Cashman1234
7 years ago
No thanks! I'm not taking it in the crapper! Enjoy it all you want - but it's not my idea of fun.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
7 years ago
"That may be simultaneously the gayest and most incoherent discussion topic I've ever seen on TUSCL -- and that's saying a lot!"

Spoken like someone who hasn't read this thread:…
avatar for Cashman1234
7 years ago
^ that other discussion is the least coherent I've read on this site. I don't think it's coherent enough to be gay - not that there's anything wrong with that...
avatar for rockstar666
7 years ago
I love pegging. Anal sex is NOT just for gay people, but I suspect this merry group would largely disagree.
avatar for MrDeuce
7 years ago
@Ishmael, you're right about about lightingkay's superior incoherence, but this guy has him beat on gayness!
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
7 years ago
LIGHTINGKAY'S thread is more gay because it's (likely) sincere.

Whereas this thread is pure trollery fishing for a reaction.

And here are all are...
avatar for Cashman1234
7 years ago
Good point Ishmael. I didn't think of it in that way. A troll on this site? No way!
avatar for georgmicrodong
7 years ago
@rockstar666: You're right, having a girl ass fuck you is not gay. Unless ass fucking a girl is gay as well.

It's just not that fun. At least for me.
avatar for Cowboyscott69
7 years ago
For you ass holes I've never been with a guy so you should keep your mouth shut after you get your friends cock out of you mouth.
avatar for DoctorPhil
7 years ago
queer as a three dollar bill
avatar for SirLapdancealot
7 years ago
LOL my ATF DS and I were talking about this the other day. She loves pegging dudes and being a dom and making them her bitch. I told her no fucking way that I'm into any of that. We talked about it being gay and agreed it wasn't if it was a girl pegging a guy. She has done it to a few guys and she didn't think any of them were gay. I think it is weird but not gay. By definition you need two guys having sexual relations to be gay.
avatar for harleyguy1
7 years ago
I decided to give it a go. Went to a sex House in Switzerland this week. She simultaneously worked my ass while giving an unbelievable bb blowjob and I was wearing nipple clamps. I was good for 2 pops. Not bad for me being over 50.

I tried to add the club. had a girl named Lilah. Hungarian. She said she loves doing it.

I felt very embarrassed but quickly got over it once she made me feel comfortable.

Not sure if I would do it again, but I equate it to bungee jumping or parachuting.
avatar for harleyguy1
7 years ago
this was her. Spelled her name wrong.…
avatar for Jascoi
7 years ago
avatar for harleyguy1
7 years ago
FYI, it was ~240 for the hour. A little high, but (pun intended) fun.
avatar for BurlingtonHoFactory
7 years ago
I like watching pegging/femdom porn. It's kinky. I wish some of my favorite porn actresses would try it, but it seems like more of a specialty. I don't see how it's gay.

But I would never, ever, ever, ever, ever never, nurver, no fucking way ever, never, ever even think about doing this in real life. Watching it is one thing, doing it IRL is another. That would fuck up your asshole, but good. No thanks, not for me. In my lifetime, I've met chicks so hot that I would probably get a tattoo on my dick if they asked me to... but letting a chick stuff a 10-incher up my Hershey highway? No. Think about the consequences to your assholes, folks. I'm glad I still have at least some judgement left.
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