
Dating Strippers, a Cautionary Tale

Avatar for Kaffeesatz

For years I have always thought, wow, I would love to bang a stripper. Probably for several reasons: The allure, the degree of difficulty, the bragging rights, etc.

I met a woman in a bar while traveling a thousand miles from home. We went back to my hotel room and had sex. Great sex. Amazing sex for the first time together.

She asked when we would see each other again... uh, never? I thought to myself...

It turns out I was planning travel to a city where she used to live, and she decided to fly there to meet me. So I worked during the day, and we fucked at night. She was amazing. Blonde. Big natural tits. Fucked like a porn star. It was on this trip that I learned she was a former stripper.

No big deal, I thought. She's a little wacky. But not completely crazy. Or so I thought.

After a few more weekends together, including a failed threesome attempt, I finally called it off.

And then it started. Messages to Facebook friends. Calls and texts at all hours. A threatened suicide (her, not me). Constant obsessive contact that I mostly just ignored.

One night, I was on a date with another woman when the barrage of calls and texts started. I turned my phone off.

We went to bed and fucked for a few hours and passed out, only to be awoken at 2AM by a knocking on my door.

Groggily, I threw on some pants and opened the door to find.... you probably guessed it. In fact, you probably yelled 'don't open the door! You fool!' as you were reading this. But I opened it. And there she was, the blonde ex-stripper on my porch. She had flown 1,000 miles to 'visit'. Which, by the way, she had mentioned in a few of the hundreds of voicemails and text messages. But I wasn't reading them...

She attacked me. She attacked the naked blonde in my bed, who promptly gathered her shoes, her phone and her sundress and exited Stage Left. I called the cops, who showed up with guns drawn and tossed me in hand cuffs. She screamed that I was trying to rape and murder her as the cops arrived.

So there I am, shirtless, in handcuffs, and sweating from 15 minutes of wrestling with crazy stripper bitch. I had a flashback to all those episodes of the TV show Cops where the perp is shirtless and I was watching and thinking 'what bad decisions have you made in your life that you are shirtless while being arrested on Television'. And yet, here I am. Shirtless. In cuffs.

After getting it all sorted out, she got felony Home Invasion charges plead down to 2 years probation and a restraining order. I got a really awesome story and... well, I was damn lucky no one got all stabby.

So gents, look at them. Tip them. Touch them.

But whatever you do, for god's sake, don't date them.


last comment
Avatar for Corvus

Where else are we supposed to find that kind of excitement!

Damn, man, I think you ran into a definite outlier. Glad you made it out safe.

Avatar for CouldBe


The last two paragraphs......words to live by.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

I have no experience w/ ex-strippers, but dealing with active strippers for a bit over 15 years I'm still taken aback how nutty many are

Avatar for shadowcat

Scary story. A good reason why I am very selective about who I do OTC with.

Avatar for lotsoffun201

There are plenty of batshit crazy civvies out there too you know.

Avatar for TheeOSU

"There are plenty of batshit crazy civvies out there too you know."

Correct! Crazy isn't the sole domain of strippers only.

Avatar for shadowcat

^^^ I married their queen. :)

Avatar for SirLapdancealot

Oh, but you haven't really LIVED unless you've been attacked by a stripper, no?

Avatar for rh48hr

There are plenty of bat shit crazy civvies out there too you know.

Damn straight. This is the reason I won't get married again.

Avatar for Uprightcitizen

Omg thats a great short story! Can we make this a stickie to send to every pl who asks should I date a stripper?!?!

Lol there are some nice stories too but most end in drama and flames...

Avatar for skibum609

My wife made lasagna yesterday.

Avatar for 4got2wipe

Normally I would give a "brilliant" to a crazy story like this. But I feel for you Kaffeesatz.

However, it sounds like she was a ex-stripper, not an active stripper. Could it be that she was so crazy she was expelled from the sisterhood of strippers? Perhaps that was the issue: this girl was too crazy to be a stripper!

Avatar for Cashman1234

Sorry to hear about your crazy experience. You got lucky at first - and then your luck took a major turn for the worse.

As others have mentioned, you found a crazy girl, and crazy is not the sole domain of dancers. You could have met a nut in a civie bar - or online. It's just good that you got out - and hopefully she won't come back for more!

Avatar for rickdugan

This is not so much a story about strippers, but a story about crazy girls. Sure many strippers are crazy, but not all crazy girls are strippers. Just like the old saying that steak is beef, but not all beef is steak.

I had my own run-in with a civilian crazy during my dating years. One afternoon of crime scene sex in a hotel room and the chick blew up my phone and IM (this was back in the days of Yahoo chat rooms) for weeks. I'm convinced that she would have showed up at my house too if she knew where I lived, but she didn't.

You can't blame yourself though. A lot of these crazy girls learn to mimic normal behavior and can maintain for some time, so you may not see the crazy until you get involved and it boils over.

Avatar for beekers

Sex is a powerful urge and the intimacy it creates keeps some couples together for a lifetime. Some people can handle casual sex casually, some can't. Those who can't do some pretty crazy stuff.

Avatar for rockstar666

I only dated one dancer seriously, and while she was a flake, she wasn't obsessed with me. Much to my dismay!

Avatar for Tiredtraveler

Yet another reason for:

NEVER giving your real name or hotel room, neutral ground only!

One and done!

Avatar for Tiredtraveler

You should have known when she followed you.

When "this bitch be crazy" neon sign lit up when she wanted to fly in to meet and you ignored it.

Never let you little head think for you.

The best sex is always with the crazy one too.

Avatar for jayhawk123

Nice "story". I call B.S. on all that happening

Avatar for Jascoi

maybe not quite the same... butt the last visit to hong kong tj ... the last girl... who came on strong to me in the showroom went crazy in the hotel room. kissing me deeply as i fucked her then hitting me especially on the face. then deep french kissing again. then more hitting. with that... after getting dressed i walked her drunk ass back to the club. then while i was taking a shower in my room... a knock on the door. dripping wet i answered the door... and she burst in knocking my wet ass onto the bed demanding more sex... i got her up and said 'no... bye bye.' she then grabbed my balls and tried to rip them off. hitting me more i pushed her out the room and the cum boy lead her away. i dried off and got dressed and headed for the border. i didn't need her to tell some made up rape story to a corrupt policea. tj jail just ain't a place i wanna experience.

Avatar for 4got2wipe

"Nice "story". I call B.S. on all that happening"

Does it matter whether it happened? The story is brilliant whether it is truth or fiction!

Avatar for Mate27

Bump. Bump. Bump it up!

Dig. Dig. Dig it up!!

Avatar for Kaffeesatz

I assure you, 4got2wipe, that all of this is true.

Not only that, I left out a lot of sordid details and side stories

Avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael

It's actually nice to have a guy show up here not asking for permission to do something fantastically and obviously dumb (i.e. date a stripper).

Avatar for Cashman1234

For every discussion (posted by a newbie) about dating a stripper - this should be required reading. It's short and it details several of the short term pitfalls of dating a stripper.

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