Lowering your standards a little bit (in select situations)

avatar for larryfisherman
When it comes to dancers, I'm kinda picky, usually if she's not at least a 8 I don't want to get a dance from her (thankfully here in LA you will find your fair share of 8's and above). However when I see a decent looking black girl, I'll usually lower my standards a little bit, if she's a 7 I'll be interested in getting dances from her.

I guess it's because black girls are what I'm most attracted to, and I don't see too many good looking black girls, so when I see one I lower my set standards a little bit.

Do you have select situations where you might lower your standards a little bit, whether it be seeing a redhead, seeing a girl with a really nice ass, etc?


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avatar for shadowcat
8 years ago
If she looks like some one that I would DFK and or DATY with, she passes.
avatar for Dougster
8 years ago
The girl I knew who could, far and way, fuck the best was only a 7 looks wise. Certainly looks aren't everything. (Conversely, the worst ever was a 9 looks wise. You'd think with all the practice they must be getting...)
avatar for Dolfan
8 years ago
I'll do it in clubs that are new to me, that I want to learn about. For example, if I go into a club I don't know much about I may grab a dance or two from a decent girl first rather than starting with the hottest girl. Just to get the lay of the land, an idea of what the dances are like, etc. That way I'm not such a newb PL with the hot one. There's an obvious limit though, I still need to find the girl hot.

I find it odd that you can't find hot black girls though. I don't have a racial preference so I don't seek them out specifically, but I find plenty of hot black girls in the S. FL clubs. After the Cuban's, I'd say they're the next most common kind of strippers we've got around here.
avatar for flagooner
8 years ago
"I guess it's because black girls are what I'm most attracted to, and I don't see too many good looking black girls, so when I see one I lower my set standards a little bit."

Does this paragraph make sense to anyone?

The only way I can comprehend this is to think that fishsticks is most attracted to a group that he generally finds uglier than other groups. Would this imply he prefers ugly? But he will only get dances from strippers he thinks are pretty and thus not attracted to.

His BS makes my head hurt.

Is it because he is black that he feels obligated to say he finds his own race what he is most attracted to?

avatar for houjack
8 years ago
fishsticks is more concerned with finding dancers that others think are hot. It's pretty obvious from his posts. You're also probably right in the he black so he think he should like black or something.

Anyway, to answer the question, Yes. Of course I lower my standards. I have a wife and other responsibilities, I can't go any day I want. So when I do go and the talent isn't the best I work with what's there. If I was single I'd probably just leave and try another day, but I only have so many valid cover stories I can use at a believable frequency.
avatar for MackTruck
8 years ago
I fuck all the lot lizzards
avatar for flagooner
8 years ago
@houjack. I agree, I've mentioned before that it seems he is more interested in impressing other guys than enjoying the experience.
avatar for larryfisherman
8 years ago
@dolfan I'm into the light skinned slim thick black girls with beautiful faces. I of course see some hot ones, but not many that I would rate over a 8.
avatar for carolynne
8 years ago
Every time I go to work.
avatar for chessmaster
8 years ago
rarely. I rather go somewhere else than lower my standards.
avatar for chessmaster
8 years ago
I will lower or raise my standards occasionally based on price at either extreme(lower standards for $10 dances vs higher standards for $30+ dances).
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
8 years ago
Sure. If it's toward the end of the night and I don't feel like going to another club. I might compromise a little, but never a lot.
avatar for skibum609
8 years ago
I choose dancers with whom I feel a connection and that outweighs looks. Never ceases to amaze me at how people can be so fixated on race.
avatar for HungryGiraffe
8 years ago
The 1-10 rating scale clearly has limitations. Choosing company definitely isn't all about finding someone above an artificial threshold, based mostly on appearance. It's also about a mind, body, spiritual or heart connection.
avatar for l00ber
8 years ago
Yes. It's about getting your dick to connect with that mind, body, spirit, and heart. Heart fucking, I'm sure that's a thing. Come on Google image search, don't fail me now.
avatar for JohnSmith69
8 years ago
I wouldn't call it lowering my standards. For example, if an 18 year old with big natural tits take the stage there's a good chance that I'll play with her even if she's not particularly attractive. But that's not because I'm lowering my standards which are pretty high. Rather, its because I adore young redheads with big natural tis, so just having those things puts her high on my list even if most guys would pass on her.
avatar for Jascoi
8 years ago
my standards become more flexible when a dancer has personality and chemistry.
avatar for Estafador
8 years ago
That's stupid, no matter the race, I pay to see these women dance. I'm Not lowering my standards, when I have to pay. I just switch the race I'm interested in if one isn't there. If they all subpar in my book, I simply leave.
avatar for rh48hr
8 years ago
I have a type I prefer to get dances with. But I will get dances with girls who are not my ideal type. I don't think it's lowering standards, I think it's variety. Lowering standards would imply getting a dance with someone you don't find attractive.
avatar for ButterMan
8 years ago
I don't consider it lowering my standards because I've found that a lot of times the smoking hot girls do no give very good LD's.
avatar for chessmaster
8 years ago
^or one would think. Thats not the case for me but that could be our differences in "smoking hot" and difference in "very good LD's".
avatar for Juslovin
8 years ago
If i vibe or connect with a girl no matter the race then its more likely we'll do dances, even though initially she may haven't been my preferred type
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
Its just got to be a girl I like, and this is not just looks. Everybody ages. Shadow mentioned DATYing and DFKing. That's what it pretty much comes down to, the line of decision, and is based on my comprehensive feelings about her.

Carolyne wrote about lowering her standards,
"Every time I go to work."

:) :) :)


Religion and the 2016 Election: Historical Context and Unusual Alliances - Prof. Randall Balmer; Greenville South Carolina, Bob Jones University
avatar for goosman
7 years ago
Like how your eyes adjusts to the lighting, unless the talent is below a certain plateau, your wants generally adjusts to the talent. Also certain girls can grow on you. I can think of one where the first night I saw her she came up to me & I totally blew her off, not my type. A couple of visits later, she'd grown on me to the point where I'm getting mad b/c I want dances from her & some guy has her locked down.
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
7 years ago
"lower standards" = beer goggles (or vision aided by some other alcoholic beverage)
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