Competition between PLs

Some classic stripperweb hustling advice is to try and make guys compete at the stage. It's been posted in multiple threads there. They talk about how once one guy gives a big tip, suddenly a whole bunch will join in, all trying to look like the highest roller. Even if they weren't tipping at all before.
This always sounded stupid to me - if I wasn't interested before, why would I go all in just because some other dude started tipping big?
But maybe it works on some guys. During my last club visit, my CF was sitting alone when I rolled in. There were two other PLs catty-corner from us at the bar. Well, she told me about how she went out for her birthday two days earlier. I didn't know it was her birthday, but I happened to have brought a little gift, a bottle of her favorite perfume. She forgot that she had told me her favorite, so she was surprised that I knew. My CF has a animated, very feminine personality and that describes her reaction, too. She seemed happy and even motioned over some of her stripper friends to tell them.
Well, one of those other PLs couldn't hold back. "Hey! Hey, (CF Name)!", he yelled. "Do you like Gucci? I'm going to buy you Gucci!" As far as I could tell, he was a regular at the club, but not my CF's regular.
So is the competition hypothesis true? Would you start tipping 5s and 10s at the stage to outdo another PJ? Would you jump to buy another dude's favorite Gucci if you saw her getting a gift?
last commentI would only bother tipping just to double check and see if she's worth it up close. I have seen girls on stage that didn't look as good until I got close. so if I see a bunch of pl's tipping big at the stage I will get up and tip just out of curiosity.
I have seen that kind of competition plenty of times. I want to dismiss those guys as morons -- that fucking last thing I'm going to waste my money on is state tipping competition -- but I'm feeling magnanimous today, so I'll say it's great if those guys are doing that because they enjoy the public competition (although they ARE true morons if they are just rubes who are just competing for her attention). Since I rarely go up to stage, one of my favorite things in the world is when my ATF goes up on stage, then comes back to the table with scores or dozens of singles ("those guys each threw like $50 at me!") then just stays at my table for the next 2 hours.
I would take it as a sign that she will be likely be locked down and/or otherwise lose motivation off-stage that night.
I think it comes down to different approaches to strip clubbing, though: looking big in front of a crowd vs. interacting w/ the dancers.
If you're trying to look big in front of a crowd / one-up other guys, it would make sense see which dancer is getting tipped big and try to tip her bigger. It might cost less than a Jaguar payment, too...
nah, i wouldn't start tipping more to try to out-do another PL. i'm not the type to show off, not my style. but i understand what you're getting at.
i wonder how strippers feel about receiving gifts from PLs. i mean, obviously she's going to act appreciative of the gift when you hand it to her, but i wonder how they really feel about receiving gifts from customers. nina, duomaxwell or milanicash......any of you gals care to weigh in on this?
if I'm at the tip rail and another customer or two come up and really start to tip heavily I'll stop tipping at maybe two or three dollars.ain't no way I will out tip them.
I find it more of a deterrent than an encouragement. I'm not the least bit interested in "winning" by tipping the most on stage. If I'm on the fence about a girl & I see a big tipper, I'm less likely to get up and tip her. I may still hand her a couple bucks and ask her to join me when she's free. I'm certainly not gonna sit there and try to make a bigger show of tipping her than the next guy.
That said, I do agree that often times when one person tips it leads to others tipping. A previous favorite of mine used to give me money to tip her with on stage when she'd go, if she'd get called up while we were sitting there she'd hand me a stack of bills from her purse and ask me to give them to her on stage. It was pretty effective, every time I'd tip her it would lead to other guys getting up and tipping. I'm not the make it rain type, even with her own money, so its not like I was making a show of it or encouraging competition. But, I did walk up from my table once or twice during her set to tip her so others did see it. She'd do the same thing when I bought dances, I'd never pay her right after the dance, she'd ask me to just give it to her while she was on stage next time. I never paid enough attention to figure out if anyone was competing with me, but I definitely noticed she'd get a lot more tips when I tipped her early in her set than she would if I just let her do her thing and paid her at the table.
My CF asks that I tip her on stage on slow days, so I do. She thinks it will encourage other guys to tip too I suppose, but she usually gets tippers anyway even on slow days. I suppose it's because she asks!
I've never seen such a thing in all my years clubbing.
Not to say it doesn't happen. I've just never seen such a thing happen in a club.
Doesn't make any sense to me to do such a thing.
dolfan. with the girls permission i've paid for dances with the girl the same way. yes it tends to increase her stage tips from other pls.
I've seen this nonsense plenty of times too and I agree with the girls on SW that it can work, especially in big market clubs in places like NYC. When I see this stuff start happening, with guys doing things like throwing hundreds of dollars on the stage just to get girls' attention, I consider it my queue to leave. Between the fattening of the girls and the other guys waiting in the wings to pay princely sums for xyz, I know that my night is shot for anything beyond eye candy. There is always another outing in a smaller market club just days away, so I have little incentive to drop a ton in any one club visit.
If that competition exists, then I've never paid attention. Actually it's the opposite for me. If I see a girl getting tipped big or getting gratuitous attention from a fat cat, I leave her alone. It ain't worth emptying my pockets just to get a dance. Especially since odds are always stacked against the young bucks.
-->"Doesn't make any sense to me to do such a thing."
I think there are some values that all tuscl'ers buy into, that seems so obvious to us that we don't even question whether other people value other things. I think "stageside tipping war" is in the same class as "making it rain" are both for guys for whom being the center of attention, grabbing the attention of other PLs as well as dancers, conspicuous consumption, etc., are important. For me, I'm looking for exactly the opposite -- attracting no one's attention except the dancer I want to hang out with, and getting the most physical contact for my money; any modest stage tipping I do is in service of achieving that
btw... i forgot to add that when i pay a girl for a previous vip dance i will ' make it rain.' lets say it's $100. i will make it rain in waves. maybe $20 a throw. otherwise sometimes it may come down in a clump. better to risk a $20 clump instead of a $100 clump.
if I compete with anyone its to benefit myself and not show off for others.If a dancer you didn;t want to get a dance from said "you don't want dance? What are you? Cheap?" Would you get a dance? Of course not and this is not different.
I have not really noticed this too-much - I assume it does happen but IME is not common to see (at least notice).
Some clubs are more of a seller's market - i.e. may be sorta the only game in town for one reason or another and thus PLs may have to compete for the dancers' attention.
For the most-part I don't see that much stage-tipping in the clubs I visit except the random PL wanting to get a dancer's attention for a post-stage visit - I guess some newbs/inexperienced-SCers may be motivated to tip if they see someone else do it, but I think it's far from a sure-thing that others will follow b/c they see one dude tipping.
I guess if there's a hot-dancer several PLs want; they may be motivated to tip her if another PL does so he can give himself a chance at the dancer stopping by his table instead of the other PL.
As others have said, it happens. It's not really that different than people who decide to spontaneously race their cars on the road with strangers. But it's more like the person in the slow lane who decides to speed up because they don't want to get passed. If customers decide to get into a pissing contest at the tip rail, good for the dancer and bad for them. Some guys can drop tons of cash to prove a point and not care. Some guys like to put on a show and live off spam because they overspent.
rickdugan --> "I consider it my queue to leave."
^^^ Actual surveillance footage.
It's more about the posers than about the strippers
No doubt that it happens, like others, I've seen it. In fact, I've been the one that starts it on occasion, especially for favorites. I've been thanked for "opening the floodgates" as well. :)
But I'm sure as fuck not going to compete with peacocks who make it rain.
I've had a girl accept a stage tip, look out at the other PLs around the stage and say, 'Well, he figured it out, what's the matter with you cheap bastards?"
It does add a small level of interest for the girl involved. But not enough to go from no to yes, moreso an interest as in if she comes by afterwards a "what was that about" interest.
Haha that's mighty bold of her
It works both ways.
I usually make an appointment with my CF whenever I go to the club. It only happened one time that I came in and she was busy hustling someone to go VIP. She saw me and gave me an odd look and mouthed the words " l will see you a little later"..
My drive to the club is about an hour so I am not at all happy. Inresponded by grabbing a very hot Latina spinner who I spent the several hours with with and later that evening OTC as well.
My CF was so apologetic and jealous that she was never "late again". It cost her $300-$ 400 that day.