
High end Providers and Social Media

Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
Beginning to believe that hottest girls like 9-10s that used to be in strip clubs and other platform are now damn near all online...webcam, IG, Twitter and other online or social media platforms.

Your able to DM many of these girls and a decent amount are open to "Provide" of course for top dollar but many are willing to fly out and hook up with you

Provided your bankrolled for them

Food for thought at least

It seams 8 and down are what you usually see in strip clubs these days


  • shailynn
    7 years ago
    I certainly can agree with your assessment.

    Another example - Houston used to be a great destination for strip clubbing. Now it sucks, probably worst city in Texas for clubbing when a decade ago it was probably the best.

    Today, Houston is known for being the biggest sugar daddy-sugar baby city in the country. A strip club/sugar coincidence? I think not.
  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
    Not sure if this is a good thing or not...I mean for busy mean with the money online pussy orders are extremely convienant and decret.

    I wonder if this will eventually dry up strip clubs

    I mean even the low end like 1-5 are off the streets and all online themselves like back page and other places

    It really seems like right now 5-8 and manly the 6-7 range making up the main population of strip clubs

    At what point in time do they just go online ?

    I know online pussy pedaling has cute way back on my strip club habbbits

  • ime
    7 years ago
    Doubt it will effect strip clubs it's a totally different market.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    Juice - isn't a KFC cashier high-end for you?
  • Mate27
    7 years ago
    If you're Chili Palmer you get perfect 10's sitting in your lap at the strip club begging you to fuck. Gotta be something I'm missing, because I stopped going much anymore due to the decline in attractive girls available to anyone but the whales.
  • jackslash
    7 years ago
    Juice, what the hell is your avatar?

  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
    Jack that's a picture of my poker chart...I'm in a major downswing...I'm going broke basically lol

    KFC lol....

    Chilli powder LMFAO
  • JimGassagain
    7 years ago
    ^^^ It's called the ideal market to invest in!
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    juice: "Your able to DM many of these girls"

    What is DM?
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    DM - direct message? Or directly masturbate
  • warhawks
    7 years ago
    Here is my one time advice for your chart

    "Buy low. Sell high."

    You are welcome.
  • rockstar666
    7 years ago
    Yes Juice, you are right. My old ATF became a cam model because it's half the work for the same money. Pity for me she has blocked her local area... LOL
  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
  • anonlvone
    7 years ago
    VPN rockstar, just one of many ways to get around that
  • anonlvone
    7 years ago
    @shailyn, the oil money is gone from Houston, the eagle ford shale for example has been in a downturn since 2012 I think, some people have tried to blame webcamming, but i don't buy that, i think the proliferation of online media has played a bigger role, in the past hot girls would turn to strip clubs to look for sugar daddies, now they can just advertise themselves directly online, they've cut out the middleman, and you reach more people more quickly, the only downside i see is that your identity is more vulnerable to being exposed
  • anonlvone
    7 years ago
    @juice, it's not just the hottest girls who are online, they all are, it's a different world now. but the hottest girls probably get so much attention there's no need for them to even step foot in a club would be my guess
  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
    I agree with that...learning to adapt my habits around it so I can maximize my satisfaction
  • Chili Palmer
    7 years ago
    @Meat72: not sure where those comments are coming from, as I've noticed a marked decline in the quantity of high quality strippers for quite some time, and have commented on it regularly elsewhere. This is one topic started by Juice where he is actually 100% accurate: social media has just devastated the market for high end strippers (the ones *everyone* can agree are 9's and 10's). Why bother allowing some middle aged white dude like me paw your body and slurp on your boobs when you can make as much or more simply by touching yourself on a camera in your own bedroom, or posting on Instagram and having 100,000 dudes drool all over your pictures and tell you you're a goddess?

    And the girls sitting on my lap aren't "begging me to fuck" them. I simply ask them if they want to keep doing to me what they were doing to me except somewhere else more private, and lo and behold, many say yes. As Dougster is fond of saying, there's not much trick in paying prostitutes for sex.

  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
    I'm shocked at the comp tree mint from CP

    Thanks man

  • Chili Palmer
    7 years ago
    I've bitched at you enough, but when you nail a topic, it's only fair to say so.

  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
    Wow. Thanks man at least your fair lol

    Maybe I need to stay away more often and only post discussion or comments once I really have something to contribute
  • gammanu95
    7 years ago
    I saw somewhere that a dude had devised a system for determining which instagrammers were actually low-key providers. I've forgotten the whole scheme, but it was something about virtually all solo shots, nothing that was obviously professional or designer modelling, lots of pictures from hotel rooms, etc. These girls wouldn't be cheap, but they could be bought. Otherwise, yeah, a lot of porn stars and strippers are trying to move to we can modelling. It sucks, and it makes it hard to find hotter women, especially MILFs, in clubs.
  • warhawks
    7 years ago
    ^^^ Any time I hear someone has devised a "system" I'm immediately suspicious.

    Unless it involves a white polyester suit... of course.
  • gammanu95
    7 years ago
    Sorry, I forgot to take care when referencing a "system" on TUSCL.
    I regret the error.
  • Mate27
    7 years ago
    Keep the keg dry Chili Powder, nobody is against you here. Just stating some people still get some quality at the club and post about it. Even Juice can't get his balls sucked anywhere he goes. Some girls just can't handle him.
  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
  • rockstar666
    7 years ago
    I agree with juice: Lots of ex-dancers are now cam models. In fact, my ex-ATF became a cam model. Pity she has my state blocked :(
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    My CF told me that she was going to stop stripping and start on a cam site.

    I know almost nothing about how cam sites work, but I told her the competition is fierce because its international and top earners can service multiple custies at a time, the payout to management is huge.

    I don't know if any of that is true, but I like to think I convinced her to abandon the plan. I probably had nothing to do with it, it's probably just her being too lazy to actually make the move. That was about 6 months ago and she still keeps me happy at the club.
  • rockstar666
    7 years ago
    anon: Yeah...or Tor. But frankly I need to see less of her, not more. I still have a crush on her and she's now living with a guy and helping raise his daughter.

    She always wanted to be a mom but can't. But now she is! So anyway, I've moved on and don't need to see her like that.
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    Interesting... I have not noticed a decline in SC quality, nor do I know of any strippers who have transitioned to webcams, and I am in a position where I'd at least hear about it occasionally if it were happening often, at least among my stripper circle. I believe you guys, since there's so much consensus, I'm just not noticing it.

    I do think that, despite my rocky and disappointing journey into Seeking Arrangements (at least so far), it has potential to more seriously upset the sex industry apple cart than anything else, especially given how fast it's evolving. And, SA definitely IS pulling in strippers -- in fact, of the top 6 hottest girls I've met in person from SA, 5 were strippers or ex-strippers. And there's something for everyone on there: I've met or corresponded with girls I recognized as escorts and bodyrub girls, and also met two brilliant young women who attended Berkeley, and everything in between. But SA is definitely pulling in strippers and escorts, who are looking to supplement their income or replace it entirely with some sort of arrangement(s) model
  • s88
    7 years ago
    There is a parallel world of "nightclubs" and "ultra lounges" which "isn't prostitution" but it still is. Just different [social] rules and euphemisms a SC PL doesn't know how to navigate.

    One stripper at my SC brings a new [virgin] girl every weekend to the SC for a comp'ed house fee. One new girl she brought was a ***nightclub*** hoe/golddigger. The nightclub girl was completely lost being in a strip club, and I convinced her I was a baller when I wasnt and I fucked her in VIP. Actually, I didn't even plan to fuck her, she acted completely like she was a pornstar on camera in a LA or South FL pornshoot, but in the VIP room and I went with the flow. This was an TER/AVN escort that accidentally wound up in a SC VIP room and not as a featured dancer. Yikes, or HURAAAH!!!

    The first time, the strip club closed on us in VIP, and I never fully figured out what she was open to. But she asked me to meet her on the street infront of the SC. We did, we discussed "hanging out" but I felt unsafe going somewhere not public with her. She said she doesn't have enough $ for gas to get home and asked for a $20 on the sidewalk, I obliged since I didn't tip her at all ITC, but I knew it was SS. I've never in my gazillion experiences with other strippers, had one ask for $, because of made up OTC problems. I know it happens all the time to PLs on TUSCL, but never to me before. My sense was up, that this girl BSes $ out of guys in regular nightclubs. This is a bottle rat infront of me, not a stripper. Like a Vegas casino girl that talks up ballers and asks for chips so she and her girlfriends can go have fun gaming (they dont, they pocket them and exchange them for $).

    Next weekend at the SC, we fucked in VIP. She didn't even know what she was supposed to charge me because she came so late to the SC each time the manager and house mom never spoke to her except to collect the house fee. I gave her twice the minimum as a tip. I later found her deleted BP ad with her photo from her IG. Her IG has guys constantly commenting "DM me" and "hit me up" "call me & ima help you out" and "baby lets go out" from males and females. She drives a Corvette. This NC girl told me in person, she is young, she will use her youth while she still has it. Her last job was working for a nightclub promoter, $100 a night to sit infront of a free bottle with other random plastic surgery bimbos but $100 a day+free Ciroc doesn't pay the bills.

    If I look at her IG, she just drives in her Corvette and visits ultra-lounges and hotel rooftop pools every night and is a nuave riche spoiled brat, but I really know she is a provider. There is no trace of her being a BP girl or attempted stripper or escort on her Social Media. But when I look at the comments on her IG, I know what is really going on.


    Other foreign born, no day job, no education, IG models, one of them finally told me the real reason they came to the USA, "I heard the $ is good here". They aren't even models, singers, actors. It is BS. Their day job is shopping, night job is NC gold digger on some days, SA sugarbaby on others, and stripper on whatever other nights are left over. Their career is guys "taking care" of them.
  • s88
    7 years ago
    I swear to fucking god, 20 years ago Melania was sitting on the bench in a black dress at a private strip club or "civie" "ultra lounge" with curtains around bottle reservation tables in NYC. I keep meeting these Melania clones in NYC. I wonder which of them will be the next first lady a decade from now.


    IG, Model Mayham, but no day job, no kids, no family in USA, or education and if I force you to say a day job, you mention unspecified "modeling" and "drawing" but your drawings have never been published. "oh its just for fun, I dont show them to anyone". BS or SS. Are you even a stripper? IDK.
  • anonlvone
    7 years ago
    @flagooner - MFC will take about 50% of earnings then you have to pay the IRS and on top of that a lot of girls are so stupid they will either tip themselves or tip other girls to manipulate the rankings, and then of course there are all the business expenses. It all adds up
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Generally the looks standard is higher for strippers than escorts. So if you can make it happen with a stripper, better. Less problems if you've met her face to face.

    Use The System.

  • rl27
    7 years ago
    She doesn't have to be a 9 or 10 to make money on social media. i knew one in particular who who started real early online. She had a 7 at best face and 9 body and averaged over 10 thousand subscibers a month for several years with a peak of over 75000. And that was just her main site, she had at least two others. She quit dancing around 2009 and retired online in 2013. i am not sure exactly what she made per viewer but she mentioned making over 20 thousand one month right before she stopped dancing when she had about 7000 subscribers so I would guess around $3 a subscriber. Then again there was less competition then. Still it does explain why many young hot women don't want to dance.

    Personally I prefer to interact with a hot woman in person rather than online, but things do change.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    7 years ago
    rl27 said: "Personally I prefer to interact with a hot woman in person rather than online, but things do change."

    Ditto. But I think it's safe to say that many of these women would prefer to deal with us in two dimensions and not three.

    It's a *long* way off, but virtual reality will be a game changer. Porn drives media technology.
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